Unmoderated Areas: NPC Registry
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 3:51 pm
by Pig Boy
Unmoderated Areas: NPC Registry
Use this thread to create NPCs of various dispositions for cities that are unmoderated. Cities that are moderated should be run through the normal development process for that area. They might be one-off story pieces, or they might be someone you think of and just submit here. This will allow consistency between players and will mean that you can have more skilled NPCs than the usual "flavor" ones being played consistently without needing to go through the full approval process.
As long as the NPC meets the requirements/restrictions below, you may play them immediately and don't need to wait for approval. They should be submitted before the thread starts, however, you just don't need to wait for the approval. Also - please still be aware of the lore and theme of the place these NPCs appear. Please play within the context of their area, and don't go overboard. Maybe your new arch-nemesis or best friend is below!
The NPCs are sorted by Impact - as in the Impact they will potentially have in the stories of your PCs life.
Not In The Credits
If this was Star Trek, this guy would be seen once. If it was Game of Thrones, he'd be the head on the spike next to Sansa's nurse...
They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 1 expert, 2 competent, 3 novice
They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 1 expert, 2 competent, 3 novice
Bad Guy in Scene 3
Not enough to actually have a character name in the movie of your PCs life. But, you know,
They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 2 expert, 3 competent, 1 novice
They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 2 expert, 3 competent, 1 novice
Named in the Credits
Recurring characters - this is the Draco Malfoy of the Harry Potter world
They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 3 expert, 4 competent, 1 novice
They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 3 expert, 4 competent, 1 novice
Tristane Dorrick - Etzos
Name: Tristane Dorrick
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/38 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Blades: Longsword (Expert), Politics (Expert), Leadership (Expert), Business Management (Competent), Deception (Competent), Socialization (Competent), Athletics (Competent), and Strength (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Tristane was born with the cleverness of Fenwyn but the sturdy build of his brutish father Ed. He is the eldest of his siblings and likely the most successful. He is a tall, muscular man with rich brown hair, a well-maintained beard, and steel eyes. The ambitiousness that colors his every move today manifested in his young, and many believe it was his quest for personal glory that pushed him away from the family business: the Dorrick jewel trade. While he remained the shadow behind the Dorrick wealth after the passing of his father, Tristane found everything he was hunting for when he joined the Etzos military. Skilled on the field with the courage of a bear, the recent war gave him the perfect opportunity to earn notoriety with feats of bravery on the field. His newly boosted reputation encouraged him to turn his eyes to Etzori politics in the wake of the city's turmoil. With his wealth and budding fame in his pocket, Dorrick will cease at nothing to claim power and influence over the city that he believes is rightfully his. And he'll accept help from whoever is offering in exchange for access to get it.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/38 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Blades: Longsword (Expert), Politics (Expert), Leadership (Expert), Business Management (Competent), Deception (Competent), Socialization (Competent), Athletics (Competent), and Strength (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Tristane was born with the cleverness of Fenwyn but the sturdy build of his brutish father Ed. He is the eldest of his siblings and likely the most successful. He is a tall, muscular man with rich brown hair, a well-maintained beard, and steel eyes. The ambitiousness that colors his every move today manifested in his young, and many believe it was his quest for personal glory that pushed him away from the family business: the Dorrick jewel trade. While he remained the shadow behind the Dorrick wealth after the passing of his father, Tristane found everything he was hunting for when he joined the Etzos military. Skilled on the field with the courage of a bear, the recent war gave him the perfect opportunity to earn notoriety with feats of bravery on the field. His newly boosted reputation encouraged him to turn his eyes to Etzori politics in the wake of the city's turmoil. With his wealth and budding fame in his pocket, Dorrick will cease at nothing to claim power and influence over the city that he believes is rightfully his. And he'll accept help from whoever is offering in exchange for access to get it.
