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[Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:53 pm
by Avalon


On a specific day in Zi'da of the 722nd arc, Saoire was preparing another get-together to facilitate the sharing of gifts through special doorways assigned to that purpose. It would begin a few days before the appointed hour of the gifting. They'd find a note some days earlier, tucked into the top of a doorway in their home, detailing who their gift recipient was, with clues to what they might like. Then a date for which the gifting would take place. So the appointed gifter would know by when they could have their intended's gift ready - however they wished to come by it.

On the 42nd, the very same doorway they'd found the note in would open into an idyllic realm of Saoire's Dream. The doorway became a portal into her Realm, the birthplace of the Cadouri and where many of Saoire's own personal gifts were made. For this purpose, the Realm would serve as a hosting ground for the gifter and intended, tailored to that goal and especially suited to either recipient so that the place would be appropriate to their identity and interests.

And as they were asked to have a gift prepared, they were assured they would receive a gift all their own. Through the same gateway they received their instructions, on the 42nd of Zi'Da, it would open up into the Realm of Saoire's Dream, where the two would meet. One gifter, one intended.

As they stepped through their gateway, the pair found themselves in the middle of a large orchard. Fruit trees of all varying types towered around them, leaves swaying in the chilly breeze of Zi'da.

The temperate climate of Faldrass often warded off the most extreme types of weather, but sun, rain, ice, and snow all eventually found their way to the volcanic island, sooner or later. The coldest Zi'da had to offer had yet to arrive, but all signs said it was well on its way.

Despite the cold weather, the perimeter of the orchard was bustling with activity. Workers on ladders, harvesting fruit and sending them down to the ground before filling new baskets. Soft chatter that either guest might pick up indicated that the very late crop was something of a surprise, but the workers were committed to seizing the opportunity.

Work aside, everyone seemed content to leave the new arrivals to their business. Everyone, that is, but the honey badger that swiftly approached them, smiling. "Hello, hello! Welcome to Saoire's Dream. Saoire wished me to welcome you and offer whatever assistance I could. My name is Silvia."

Gesturing at the orchard, she quickly explained the scene. "This is a place of learning within Saoire's Dream - Five-Tom Orchard. While Saoire could manipulate the seasons here, she chooses not to because what's the point of learning how to garden or tend to bees in the same climate all the time? That's not the way of nature."

"Anyway," she continued, "Here I am, going on and on. Please make yourselves at home and let me know if you need anything."

And with that, Silvia slipped to a nearby tree, busying herself while leaving the two to their business.
 ! Message from: Avalon
Welcome to your Saoire Event 722 Thread!

This thread will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met.

At the end of the thread, all pcs will be given gateways to return to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing when the first gateway appeared. Gifters, please assume that the gift you are giving has been transported and is in the vicinity as you step out of the gateway. Also, if you need to have a space to craft that gift, please assume that one was provided.

You may play the offered cadouri as NPCs throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM me, but largely the NPC is provided for flavor.

When you have completed the thread, please place it up for review as normal. Once it’s been reviewed, post here to claim your event medal!

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:33 pm
by Kisaik
You Like to Dance Close to the Fire, Don't You?

Kisaik had received news of who he'd be sharing his gift with, after receiving the summons to gift by Saoire. He jumped at the opportunity to do so, and was happy to craft something for someone deserving. He was surprised that his intended giftee was someone with whom he lived. In the very same village of Sweetsong. Just a hop skip and a jump away from the Sweetstone Tree, Kisaik could find Jasper and his family's encampment. Yet, not one to look askance at an advantage that was granted to him, Kisaik got right to work, trying to figure out the best gift for Jasper. He knew what he wanted to make, almost immediately. He only needed something to put it in.

So he commissioned a nice flask, a gold-plated pewter hip flask with Jasper's family crest and name engraved upon it. Winston was the one who made it, and it was of good quality therefore, as the young cadouri was becoming quite the accomplished smith. Kisaik made sure he had
all the materials that he needed
for the project. Then he picked it up a few days later with some thanks to Winston.

