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[The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:06 pm
by Pegasus

And, eventually, they were gone. After ten bits, they went off in their groups in order to get equipped and get on the Sohr Kahl which would take them to their places. And, the two of them left behind had time. Time to discuss, to get to know each other and - of course, time to gather and solidify information.

Also - of course - for reports to come in. During the three hours they had, the following reports came in.

1. Weather
The freezing was everywhere. There were sub-zero temperatures all over the island. Even the shallow waters of the shoreline have frozen.

2. Animals
Animals are behaving oddly. There are reports of strange creatures, previously unseen, roaming the streets.

3. The Towns
Egilrun is covered in a strange multi-coloured mist. Faldrass too. There is no violence, but there are significant attempts at looting in all areas. Thankfully, the increased troops are able to curb it, but they do suffer from not being able to be violent themselves. Thankfully, arresting people is not a violent action.

4. The Tower, Immortals Tongue etc.
All places identified are reported as covered in mist / fog. It's the same mist in all places. Troop presence is high and they're spun out, but nothing is happening yet.

5. Magic.
Whatever this is, it's impacting magic. Magic is misbehaving all over the place on Scalvoris - people are overstepping more easily, and things they should be able to do are blowing up in their faces (sometimes literally) - consequences are also apparently random and / or over-reactions to the situation. Magic is, it seems, rather off kilter.

6. Egilrun
The Egg, Liza, has disappeared. No one knows when or where or how at this point.

7. The Sparrow.
All known associates that we can get - we have. But a lot of them have disappeared. Literally.

8. The Rangers
The Rangers want to know how they can best help.

9. The University
The University wants to know how it can best help.

10. The Order of the Adunih / Isonomia.
Guess what? They want to help too!

The place was busy with people moving in and out. Stan is there, but will make himself scarce if needed.

Info & Rules

  • Please be aware that it is freezing. Like really really cold. If any of you have been to Ishallr, it's that cold everywhere.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Include any additional equipment you are carrying. Magic stuff etc. This is important and please remember that you were pulled here.
  • Respond to at least three of the reports.
  • Make up an animal that you see (you don't need to dev it) or is reported to you - it should be either a) an existing animal but with unusual colourings etc or b) a hybrid of existing creatures. The theme for this is "Deathsong"
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use the words Sail, Princess and Infection in your post.
  • Start a sentence with the words "Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...."
  • Fail at something you'd expect to succeed at (IC)
  • Succeed at something you'd expect to fail at (IC)

Next Post: Sunday 2nd May

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:47 pm
by Doran
There were, the Mortalborn considered, as he waited for the Albarech to step forward and take charge, certain other similarities to the battle at Treid’s Tomb and the events that had preceded it. Some of the people that had answered the call seemed did not seem to be particularly well equipped for what lay ahead. That was not something that bothered him as much as it had bothered him back then though. He acknowledged their bravery, and their willingness to help which were important traits to have in his opinion. They would have support, and the Fire Forged and the Elements would be with them.

He was hopeful in that regard.

What truly concerned him was that his warning that they were desecrating graves seemed to have gone unheard – or maybe, they had heard it and chosen not to react to it or simply considered it to be unimportant in comparison to freeing the Induks and restoring balance. Maybe, freeing the Induks was all that would be needed in order to end this, but the thought that people might walk around in Fei’s grave without any consideration for the woman who had died there and her children that were still angry and still grieving did not sit well with him at all, regardless.

And what more, other people’s statements did not seem to have been given the attention that the deserved in his opinion either. Oram had talked about seals for example, Yeva about that infection, that curse that had befallen the Chief of Havadr, and Cassion’s son – apparently, not only the Immortals, but a considerable number of their children were involved as well – had talked about statues in the ice caves of Ishallr. But then again, maybe, they had just decided to immediately get to work rather than discussing the current situation at length because they only had a limited number of trials to accomplish this.

The latter was something that he might have done if he had been in their place.

The Albarech impressed him. She organized people into groups rather than letting them decide who to go with – which could have resulted in unnecessary arguments and delays, among other things – and she used the Diri to communicate, which was another similarity between Faldrass and Lovalus, he realized, and another piece of the puzzle that he was trying to solve. Before long, all of them had departed, and the Albarech and he …

… they were not alone, of course. Stan was still there, and people were constantly coming and going, but the atmosphere in the Glass Temple had changed. Already, messengers from all across Scalvoris were arriving, but the son of Ziell took a moment to address Scalvoris’ leader, nevertheless. “Do you have any questions or specific tasks for me, Albarech?” he wanted to know.

That was something that was important as well. Kura might want to know something specific about him or have him do something. Although they were coordinating together, she was, ultimately, in charge.


Contrary to his usual habit, the son of Ziell was not dressed in one of his suits this time; instead, he was wearing a long, quilted jacket of sorts, a black gambeson that was decorated with silver thread and fastened with half a dozen blackened leather strips and silver clasps, with a high collar. The aforementioned garment was not just elegant though; it was made out of alchemical cloth that was fire-resistant and that had been hardened, and it was rather insulating which was something that he had realized would be important when the temperature had dropped so suddenly, just before the call had been made.

In addition to that, a fine cloak, silver, like the stars, and black like the night sky they shone in, a Cavani’s Cloak, was draped across his shoulders, and his feet were encased in warm leather boots, among other things. In short, he was dressed in clothes that were appropriate for a cold winter. While he did not mind ice and cold as much as most – he appreciated his father’s domain of winter and actually needed to be surrounded by such things sometimes – he was not immune to it.

He had also brought a Ring of Paradigm. When he had talked to Professor Fridson a couple of trials earlier, his colleague had said that Fei’s fracture changed you more the more magic you had. He wanted to be prepared, as well-prepared as one could be when you only had a few bits to gather your equipment, but he would not hide what he was. He was aware of the dangers of magic, but at the same time, it was his connection to Llyr and reminded him of love, and happiness. He would only put the ring on if he absolutely had to, if what was happening affected him or his spark negatively and caused him harm.

