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Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 2:54 am
by Woe

Woe had heard through some of his Scavloristown contacts that there was a person speaking in a strange tongue.] When asked to describe it, they did their best. It was described as a soft spoken language, not the least bit harsh, although the man had been stern, the child was bright and cheerful. Woe frowned, as he gleaned even more from the contact. He had a certain sense about things, and could glean more from even a rambling and disjointed account of things, piecing together a more accurate picture. So he did, and he came to the conclusion that the tongue this person had overheard was of Vahanic.

The person described, and his young companion gave Woe pause. He decided, that he would invite the Quacian refugee (for who else could it possibly be, speaking such a tongue?), to shelter in Egilrun. It couldn't be a coincidence that they ended up in Scalvoris. With all that was happening lately, Woe wouldn't take chances but must know who this Quacian exile was.

So he penned a quick missive, intended to be delivered to this person who he didn't imagine was anyone other than a stranger. Yet something at the back of his ind troubled him. It sounded too similar to Vito and the child they'd discovered in the Undercroft. He shook such paranoia from his thoughts. In truth, it might be a boon to have Vito with him, as an ally in these times. He needed as many as he could find.

Dear Stranger,

I am the Lord Protector of Egilrun. I invite you to shelter in our town of Egilrun, to converse in your own language and have an open exchange of information. I understand you've traveled quite a long way, to find yourself in Scalvoris. Indeed, there are few civilized places farther from Quacia than Scalvoris.

I have an interest in hearing of your travels, and may have opportunities for you to get involved in Scalvoris.


And so, Woe sent that letter along, and expected to hear either a response or a return of no response from his runner. In etiher case, he would make his next move dependent on whether this stranger answered.

It was the ninth of Ymiden when Woe received his response and a knock on the door of his office in Egilrun...

Re: Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:33 pm
by Vito Rossau
Lies and secrecy had been the way of the Theocratum, and none knew that better than their Tribunals. Taught how to spin a lie from the barest of threads into the most precious, holy silk, until those silken threads formed the garments of secrecy they covered themselves with. More than selling their own lies, though, they were lied to. Kept in the dark of it all, made to do the bidding of Heralds who had trained them to be useful as nothing else but what they were: infiltrators, torturers, liars.

Never had he felt more like a liar than when he had stepped off of that final dreaded boat and felt the solid ground of Scalvoris underfoot. The people around him were strange, heretical; they were whimsical and bright and kind above all things, even in the wake of tragedy. Not all of them, of course, but enough that it made him wonder just how miserable the people back home must have been if the people of Scalvoris were so different.

He felt removed from it. A mere spectator, observing a world around him that did not belong to him and that he had no true part in. How could he, when all he had ever done with his life had gone so against the principles of this place? It offered him refuge in that it did not outright reject his presence, and yet he still considered himself an infiltrator, worming his way into everywhere that he did not belong. So he hid himself away, as he was used to doing, beneath his hood and long sleeves. He spoke mostly to Celio, and let the boy do the talking when required.

It did not change the fact that he stood out like a sore thumb.

It should not have surprised him, then, when a letter was delivered directly to him, and yet he could not help his shock upon receiving something in a land he still knew so little about. Who on Scalvoris would write to him, if not to tell him that they somehow knew exactly who he was, and he was not welcome?

Vito opened the letter with a passive countenance, and yet he could feel inside the turmoil bubbling over and out. Each line drew more suspicion than the last; this sender had clearly received word about him, but he could not think of a good reason why they would reach out to help. For a trill it struck him that it could have been someone from Quacia as well, someone that intended only harm towards him, or else to draw him back into the old ways here on Scalvoris, despite all that they now knew about their faith – but as his eyes graced the name written there upon the page, all of his theories fell away.

“Woe?” he said to himself, earning the attention of the boy at his side.

“Woah what, Father? What’s it say?”

“No, W– Captain Morandi,” he revised, frowning down at the letter in his gloved hands.

He had not seen nor heard from Woe in arcs. It had been Vito’s assumption that either something terrible had befallen him, or he had made it out of Quacia with no intent to ever return. It appeared that the second must have been closer to the truth, and Vito could not blame him.

Still uncertain as to why his former mentor would reach out now to help, but more so unwilling to turn down his offer, Vito set about writing a short response to send back.

Lord Protector,

You have my thanks for your generous offer of shelter and conversation. It has indeed been a long journey from the southern continent, and I would be remiss to refuse the opportunity to see a familiar face after so long spent with the unknown.

I will travel to Egilrun and speak with you there, along with my ward.

