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A Case for 'Dirty Murder'

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:14 am
by Woe

It was mid-afternoon when Egil saw fit to flutter onto Winfreda's midst. The raven-spirit alighted to her chest, digging its talons in and giving an obnoxious caw. "Glass!" It's voice rumbled as it drew out the 's' sound. Then purring again in its throat as another issue came forth, "Glass! Sharp glass!"

Winfreda lifted her bleary head from the pillow, and furrowed her brow at the creature. "What are you on about, Egil?" This said, she threw a playful swipe of her arm, which the bird cleared with ease as it flew up into the top of a wardrobe. "Glass Winny!"

At least the spirit was intelligent enough to keep track of her current identity. The same couldn't always be said of the soul occupying this totemic form. It was odd to think of it as such, when she'd grown so accustomed to the body, having spent more than thirty trials occupying it. In good health and in exhaustion, through wounds and ordeals. In the worst, harshest environments she'd trekked with this body. In a way, the becomer almost felt akin to the body she inhabited. It was a part of who she was. A part of the pantheon of identities she'd accrued over the arcs.

As such, she took care as she crept, body still sore from travel, out of the bed and moving to the wash basin. She cleansed briefly, before throwing on some clothing, and finally the duplicity suit. It was a simple five-piece of leathers and furs. A shoulder cloak of sable, a black doublet, and black trousers, with boots. She pulled on a pair of matching gloves, and finally cinched the fur cloak with a pin that was a gift from the Le Fleur matriarch. This article ensured that all her accoutrements would match.

All prepared now, Winfreda held out an arm, with a tight smile to Egil. The raven flew to her shoulder, and clutched the furs there while she walked out the door of her rented space.

Soon enough, she was past the door to her temporary accomodations, and into the streets, after saying a hello and farewell to her boarders.

"Now, Egil." Winfreda began, a drawn out voice, lilting in a declining cadence as if to suggest skepticism. "You were saying?"

"GLASS!" The raven crowed, and then began flying off toward the next perch. Winfreda blinked once, and then sighed, and followed after the bird. It flew from perch to perch on the way, until it led her into a marketplace of sorts. Here, all manner of sundry items and household goods were being hawked by desperate sellers.

The scene was a familiar one, and understood well by the former champion of Chamadarst. Winfreda frowned, wondering why Egil had led her here. "Murder, dirty murder!" The bird crowed behind her, as she ventured into the market. Dirty Murder, being the brew that she was concocting and developing in Scalvoris, specifically Egilrun.

She put the clues together. The mention of glass, the mention of her vintage. Egil was helping her to find a bottler for her brew? Passing strange that a spirit would care about that, but alright. The woman thought to herself, as she browsed the potters and glassmaker stalls.

Re: A Case for 'Dirty Murder'

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:50 am
by Woe

Her search took more than a few moments. From stall to stall, potters vases and jugs for wine were all assembled, eager for a sale. Winfreda had no interest in the potters samples, but more in the glass. She'd become something of a connoisseur during her time in Egilrun for glasswork. She knew the hallmarks of quality, of artistry. Moreover, she could appreciate how one might use lesser materials with such skill.

She noticed one such piece, which included what appeared to be drift refuse. A fashionable bottle, bearing inclusions. Bone, and wooden sculptures in the glasswork. She noted the smoothness of the surface. Not even the slightest bump or indentation was on this bottle. It was a difficult feat to accomplish, while placing inclusions into the glasswork. At least, when one intended to provide such embellishments.

She decided she'd want to know the artisan. Old habits broke hard, and Winfreda couldn't resist scouting that marketplace. Especially when such a sublime talent was wasting their gift on imperials. The Empire was, afterall, a touch unappreciative of such simple arts as glassmaking.

In the Empire such a gift would go to waste. In Egilrun, it'd lead to renown and accolades such as the artisan would never know here. So she looked up at the merchant with a blank stare, looking at the glass bottle intermittently. "Who made this one? I don't recognize the mark. Is it empire-made?"

The merchant was currently engaged in a quiet argument someone who'd come to dispute the price of their find. He waved the disatisfied customer off, and then turned to Winfreda, taking her approach as an escape from the unpleasantness. "Aye miss." He said, raising his voice over the din of complaints. "That one was made by... Escure Nathane. Talented young glassmaker. Too bad he's to join the army soon."

