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Smooglenuff Wine: The Beginning

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:12 pm
by Devin
Vhalar 10, Arc 721

On the morning of the 10th of Vhalar, Doctor Devin Thorn, High Priest of Delroth and Baron von Smooglenuff, was sitting at the vanity table in his room, dressed in a lime-green suit, with an off-white shirt underneath, and holding a very soft and luxurious brush with a wooden handle in his hand. He was not brushing his own hair this time though. No, this time, he was brushing someone else’s hair – or rather someone else’s fur.

On his knees was his pet flunny that was mor or less a bunny with wings. He held it gently with one hand while he used the brush with his other hand. He was pretty much just stroking the flunny, but it still did not look particularly happy which puzzled him a bit to be honest.

“Don’t you want to look nice and pretty?” he asked the animal that squirmed a little and scratched its head in order to get it to calm down. “I have to brush you in order to remove the loose hair and the dirt that’s in your fur. And we’ll have to clean your eyes and your ears and your bottom as well so that you’ll stay healthy. Aidan said so, and he’s pretty much a veterinarian”, he informed the flunny in no uncertain terms.

Truth to be told, he’d rather not clean his flunny’s bottom, but the alternative, a stinky flunny with dried poop on its bottom was even less appealing. Maybe, he thought as he did his best to groom his flunny before he decided that it had had enough for good, he should convince Aidan that it was in everybody’s best interest that he, the expert, cleaned the flunny’s bottom. After all, you could probably cause a lot of damage if you did something wrong!

Bribing his roommate with food usually worked. Maybe, he should offer to bake cookies for him?

Having come to the decision that he would do that the next time the flunny needed to be groomed, he checked the little animal’s eyes and cleaned the outer parts of its ears before he released it as it had been growing increasingly restless over the course of the past couple of bits. The flunny briefly shook itself before it spread its wings without further ado and landed on a nearby bookshelf where Devin wouldn’t be able to reach it.

It was just as Devin put his things away and tried to remove flunny hair from his pants that he heard a knock on the door. When he called out to enter, one of the servants walked into the room, carrying a shiny silver tray with an envelope and a couple of trinkets on it.

“Cally’s sent another letter, Your Grace”, the servant, a human male that was approximately middle-aged told him and proceeded to bow slightly. “And you’ve received more of those gifts.”

Devin’s eyes lit up as he heard that, and he proceeded to smile all over his face. Somehow, his giving people gifts had inspired others to do the same. That was awesome. He loved getting gifts, and he loved inspiring people, and he was just about to take a look at what exactly he’d gotten, when something suddenly occurred to him, and he subsequently turned to the servant once more. “Are the people who brought these things still here?” he wanted to know. “It would be rude not to thank them personally!”

When the servant nodded, he quickly grabbed a cloak that matched his suit and hurried downstairs and out of the manor. There were a man and a woman, both human and with brown hair and dark eyes, walking down the road. When they heard him approach, they turned around. Upon recognizing him as Baron Devin, both of their eyes widened noticeably.

“I just wanted to thank you two for your nice gifts”, he said, grinned and bowed deeply, one hand on the center of his chest before he extended a hand for them to shake. They hesitated a bit at first before they shook his hand, first the woman and then the man, and smiled.

A few moments later, after a quick chat, Devin was back in his room. He grabbed the letter, grabbed his new gifts and plopped down on his bed in order to take a closer look at everything. The gifts were awesome, but the letter was even more so because it was about wine – again!

Re: Smooglenuff Wine: The Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:28 pm
by Devin
A couple of trials earlier, on the 1st of Vhalar to be exact, the first letter had arrived at Smooglenuff Manor. Trudi who managed Cally’s nowadays, had contacted the Barony and asked them if they would be willing to consider starting a vineyard and creating the “Smooglenuff” brand of fine wines. Cally’s wanted to market an exclusive local wine.

Devin had been incredibly excited when he had received the letter. He loved alcohol, and he loved Cally’s, so, that offer was a double win in his opinion!