(There are two slashes here that appear to be in the shape of a ‘V.’)

On the ninth of Ymiden they arrived. The quiet of Egilrun compared to the buzz of Scalvoris Town did not go unnoticed nor unappreciated, yet the nature of that quiet was perhaps less welcoming in nature – he knew little of what had truly happened when the pirates attacked, and what he did know was gleaned from his rudimentary understanding of the Common tongue.

Why, he could not help but wonder, did Woe always find himself at the center of destruction?

He stood still at the door of the Lord Protector’s office, stuck somewhere between hope and fear. If Woe had other, more sinister motivations behind inviting him here, it would not have been the first time that he allowed himself to be caught off-guard by him. If Woe did not, on the other hand… he was nervous all the same, for how many arcs had passed since their last meet, and how little he had achieved since then.

Nervousness would do him no good, so he steeled himself behind a passive expression and knocked a gloved hand against the door. Celio stood plainly at his side, unburdened by the same anxieties. The only thing that Vito could feel at the edges of his buzzing tangle was an ever-present sense of curiosity.

Re: Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:29 am
by Woe

Understanding that a Quacian might not take well to a walking talking plant, Woe had sent Gloom away, back to the Cabin to see to the needs of the family, such as it remained. Now Iago went to schooling, and hoped to graduate and enroll in the Elements possibly. The thought of sending him to join the military made Woe pensive. Iago had gone from a difficult child to a reasonably well-adjusted young adult. He had his whole life ahead of him, however, to turn it over to a machine of militarization. Still, he could understand the ambitions of a young man. The sooner joined, the faster he could rise in their ranks.

Then there was Toutouye, the wild child who was a ways yet from escaping the nest. He and Woe had been through a time together, and owed their lives to one another several times over. The bonding of shared adventure drew them closer than the others of Woe's known brood. He wasn't sure what Toutouye would eventually become, but he had hopes he might mentor under Oram perhaps, or another of the rangers. Toutouye was suited to that life, and it was what made him feel secure and in control.

Woe's mind turned to the stranger he'd summoned to his office, at Egilrun Confidential. Or perhaps not a stranger. The V he'd signed on his return letter... Could it be Vito? It wouldn't be the first time serendipity had shone its rude light in his eyes. He obviously knew of Woe, and said that they were a familiar face. Was it one of the soldiers he'd served with then?

Woe frowned, a slight headache forming. They'd been bothering him less as the days went on, but still hadn't totally abated. The darkness coalesced across the scar on his cheek, as he considered the letter a few more moments.

Finally, there was the sound of someone entering Egilrun Confidential. There, one of Woe's attaches let the young man in. Sure enough, and Woe couldn't mistake him for any other, stood Vito, with none other than the child they'd rescued from the Undercroft of the Cathedral.

"Vito... You're here." Woe said in a rather pointless observation. "It's good to see you."

Woe gestured toward the seat opposite him, rising momentarily for the sake of politeness, and then waiting for him to take a seat before he did again. "I hadn't tarried long in Quacia after it fell into disarray in the wake of the war. I've heard things that have occurred in the aftermath, though. Of the Dragon, and the Immortals..."

"There's much to catch up on I'm sure.." Woe poured out some tea for all of them. He poured it out from the kettle, it had the scent of orange blossoms and spices. Woe poured his own cup after theirs, and sampled the brew after setting the kettle aside.

"When did you leave Quacia, if you don't mind my asking?"

Re: Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 2:04 pm
by Vito Rossau
There had been no doubt in mind about the identity of their host. He had been upfront about it, for why wouldn’t he provide his name? For all that Vito knew, there was no reason for him not to.

Even so, as he and his ward crossed the threshold and entered into the office proper, Vito struggled not to feel surprised at the sight of Woe.

He looked the same, mostly. A darkness coalesced at the side of his face, and his clothes were perhaps less suited for war than the ones he had worn during his time in Quacia, but it was the very same man underneath them. Dark of hair and light of eyes, with an unmistakable presence that still felt… somehow… different.

“Lord Protector,” came his returned greeting, and along with it a politely short-lived dip of his head. It made little difference to him that he was out of practice when it came to pleasantries, for he had never been that skilled in the art of offering them in the first place. Woe did not seem the type of man to needlessly require them.

Celio stood dutifully at his side as he seated himself in the offered chair. Vito knew well enough that the boy was teeming with questions, and despite the calm he had managed to cover himself with, Celio was watching the Lord Protector as if he were a hero of old, a legend made into the flesh. When their cups were poured, the biqaj handed one off to Celio and kept his own between his gloved hands. Out of habit more than anything else, he did not raise it to his lips until after Woe had done the same.