Benjamin Dorrick -Etzos
Name: Benjamin Dorrick
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/33 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Jewlery Crafting (Expert), Smithing (Expert), Intimidation (Expert), Art (Competent), Unarmed Combat (Competent), Socialization (Competent), Business Management (Competent), and Gambling (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Stout and less pretty than his older brother, Benjamin knows that Tristane leaving the everyday Dorrick jewel trade dealing to him was the best fortune he could've hoped for. Benjamin is a proud face of his family business. He is heavily invested in proving to everyone that he is capable, and often resorts to a heavy hand to ensure the Dorrick name remains in good standing amongst competitors. What Benjamin lacks in stature and intelligence he makes up for in tenacity and fierceness. He has a short fuse and a one-track mind for better or for worse. His lust for growing the wealth of his family to imbue his success has led to a slight gambling addiction. He is eager to prove to Tristane that, although he needs the council, he is competent enough to avoid being duped into failing in his important role. Even if he has to consort with unsavory types to keep an upper hand.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/33 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Jewlery Crafting (Expert), Smithing (Expert), Intimidation (Expert), Art (Competent), Unarmed Combat (Competent), Socialization (Competent), Business Management (Competent), and Gambling (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Stout and less pretty than his older brother, Benjamin knows that Tristane leaving the everyday Dorrick jewel trade dealing to him was the best fortune he could've hoped for. Benjamin is a proud face of his family business. He is heavily invested in proving to everyone that he is capable, and often resorts to a heavy hand to ensure the Dorrick name remains in good standing amongst competitors. What Benjamin lacks in stature and intelligence he makes up for in tenacity and fierceness. He has a short fuse and a one-track mind for better or for worse. His lust for growing the wealth of his family to imbue his success has led to a slight gambling addiction. He is eager to prove to Tristane that, although he needs the council, he is competent enough to avoid being duped into failing in his important role. Even if he has to consort with unsavory types to keep an upper hand.
Jarl Ford - Etzos
Name: Jarl Ford
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/55 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Blades: Short Sword (Expert), Unarmed Combat (Expert), Intimidation (Expert), Tactics (Competent), Stealth (Competent), Medicine (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), and Torture (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Jarl was a nobody from nothing before he met the Dorrick brothers. Silent and brooding, Jarl is the shadow in the background of the Dorrick dealings. The most trusted right-hand keeps Benjamin level-headed when Tristane isn't around, and he's as quick with a blade as anyone who grew up in Oh' Pee. Jarl is anything but the life of any room but his pragmatic demeanor has made him an invaluable asset to the Dorrick's success. Hard, gritty, unbecoming work is his to delegate and carry out as he sees fit.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/55 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Blades: Short Sword (Expert), Unarmed Combat (Expert), Intimidation (Expert), Tactics (Competent), Stealth (Competent), Medicine (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), and Torture (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Jarl was a nobody from nothing before he met the Dorrick brothers. Silent and brooding, Jarl is the shadow in the background of the Dorrick dealings. The most trusted right-hand keeps Benjamin level-headed when Tristane isn't around, and he's as quick with a blade as anyone who grew up in Oh' Pee. Jarl is anything but the life of any room but his pragmatic demeanor has made him an invaluable asset to the Dorrick's success. Hard, gritty, unbecoming work is his to delegate and carry out as he sees fit.
Perry “Green” Vaul -Etzos
Name: Perry “Green” Vaul
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/19 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Blades: Dagger (Expert), Intimidation (Expert), Unarmed Combat (Expert), Stealth (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), Deception (Competent), Seduction (Competent), and Art (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Perry "Green" Vaul is the ne'er-do-well Jarl wishes Benjamin would leave behind. Punkish and rude, the young and careless man is as eager to make a name for himself as Benjamin is to crawl out of Tristane's shadow. Green is inexperienced but tough and headstrong. He's a yes-man with an impulsiveness that makes him a violent sidearm in a pinch. Green is a wiry, scrawny "muscle" always skulking about the estate. His connections to the darker aspects of Etzos have made many an introduction for the Dorricks.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/19 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Blades: Dagger (Expert), Intimidation (Expert), Unarmed Combat (Expert), Stealth (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), Deception (Competent), Seduction (Competent), and Art (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Perry "Green" Vaul is the ne'er-do-well Jarl wishes Benjamin would leave behind. Punkish and rude, the young and careless man is as eager to make a name for himself as Benjamin is to crawl out of Tristane's shadow. Green is inexperienced but tough and headstrong. He's a yes-man with an impulsiveness that makes him a violent sidearm in a pinch. Green is a wiry, scrawny "muscle" always skulking about the estate. His connections to the darker aspects of Etzos have made many an introduction for the Dorricks.