Once upon a time, shortly after he had arrived on Scalvoris, before he had become rich and famous and a couple of other things, he had worked at that restaurant. Faith Augustin who was one of the most famous women in the world nowadays, had hired him as a musician.

He liked his current social status much better – being a baron was great – but his coworkers had been nice, and the food had been good. He was almost getting a bit nostalgic!

“Your Grace”, he read the new letter aloud while he was lying on his bed, on his stomach, kicking his legs a little. “Following the letter that we sent on the 1st of Vhalar …”, he continued before he simply read silently because reading aloud was just too slow. He wanted to know everything now!

Trudi, he learned, suggested sending a couple of trainees to Faldrass. They could work in the vineyard and learn how to make the wine, and in exchange, Cally’s would get to market it. That seemed like a great deal to him, so he quickly jumped up from his bed, walked over to the desk and started writing a reply, stating that he was grateful for her offer to send a couple of trainees, and that he’d be delighted if Cally’s marketed the wine.

While he did that, his flunny that was still sitting on the bookshelf watched him, looking slightly grumpy.

As Devin wrote, with nice purple ink, because always using black or blue ink was boring in his opinion, something suddenly occurred to him. Trudi had mentioned sending trainees to Faldrass. Trainees needed someone to train them though. He was a wine connoisseur, but he didn’t know what he was supposed to do with the grapes. Maybe, he would be able to fake it though?

He was a masterful liar. He was in fact so good a liar that he had pretty much conned himself into becoming an actual doctor – and now, he was one of the best doctors on Scalvoris – but there was a small risk that pretending to be a vintner wouldn’t lead to the same results. In fact, he might fail. He didn’t want to fail though because he really wanted to have his own wine!

He had just started to grumble slightly when he suddenly had a great idea, a veritable epiphany, in fact.

(He had a lot of epiphanies, all the time!)

Mrs. Adams, the head cook, had mentioned having training in brewing once. He could ask her if she’d be willing to help him with his project. With that thought in mind, he finished his letter, suggesting just that to Trudi, and stuck into an envelope before he walked downstairs into the kitchen in order to have a word with Mrs. Adams. As he did so, it occurred to him that it would have been better to not only talk to the cook before he sent the letter, but to hold off on writing the letter until he had made sure that she would help.

What if she said no?
The Letter
Dear Trudi,

I was ever so delighted to hear from you. I would absolutely love to work with Cally’s and develop the “Smooglenuff” brand of fine wines. You can of course market our wines!

In fact, I feel honored that as fine an establishment as Cally’s wants to work with the Barony!

You and the rest of the staff of Cally’s made an excellent impression on me back when I was working there. I was the bard that played music at Cally’s for a few seasons back in 718, in case you remember.

With that being said, I am grateful for your offer to send us a couple of trainees, and I look forward to welcoming them here!

The head cook of Smooglenuff Manor, Mrs. Ada Analise Adams, is a skilled brewer, and will be able to provide them with the necessary guidance. I’ll make sure that your trainees will learn a lot of valuable things that they’ll be able to benefit from in their future careers!

Please also send my regards to Jo’get, Paul and Taylor. I hope that you are all doing well!

Baron von Smooglenuff

Re: Smooglenuff Wine: The Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:36 pm
by Devin
“… so, in short, we’d not only get to collaborate with a very well-known business, having our own wine would also make us more famous, maybe even beyond Scalvoris!” Devin finished his overwhelmingly enthusiastic speech and proceeded to smile all over his face.

Mrs. Adams who had just been making cherry pie when Devin had entered the kitchen a couple of bits earlier furrowed her brow for a moment before she nodded. “Yes, of course I’ll help you, Your Grace. This sounds like a wonderful idea. We just need to decide where we’ll put the vineyard, and which grapes we’ll use. Climate plays a part as well – it can affect the taste of the wine, among other things - and we’ll need to decide whether we want red wine or white wine, of course”, she continued in a friendly tone of voice.