Furthermore, he had grabbed his Grave Gold blade prior to answering the call. If he had known where exactly he would be going, he would likely not have brought it even if doing so might have come back to bite him later on. It did not seem right to him to wield a weapon in a temple, and for that reason, he would only ever use his sword if there was no other way, to protect, to defend and to save lives. He would not desecrate a holy site.

A number of reports had arrived. Apparently, the ice was everywhere. Even the shallow waters had frozen, and ships and boats could not set sail anymore. Furthermore, strange creatures, previously unseen, roamed the streets of Scalvoris. According to one report, a Deliroth had been observed, a larger specimen, black as the night itself, black as death, but with the legs of a goat that had sung an eerily beautiful song. The person that had made the report, had likened it to some sort of dark Deliroth princess.

That was something that immediately made him think of his conversation with Professor Fridson again. Could the powers of the fracture be felt on a larger scale now? Was the cork that Xiur had spoken of about to pop, or was something else going on?

According to yet another report, magic was misbehaving all over Scalvoris, and people overstepped more easily, among other things. Was there a connection between the animals and magic malfunctioning? Was Fei’s fracture responsible for both of those events, or did it have something to do with the creature?

Xiur had mentioned that it drew power from the mages in Slag’s Deep.

Furrowing his brow very lightly, the son of Ziell turned to the messenger in question and told them, “We need to find out if Blood Magic – if items that have been imbued with mage blood still work like they should. Alchemical items that were made with natural reagents should not be affected – mine aren’t, at least – but if people notice any oddities regardless, I would appreciate it if I could be informed. The Institute of Metaphysics at the university might be able to provide further help in that regard”, he added as he did not know where exactly the information on magic was coming from and to which extent they were familiar with the academic study of magic.

“If alchemy still works normally, it could be an alternative to domain magic, to some extent at least”, he explained.

He had just finished speaking, when yet another messenger arrived. The university wanted to know how they could help. He decided to answer them, and deal with those areas that he had some experience with (Matters of government or the law were something that should be left to the Albarech in his opinion; he would not override her authority in that regard.). One thing immediately came to his mind, or rather one person.

“Can you please ask Professor Tag Fridson from the Institute of Metaphysics if he’s willing to come to the Glass Temple and help us? If he is reluctant and needs to be persuaded, tell him that I’ll answer more of his questions once this here is over and help him with his research in turn”, he offered. His colleague had been rather curious about him and about Xiur when they had met earlier that cycle. The possibility of an exchange of knowledge might tempt him.

“And could you also ask for information on Scaltoth Jungle, Sweetwine Woods, the Scalvoris Mountains and Ishallr, please? I’m especially interested in landmarks that have a connection to the Original Beings or the Immortals as well as historical information”, he continued. The current conflict had its roots in the distant past – even in the time of the Originals and before, in certain cases – and thus, the history of those places merited further investigation in his opinion. Some of the adventurers that had been sent out to free the Induks seemed to be ill-prepared as well as ill-informed. That was something that could be changed though, provided that they were willing to listen this time.

He would try to help make sure that they returned from their mission, alive and well – and give them hope.

“Some of my information on Fei, the Grand Fracture and the city that Chrien destroyed in her anger comes from Professor Fridson”, he explained to the Albarech. “His help might be invaluable, especially if the strange creatures that have been seen and magic malfunctioning are due to the fracture”, he added in a calm tone of voice, also addressing whoever had reported on the animals behaving strangely. He held himself straight, and he remained calm, composed and professional throughout the conversation, in fact, rather than letting the amount of work and the magnitude of what was happening overwhelm him – such a kind of behaviour would not help him now.

Yet another report arrived, and he turned to the messengers from the Order of the Adunih as well as Isonomia and told them, “Hypothermia and frostbite are a definite concern, especially for the group that was sent to Ishallr. Can you see if someone that specializes in the treatment of such conditions or perhaps knows how to prevent them can come here? It would help if there were healers in general at the Glass Temple. Ziell gave us peace, but people might still get hurt, and those that return from their missions might be in need of medical treatment, although I do not hope that such will happen”, he spoke in a calm and deep tone of voice.

Once the aforementioned reports had finally been addressed, he produced some paper and a pencil – it would be a good idea to take notes, to record what he had learned. The tip of his pencil broke quite unexpectedly though, and he could not decide what needed to be recorded and what not, perhaps to the great amount of information, which was something that did not happen much anymore. Before long, yet more reports that needed to be reacted to arrived, anyway.

The presence of so many people, most of whom he had never seen before, caused him to let his gaze drift across the room once more, to see if anybody of them stood out – in a positive or negative way. The Warden’s people might be here, and his Immortal kin might pay a visit.

Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to repeat his previous warning due to that train of thought, he approached a diri, inclined his head respectfully and asked, “Would you be willing to relay a message for me? Could you let the other groups know that they should approach any places that are related to the Original Being Fei with the utmost caution and respect? Chrien’s anger about her mother’s death and the fact that people are desecrating graves play an important part in the current conflict.” People might be irritated, especially if they had already considered that, anyway, but that matter was too important to take any chances. Besides, Fei deserved more. She deserved better than to be treated than a curiosity and something to be studied. She had been a mother, and her descendants still walked this world.

That was something that ultimately made him approach Stan, provided that the little Tunawa happened to be nearby. “As the High Priest of the Glass Temple, would you be willing to say a prayer, to Xiur, to Ziell, to all the protectors of Scalvoris and to Fei, and for her, provided that you have time?” he wanted to know. That those brave souls succeeded in their mission and released the Induks was important, and he would never just rely on prayers (he preferred to be proactive rather than relying on divine intervention), but the Immortals and their creators needed to be considered as well in his opinion.

It would not be right to ignore them, to not pray, not even when there were so many important things that needed to be done. This was, ultimately, also a matter of faith, and for that reason, he said a prayer once more – and thanked both his father and his patron before he fell silent again.

Finally, he raised his voice once more though. There was one more thing that needed to be done. There was someone that might be able to help them and provide them with vital information, that might be able to help them save Scalvoris, but he realized that it would be better to let people know what he was doing beforehand, especially the Albarech and Stan lest they be alarmed.