Yin Dorrick - Etzos
Name: Yin Dorrick
Race/ Age / Gender: Yludih/35 Arcs/Female
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Seduction (Expert), Etiquette (Expert), Socialization (Expert), Medicine (Competent), Deception (Competent), Tactics (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), and Detection (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Yin is the wife of Tristane. She is a soft, quiet woman with fair skin and dark hair. Her clothes are always pressed and in season, hair always done-up just right, and she seems to have a knack for knowing just what to say in any social circle. Despite being more reserved she is well-liked by upper-class socialites and the middle-class she resides in. Her beauty and grace compliments Tristane's ambitions well and it is rare that she is not at his side when social callings are in order.
Race/ Age / Gender: Yludih/35 Arcs/Female
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Seduction (Expert), Etiquette (Expert), Socialization (Expert), Medicine (Competent), Deception (Competent), Tactics (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), and Detection (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Yin is the wife of Tristane. She is a soft, quiet woman with fair skin and dark hair. Her clothes are always pressed and in season, hair always done-up just right, and she seems to have a knack for knowing just what to say in any social circle. Despite being more reserved she is well-liked by upper-class socialites and the middle-class she resides in. Her beauty and grace compliments Tristane's ambitions well and it is rare that she is not at his side when social callings are in order.
Jimmy Kimber - Etzos
Name: Jimmy Kimber
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/41 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Mining (Expert), Smithing (Expert), Business Management (Expert), Navigation (Competent), Mathematics (Competent), Strength (Competent), Socialization (Competent), and Cartography (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Jimmy is a break-back hard worker resigned to oversee the mines that his family inherited. His life is gritty and dirty, and while a long partnership with the Dorricks have fed his coffers well enough, Jimmy sometimes wonders if his life is satisfying. He is a forgettable, kind face with a robust build and a sharp mind for what he does. His family is small but cherished, and a sick child keeps him busy underground. Jimmy is generally honorable and reasonable. For a man so often in the dark, his thoughts wander for something more.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/41 Arcs/Male
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Mining (Expert), Smithing (Expert), Business Management (Expert), Navigation (Competent), Mathematics (Competent), Strength (Competent), Socialization (Competent), and Cartography (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Jimmy is a break-back hard worker resigned to oversee the mines that his family inherited. His life is gritty and dirty, and while a long partnership with the Dorricks have fed his coffers well enough, Jimmy sometimes wonders if his life is satisfying. He is a forgettable, kind face with a robust build and a sharp mind for what he does. His family is small but cherished, and a sick child keeps him busy underground. Jimmy is generally honorable and reasonable. For a man so often in the dark, his thoughts wander for something more.
Mah’ludre Sej'lehna - Etzos
Name: Mah’ludre Sej'lehna
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaji/ 33 Arcs/ Male
Location Eztos - "Inn for Dinner" npc
Submitted by Oberan
Role: Named in the Credits
Cooking: Expert
Brewing: Expert
Strength: Expert
Combat - Unarmed: Competent
Business Management: Competent
Athletics: Competent
Socialization: Competent
Appraisal: Novice
Personality / Quirks Along with his wife, Velvessa Sej'lehna, Mah’ludre owns the ‘Inn for Dinner’ in Etzos. Mah’ludre handles more of the behind-the-scenes things than Velvessa does, but can still be found out and about in the Inn, taking care of odd jobs. A friendly man with gruff voice, he’s a wealth of information regarding Etzos, although he may make you spend a little money on drinks before doing so!
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaji/ 33 Arcs/ Male
Location Eztos - "Inn for Dinner" npc
Submitted by Oberan
Role: Named in the Credits
Cooking: Expert
Brewing: Expert
Strength: Expert
Combat - Unarmed: Competent
Business Management: Competent
Athletics: Competent
Socialization: Competent
Appraisal: Novice
Personality / Quirks Along with his wife, Velvessa Sej'lehna, Mah’ludre owns the ‘Inn for Dinner’ in Etzos. Mah’ludre handles more of the behind-the-scenes things than Velvessa does, but can still be found out and about in the Inn, taking care of odd jobs. A friendly man with gruff voice, he’s a wealth of information regarding Etzos, although he may make you spend a little money on drinks before doing so!