Finally, he got to brewing the potion he had in mind. He had noticed that Jasper was a bit of a dancer, who enjoyed the art of dance. However, he also noticed that he had a fire diri accompanying him. While it was a benevolent one by the looks of it, Kisaik thought perhaps he'd appreciate some extra protection from flames in the form of a fire-ward potion. So Kisaik simply got to work on that, to fill the flask with the potion.

The process of crafting it involved all the ordinary tunawa alchemy steps, but this time Kisaik had the bright idea of getting Aquarius to contribute his flames to the process. The ingredients all gathered in their places, he had Aquarius breathe fire onto the area. Once it was all crispy and ashen and caked over, he began grinding the materials together, then dissolving into a solution he'd prepared beside that.

He taste tested the potion, noting that it had a certain bitter sweetness, but also a hint of spice about it. Not bad! He carefully poured the measure of fire-ward elixir into Jasper's flask, and then twisted the full metal cap onto the flask. It held the fluid beautifully, and Winston had really outdone himself.

The potion itself was of luxury quality, and would protect against intense flames thanks to Aquarius' breath, and last quite a while before it needed to be used. He hoped Jasper would like it!

So when the day came for him to stand before Jasper, he entered the portal and arrived at Five-Tom Orchard, where he met Silvia. "Hello Silvia! Pleased to meet one of Saoire's folk. Or any folk this blessed day."

This said, he held the flask against his back, which took up most of the space there. It resembled a big, gold-plated backpack on the ten-inch tall tunawa, the hip flask being around six inches tall. But he was well capable of carrying it.

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:41 pm
by Jasper
Zi'da 42 722

Jasper had become aware that the Immortal Saoire was planning on her regular gifting event. He went about his trials not focusing on the coming event but just waiting for it to happen. The young man was actually helping his brother Rewan in his temporary forge. Jasper was no blacksmith and had no real wish to become one but he was able to help move stuff, and also help heat the forge to a working temperature.

Jasper was standing with a cloth drying off the sweet that was on his forehead. Despite the colder weather Jasper had shed his coat as the work on the bellows had warmed him up. Jasper stood watching his brother as he thank Jasper and began to get to work working fixing a hammer. The brown eyes Aesir watched interest as the hammer head was extracted off. He didn’t want much longer as he sensed the call for Saoire’s event. He grabbed his coat and turned and walked through one of the door ways.

Jasper found himself standing in a orchard. There were various people working at maintaining the orchard. While it was cold Jasper could tell that there was a difference in this place as it wasn’t as cold and the trees didn’t have to slip into hibernation. Jasper wasn’t surprised when a honey badger called for his attention. He was surprised to see the badger standing by Kisaik. The Tuwana was a neighbor of his in Sweetsong. His gift giver being so close was a very pleasant surprise. The Aesir admired Kisaik, as the tuwana was always active, doing something, visiting with someone or experimenting with something. He had made Jasper pounder about actually developing a hobby other then talking with spirits, and being out in the wild.

Jasper approached the two and bowed to each and smiled his bright friendly smile. “Greeting Silva. Thank you for meeting us, and thank our hostess for her hospitality.” He turned his focus to Kisaik who was carrying something on his back. Jasper was curious but he was patient enough to wait for it to be revealed. “It is also good to see you friend Kisaik.”

Jasper turned back honey badger as she politely excused herself and nodded his head. “It was nice to meet you. Thank you for your help.” He turned back to his neighbor. “Shall we find a seat.” Jasper said and looked for a nice place to sit and talk. The tall man figured it would be easier on both of them if Jasper at least took a seat. He looked around and pointed to a spot he though would work well for them.

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 8:29 pm
by Kisaik

Kisaik looked up at Jasper, and nodded. He almost wanted to ask if his spirit friend would be accompanying them, but then thought better fo it. It wasn't really his business to know what the fire spirit was up to. Only he was always curious about the spirits, being so in tune with them himself.