With that thought in mind, he produced what looked like a red stone heart and held it up so that they would be able to see it. “I met with Vega Creede on Faldrass four trials ago in order to talk to her about the Heart of Scalvoris. She gave me this. If you put it into a fire, no matter how small it is, someone will appear, Chuckles, a fire entity that protected the ScalvFlame. I will do that now. He might be able to help us save Scalvoris from what is happening”, he spoke in a calm tone of voice and approached a flame, a small one, in order to do just that unless they decided to stop him.

The things that he was wearing as well as one of his mutations afforded him some resistance to fire, provided that they worked as they should, but he immediately stepped back nevertheless, and once Chuckles appeared, he inclined his head in a gesture of deep respect in order to greet him. “Chuckles”, he said, momentarily wondering how such an ancient creature had gotten such a strange name – he didn’t think that Vega had ever told him that story. “Vega told me that you want to look after Scalvoris. The island and its people need your help now. These people plan on releasing the Induks, restoring balance and freeing the ScalvFlame. You protected it for thousands of arcs. I would appreciate any advice that you are willing give”, he continued.

Chuckles did without a doubt have information that they did not, information that might make a difference, that might even lead to a change in plans – which led to another question that he had been wondering about on a regular basis since the trial that he had first talked to Vega about the Heart of Scalvoris and the ScalvFlame. “Can you tell me what the ScalvFlame that you protected is, what it does and who created it - and you? Mrs. Creede told me that it is older than the Immortals”, he added. What was happening now was about more than the son of Qylios and his daughter, about more than even the Immortals. It had, as he had already concluded before, its roots in the time of the Originals – and before.

People had been tasked with freeing the ScalvFlame, but in his opinion, going there without knowing what it actually was and what it did would be a bad idea.

A very bad idea.

OOC Objectives

Listed equipment in the spoiler below
Responded to the following reports: 2. Animals 5. Magic, 9. The University, 10. The Order of the Adunih/Isonomia
Made up an animal: Deliroth with goat legs that sings an eerily beautiful song
Used the words: Princess, sail, infection
Used the following phrase: Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to …
Failed at writing/deciding which information to record
Alchemically enhanced padded armor of masterwork quality, hardened, fireproof and warm (worn, created here)
Cavani’s Cloak (worn)
Ring of Reversal (worn)
Ring of Immunity (worn, signature item)
Ring of Paradigm (currently not worn)
Portal Boots (worn)
U'frek's necklace (currently not worn, gained here)
A domain bag
Tier 10 medical kit (in domain bag)
Writing supplies and an empty notebook
Research notes
A Grave Gold longsword of masterwork+ quality. The sword is a brilliant shade of white.
Clothes that are appropriate for cold temperatures.
Chuckles (given to Doran by Vega in this thread)

All Point Bank purchases are recorded in my Point Bank ledger.

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:31 pm
by Kura Wolfsdotter
Kura looked up at the departing Sohr Kahl and let out a quiet sigh as the three groups split off to head to their separate destinations. They were underway now, and she had work to do, but she hated the three break delay it would cause as they made their way there. "Right, let's get to work." she said, as she went back into the Glass Temple. She was Fire Hearted, owing to her status as one of the Fire Forged. Her Elemental Deputies were all there, as were Doran, Stan, and Ruari. Phelan, without waiting for Kura's order, had manifested himself again and was now doing his furry best to keep the poor kid warm. "All right, in all probability, the Immortals want us to remain here. Since they're on our side, I'm content to go along with them, but if we're goin' to be usin' this as a headquarters, we need to get it better set up for the role." she said, before giving Stan an apologetic smile. "I don't mean to be rude, but religious centers are not generally equipped to suit the needs of a war room. No harm will come to the church, and I will see everythin' put back in it's proper place when we're done." she said, before turning back to the deputies.

"Thaddeus, Thost, start gettin' messages re-routed to the Glass Temple. Any communication related to the freeze, the war, or anythin' unusual comes here." she said, nodding as the two deputies got underway. "Markus, Lorstran, start getting what we need to get this place set up. Troopers to do all the movin', clerks to manage paperwork, messengers and go-fers, the whole thing. Includin' desks and so on. On a priority, we're goin' to need plenty of braziers in here. People don't function well in the cold." she said, getting those two underway. "Jacien, you verify anyone comin' in here that we don't know. And send a quick run to my house, tell Pierce to bring my armor and the diary of faces. Ziell's keepin' things peaceful as best he can, but I don't intend to be assumin' that our enemies can't find a way around that." she said, her tone calm.

Once everyone was underway, there was naught they could do but wait until reports started coming in and things were set up at the Glass Temple. Fortunately, it didn't take too long for reports to start coming in from around the island. Doran seemed to have the academia well in hand, and she was content to leave it to him while she handled the rest. The weather was the most immediate problem, since most civilian methods of transportation were locked down. "Lorstran, send this order out to the Elements in each town. Get as many civilians as possible into a single location. Town halls, pubs, inns, whatever. The gathered body heat will help keep people warm, and you can consolidate things like braziers into those locations as well. If they have too many for a single location, use more than one, but as few as possible." she said, hesitating as she read a report about a pack of snow white barghests apparently roaming the streets of Almund. "And tell them not to touch the animals or cast magic." she said, as she overheard the report Doran was handling about magic.

Once that was done, she turned to address the gathered Spirits that each group had left with her. "Send word to your people, magic is goin' haywire, try not to use it unless you absolutely have too. Have them pass the word to the rest of their group." she said, her tone calm before she turned to address other reports. Liza and many of Sparrow's associates had disappeared, apparently. "Jacien, talk to those associates of Sparrow we have and see if they know anythin' about this disappearin' trick. I doubt the do, but I want to be sure." she ordered, before looking at the report from the Rangers. "Thaddeus, Thost, get with the Rangers and start doin' search and rescue. This ain't proper weather for this time of year, people are goin' to be stuck on the roads and on their boats and a whole heap of other places. Start gettin' them someplace safer." she said, before looking at the special locations report.