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Ro'Lain Nargolla - Etzos
Name: Ro'Lain Nargolla
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/ 50 arcs/ Male
Location Eztos - "Canvas Corner" npc
Submitted by Oberan
Role: Named in the Credits
Engineering: Expert
Needlework: Expert
Fieldcraft: Expert
Athletics: Competent
Business Management: Competent
Socialization: Competent
Strength: Competent
Textile Production: Novice
Personality / Quirks A muscular, lean man, Ro'Lain Nargolla has spent over twenty-five arcs traveling Idalos, honing his craft, providing housing to those who do not wish, want or can afford a permanent structure. From Rynmere, through Nakashi and Yaralon, and various other places, Ro'Lain finally landed in Etzos where he expanded his product to appeal to a wider clientele. A stoic man whose always fitted in well enough with military types, he's been known to knock back a few drinks with them, but doesn't socialize much beyond that, being devoted to his work. He is, however, a very generous soul whose been known to donate tents to less fortunate souls when the opportunity arises.
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/ 50 arcs/ Male
Location Eztos - "Canvas Corner" npc
Submitted by Oberan
Role: Named in the Credits
Engineering: Expert
Needlework: Expert
Fieldcraft: Expert
Athletics: Competent
Business Management: Competent
Socialization: Competent
Strength: Competent
Textile Production: Novice
Personality / Quirks A muscular, lean man, Ro'Lain Nargolla has spent over twenty-five arcs traveling Idalos, honing his craft, providing housing to those who do not wish, want or can afford a permanent structure. From Rynmere, through Nakashi and Yaralon, and various other places, Ro'Lain finally landed in Etzos where he expanded his product to appeal to a wider clientele. A stoic man whose always fitted in well enough with military types, he's been known to knock back a few drinks with them, but doesn't socialize much beyond that, being devoted to his work. He is, however, a very generous soul whose been known to donate tents to less fortunate souls when the opportunity arises.
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Velvessa Sej'lehna - Etzos
This npc already exists here (under "Inn for Dinner")
Name: Velvessa Sej'lehna
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaji/ 30 Arcs/ Female
Location Eztos - "Inn for Dinner" npc
Submitted by Natalia Gregorios
Role: Named in the Credits
Dancing: Expert
Socialization: Expert
Athletics: Expert
Combat - Blade: Competent
Business Management: Competent
Seduction: Competent
Strength: Competent
Cooking: Novice
Personality / Quirks Along with her husband, Mah'ludre Sej'lehna, Velvessa is owner of the "Inn for Dinner" in Etzos. Velvessa is often found doing whatever needs to be done, whether that's helping in the kitchen, serving or cleaning inn rooms. Her sultry dance routines, however, are famous throughout Etzos. She enforces a very strict 'eyes only' policy, but knows the less clothing she wears, the more money will be tossed her direction. Velvessa uses her skills in seduction in a grifter's sense only - for coin, information or services - and would never consider crossing the line. Bold, brash and thoroughly biqaji, there's a good heart underneath.
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Name: Velvessa Sej'lehna
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaji/ 30 Arcs/ Female
Location Eztos - "Inn for Dinner" npc
Submitted by Natalia Gregorios
Role: Named in the Credits
Dancing: Expert
Socialization: Expert
Athletics: Expert
Combat - Blade: Competent
Business Management: Competent
Seduction: Competent
Strength: Competent
Cooking: Novice
Personality / Quirks Along with her husband, Mah'ludre Sej'lehna, Velvessa is owner of the "Inn for Dinner" in Etzos. Velvessa is often found doing whatever needs to be done, whether that's helping in the kitchen, serving or cleaning inn rooms. Her sultry dance routines, however, are famous throughout Etzos. She enforces a very strict 'eyes only' policy, but knows the less clothing she wears, the more money will be tossed her direction. Velvessa uses her skills in seduction in a grifter's sense only - for coin, information or services - and would never consider crossing the line. Bold, brash and thoroughly biqaji, there's a good heart underneath.
