• Solo • [Goblin Sanctuary] Holly jet-propelled ferrets Batman!

23rd of Cylus 723

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The lands past the gates of Yaralon Proper. This vast area includes The Spines, The Cut, The Crags, Maiden's Refuge, Bastard's Grove, Heaven Fall and small villages.

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[Goblin Sanctuary] Holly jet-propelled ferrets Batman!

Just passing through

Location: Goblin Sanctuary

The air was thick with the energy of the Fracture and the emerald green hue given off by its presence caused everything to take on an eerie green glow. The village ahead of him was, quite frankly, disturbing and more than a little foreboding. The residents of this place used the bones of their victims and the the skins of their pry to adorn and even build their structures and while they may be human, they were far from hospitable.

He had left
back in Yaralon proper, with Shinwa and Angela inside, safe and sound. Also, if he did get into any trouble, Kisaik could then follow Chest to come to the rescue... Though he was tentatively confident that rescue should not be required, he had brought his
and Joe for company, or as Joe liked to put it, as whiteness to his stupidity.

Winston prowled towards the village, pausing far outside its boundaries to avoid the risk of getting noticed by its residence.

He clasped his locket with a deep sigh.
"Ef dis es gonna work, me gat tuh nat sneak about like me nat supposed tuh be 'ere."

"So I'm just going to say this one last time... Nope, no, actually. This is probably just going to be the most recent time I continue to say this... But this is a phenomenally bad idea, you know that right?"
telepathically from his position just above Winston's shoulder.

"Et will be fiiiiine. Me don't mean anyone any 'arm an' me very 'appy tuh trade my fud wid dem ef dem want et. Bot dem prabably jost gonna ignar us campletely."

"I'll let them know that these were your last words when they are writing your epitaph."

He chuckled.
"Yuh won't need tuh do dat. Cummon. Lets see wat stuff dem gat in dere."
With that, he stood up and set off.

The approach was simple enough with the power of the Cassion's Locket ansd so he passed harmlessly through the community of barbarians. Joe was delighted to find that the ferret's interests lay far beyond the realms of what these humans had to hand. They sat around their campfires, making their skeletal produce, arguing and even fighting as he passed. A few glanced in his direction, but considered him as little more than a passing inconsequence as they returned to their distractions for the trial.

There was an abundance of iron in the village and as if it fell from the sky, they used it for everything... the reason for which quickly became apparent as he approached the opening to the fracture, which had iron all over the floor. It really did look like it had simply fallen and solidified upon the ground.

The gaping maw that was the Fracture was a thing of wonder. It hung in the air many meters above the ground. The area around it that formed the Foyer was basked in the green luminescence of the sun as it passed through the gateway into the mysteries of the Emean world beyond.

"'ow we gonna get intuh dere?"
He mused to his floating companion.

"Awwwww... Too bad. We can't get in. Oh well. Let's go home."
He made to float away, holding very little hope of actually attracting his companion's attention.

The Cadouri stepped forward, into the Foyer of the Fracture, still captivated by the shimmering it gave off as it's edges. It really was going to be a problem if he wanted to get in to the thing... but for now, milling around outside would suffice for his curiosity.

He began moving around the small area surrounding the opening in the sky, listening for anything to be heard and looking for anything that might be of interest. He was there for wells. There was no doubt about this, but if there was a chance he might find other things... then he'd not let himself miss out on the chance to get it.

He was in no rush, as he poked around the small Foyer, searching for anything he could find. He checked his notes on Wells and sucked in air through his teeth thoughtfully as he did...
"Dere shud be Wells af all kinds 'ere, bot it says dat Well's en de sky might 'ave Aeronyte."
Joe was watching the surroundings while his companion concerned himself more with the search.

"Uhu. Cool."

After searching for a bit, he spotted something.
"Oh! Wat's dis?"
He brushed some dirt away from the ground over a rough looking stone.

"Me tink ets..."

"Remember what you were told."
Warned the cautious diri as Winston's hand stopped on its way toward the Well.
"Right, yeah, don't touch till yuh know wat et es."

With that, he turned to his pack and pulled out a brush and a set of tongs. Timidly brushing aside the detritus from around the well, he picked it up with the tongs and studied it in the light. The light caught on its surface.
"OOOoohhhhh, yup. Dats a Well all right."
He gingerly placed it into his pack.
"Et wud be soh much simpla ef me cud jost SEE emea..."
He pondered on this for a moment, before parking that thought for some future adventure.

He continued to search for a while, until he began to grow hungry, collecting two more Wells, one he didn't yet recognise and what he thought looked a lot like the Unityte Wells that Faith had shown him during the arrangement of his research projects. He placed them all safely into his pack, instantaneously transferring them to Chest by doing so.

Then, food happened as he pondered how exactly he might get 7 meter up into the air in order to enter the Fracture itself.

"Joe, cun yuh pop up an' take a look in dere far me?"
He said, between mouthfuls.

The reply came with a generous does of incredulity.
"UUUUUuummmmm-No. I'm not getting eaten by some Emean creature to sate your curiosity. I'm HOPING you fail to work out how to get in there at all and we get to go home in one piece."