"Markus, tell the Troopers located at the Tower, the Immortals Tongue, all those places, to keep on guard and keep warm. The winter may be workin' against our enemies, but that doesn't mean they can be gettin' all relaxed." she said, before looking up at Doran as he started talking about Chuckles. She nodded at him. "Vega told me about him. We need all the information and help we can get, and if he's willin' to provide either, I'll be happy to hear him out." she said, stepping over next to the flame that Doran was using to talk to the Spirit. For now, she kept her silence and let Doran talk to him.
1 set of cold weather gear that she appropriated from the Elements
1 Hunter's Rescue: magic longbow that hides itself as a wooden bracelet that Kura wears.
30 arrows and a quiver that she appropriated for the elements
1 magic pipe that always has the right tobacco in it
1 set of night glow glasses
If/when Pierce gets there, she'll have her masterwork leather armor and the diary of faces.
1 life saving ring

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 8:32 pm
by Pegasus

They had time. Time to act. Kura got the place set up and after just one hour, it looked less like a temple and more like a command area. There were desks, there was information. People came in and out. Information, food, blankets. Answers to questions, and, more questions.

At the end of the three hours, as the Sohr Kahl landed in the three places, the situation was thus:
1. Weather ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
The freezing was everywhere. There were sub-zero temperatures all over the island. Even the shallow waters of the shoreline have frozen.
Reports confirmed that there were multiple injuries throughout the island. However, thus far no casualties reported.

2. Animals ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
Animals are behaving oddly. There are reports of strange creatures, previously unseen, roaming the streets.
These reports continue to come in. It's really weird out there. But there are no examples of these strange animals attacking. Just walking around.
There are many reports of normal animals dying because of the cold. Farmers are concerned!

3. The Towns ~ situation CLOSED ~ current status peak efficiency
Egilrun is covered in a strange multi-coloured mist. Faldrass too. There is no violence, but there are significant attempts at looting in all areas. Thankfully, the increased troops are able to curb it, but they do suffer from not being able to be violent themselves. Thankfully, arresting people is not a violent action.
Things continue in this vein. Putting people in to single locations helps - very much.

4. The Tower, Immortals Tongue etc. ~ situation CLOSED ~ current status peak efficiency
All places identified are reported as covered in mist / fog. It's the same mist in all places. Troop presence is high and they're spun out, but nothing is happening yet.
Troops are in place. Things remain quiet.

5. Magic.~ situation ongoing ~ current status more to discover
Whatever this is, it's impacting magic. Magic is misbehaving all over the place on Scalvoris - people are overstepping more easily, and things they should be able to do are blowing up in their faces (sometimes literally) - consequences are also apparently random and / or over-reactions to the situation. Magic is, it seems, rather off kilter.
The Professor from the Institute of Metaphysics believes that there is an "imbalance of ether", although is unsure why or how.
After a brief experiment or two they report:
- Alchemy still works - natural reagents seem unaffected. But it is much more "volatile" than normal with a higher chance of overstepping / backlash.
- Existing items / potions / things created with alchemy are unaffected.

6. Egilrun ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
The Egg, Liza, has disappeared. No one knows when or where or how at this point.
As an update, Jacien quickly finds out that Liza had been sending glass to Viden - it was well known that she was busy and that Viden was ordering a lot of glass. However, documents found at her home (after a thorough search) suggested a few leads - and they have led to discovering that the glass is then sent straight back to Egilrun. Namely, Slags Deep. The glass is referred to as "Drainglass"

7. The Sparrow. ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
All known associates that we can get - we have. But a lot of them have disappeared. Literally.
Jacien works quickly here. Over the course of three breaks a number of bodies turn up. It seems, he informs Kura, that the "rot" of the Sparrow goes deeper than they had even suspected. Disappearances include Liza from the Council, but also the Undersecretary for the Rangers, and various people from local businesses (Petyr [an alchemist / medic], the owner of the Bank of Scalv, Berlwin [Berlwin's Brews] and Crowther [from The Scribe]). Also Efah (the Bones) has been found dead - murdered.

8. The Rangers ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
The Rangers want to know how they can best help.
They are helping in Egilrun and are assisting with the Elements. Search and rescue is underway.

9. The University ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
The University wants to know how it can best help.
They send their professor - and they send all their books on the topics in question.
The library gets turned into a place where people can go for warmth, and the books on all things possibly involved get brought here.

10. The Order of the Adunih / Isonomia. ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
Guess what? They want to help too!
Four members of the Order of the Adunih came in to the Temple
- they brought with them supplies and equipment for treating frostbite.
- they also explain that, in the first aid kit which has gone with each group there is white heat which is a tasteless flower which can be eaten. It will provide temporary warmth. They are clear this is not a long term solution.
Isonomia work to prepare food, setting up emergency soup kitchens throughout Scalv.

The place was busy with people moving in and out. Stan is there, but will make himself scarce if needed.
NPCs you now have access to:
Professor Tag Fridson from the Institute of Metaphysics - knowledgeable on magic, unusual phenomena, Originals, Immortals.
Rose - the librarian.
Four x members of the Order of the Adunih
Chuckles appeared out of the flame. He turned and looked at Doran and at Kura, and he spoke.

"You know the Death Forged?" His voice boomed. Rose let out a squeak. Chuckles ignored her, and looked at Doran."To release those which are trapped, you must break the seals. They are the chains, which hold them in place. Chainstones. Three for each Induk, break them together or it will burst out and destroy without reason." He tilted his head, curiously, to look at Doran. Faldrass is free? I can feel him. Ishallr must be freed first, or Faldrass will fall into the water. His words were deep and rumbling. "With only one Induk free, Scalvoris is in danger! You must free Ishallr, and then Scaltoth and Sweetwine together."

The next question, though, that brought a deep and baritone growling noise from the creature who was, it seemed, not named because he tended to chuckle. Yet, when he spoke, it was jovial. "The Scalv Flame is the burning, beating heart of Scalvoris. Four Induks. Four Elements. It is the fifth, the soul which binds together the body. It is what gives life to the island, and allows the island to serve its purpose. It is connected to each Induk, by tunnels of ice and lava and water and air. The men in masks, they sacrificed to the ScalvFlame, believing they could harness it. Sought to strengthen the chains around the Induks, but The Hat-Man Arlo killed the Death Forged Rose and they did not succeed in their foolish quest. It is a great responsibility, to maintain the balance of Scalvoris. It is the gravestone which holds the pike."

