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The Stormlakes

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:26 am
by Elowen
The Stormlakes

Forum This Location Appears In Rharne, Stormlands, edge of Stormwastes
IC / RPG Forums where these NPCs / Flora / Fauna may be used in RP Fauna specifically developed for Stormwastes appears here on the edge of the location that borders directly with it. Inside the location, other developed fauna can also appear but in lower numbers and therefore higher rarity than in other locations. For example, something common in Stormlands may be rare in Stormlakes. This is due to the persistent volatility of the region described below. Similar applies to flora as does to fauna with the only difference that NPCs and PCs who are actively trying to rejuvenate Stormlakes may succeed in speeding up the process depending on their skill level.

Description: The Stormlakes are a piece of oasis on the edges of a dead and dangerous land. The north edge of Stormlakes is a trial's worth of travel south from Storm's Edge. The border of this region is marked with shrubs native to deserts and arid lands. When one continues further in, this gradually transitions into lush greenery. The Stormlakes region isn't all that large yet, stretching towards Umbral caverns but not reaching there and entering into Stormwastes. All in all, Stormlakes are three trials of travel from north edge to south edge and five trials of travel from west to east. (All travel times are based on walking).

Stormlakes currently has only a small group of lakes. There are three lakes which are called Sister Lakes due to their proximity to each other and their location at the end of a canyon. These are deeper than they are wider and some believe there may be underwater caves hidden within. There is also a fourth lake that's somewhat larger (though nowhere near as large as Lake Lovalus). It is called the Frontier Lake as it is the closest to the edge of the region that borders with the Stormwastes. It is also much shallower than the Sisters or Lake Lovalus.

The origin of Stormlakes is ascribed to a subterranean aquifer from Lake Lovalus, carved out when Rhaum and the Purveryor were slain. But it is also due to the activities of Rharnians who believe that the region can be rejuvenated to its previous luscious glory. As such many fauna and flora transplanting activities take place in the region although it still remains largely dangerous due to weather conditions and attacks from Stormwastes beasts that do not like losing their habitat and bandits who see easy winnings.

The dangers in Stormlakes are therefore still very real and still rather severe. Any weather phenomenon over this region remains exaggerated when compared to other regions in Rharne. If it rains, it pours. If it storms, hurricanes are reported to have also appeared. You get the idea. Dust from the Stormwastes is a constant struggle, especially near the edges of the region. Due to this alone, any transplanting and rejuvenation activities are taking longer since plants and animals need to acclimate to these harsh conditions. Added to this are the increasing attacks of Stormwastes beasts that target especially the edges of Stormlakes not venturing into the region as of yet. But this makes any convoys into the region a challenging and dangerous affair. Furthermore, some bandit gangs that were prolific in the Stormwastes have now expanded their looting areas to that of Stormlakes, finding new settlements or expeditions an easy target for their activities.

Despite all the challenges, it has been observed that the region is gradually expanding but the measure has been so far inconsistent to generalize as it seems to largely depend on weather activity each arc. But some fauna is also naturally migrating to these new grounds but the progress is slow due to the aforementioned difficulties.

Same as in Stormwastes, there have been rumours about ruins in this region. The most prominent one is that of a Buried City. Somewhere between Three Sisters and Frontier Lake, there is rumoured to be hole in the ground caused by a cave in of the now softer earth in the Stormlakes. This is said to have exposed an entrance to underground city. But as of to-trial, there have been no further reports of anyone exploring this location. And if anyone had tried in the past, they have not returned yet. Those who conduct research or rejuvenation activities, however, sometimes complain of unnatural sounds permeating some nights, like howls or cries spoken into a bowl.

Notable locations:



Any that is developed in the Rharne forum that doesn't have local limitations.


Stormwaste beasts around the edges of the region.
Stormland beasts but in higher rarity.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Elowen
Submitted for Development: 22nd July, 2024
Developed by: Elowen

Re: The Stormlakes

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:31 pm
by Pig Boy
Heya, this sounds and reads great as is. But what exactly is the Buried City? Can we dev it along with this? Do you want me to help with that or is it something you had a specific thing in mind for?

I'm ready to approve it as soon as there's a write-up for the Buried City.

Re: The Stormlakes

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:13 pm
by Elowen
I have a rough idea for the Buried City. So let me dev it and I'll put it up when it's done. If it is missing anything then, we can work on it.

Re: The Stormlakes

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:08 pm
by Elowen
Buried City dev right here: viewtopic.php?t=33821

Re: The Stormlakes

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:23 pm
by Pig Boy
Okay for now the Buried City can be a thing in dev, but not written out totally. Otherwise this write-up is spot on and I like it.
