[Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:53 pm
On a specific day in Zi'da of the 722nd arc, Saoire was preparing another get-together to facilitate the sharing of gifts through special doorways assigned to that purpose. It would begin a few days before the appointed hour of the gifting. They'd find a note some days earlier, tucked into the top of a doorway in their home, detailing who their gift recipient was, with clues to what they might like. Then a date for which the gifting would take place. So the appointed gifter would know by when they could have their intended's gift ready - however they wished to come by it.
On the 42nd, the very same doorway they'd found the note in would open into an idyllic realm of Saoire's Dream. The doorway became a portal into her Realm, the birthplace of the Cadouri and where many of Saoire's own personal gifts were made. For this purpose, the Realm would serve as a hosting ground for the gifter and intended, tailored to that goal and especially suited to either recipient so that the place would be appropriate to their identity and interests.
And as they were asked to have a gift prepared, they were assured they would receive a gift all their own. Through the same gateway they received their instructions, on the 42nd of Zi'Da, it would open up into the Realm of Saoire's Dream, where the two would meet. One gifter, one intended.
As they stepped through their gateway, the pair found themselves in the middle of a large orchard. Fruit trees of all varying types towered around them, leaves swaying in the chilly breeze of Zi'da.The temperate climate of Faldrass often warded off the most extreme types of weather, but sun, rain, ice, and snow all eventually found their way to the volcanic island, sooner or later. The coldest Zi'da had to offer had yet to arrive, but all signs said it was well on its way.
Despite the cold weather, the perimeter of the orchard was bustling with activity. Workers on ladders, harvesting fruit and sending them down to the ground before filling new baskets. Soft chatter that either guest might pick up indicated that the very late crop was something of a surprise, but the workers were committed to seizing the opportunity.
Work aside, everyone seemed content to leave the new arrivals to their business. Everyone, that is, but the honey badger that swiftly approached them, smiling. "Hello, hello! Welcome to Saoire's Dream. Saoire wished me to welcome you and offer whatever assistance I could. My name is Silvia."
Gesturing at the orchard, she quickly explained the scene. "This is a place of learning within Saoire's Dream - Five-Tom Orchard. While Saoire could manipulate the seasons here, she chooses not to because what's the point of learning how to garden or tend to bees in the same climate all the time? That's not the way of nature."
"Anyway," she continued, "Here I am, going on and on. Please make yourselves at home and let me know if you need anything."
And with that, Silvia slipped to a nearby tree, busying herself while leaving the two to their business.