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Ishallr in direct response to this thread
  • The Elements have flown up and are circling.
  • Ok, lovelies! You have a very specific situation here. This place is beyond weird. If you have an ability to withstand extremes of temperature (fire forged, marked, etc) - you still experience the cold, but like a normal person would if they were in the usual caves. If you do not have any supernatural mark / magic abilities, you will find it difficult to function. This is more cold than Ishallr normally is.
  • Any Defiers in the group would know that the elements here are .... well, for want of a better word, they're like they're over-caffeinated. They're not really "lucid".
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Respond to at least three of the reports.
  • Whisper something under your breath.
  • Use a piece of your listed equipment.
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use a malapropism in your next post.
  • Start every sentence with a vowel.
  • Face a fear (IC)


You get a summary of each place.
Ishallr: Progressing, but have hit issues (2 members have fallen in snow) - snow and ice are melting as they touch it - it's not normal / right - they can't stay still or they'll end up soaked. Also, there's a wolf howling. Not yet inside Gambit's Gate.
Sweetwine: There's a winged man joined. People are talking. Not yet on Emerald Isle.
Scaltoth: They've made contact with Ralgar. They've found the ruins of Fei to be surrounded by water, but it's frozen so they can get across. Not yet at the Ruins of Fei.
Next Post: Sunday 9th May

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 3:22 pm
by Doran
When the Albarech instructed her deputies, Doran listened carefully, standing a few steps away from her, arms crossed over his chest. It seemed as if they had had similar thoughts, regarding the danger that the cold posed to most people and the fact that so many people were coming and going, for example. After approximately a break, the Glass Temple started to look less like a temple and more like a command area, he observed and furrowed his brow very lightly before he decided that transforming the temple in such a way was a necessity; besides, the High Priest did not seem to have a problem with it.

Before long, he was focusing on all the new reports that arrived, and all the things that were brought to the Glass Temple again, anyway. It seemed as if it had been decided to turn the library into a place where people could go in order to get warm which had led to all the books being brought to the Glass Temple, and the head librarian herself, a woman with a most interesting fashion style had decided to come along. He nodded at Rose politely – he would likely have a word later on and ask her about books on certain subjects – before he thanked the healers and especially Professor Fridson whose help would be invaluable for coming.

“I do know her”, he confirmed in a respectful tone of voice and inclined his head a little later, when Chuckles wanted to know if he knew the DeathForged. Upon hearing Rose squeak, he briefly looked at her and offered her a reassuring smile before he turned to face the fire entity once more. Unlike the librarian he was not afraid of Chuckles, but he recognized that the presence of such a being could be unnerving, regardless of the fact that it wanted to protect Scalvoris. The poor woman had likely never seen anything like that before.

When Chuckles told them that Ishallr, Scaltoth and Sweetwine had to be freed in a certain order, he raised an eyebrow slightly as that was new to him. He could not help but wonder what could have happened if he had not sought Vega Creede out, if she had not given Chuckles to him, and if Chuckles had not answered his questions. It could, likely, have had devastating consequences.

He did not think about what might have been for longer than a moment though but focused on what was actually happening now again, and on what could still happen – and asked Stan to join the conversation with Chuckles. The Tunawa priest, he realized, should hear this as well. He had told them what they were supposed to do. People listened to him and saw him as a leader. He had some information, but he did not seem to know everything, and sharing incomplete information could have negative consequences. He had not told the three groups that the Induks needed to be released in a certain order before they had left, for example.

“This is Stan, the High Priest of this temple”, he introduced him to Chuckles. “He said that the ScalvFlame will forge itself once more once the Induks have been released. He also spoke about freeing the ScalvFlame. You protected it. What exactly needs to be done in regard to the ScalvFlame once the Induks have been released? How can we help in that regard?” he wanted to know and glanced at the little Tunawa priest and the Albarech for a moment, wondering if they had something to say before he turned to face Chuckles – he still did not know why he had been named thus – again.

“You mentioned the gravestone which holds the pike. Do you mean Pyke, the city that existed here once upon a time and that Chrien destroyed in her fury? Is balance the gravestone which holds the pike, or the ScalvFlame itself?” he wanted to know, again in a respectful tone of voice for someone like Chuckles should not be treated any other way in his opinion. In fact, all beings deserved a bit of respect in his opinion.

There were three other things that had caught his attention as well though and that were still a mystery to him to him. “Do you know who the men in the masks that sacrificed to the ScalvFlame were, what Chainstones are and how exactly one breaks a seal? Xiur also mentioned that there should be five Induks when I talked to him. He spoke about releasing the other four Induks, not the other three", he suddenly remembered, wondering why people had only talked about Faldrass, Scaltoth, Ishallr and Sweetwine so far. "What about the fifth that he called the Heart? Do you know more about it?"

"Your answer will help save Scalvoris”, he added, remembering what Vega had said about the fire entity’s desire to protect the island. Chuckles and he had a common goal.

He did, of course, have other questions as well, at least a dozen questions, if not more, but in his opinion, it would be a bad idea to bombard Chuckles with questions, overwhelm him and, possibly, cause him to get irritated - if he had not done so already. Knowing how one should go about freeing the Induks, knowing more about the fifth Induk and what one should do with the ScalvFlame – if Chuckles actually had the answer to that particular question – would be of the utmost importance though. There were simply too many ways in which the mission could go wrong.

He was hopeful, of course, but at the same time, he was a realist. Faldrass was already free, but the majority of those that had agreed to help free the Induks this time – including himself - had not been there the first time. He doubted that most of them knew what the things that they would have to handle actually were. It might be possible to accomplish the mission without knowing what a Chainstone was, for example, but it would without a doubt be harder, and riskier.

Eventually, Doran thanked Chuckles, very sincerely. The fire entity was free to roam the Glass Temple once more while the son of Ziell turned to address the new reports – and the updates to previous reports, as well as the first messages that had arrived from the three groups – some of which were quite concerning. Apparently, two members of the group that had gone to Ishallr had fallen in the snow and gotten wet which constituted a serious danger under such conditions – but it did fortunately not seem to be immediately life-threatening.