When Jasper pointed out a table for them to have a seat, Kisaik nodded, "Good idea!" The picnic-style table was set in the middle of a clearing in the orchard, with plenty of fruit set on it, mostly winter fruits and things that grew late in the season. There were fresh pumpkin slices, and apples, and of course Kisaik's favorite. Some bugs drenched in vinegar. Whatever you said of Saoire's folk, you couldn't deny they knew their way around serving a guest's appetites.

Kisaik hopped up on the table, and took out a roach that was particularly fat from the vinegar. Then he bit into it, sap rising to his cheeks as he enjoyed the flavor. He offered the other half to Jasper, "Would you like some apple-cider vinegar drenched roach? It's tastier than it looks!"

Regardless of his answer, eventually, they'd get settled and it would be a good time to discuss matters of mutual interest, and also some small talk. "How's the sprout coming along?" Kisaik asked, "I heard you and Astra's baby would bloom any day now!"

"Truly a blessed event. I am quite jealous, but I cannot have sprouts myself. My heart belongs to another who is lost." Kisaik sighed, thinking of Rabu again for a moment. Then he cheered up or made an effort to. "But I forget our purpose here. I have a gift for you!"

Kisaik without waiting unrolled his gilded flask from its wrappings on the table. He waved his arms, by way of showing it off. It was a masterwork piece, but what was inside might interest Jasper even more. "The flask is yours! I hear you like to drink. But before you use this one to drink, there's a special, and quite potent fire ward potion inside. I think I heard that you had an interest in dancing with fire? And certainly being a friend of a fire spirit will lead to being close to flame for all your days. So I thought this to be a decent gift."

Kisaik waited for him to inspect it, but once it was out of his hands, it was Jasper's to enjoy and keep as he saw fit. That was the way with gifts. Kisaik didn't expect reward or recompense. "Now, how have you been my friend? It's been some time since we last spoke. How is Dasjat settling in?"

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:02 am
by Jasper
Zi'da 42 722

Jasper was glad that Kisaik had agreed to take a seat. Jasper felt sitting always made something less formal, and he liked less formal. He took a seat at the table and looked at the various dishes that were being offered for them to eat. The pumpkin bread looked tempting but as he was taking a slice of the bread Kisaik offered his half of a vinegar dipped roach. The brown eyed Aesir looked at the bug and smiled, and said as he took the offered half, and popped it into his mouth and crunched on it a bit. He enjoyed the flavor a bit. Honestly the apple cider vinegar was the primary taste. That stuff was good, but it had a kick. Once it was done, Jasper took a cup juice. Vineager tended to overwhelm anything you ate after it. “Would you like some juice?” He offered to Kisaik.

After taking a sip of the juice Jasper smiled at his friend and neighbors question. “The baby is growing well. They are becoming very active in Astra’s wombs, and she often comments of how much the baby is moving. It has gotten to the point where it you watch you can see buldges where a fist or foot pushes against the womb. The baby will come most likely in Cylus, though with a baby they have been known to come early. They we hope not to early.” He said, and then gave Kisaik a sympathetic look. “I am sorry to hear that you lost the one your heart is with.” Jasper wasn’t sure if Kisaik was saying they were missing or gone. He felt missing was more implied.

The Tuwana revealed what it was that he was gifting to Jasper. The container was exposed first, and Jasper admired the container it self but Kisaik explained the true treasure was what was inside of the container. A potion of fire resistance. Jasper’s eyebrows shot up and he eyes opened in surprise. “That is truly a magnificent gift. You are right, I find myself around fire a lot thanks to Eldloga. That is a magnificent gift and one that will be very appreciated. It will help me feel safer as I work more with fire.” Jasper said and held the contained with reverence and awe. Being able to make something like that was very impressive.

Jasper looked up from the vial as the question about Dasjat was asked. “He is doing well and settling in. Sadly he has been a bit jump since the issue with the creep, but I feel being here has helped in settle down and find peace again. New surroundings are very much helping him. He is excited to help with the community. Like all of us he seems to want to come back with nature and the struggles and growth it provides.

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:24 pm
by Kisaik
Do Sprouts Dance on the Vine?

