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Mistral Castle

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:36 am
by Tristan Venora
Vhalar 1, Arc 721

“So, this is the place?“ Hannah asked and looked at the house in front of which they had just stopped with curiosity. It was a fairly big villa that was made of white stone, with two floors, balconies and a small garden that was surrounded by a wall. She could see an apple tree from where she was standing, as well as something that appeared to be a greenhouse.

“This is it”, Tristan said to his bodyguard before he turned to his little daughter Ayla who was staring at the new place open-mouthed, a doll in one hand, and the leash of her four-eyed dog Fluffy in the other hand. “This is our home, at least for the near future. You can pick your room, and if you want to, I’ll have a playhouse built in the garden.”

Ayla’s eyes lit up when she heard that. A moment later, the expression on her face turned more serious again though, and she wanted to know, “Will Koral and Chester get their own rooms as well?”

When she heard that, Koral, the Tunawa companion that Tristan had acquired in Melrath peeked out from under the young man’s shirt where she had spent the journey because it was nice and warm and comfortable there and turned her head so that she could look him in the eyes.

“Of course”, Tristan said and inclined his head. “I don’t think that any of the furniture that is currently in the house is Tunawa-sized, but I’ll have a little Tunawa house installed – if that’s what you want?” he added and looked at Koral questioningly. No matter how young or small someone was, he would ask everybody for their opinion.

“I’d love to, but I’d rather not sleep in the same room as Mistral”, she told him and shuddered a little. After she had nearly been eaten by another cat, Musablot, in Melrath (Tristan had saved her life back then!) she wasn’t particularly fond of Tristan’s feline friend. He hadn’t tried to eat her so far, but still, had she had known that Mistral had been called a failed necromantic experiment once, she would have agreed wholeheartedly!

A moment later, when she surveyed the new property, the look on her face changed from worry to one of pure excitement though. “Look! There’s an actual greenhouse!” she exclaimed as she had finally noticed it. Koral loved gardening almost as much as Tristan did.

“I will make sure that Mistral stays away from your room”, Tristan promised before he turned to answer the second part of Ayla’s question. “I’m not sure if Chester needs a room, being a diri, but if he says that he wants one, I’ll make sure that he has a place of his own”, he promised, because the diri was an important a member of his household in his opinion.

“Let’s go in though, shall we?” he asked. Everybody agreed enthusiastically. Even Mistral who was in a carrier on the cart that Brandon, Tristan’s other bodyguard was pulling (Tristan had most of their possessions sent to Rharne ahead of their arrival so that they only had to bring a little now.) meowed. He couldn’t wait to finally leave this pesky thing!
Tier 10 house in the Glass Quarter at 50% off.

Re: Mistral Castle

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:38 am
by Tristan Venora
“Is this a castle?” Ayla who wore a pretty white lace dress asked and looked around open-mouthed after she had stepped across the threshold. She had never seen such luxury before. Their house in Melrath had been quite fine as well, of course, but it had been a far cry from this villa in the Glass Quarter, and she could not remember the mansion in Oakleigh anymore.

Tristan momentarily wondered what he should say before he remarked with a light smile, because it was kind of true in his opinion, “This is our castle, castle Venora if you will, and you can be its princess.” Having said that, he closed the entrance door and unhooked Fluffy’s leash so that the NightPup could explore the house before he freed Mistral from his carrier.

The black cat immediately jumped onto a nearby display cabinet made of dark wood from where he watched everybody with a haughty expression in his sulfur-yellow eyes. Tristan and Ayla thought that this was their castle, but really, it was his castle. Mistral Castle!

The house had fine parquet flooring and white walls. There were crystal chandeliers in several of the rooms. On the ground floor there was some sort of meeting room, besides the entrance hall. There was a library that had already been filled with Tristan’s books (the previous owner of the house had also left a few simple books of their own in the house).

There was also a kitchen with two stoves which delighted Tristan especially. He would use one of them for his alchemical experiments. There were so many rooms that he would probably be able to use one for his alchemy, but he couldn’t help but think of Rynmere where he had done his first experiments in his kitchen. He had had so much fun.