When the members of the Order of the Adunih explained that the first aid kit that each group had contained White Heat, he thanked them and approached the diris in order to relay the following message to the group on Ishallr, “The first aid kit that you have with you contains White Heat, a tasteless flower that can be eaten. It is not a permanent solution, but it will provide temporary warmth. The people that have fallen should take it immediately. They will also need to get dry, if they can. If they don't have any dry clothes with them, stuffing something under their wet clothes and creating an additional layer between them and their skin might help. If they start to shiver, eating something to replenish their energy stores might help as well”, he added before he turned to the healers once more.

“I’m not sure if anybody that has gone to Ishallr has a change of clothes with them and replenishing their energy stores by eating something will only help so much”, he remarked. “Is there anything else that can be done in your opinion? What would your advice be?” he wanted to know. He was a skilled doctor, and while he knew something about the prevention and treatment of hypothermia, those things were not his specialty, and thus he considered it prudent to consult the healers once more. Provided that they had any additional advice to offer, he would share that with the group that had gone to Ishallr as well.

The Order of the Adunih and Isonomia had asked how they would be able to help once more. There was, he realized, one more thing. Kura had sent out an order to the Elements, that as many civilians as possible gather in a single location, but it seemed as there had been injuries, regardless, and it would likely only be a matter of time until there would be the first couple of casualties. For that reason, he wanted to know, “Could you ask your healers to be on alert? It is not impossible that a larger group of people will need help in the near future. The current weather has already caused injuries."

A moment later, he turned to the reports on magic once more. When the professor from the Institute of Metaphysics informed him that they believed that there was an “imbalance of ether” and that alchemy still worked, although it was more volatile than it would normally be, he furrowed his brow fractionally as he considered what he had learned before he asked, “Could you try to find out if blessing abilities still work like they should? And if you know any Mortalborns, can you ask them if their abilities work normally? We also need to find out more about that ether imbalance. Furthermore, you previously reported that mages overstep more easily. Can you ask them what they feel when they cast a spell? Does it seem as if they run out of their ether reserves faster than they normally would?” he wanted to know – that was one of the reasons for why a mage overstepped. Knowing that mages overstepped more easily alone was not enough in his opinion; investigating the cause was important as well.

Of course, he realized, he could have tried to use his own Mortalborn abilities and his own magic; if something bad happened to him, if he overstepped or fractured, it could affect his work here negatively though, and it was important that he was able to continue to research, coordinate and advise. His Ring of Paradigm came to his mind once more, but he would not use it yet.

As he pondered his next course of action, he listened to Jacien’s report on Egilrun. Upon hearing him mention a glass called “Drainglass”, he furrowed his brow once more before he informed the Albarech, “I have heard rumours about a glass that is capable of draining ether before, back in Viden. Hart talked about shackles made of glass and a woman in a glass cage, and there are items that drain ether or block magic use”, he remembered, wondering if there was a connection, turned to Jacien and asked him, politely, “Do you have any idea who made the glass and what it was used for?”

Before long, he addressed Professor Fridson once more, and also gestured for Rose, the librarian to join them as she might be able to provide helpful information as well. “Professor Fridson, do you know anything about the Ruins of Fei? It seems as if the Scaltoth group will reach them soon. Some information might be beneficial before they precede”, he remarked, not realizing that he had made use of a malapropism, perhaps due to the fact that they only had a limited amount of time, and he was in a bit of a hurry as a consequence (He had actually wanted to say “… before they proceed”).

“And do you agree that magic malfunctioning and animals behaving and looking strangely and all those other events that we are getting reports on have something to do with the powers of the Grand Fracture that we talked about last time?” he continued – that was one of the reasons why he had asked him to come to the Glass Temple. He still knew comparatively little about the Originals and their graves, but Tag Fridson was an expert in that regard, although it was obvious that things were getting worse. There was another thing he might be able to help with though.

“Furthermore, do you have any idea as to what kind of part Audrae might play here? From what I know so far, she manipulated the Warden of Slag’s Deep into his Oath, and the Councilor of Natural Affairs wondered if she’s behind his powers, but we don’t know which part exactly she plays yet”, he admitted, aware that not everything that he had learned so far and that not all of his theories might be true.

Audrae’s involvement in the current conflict was one of the matters that he had the least amount of information on so far. Due to its importance it needed to be investigated further, soon.

Having said that, he turned to inspect the books that the university had sent and to Rose whose perfume, he noticed, was rather overpowering – which was something that did not bother him particularly. A very, very floral smell was probably preferrable to whatever substances he smelled of after he had spent an entire trial in the laboratory, brewing potions. “We are looking for information on Scaltoth, Sweetwine Woods, the Scalvoris Mountains and Ishallr”, he told her – she had not been there during the initial conversation in that regard. “I’m interested in landmarks, especially if they have a connection to the Originals or the Immortals and historical information. The current conflict seems to have its roots in the distant past”, he explained to her.

“Would any of the books that you brought with you be helpful in that regard? I would appreciate it if you could help me research”, he told her. No matter what her answer ultimately was, he would begin to look through the books, checking the table of contents and the indices first, before he delved deeper. His pencil had broken before, but he removed a new one from his domain bag, and his notebook and took notes about his findings and summarized what had been reported so far. There was a lot of information, and he was not sure if he’d be able to keep track of it all in his head.

Eventually, his reflecting on what he had been informed about so far caused him to approach those that had reported on the animals and their strange behaviour once more as something had occurred to him. “You mentioned that the animals are behaving oddly”, he remembered. “In which way do they behave oddly? And”, he continued, realizing that all those animals roaming the streets had to come from somewhere – animals normally didn’t just appear out of thin air. “Are they more common in certain places? Can you try to find out if they come from a specific place or move in certain patterns?”

“And ask the farmers to take their animals back into the stable, if they haven’t done so yet, or into the house, provided that such is possible, and keep them warm, wrap them in blankets, use hot water bottles or give them something warm to drink if they exhibit signs of hypothermia”,
he continued. While he was not a veterinarian, it made sense that treating hypothermia in animals was similar to treating hypothermia in humanoids. Cold was cold, and when you were cold, you had to get warm again. That would of course be easier for the farmers than for the group on Ishallr that would not be able to just stop, light a fire and fill a hot water bottle, or make something to drink.