The mixture of citrus and spices blended pleasantly on his tongue. Celio, as well, must have enjoyed the tea, for after his first sip he loudly slurped the second. The noise was quickly silenced by a glance from Vito.

“It was recent,” he answered, turning his attention back to their host. “Mid-Ashan. We arrived the trial before the attacks.”

In his search for relative peace, he had instead found yet another place wrought with recent turmoil. Scalvoris, at least, was not haunted in the way that Quacia was; it was not stained with centuries of blood and ritual sacrifice.

“I could not stand to stay in Quacia any longer. It is too… unfamiliar, as things are now. There is no room left for the Church.”

What did it matter that their Wounded God was a Dragon? Did that make him any less powerful or worthy of their blood? Yet Vito kept his opinions to himself in the lands of the Immortals, and did not speak a word of his hatred for the current state of his home.

Sipping again at his tea, he took a moment to observe the Lord Protector’s office. He still could not place what exactly felt so different about the man himself, only that there was in fact a change from the last time they had met.

“It seems that every time our paths intersect, it is for some troublesome reason,” he seemed to lament, recalling the fact that they had never met in times of peace. There had hardly been any time before.

“Have the recent attacks impacted you greatly? It is hard to decipher the extent of the damage when there are so few that speak Vahanic.”

Re: Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:38 pm
by Woe

Lord Protector Woe had styled himself thus, and yet something about the formality felt wrong coming from someone he'd fought alongside in a war. He wouldn't hold Balthazar to such titles and styles. So he decided he'd dispense with them with Vito. "Thanks for coming. Call me Woe if you'd rather."

The mortalborn's eye turned toward Celio, and he gave him a small smile. "Celio. Gloom will fetch you some lemon drops if you like candy? They're his specialty."

He had to chuckle, "I hope he doesn't alarm you. I know walking plant-people tend to put Quacian types ill at ease. Understandably. You've met a few tunawa surely since you left Quacia?"

Regardless, he'd warned them and so didn't anticipate a violent reaction when Gloom inevitably appeared with the biscuits and lemon drops and cakes in a basket, setting it on the desk.

Woe poured them both a glass of tea.

He listened carefully to Woe's words, regarding the Theocratum, and the way Quacia had changed. "I had heard about the dragon." He said. "Do you know anything about that? The Wounded God..."

"How did the Church's change in fortunes affect you, if you don't mind my asking? It was said to have undergone changes, but surely it endures in some form or another." Woe knew that faith and religion were more durable than even the entities that inspired them. Case in point, the number of Syroa and Lisirra worshippers that still numbered in hundreds or thousands. Woe didn't anticipate that learning of the malevolence of the 'Wounded God' and his true nature would dissuade some from worshipping him anyway, or carrying on with the tenets of their faith in spite of him. "Belief in the principle itself holds merit, afterall. Would you not agree?"

"But that being said, I'm glad you're someplace less dangerous than Quacia is right now. They are truly on the sword's edge from all that I hear." He shook his head, and leaned back in his chair slightly. "I do miss the city sometimes though, as it used to be, anyway. Perhaps someday my path will take me back there. Or you."

"I doubt it's a consequence of your path intersecting mine, that trouble has befallen us." Woe said with a gentle smile to Vito, "But yes, there's trouble afoot. It was dealt with, but at a terrible cost. You've heard of Faith Augustin... She was the one who had a hand in sealing away the Wounded God, by what I hear, afterall. She has died."

Woe watched Vito's face carefully as he revealed that bit of information. He did wonder where Vito's loyalties were now, after so much time and turmoil had tossed them end over end, to the point of self-exile from his once home.

"The damage to Egilrun, Faith's death notwithstanding, was minimal. Mostly our defenses appeared to have been sabotaged, but the pirates didn't manage to inflict much harm on their own. There were other forces about, that had mischief on their minds."

Woe's thoughts drifted to the Centipede, the enigma they presented. And he looked at Vito. "Has anyone given you trouble since coming to Egilrun? You or Celio?" Woe asked, looking from Vito to the boy.

He sipped his tea while he waited for their answer.

Re: Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:37 pm
by Woe
Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Abandoned. Haven't heard from my thread partner in some time.

Thread: Vahanic Sunrise
City/Area: Egilrun

Renown: no
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Jackalope

Re: Vahanic Sunrise

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:12 pm
by Jackalope
It is too bad that this thread was abandoned. Vito, hope you come back!


  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Intelligence: Using one's connections to gather obscure information from nearby towns.

Vito Rossau

  • XP: 15