He smiled, pleased that his friend was so concerned for their well-being... someone had to be.
"Ef me could float, den me could..."
A frown spread across his face...

The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: But you CAN flaot.
Winston: True, wid some alchemical chews me cud make meself weightless.
Curiosity: And you know, you do have that firestone Well.
Winston: Dat es also true...
Curiosity: If you added them together...
Winston: Me cud fly and propel meself alang... But me nat gat me farge...
Curiosity: Yeah, but you have some Cloudberries! From the fairies! Just pop one of them and WHOOOOSH!
Winston: Dem only work en Sweetwine. Et wud 'ave tuh be alchemy.
Curiosity: DO IT!

Joe cocked an eyebrow.
"I'm not going to like this idea am I?"
The ferret grinned innocently.
"No, Joe. Yuh gonna LUV et!"

With that, he started pulling his alchemical supplies from his bag and found a quite corner to begin his work.

He got out his calk and drew the glyphs that Kisaik had taught him ready for the regents.

He said to himself happily.
"An' den de binding agent. Dat will beeee...."
He leafed through his notes....
"Ummmmm... Yes, some syrup... Dat always works a treat."
He pulled out a pan and some of his alchemical forge plates to put it all on and began arranging the regents and preparing for the singing. The conditions were not ideal, but he had access to everything he needed from Chest via his bag and the potion was a simple, single property brew. Even so, he took his time to double check all the steps as he sang the song to encourage the Tunawan alchemy to do its thing.

As he sang and the Peganot's body deteriorated, the sticky syrup claimed the properties to form a sweet potion of weightlessness.

He took out the Imedyte from his pack and held the two things in his hands.
"OK, dis ting gets hat quick, so me need tuh be careful."

"Sweetwine protect us, you are going to blow yourself up."

He got a length of rope from his pack and tied on end to his backpack and the other end to himself.
"Hehe. Maybe, bot it'll be fun... OK. Ready?"

"Me? Wait! Let me check it's all clear."
Joe dashed up to the mouth of the Fracture and peered through. As it seemed there was no no chance this was not going to happen, he felt obliged to do his best to improve the ferrets odds.

He channeled a little effort into activating the Well, holding it from one side with his tongues. It let out a little jet of fire. He nodded at joe, drank the sticky potion and began to float.

As his feet left the floor, he giggled again.
"OK-OK... Hehe... OK, 'ere we gooooo-ooo-ahhhh!"
He activated the Well again and sent himself into a spin, head over tail.
Stopping the jet, throwing out his arms and twisting his body, he gradually regained control, taking a moment for the nausea to subside.

"That went well."

Winston poked out his tongue at Joe before concentrated again.
"OK, dat needs tuh be smaller bursts an' a bit lowa, so it pushes e up an' nat tips me ova."
He moved the Well so that the jet might push into his center this time and let out the smallest burst of fire he could manage.

This time, the small puff of propulsion nudged him upwards. This was not the first time he had flown, but it was the first time he has done so in anything like this fashion.
"Hehe! Et's workin'! Hehe."
He could barely contain his giggles as he let out tiny little puffs of fire to gradually nudge himself close and closer to the entrance of the fracture.

With much giggling, turning upside down and generally speaking, drifting about and having a good time, he made his way into the Fracture.

Continued here...
All template credit, love and admiration goes to Pyrre Ej'qy
word count: 1735


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Goblin Sanctuary] Holly jet-propelled ferrets Batman!

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Just one really. I have sought advice regarding the acceptable level of reward in the form of Wells for a single Solo. The concensus was somewhere around 4 to 6 (or the equivalent value in Class). As such, I have gone with this, but will gladly adjust this if you feel this needs to be changed during review.

Thread: [Goblin Sanctuary] Holly jet-propelled ferrets Batman!
City/Area: Beyond The Wall

Renown: None
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: The Wanderer
word count: 159


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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The Wanderer
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Re: [Goblin Sanctuary] Holly jet-propelled ferrets Batman!


This was a fun thread to read and a great set-up for Winston's following adventure into the Goblin Sanctuary. As always it was great to see Winston's internal thoughts but this time it was even more entertaining because Winston was traveling into an objectively dangerous area all by himself. Apart from Winston himself, you also do a great job setting the scene and describing the area around the fracture as Winston arrives. Great writing!

Sorry the review took a little bit to get out after I did the last one. Enjoy the rewards!
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Stealth: Approaching a settlement unseen
    • Detection: Searching for raw wells in the dirt
    • Ensorcelling: Some Well are not safe to touch
    • Detection: Identifying unrefined Wells in the dirt
    • Science: Physics: Basic Propulsion / Force and Counter-force
    • Flying: Jet Propulsion: Basic Movement
  • Loot:
    • Class 2 Raw Aeronyte Well
    • Class 2 Raw Lucyte Well
    • Class 2 Raw Unityte Well
  • Losses:
    • 1 Paganot Corpse
word count: 161

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