He wanted to preserve a little bit of the past!

While he inspected the stoves, Hannah and Brandon unpacked the things on the cart, and Ayla moved towards the staircase that led onto the first floor, he noticed. He closed the kitchen door and quickly followed his daughter. Koral, who had started the inspection of the new house peeking out from under his shirt was residing on his shoulder now.

She wasn’t afraid of Mistral who really came from the Misty Miasma where cats walked on two legs as long as she wasn’t asleep and helpless – she knew how to use a blade, and even two blades at the same time – but she could see her surroundings much better from where she was now. She wasn’t particularly fond of staring at people’s legs all the time!

Re: Mistral Castle

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:40 am
by Tristan Venora
“Castle Venora” (or “Mistral Castle”, depending on who you asked) had several bedrooms on the first floor. Koral picked the smallest bedroom that was little bigger than a closet. She insisted that she would just feel lost in one of the bigger bedrooms, anyway. Brandon and Hannah who had finished unpacking decided on two adjacent rooms.

As for Ayla?

The little Mortalborn raced into the room on the left side of the hallway where a large four poster bed with curtains stood, lay down on it and proclaimed with a huge smile, “Mine!” A moment later, she sat up again and asked, in order to be sure, “I can have this room, can’t I, daddy?”

“Of course”,
Tristan said and nodded before he extended a hand towards his daughter that appeared to be six arcs old, but was really only four as she had aged incredibly quickly at the beginning of her life. “Would you like to help me pick my room now though, Ayla?” he wanted to know because he wanted to involve his little girl as much as possible.

Ayla immediately jumped off of the bed, took Tristan’s hand in hers – and began to lead him down the hallway, as if she were in charge now. A few moments later, she stopped in front of a door, opened it and ushered him inside. “That’s your room”, she proclaimed in no uncertain terms and pointed. Tristan laughed before he took a good look around.

The room that Ayla had insisted was his room was the biggest bedroom in the house. It didn’t only have a bed (With curtains, just like Ayla’s bed!), a wardrobe, a vanity table and all those other things that could commonly be found in a bedroom, but also a marble fireplace, with a couch and a table in front of it, bookshelves and a desk. And then there was the balcony!

The young man immediately walked over to the balcony door in order to open it and step outside. A moment later, he was looking at the street below. A couple of people were just walking past the house, he noticed. When they looked up, he smiled at them and waved before he stepped inside and closed the door again. This, he decided, would be a wonderful place to raise his daughter and relax from all the trouble he had dealt with in Melrath.

He already loved his new house!

It was just than that Mistral who had gotten bored on his display cabinet walked into the room as if he owned it, jumped onto the bed and started to clean himself thoroughly.

Tristan and Ayla looked at each other, and then they laughed in unison.

Re: Mistral Castle

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:50 pm
by Pig Boy

Player Name: Tristan Venora

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: none

Knowledge: None Requested

Renown: 10 for buying a huge house in the richest section of Rharne.
Loot: Bought a tier 10 house.
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Wealth Points: None
Consequences: (Optional) Lady Vanessa MacBride sends a missive to Tristan, saying that she would like to formally welcome him to the neighborhood, which happens to be where she set up last cycle (on the 62nd of Ymiden). During her visit, she would make outrageously flirtatious overtures toward him, while rudely ignoring Ayla and Mistral. Nevertheless, she leaves him with a fine gift, a vanity mirror for his bedroom. (feel free to describe this if you wish)

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: I enjoyed this thread very much. I'm so glad that you brought Koral the Tunawa along with you, she seems like a very nice and fully realized character, with an understandable phobia of felines.

The whole process of moving isn't one we see too often in roleplay. It was very entertaining and fun to watch Tristan enjoying his new environs with his family. I like that Tristan allowed Ayla to choose the bedroom she wanted first, and then to let her choose his bedroom. That was a very sweet gesture/moment.

The house was described so beautifully, I had little trouble visualizing the place. Really great thread!

Good writing and enjoy the rewards!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!