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Ladrian Du'bois - Ladrian
Name: Ladrian Du'bois
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 45 arcs, male
Location Etzos
Submitted by Natalia Gregorios
Role: Named in the Credits
Woodworking: Expert
Smithing: Expert
Engineering: Expert
Strength: Competent
Logistics: Competent
Leadership: Competent
Science: Competent
Novice: Art
Personality / Quirks Ladrian heads up technical support crews at The Lamont in Etzos, so his skillset centers around lighting and sound for the theatre, but he is also experienced in the mechanical aspect of set design and occasionally larger props and set pieces. Tall with dark hair, streaks of gray running through his hair and mustache, the older man is often considered the rock of The Lamont. While the more artistic types deal with the productions held there, Ladrian deals with the more practical side of things. His serious nature is often teased, but he truly cares about the people he works with, possessing a protective nature.
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Obie, Sophia, and the Whiskey Barbarian (Zida 7, Arc 721)
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 45 arcs, male
Location Etzos
Submitted by Natalia Gregorios
Role: Named in the Credits
Woodworking: Expert
Smithing: Expert
Engineering: Expert
Strength: Competent
Logistics: Competent
Leadership: Competent
Science: Competent
Novice: Art
Personality / Quirks Ladrian heads up technical support crews at The Lamont in Etzos, so his skillset centers around lighting and sound for the theatre, but he is also experienced in the mechanical aspect of set design and occasionally larger props and set pieces. Tall with dark hair, streaks of gray running through his hair and mustache, the older man is often considered the rock of The Lamont. While the more artistic types deal with the productions held there, Ladrian deals with the more practical side of things. His serious nature is often teased, but he truly cares about the people he works with, possessing a protective nature.
Dates & Links (Date / Link / What the NPC did!)
Obie, Sophia, and the Whiskey Barbarian (Zida 7, Arc 721)
Sabrina - Etzos
Name: Sabrina
Race/ Age / Gender: Naerikk/67 Arcs/Female
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Seduction (Expert), Dancing (Expert), Daggers (Expert), Stealth (Competent), Unarmed Combat (Competent), Medicine (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), and Torture (Novice).
Personality / Quirks Sabrina is a lithe woman with tan skin, gently curling dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. Her confidence, mysteriousness, and objectively coveted figure have made her something of a lesser known celebrity in the Etzos Underground. Those that are tolerated and can blend into the scene under the city, with a taste for darker vices, tend to clamber into a speak-easy type of brothel where she works. Her tantalizing, engaging dances are the main event almost every night. While objectification fills her coffers, Sabrina has no problem doling out just consequences before security if someone crosses a line. She takes pride in wielding both her sexuality and her daggers as her weapons. Her ability to enact cruelty doesn't overshadow her pride in her trade though. She would much rather manipulate than make a mess, and between her intelligence, wit, and alluring grace, Sabrina rarely finds herself in trouble she can't slip her way out of.
Dates & Links Cylus 15/ Feel Something/ Seduced Maxine; Cylus 20 Mommy Issues/ Confided in Maxine about her mother's death; Cylus 25 A Bad Batch/ Warned Max not to buy drugs from someone; Cylus 25 A Bad Batch III/ Max and Sabrina have a blowout over bad drugs
Dark Truths/ Max and Sabrina talk about drugs; Cylus 27
Race/ Age / Gender: Naerikk/67 Arcs/Female
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Seduction (Expert), Dancing (Expert), Daggers (Expert), Stealth (Competent), Unarmed Combat (Competent), Medicine (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), and Torture (Novice).
Personality / Quirks Sabrina is a lithe woman with tan skin, gently curling dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. Her confidence, mysteriousness, and objectively coveted figure have made her something of a lesser known celebrity in the Etzos Underground. Those that are tolerated and can blend into the scene under the city, with a taste for darker vices, tend to clamber into a speak-easy type of brothel where she works. Her tantalizing, engaging dances are the main event almost every night. While objectification fills her coffers, Sabrina has no problem doling out just consequences before security if someone crosses a line. She takes pride in wielding both her sexuality and her daggers as her weapons. Her ability to enact cruelty doesn't overshadow her pride in her trade though. She would much rather manipulate than make a mess, and between her intelligence, wit, and alluring grace, Sabrina rarely finds herself in trouble she can't slip her way out of.