“And please”, he said, to whoever was listening once the newest information, especially in regard to the destinations of the three groups and the challenges they were facing or would have to face had been relayed. “If I ask too many questions, let me know.”

That was a legitimate fear of his, at least in that particular moment. He was afraid that he might not consider an important and possibly vital detail, or make the wrong decision altogether. He had already done so before, a couple of arcs earlier, with nearly disastrous consequences – which was something that he regretted to this trial, deeply. He needed to face that fear though, he realized. Maybe some of his decisions and theories would turn out to be incorrect, but making a mistake was, at least usually, better than not even giving it a try.

In the end, all that you could do was give your best.

There was hope.

“Always, there is always hope”, he whispered under his breath, only realizing that he had not merely been thinking those words a bit belatedly.

Responded to the following reports: 1. Weather, 2. Animals, 5. Magic, 6. Egilrun, 9. The University, 10. The Order of the Adunih/Isonomia

Whisper something under your breath: Doran whispered something at the very end of my post.

Use a piece of your listed equipment: After his pencil broke in the first post, Doran pulled a new one out of his domain bag, got a notebook and started to write/summarize the reports.

Use a malapropism in your next post: Doran said, “before they precede” instead of “before they proceed”.

Faced a fear: Doran faced the fear that he is lacking important information and that he might make the wrong decision. Again.

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 4:27 pm
by Kura Wolfsdotter
Kura listened quietly as Chuckles, who had to have a better name, but he appeared fine with the one Vega had given him, started telling his story. Mostly, it was a very familiar one, and filled in some details they hadn't gotten. Including the rather important detail that the Ishallr group really needed to get a move on or else Faldrass was going to be destroyed. Again. Except a bit more completely than last time. The rest of his story tracked, and finally explained what that true flame had been under the docks. Of course, there were still parts of the story that needed filling in, but that could hold a moment while she sent out orders and checked on the new reports that were coming in. "A moment, please." she said, stepping over to the functionary that had been standing just outside the group, practically vibrating as he waited for the Albarech to notice him.

She let Doran keep up the conversation with Chuckles for a bit, though Ignia was perched on a brazier nearby so she could keep Kura appraised of the conversation. Much of the research on the supernatural elements of Scalvoris, as they pertained to the war and the current situation, had been supplied by Doran, so she counted him as the best person they had to get more information out Chuckles, as he knew the right questions to ask. There, however, things that only she could do on account of her position, so best to get those done. She gave the order that the current efforts to combat the weather be maintained, then turned to the animal situation. Most animals had already started to shed their winter coat, if they hadn't already fully lost it, so she needed to combat that. "Thaddeus, get word to the Menagerie and the office of Natural Affairs. Tell them to start workin' on savin' the animals of Scalvoris. Order of priority is farm animals, military animals, then wildlife. If either group gives you trouble, tell them Councilor Nir'Wei co-signed the order, which he will as soon as I tell him I'm co-optin' his people." she said, her tone firm.

Then there was Egilrun and Sparrow, and all that entailed. Doran had questions about Drainglass as well. "Jacien, see if there's any way we can get our hands on any of the Drainglass while you're findin' out who made it and such. I think we can assume, based on current information, that Liza was workin' with Sparrow." she said, before letting out a sub-vocal growl that did not sound human as her eyes started to get a gold tint to them. "Which makes two traitors on the damn Council so far." she said, before letting out a huff of breath. "Markus, Lorstran, find the rest of the Council and put guards on them. Not as an arrestin' action, mind. If we can find them, they're probably not in Sparrow's pocket. But he may try to grap them regardless and I don't want that." she said, before pausing. "Jacien, send some people to find Sidhe'nn. Our former Accountant was dealin' with both Slags Deep and the Loggin' Consortium. If he's still around, he and I need to have words." she said, her eyes turning all the way to gold as she spoke.

Then she turned to the communication array of Diri. "Send word to the Ishallr group. Tell them they have to release their Induk first. We need them to be quick as they can without bein' reckless. Then send word to the Sweetwine and Scaltoth groups, tell them not to release their Induks until I give the word or it will be disastrous for Scalvoris. Send word to all three groups that we're lookin' into the possibility of a fifth Induk." she said, before looking specifically at Squeak, the small spirit wolf that was the link to Nir'wei. "Tell Nir'wei I'm co-optin' the Menagerie and Natural Affairs to deal with problems on the rest of the island." she said, before she turned back to Doran and Chuckles.

"Doran, I wanted to thank you. Academics aren't quite my strong suit, at least not the type we're usin' here. Your handlin' of those matters is helpin' us out a lot here, both now and with the information you sent me earlier in the season." she said, giving a slight smile. "I know you don't live here, but after this, if you ever need help for anythin', Scalvoris will give you any aid we can." she said, nodding her head at him. Looking at Chuckles, she paused a moment. "Worth asking." she muttered under her breath and pulled the diary of faces out of the stuff Pierce had brought her. "Chuckles, do you know anything about ships with black sails?" she asked, opening the book and calling up the image of the man she had killed on the Immortals Tongue.

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 6:15 pm
by Pegasus

Current Statesince you had three hours, there are things you are finding out now IC which you probably would have earlier on in terms of IC time. So, if things seem to get done very quickly here, that's why, it's because I'll assume they started before of Reports:
1. Weather ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
The freezing was everywhere. There were sub-zero temperatures all over the island. Even the shallow waters of the shoreline have frozen.
Reports confirmed that there were multiple injuries throughout the island. However, thus far no casualties reported.
This remains the case - no fatalities yet.

2. Animals ~ situation ongoing ~ current status getting there!
Animals are behaving oddly. There are reports of strange creatures, previously unseen, roaming the streets.
These reports continue to come in. It's really weird out there. But there are no examples of these strange animals attacking. Just walking around.
There are many reports of normal animals dying because of the cold. Farmers are concerned!
The order has been given for the Menagerie etc to help. This will help - potentially a lot! - Also, the odd behaviour is that predators are behaving calmly, skittish creatures are confident, etc. THere is no pattern to them or their appearance that seems to be forming.

