Height: Varies
Width: Varies
Length: Varies
Weight: Weightless
Native to: Emea
Locations: Gris-dvizeni can be found anywhere in Idalos, though they are most common where there is a larger concentration of people. The greater the number of thoughts and dreams, the more likely to find a group of the creatures.
Appearance: The appearance of the Gris-dvizeni varies based on how they are perceived in the dream world of Emea. They generally prefer to take on the appearance of something that a person finds attractive or lovely, so as to get closer to them in their dreams. They can take on the appearance of a loved one, a friend, even an inanimate object that one loves. There is always something off about the appearance of the form they take though, whether the eyes are the wrong color, or the hair is different or wiry. Because they are a facsimile drawn from the memories of a person, the Gris-dvizeni can take on distorted forms of the dreamer’s object of affection.
Habitat: Because their home is Emea, the Gris-dvizeni don’t have a specific corporeal location. In dreams, they prefer those that are happy or positive in nature, so that they may engorge themselves on positive thoughts and memories. Because of this, the affected person can be anywhere in Idalos and still be affected, though it isn’t always apparent.
Lifespan and Development: Gris-dvizeni reproduce asexually, splitting into two separate entities after they have consumed a certain amount of emotion. It generally takes six arcs of regular consumption for a Gris-dvizeni to reach maturity, which is the earliest they are able to split off. When they do so, each Gris-dvizeni revert to a pre-mature state where each one has to consume another six arcs’ worth of thoughts.
Because they are constantly trying to eat, the Gris-dvizeni are seldomly seen together. As they reach maturity, the Gris-dvizeni typically “latches on” to one person, consuming their emotions and thoughts every time they sleep. By the time the person notices, the Gris-dvizeni has moved on to another, preying on the overly saturated positive emotions.
Gris-dvizeni cannot die in the typical sense of the word. If a Gris-dvizeni is noticed, in a their natural habitat, they are immediately emaciated and withered. The longer the individual keeps them under a lens of scrutiny, the more and more insignificant a Gris-dvizeni becomes. They can literally be thought out of existence, assuming that one can focus on them long enough to do so.
Diet: The Gris-dvizeni feed off the emotions of people, typically in their dream states. The more positive the emotion, the more fulfilling a Gris-dvizeni will find it. They do so their entire lives, from the minute they are split into existence, into eternity if they are not caught. They have to eat almost constantly, except when they are splitting into two.
Temperament: The Gris-dvizeni are extremely controlled, never indulging in wild or outrageous behavior. Doing so may alert their prey to their presence. Instead, they remain the ultimate chameleon, blending into their surroundings to the best of their ability. Should the Gris-dvizeni be discovered, it will try desperately to redirect the dreamer’s attention away for it, but not in so overt a way as to cause more recognition.
Abilities: First and foremost, the Gris-dvizeni can read the thoughts and memories of their prey. They do so in order to choose a form that will benefit them in the dream, so that they may begin to feed in peace.
After this, the Gris-dvizeni can subtly alter the dream in order to keep it moving in whatever direction they would like it to go. Should the dreamer become aware of them, they can bend the dream around and try to distract the dreamer with other things. This is their most offensive ability, and even it is indirect.
It should be noted that the dreamer will awaken from their dream well-rested and feeling refreshed, though the effect is only in their mind. In terms of their physical body, the longer they are afflicted by a Gris-dvizeni will cause the same effects as sleep deprivation. The body will begin to become more sluggish and will eventually start to break down if the individual doesn’t defeat the Gris-dvizeni. This effect usually takes some time, but effects such as baggy eyes and sluggishness can be observed after only a few trials of being afflicted.
Credit: Djinn