Dates & Links Cylus 15/ Feel Something/ Seduced Maxine; Cylus 20 Mommy Issues/ Confided in Maxine about her mother's death; Cylus 25 A Bad Batch/ Warned Max not to buy drugs from someone; Cylus 25 A Bad Batch III/ Max and Sabrina have a blowout over bad drugs
Dark Truths/ Max and Sabrina talk about drugs; Cylus 27
Borg Carneva - Quacia
Name: Borg Carneva
Race/ Age / Gender: Human male DOB: 685
Location Quacia
Submitted by Zunylanih
Role: Named in the Credits - The Wretched Chef
Cooking: Expert
Alchemy: Expert
Medicine: Expert
Combat: Blades: Competent
Resistance: Competent
Strength: Competent
Appraisal: Competent
Personality / Quirks Borg Carneva worked as a chef for the former Duke of Lair in Quacia, with his service transferred to the wife of the Duke (Apollonia) after his untimely demise. He enjoys making all manner of drugged and alchemically enhanced dishes, which are as delicious as mind-bending. There are rumors that he even engages in cannibalistic rituals, taught to him by a splinter group of the Theocratum, but these are just rumors at present.
Dates & Links
Tale of Ten Torments: Sight Offscreen: It was him that gave the drugged meal to Zunylanih in this instance. However, he's not making a direct appearance.
Tale of Ten Torments: Hearing Offscreen: Another drugged meal is given to Zuny during the course of this thread. It's alchemically enhanced to bridge the gap of dreams, and enhance his dreamwalking capability slightly.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human male DOB: 685
Location Quacia
Submitted by Zunylanih
Role: Named in the Credits - The Wretched Chef
Cooking: Expert
Alchemy: Expert
Medicine: Expert
Combat: Blades: Competent
Resistance: Competent
Strength: Competent
Appraisal: Competent
Personality / Quirks Borg Carneva worked as a chef for the former Duke of Lair in Quacia, with his service transferred to the wife of the Duke (Apollonia) after his untimely demise. He enjoys making all manner of drugged and alchemically enhanced dishes, which are as delicious as mind-bending. There are rumors that he even engages in cannibalistic rituals, taught to him by a splinter group of the Theocratum, but these are just rumors at present.
Dates & Links
Tale of Ten Torments: Sight Offscreen: It was him that gave the drugged meal to Zunylanih in this instance. However, he's not making a direct appearance.
Tale of Ten Torments: Hearing Offscreen: Another drugged meal is given to Zuny during the course of this thread. It's alchemically enhanced to bridge the gap of dreams, and enhance his dreamwalking capability slightly.
Gul Dukat, Inspector Javert, Iago, Joffrey, Your Arch Nemesis or best friend.
They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 1 master, 4 expert, 3 competent,
They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 1 master, 4 expert, 3 competent,
Cazuth the Mite King
Name: Cazuth the Mite King
Race/ Age / Gender: Tunawa male, born 648 34th of Ymiden
Location Bailey's Peninsula (Etzos Wilderness)
Submitted by Clavam
Role: Starring, the Mite King.
Skills: Unarmed Combat (Toṣeọruni Az'vi): Master; Stealth: Expert; Leadership: Expert; Medicine: Expert; Tactics: Expert; Detection: Competent; Fieldcraft: Competent; Mount (Arachnid): Competent; Discipline: Novice.
]Description & Personality: Cazuth is a cold and pragmatic tunawa, who nevertheleess enjoys the company of his beautiful wives. Although he'll think little of sending any of his children or even sometimes his wives on expeditions into the wilderness or cities of Idalos, he is capable of incredible fits of rage when even one of his children should suffer injury or casualty. He is devoted to Sintra only as a matter of Pragmatism, and not true unconditional devotion. He sees himself as a Monarch in his own right, and will not abide being treated as yet another servant. He will see her fulfill her promises to his people, and will honor his end of the bargain in turn.
History: Cazuth wasn't born in an arachnid's den, as some of his children had told as bedtime stories to each other. He was an ordinary, yet ambitious and driven sprout, born under the darkness of night as all male tunawa are. Yet before long, he caught the attention of the Queen of Arachnids, through his adeptness at the art of trapping his foes and subtly manipulating situations to his advantage. She allowed that he could earn her favor, if only he delivered a phial of Ojogbon sap for her. He did this, and was swiftly granted leave to enter the service of the Spider Queen in exchange for unnatural fertility.