Devin blinked a little for a moment – he was a bit surprised that Mrs. Adams didn’t have a single doubt - before he came to the decision that the idea was just too good for anybody in their right mind to be able to say no (He just wished that he had had it instead of Trudi!). Unless, he had just developed a new Mortalborn power that made people agree to everything he said?

He considered that for a moment, before he decided that the reason didn’t matter, at least not right now, and proceeded to ask, because he had just had the second great idea of the trial, “Can you make wine from the grapes you sometimes put into your fruit salad, the really sweet and juicy ones? That would be fantastic! I don’t know of any wines like that. That would set us apart from the other vintners and increase our revenue”, he added, in order to show her that he could think like a businessman.

Sometimes, at least.

A little.

Mrs. Adams furrowed her brow for a moment before she inclined her head, a bit hesitantly. “You can make wine out of table grapes, but it won’t be outstanding”, she finally admitted. “Table grapes contain a decent amount of sugar – grapes need sugar in order to convert to alcohol - but they don’t have the skin-to-seed-to-pulp ratio that gives wine its flavor and structure. And acid content plays a part as well. Table grapes have a lower acid content than wine grapes. If you want a very sweet wine, that’s definitely doable though. We should talk about that in more detail once we’ve decided on a spot for the vineyard though”, she told him.

Devin briefly wondered if he should pout a little bit because Mrs. Adams had turned down his idea, but then he decided to smile instead, because it sounded as if the wine that he had in mind was definitely possible even if they might have to go about it a little differently. He wanted a wine that didn’t have a noticeable alcoholic taste. He found drinks that tasted strongly of alcohol disgusting. They reminded him of the stuff that he disinfected wounds with, and he’d never drink that. He wanted a wine that was sweet and fruity and absolutely delicious!

Speaking of delicious …

He abruptly cast a glance at Mrs. Adam’s cherry pie. “That already looks wonderful! Shall I help you?” he asked which wasn’t as selfless as it sounded. He absolutely loved baking!

“I’m almost done, but you can help me by eating a slice and telling me what you think if you want to, my lord. I made it a little differently this time, with cinnamon and allspice”, Mrs. Adams told him and smiled.

When he heard that, Devin’s eyes immediately lit up, and then he nodded enthusiastically. He loved being a taste tester, so that’s what he did after he had handed the letter to a servant and told them to take it to the docks so that it would reach Cally’s as soon as possible. He taste tested the pie!

Re: Smooglenuff Wine: The Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:28 am
by Avalon

Review & Rewards

Name: Devin

Points awarded: 10

Animal Husbandry: Grooming your flunny is important for its health
Brewing: Vinting: Grapes need sugar to convert to alcohol
Brewing: Vinting: The acid content of the grapes is important
Brewing: Vinting: Climate can affect wine taste
Business Management: Having a product that sets you apart from your competitors is a good idea
Logistics: Beginning to plan the “Smooglenuff Wine” project

Renown: 5 - For coordination with Cally's

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.

Another Devin project! I loved the opening with the flunny, and I laughed when he came up with the idea to brib Aidan with cookies to groom the flunny. It's a very smart idea, and Devin is very clever when it comes to knowing what motivates other people.

Smooglenuff wine! An ambitious project but I love how you are taking it slow, step by step. You may not be a vinter but you did enough research that the process sounded very logical and realistic. You got a lot of the details perfect - table grapes aren't ideal for wine!

I enjoyed all the npcs that rounded out this solo, from the gift givers to the staff of the manor. I've mentioned it before, but I like how you know the right balance between your pc and npcs. You use them enough to enhance the story but Devin is always the center of it. It's such a tricky thing.

Another thing that struck me about this solo. It clearly was intended to highlight the wine project, but there were a lot of other things that were woven into the story so it felt very natural, like a slice of life bit. I really appreciate solos that have an organic feel to them.

I'm looking forward to Devin picking out what kind of wine he wants to create. (As an aside, when I think of Devin, I think of a Moscato wine - sweet and fizzy!)

Another lovely thread and fantastic writing. Enjoy your rewards!