The customer that had been yelling the merchant's ear off a moment before was pushed aside by another passerby. This one, chimed in upon hearing the merchant's words, "The Nathane boy? He's too coward to sign up. His father is looking for a swordsman to teach him to fight, toughen him up in hopes it'll make him worthy of joinin'."

Winfreda looked to the interjection, quirking a brow. Egil found her shoulder then, alighting from a nearby scaffold, down to her sable-covered shoulder. "Glass is sharp." It said.

The merchant snorted at the raven's antics. Then he pointed toward the bottle in the woman's hands. "Well, you want to buy that or not?"

She looked down at it, and then nodded, almost purchasing it as an afterthought. The nels changed hands before she had a moment to change her mind. Then she was off to find this Nathane boy, and see if his father would take her on as the tutor he needed.

Of course, there was always more motive going on, than just the surface interest in teaching. Winfreda had hatched an idea, and wanted to see where it would take her.

Re: A Case for 'Dirty Murder'

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:04 am
by Woe

The parent of the Nathane lad didn't need much convincing, when Winfreda presented herself at his doorstep. It appeared he'd not much luck looking for other tutors, and was all too eager to give her employment of the sort. So before long, she was introduced to the talented glass-worker.

The young man seemed slightly askew at the appearance of a younger woman, presenting herself at a teacher. "I'd been expecting one of grayer hair... maybe a bit more stubble on their chin, and hair in their ears." Escure quipped.

Winfreda cracked a smile, although she wasn't that amused at his joke. Part of getting into his confidence would include making him confident. In his wit, in his own person. And she determined to do a good job of teaching him the use of a blade. Even if he didn't wish to join the army, defending himself was a important survival skill. If one couldn't stand up for themselves, they were about half as useful as they otherwise could be. This at least, had been Winfreda's philosophy, and why she trained to fight so much. She learned how to fight quite well in her time, even though she got into battles only once in a blue Rhakri moon.

"Now are you going to hold up that sword?" She tilted her chin toward the practice sword in his hand. "Or should I start spanking you with it?"

Inside her mind, she winced at her quip, but Escure was gracious enough to let the obvious retort slip by him. He sighed, anyway, and lifted the tip a small angle. Winfreda went ahead, and drew her sword through the inside of his guard, pushing aside his blade from the weak point with her hilt. The tip of her practice blade poked him in the rib, while his own point flopped useless to the side.


"Not a great start." Winfreda lamented with vigor as she recovered to step back. "Try it for real, this time."

They repeated the exercise, although in a different angle, she knocked his blade the other way, and scored an easy tap on his shoulder. "Yeouch!"

She tsked. "Alright, you're going to strengthen that arm. I want you to hold the sword upright for a break, until your arm turns into a noodle."

This said, she went to take some refreshments that the father had left out for them. She sipped the lemon-ale with relish, as she began relaxing from the exertions of the past few bits.

"Don't even think of lowering the sword, or relaxing." Winfreda warned. "I've trained Egil to scream everytime you lapse."

Egil looked down at Escure, and cawed what sounded suspiciously like laughter. The Nathane boy scowled, and groaned inward, as he held the sword point in the air. Already his arm was beginning to shake.

Continued Here...

Re: A Case for 'Dirty Murder'

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:06 am
by Woe
Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Nah

Thread: A Case for 'Dirty Murder'
City/Area: Korlasir

Renown: Maybe for taking a teaching job.
Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? Yes, Atvian.
 ! Message from: Fate

Re: A Case for 'Dirty Murder'

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 10:50 pm
by Fate
Your Review

All Players

  • Language: Atvian


Hello Woe *cough* Winfreda. I always enjoy a good Woe thread, which is all the ones I have read. Clearing Woe is in hiding but I love how despite that he has to go and do something. Help someone and despite his exile still thinking of Egilrun. It was a fun read and an curios to know how he will help Nathane in the end. Thank you for the read. Fate.
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Appraisal: x1
    • Combat: Blades: x4
    • Teaching: x1

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.