His accumulation of wives and children began soon after the theft of the sap. His courtships were partly driven by the fear that Sintra might have designs upon the Ojogbon, and thus compelled his urgency to spread his seed as it were. Before three decades had passed, he'd already accumulated a couple hundred children, and four wives. Thus bolstered, he slowed the expansion of his little kinship, and focused on strengthening his bond with each of his children.
This didn't escape the notice of Sintra. She saw an opportunity to further her influence, to gain hundreds of followers by the ministrations of Cazuth. She appeared to Cazuth a second time, and offered him the power granted by her adoration, as well as a small colony of spiders that would forevermore protect and serve his family. Thus intrigued, he agreed to another service in her name. This time, however, the ask was far more personal. She asked for the legs of his first and only son, Bracken. Bracken was an accomplished rider of beasts, a hunter and an acrobat. He cherished his mobility. Cazuth was horrified that Sintra would make such a request. Yet the promise of more power and security for his growing clan proved too much not to indulge.
He found his son in the night, and pruned his legs with an oshgon blade. Sintra appeared on the spot, lest Cazuth change his mind, and took the legs, also deigning to show mercy on his son, thus sealing his wound with a droplet of magical spider venom. From then on, his son, Bracken was half a tunawa, but they set him up with his very own spider mount and special riding equipment, so that he might be able to move yet.
Even so, Bracken never forgave his father's betrayal, and has sought to undermine him, with dreams of usurping his position in the clan.
It was shortly after this that Cazuth was found to be lacking in moral and veritude with Moseke and the spirits of the earth. Thus he was expelled, and forced to flee with his clan and his spiders to the very shores of the Southern Continent. There, they found a seaworthy boat that might transport them to the Western Continent. The rest of Cazuth's history is wrapped up in the story of the clan itself.
Dates & Links TBD
Race/ Age / Gender: Tunawa male, born 648 34th of Ymiden
Location Bailey's Peninsula (Etzos Wilderness)
Submitted by Clavam
Role: Starring, the Mite King.
Skills: Unarmed Combat (Toṣeọruni Az'vi): Master; Stealth: Expert; Leadership: Expert; Medicine: Expert; Tactics: Expert; Detection: Competent; Fieldcraft: Competent; Mount (Arachnid): Competent; Discipline: Novice.
]Description & Personality: Cazuth is a cold and pragmatic tunawa, who nevertheleess enjoys the company of his beautiful wives. Although he'll think little of sending any of his children or even sometimes his wives on expeditions into the wilderness or cities of Idalos, he is capable of incredible fits of rage when even one of his children should suffer injury or casualty. He is devoted to Sintra only as a matter of Pragmatism, and not true unconditional devotion. He sees himself as a Monarch in his own right, and will not abide being treated as yet another servant. He will see her fulfill her promises to his people, and will honor his end of the bargain in turn.
History: Cazuth wasn't born in an arachnid's den, as some of his children had told as bedtime stories to each other. He was an ordinary, yet ambitious and driven sprout, born under the darkness of night as all male tunawa are. Yet before long, he caught the attention of the Queen of Arachnids, through his adeptness at the art of trapping his foes and subtly manipulating situations to his advantage. She allowed that he could earn her favor, if only he delivered a phial of Ojogbon sap for her. He did this, and was swiftly granted leave to enter the service of the Spider Queen in exchange for unnatural fertility.
His accumulation of wives and children began soon after the theft of the sap. His courtships were partly driven by the fear that Sintra might have designs upon the Ojogbon, and thus compelled his urgency to spread his seed as it were. Before three decades had passed, he'd already accumulated a couple hundred children, and four wives. Thus bolstered, he slowed the expansion of his little kinship, and focused on strengthening his bond with each of his children.
