Chrien wants a Dragon
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:38 am
Chrien Wants a Dragon
Okay, here we go Maxine. Sorry for the delay in getting this started, but here's your Vielkrontier task:
The way I see it, and maybe Wanderer will have other ideas, Maxine will probably go the direct route, and seek Vielkrontier out without beating around the bush. So gonna structure the steps with that in mind.
- Venture into Maiden's Refuge, the swamp east of Yaralon.
- Locate signs of Vielkrontier's passage. He's a big dragon, so they'll be possibly obvious, or possibly too large a scale for her to notice at first.
- Find Vielkrontier's Lair (Contact Wanderere or myself when you've managed this part.)
- ???
- Profit!
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