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[Lost Souls] Etherlight Visitors

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:18 pm
by Pig Boy
117th of Vhalar 721

Heya all, following the consequence from this thread, I'll be doing a surprise mini-event. I'm planning on going at a faster pace with this, and as such am limiting the involvement to no more than four sign-ups on a first come first serve basis. Please only sign up if you can keep up. I will try to be punctual with my own repiles.
Two arcs from the day of the events of the Lost Souls of Westwind, the Westwind Ruins begin to glow with an unearthly aura. The effect is visible on the night sky for miles around, all the way to Lake Lovalus, to the mouth of the River Zynyx.

What this means, however, is a matter of confusion until an expedition returns from the Westwind Ruins, each member chattering excitedly about a wondrous portal that leads to all manner of different and fantastic locales that otherwise shouldn't exist.

The glow fades eventually, however, and the portal that led into these fantastic locales isn't found again.
This is all the detail you will get from this. I will post a starter on December 3rd. Sign-ups below:

Code: Select all

Favorite Magic Domain that you don't possess: 
Least Favorite Magic Domain: 
Have you ever been through an Emean fracture?: 

Re: [Lost Souls] Etherlight Visitors

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:22 pm
by Faith Augustin
Name: Faith
Favorite Magic Domain that you don't possess: None, she doesn't like magic at all. If forced to choose, it would be rupturing as the most useful.
Least Favorite Magic Domain: Necromancy!
Have you ever been through an Emean fracture?: I don't think so, no.

Re: [Lost Souls] Etherlight Visitors

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:41 pm
by Doran
Name: Doran
Favorite Magic Domain that you don't possess: Doran really dislikes magic! If he had to choose, he'd pick Attunement though as it's the most gentle magic and allows you to see things.
Least Favorite Magic Domain: Necromancy!
Have you ever been through an Emean fracture?: I don't think so.

Re: [Lost Souls] Etherlight Visitors

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:04 pm
by Vivian Shiryu
Name: Vivian Shiryu
Favorite Magic Domain that you don't possess: Tricky. Vivian's currently in what is supposed to be a Defiance Initiation thread, but it's not finished and the initiation hasn't even started yet. So, Defiance if that isn't counted. Attunement if it is.
Least Favorite Magic Domain: Necromancy.
Have you ever been through an Emean fracture?: Not that she's aware of.

Re: [Lost Souls] Etherlight Visitors

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:50 pm
by Pig Boy
All set, sign-ups are closed!

I'm waiting to hear feedback on this plot that I'm doing before I get started though, so hang on!

Re: [Lost Souls] Etherlight Visitors

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 6:25 pm
by Pig Boy