"Good!" Kisaik said, thankful that Jasper's wife was getting along well with her little burl of a sprout growing inside of her. It took some time to get used to the idea of the fleshy large folks having children, who at birth were larger than most tunawa! But he'd acclimated to the idea upon getting acquainted with Vega and her clan well enough. "I wonder if your sprout is dancing to the music that oft plays in the village? Perhaps that's why they've got such restless feet?" In any event, Kisaik decided to let the matter lie at that. He considered it a blessing that the sprout was getting along just fine by all accounts.

"Oh yes, please!" Kisaik said to the offer of juice. Kisaik's needs for sweet drink and fizzy human drinks were higher than the typical tunawa, as his especially stretchy limbs seemed to need a constant influx of the juice to keep limber. He wondered idly if he overworked himself, for just a moment, before dismissing the thought. If his life was shortened by the extensive use of his powers, it would be worth it. He never wasted them, at any rate.

Kisaik enjoyed a cup of juice, pouring some over his feet before kicking back with a swig of it to his mouth. He oftened enjoyed burning the fuel from both ends. At that, he watched as Jasper opened and marveled at his present. "I"m glad you like it! I of course know you have a friendly fire spirit on your side. So I thought it only natural that you might want something to mitigate the power of flame to your own person. I do hope it comes in handy, though. And you can of course keep the flask, it's monograham'd to your family name, so you can pass it on to your children in turn."

The tunawa smiled happily, just enjoying the company of his good friend Jasper, as he discussed Dasjat's adjustment to life in the village. However one line in particular caught his interest. "The Creep? What is that? Sounds like something very nasty! Perhaps it can do with a good pruning by my blade?" Kisaik smirked to himself. His spark had been urging him to seek out more adventure lately, and his bravado had grown by leaps and bounds since he returned from his Volcanic adventure with Vindecaldra.

"Also, should you need refills of that potion, you do know where to find me, I trust? It's no trouble at all to alchemificate some up for you on demand."

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:53 pm
by Jasper
Zi'da 42 722

Jasper smiled at the Tuwana as he asked about the baby dancing to the music of sweetsong. “It is completely possible that the little one is doing just that. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t hear the world around them while in the babies warm home. Hopefully the baby will be better at music then I am.” Jasper said with a laugh.

Jasper looked over the present as Kisaik explained some more about the reasoning for it as well as the that the flask was monogrammed with his family name upon it so he could pass it on to his own children. He glanced up again an appreciative smile on his lips as he meet his friends eye. “That is a really good gift and very thoughtful. I will keep this safe.” He said holding the flask and rubbing his finger over it.

He his hand paused at the mention of the creep. “Honestly I am not completely sure. I know that it is all consuming entity that threatened Melrath at one point, it seems to consume life, down to the spirit. The Tuwana were strongly affected. The Induks drove it away, but I understand that it has other places it has affected.” He shook his head.

“I will remember that you can make more.” Jasper said as they finished there drinks. “Again thank you. Shall we return to Sweetsong?” Jasper said feeling that they could continue the conversation if they want to but not keep imposing upon there host.

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:06 pm
by Jasper
Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Nope

Thread: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper
City/Area: Saoire's Dream

Renown: ?
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Jackalope

Re: [Saoire Event 722] Kisaik/Jasper

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:17 am
by Jackalope


What a great gift! A nice flask with free refills! I'm sure Saoire will be pleased.

Kisaik obviously put some thought and effort into this gift. Putting the family crest on the flask so that Jasper could pass it down to his family was a nice touch.

The bit about Rabu gave this thread a bittersweet note :,(

Anyway, enjoy your rewards!
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Alchemy: Producing a fire-ward potion
    • Alchemy: Using dragon fire to contribute to an alchemy process
    • Alchemy: Taste testing a potion for flavor and effectiveness
    • Strength: Carrying a large metal object


Jasper is an endearing and warm character. He was a gracious and grateful receiver of gifts.

I hope he has many uses for this flask in the future, and his family after him! Enjoy your rewards!
  • XP: 15