This didn't escape the notice of Sintra. She saw an opportunity to further her influence, to gain hundreds of followers by the ministrations of Cazuth. She appeared to Cazuth a second time, and offered him the power granted by her adoration, as well as a small colony of spiders that would forevermore protect and serve his family. Thus intrigued, he agreed to another service in her name. This time, however, the ask was far more personal. She asked for the legs of his first and only son, Bracken. Bracken was an accomplished rider of beasts, a hunter and an acrobat. He cherished his mobility. Cazuth was horrified that Sintra would make such a request. Yet the promise of more power and security for his growing clan proved too much not to indulge.
He found his son in the night, and pruned his legs with an oshgon blade. Sintra appeared on the spot, lest Cazuth change his mind, and took the legs, also deigning to show mercy on his son, thus sealing his wound with a droplet of magical spider venom. From then on, his son, Bracken was half a tunawa, but they set him up with his very own spider mount and special riding equipment, so that he might be able to move yet.
Even so, Bracken never forgave his father's betrayal, and has sought to undermine him, with dreams of usurping his position in the clan.
It was shortly after this that Cazuth was found to be lacking in moral and veritude with Moseke and the spirits of the earth. Thus he was expelled, and forced to flee with his clan and his spiders to the very shores of the Southern Continent. There, they found a seaworthy boat that might transport them to the Western Continent. The rest of Cazuth's history is wrapped up in the story of the clan itself.
Dates & Links TBD
The Director's Cut
Mod Submitted / With Mod Oversight only.
For our dead who won't live to see the sequel...
Quinnley Dorrick - Etzos
Name: Quinnley Dorrick
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/20 Arcs/Female
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Seduction (Expert), Dancing (Expert), Socialization (Expert), Stealth (Competent), Jewelry Crafting (Competent), Gambling (Competent), Athletics (Competent), and Etiquette (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Quinnley Dorrick is the younger, forgotten sister of the Dorrick family. With her brothers in the military and running the estate, it was easy for her to slip through the cracks. She spends most of her days spending the money her brothers earn. She looks so much like their late mother, Benjamin and Tristane regrettably let her too. She is a free-spirit with a dark sense of adventure. There's little in life she's not up to try. While Green's lustful eyes have set themselves upon her, Quinnley is too unbound to be committed. She is still hopelessly looking for purpose.
The Young and the Reckless Quinnley dies in this thread. She may not be used as a living npc afterward.
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/20 Arcs/Female
Location Etzos
Submitted by Max
Role: Named in the Credits
Skills: Seduction (Expert), Dancing (Expert), Socialization (Expert), Stealth (Competent), Jewelry Crafting (Competent), Gambling (Competent), Athletics (Competent), and Etiquette (Novice).
Personality / Quirks: Quinnley Dorrick is the younger, forgotten sister of the Dorrick family. With her brothers in the military and running the estate, it was easy for her to slip through the cracks. She spends most of her days spending the money her brothers earn. She looks so much like their late mother, Benjamin and Tristane regrettably let her too. She is a free-spirit with a dark sense of adventure. There's little in life she's not up to try. While Green's lustful eyes have set themselves upon her, Quinnley is too unbound to be committed. She is still hopelessly looking for purpose.
The Young and the Reckless Quinnley dies in this thread. She may not be used as a living npc afterward.
- In your review request - you must link to this thread - showing your submission of the NPC here. These NPCs do not follow the usual rules and our Peer Reviewers need to know that you are playing to your skills.
- Consider these "flavour" NPCs. They follow the same rules as flavour NPCs , but with more skills than usual flavour NPCs.
- The same rules for story as Flavour NPCs apply. You can meet them, see them in passing, notice them in a bar, etc. If, however, an NPC becomes a significant part of your story, then they should be submitted as a city NPC on the PSF.
- Please use them in a way which makes story sense for their level of experience.
- Remember that not all NPCs are sword fodder.
- Remember that not all NPCs are warriors.
- In the course of your adventures, should your thread have some fatal impact on one of these NPCs, please resubmit them with the updated information and a link to where you killed them, and they will be immortalized in the Graveyard.
- NPCs can grow with your pc. If you wish to move them UP a Role - then please post using the code below and giving a good reason why.
- No marks, no major faction, no magic etc.
- You must post here and update every time the NPC is used.
- More than one player may use any NPC listed here. These are not the same as personal npcs.
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[b]Race/ Age / Gender:[/b]
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