3. The Towns ~ situation CLOSED ~ current status peak efficiency
Egilrun is covered in a strange multi-coloured mist. Faldrass too. There is no violence, but there are significant attempts at looting in all areas. Thankfully, the increased troops are able to curb it, but they do suffer from not being able to be violent themselves. Thankfully, arresting people is not a violent action.
Things continue in this vein. Putting people in to single locations helps - very much.

4. The Tower, Immortals Tongue etc. ~ situation CLOSED ~ current status peak efficiency
All places identified are reported as covered in mist / fog. It's the same mist in all places. Troop presence is high and they're spun out, but nothing is happening yet.
Troops are in place. Things remain quiet.

5. Magic.~ situation ongoing ~ current status more to discover
Whatever this is, it's impacting magic. Magic is misbehaving all over the place on Scalvoris - people are overstepping more easily, and things they should be able to do are blowing up in their faces (sometimes literally) - consequences are also apparently random and / or over-reactions to the situation. Magic is, it seems, rather off kilter.
The Professor from the Institute of Metaphysics believes that there is an "imbalance of ether", although is unsure why or how.
After a brief experiment or two they report:
- Alchemy still works - natural reagents seem unaffected. But it is much more "volatile" than normal with a higher chance of overstepping / backlash.
- Existing items / potions / things created with alchemy are unaffected.
Drainglass - Jacien manages to find some if Doran and the Professor experiment, it drains ether. Marks, magic, the works - everything. But, as they discover when some of it explodes -it's very volatile. Blessing abilities are still working. Yes, absolutely - mages are feeling drained of ether more quickly. It's harder to control it, it's more volatile.

6. Egilrun ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
The Egg, Liza, has disappeared. No one knows when or where or how at this point.
As an update, Jacien quickly finds out that Liza had been sending glass to Viden - it was well known that she was busy and that Viden was ordering a lot of glass. However, documents found at her home (after a thorough search) suggested a few leads - and they have led to discovering that the glass is then sent straight back to Egilrun. Namely, Slags Deep. The glass is referred to as "Drainglass"
No further information this round.

7. The Sparrow. ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
All known associates that we can get - we have. But a lot of them have disappeared. Literally.
Jacien works quickly here. Over the course of three breaks a number of bodies turn up. It seems, he informs Kura, that the "rot" of the Sparrow goes deeper than they had even suspected. Disappearances include Liza from the Council, but also the Undersecretary for the Rangers, and various people from local businesses (Petyr [an alchemist / medic], the owner of the Bank of Scalv, Berlwin [Berlwin's Brews] and Crowther [from The Scribe]). Also Efah (the Bones) has been found dead - murdered.
Sidhe'nn is nowhere to be found. Jacien is not happy as he'd been having him watched. He disappeared at the same time as Liza.

8. The Rangers ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
The Rangers want to know how they can best help.
They are helping in Egilrun and are assisting with the Elements. Search and rescue is underway.
Elliot sends in a report - from information received by Ranger Oram Mednix. There appear to be "trails" of strange phenomena.
Black lines only, please ignore the red oval.
9. The University ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
The University wants to know how it can best help.
They send their professor - and they send all their books on the topics in question.
The library gets turned into a place where people can go for warmth, and the books on all things possibly involved get brought here.
Doran discovers, with the professor and rose's help - that the ruins of fei in the jungle are said to be the point on Scalvoris where "the first tragedy" occurred and where - many many arcs later, "a great power was imprisoned"
He also discovers that the "Emerald Isle" in Sweetwine is somewhere where previously there have been reports of strange occurrences. Kura was among the group who went there - and it was about closing doors?

10. The Order of the Adunih / Isonomia. ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
Guess what? They want to help too!
Four members of the Order of the Adunih came in to the Temple
- they brought with them supplies and equipment for treating frostbite.
- they also explain that, in the first aid kit which has gone with each group there is white heat which is a tasteless flower which can be eaten. It will provide temporary warmth. They are clear this is not a long term solution.
Isonomia work to prepare food, setting up emergency soup kitchens throughout Scalv.
No further news to report - they're helping best they can.

The place was busy with people moving in and out. Stan is there, but will make himself scarce if needed.
NPCs you now have access to:
Professor Tag Fridson from the Institute of Metaphysics - knowledgeable on magic, unusual phenomena, Originals, Immortals.
Rose - the librarian.
Four x members of the Order of the Adunih
Chuckles looked at Doran and considered his questions. He really seemed to be talking, for him, but his voice boomed once more.

"They will go to it" He explained. "Four of them, in balance. They must be in balance, or they will descend into chaos." He spoke like it was obvious - it seemed to be so to him. "Only when all four are balanced in the flame, will Scalvoris be in balance once more." How could they help? Chuckles seemed monetarily perplexed. "You go with the Induks, you mirror the ritual. The Induks are the spirits, but the people are the heart. One person stands for each Induk and balance is restored. Then, the fifth Induk is free."

The next question, about Pyke, provoked a nod. "The pike, yes. The place which was and which sunk. Balance is all of those things" Chuckles looked at him. "Balance is the four and the one, balance is the past and the present. Balance is above and below. We must be in balance, to keep the island in balance. Else Fei's grave will burst open." He let out a low growl, but somehow he didn't seem irritated at all. "The chainstones are what was used to trap them. They are seals. They hold in the Induks." He nodded. "The ScalvFlame is the heart of Scalvoris. The fifth Induk is the heart of the other four. How else could it be?" To Kura, and her question, Chuckles nodded. "The ships with black sails came, many times. First, to trap the Induks. Then, to attack. They sought to destroy balance, to take the power for themselves. They were mortal, but not. Like you both."

There was, no doubting it, a sense that Chuckles understood things far far more than his communication allowed him to express. But his language was not the issue. His nature was. He was so very much who and what he was that he could not see anything other than his perspective.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have stayed in the Glass Temple following this thread
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
None this round.


You get a summary of each place.
Ishallr: Darius is in the cave alone - his diri is with him - mist appears to have formed a barrier at the entrance. There's a big ice tiger.
Sweetwine: They're on the island - there's a huge tree - huge door. Mist has formed a barrier around them, keeping them on the island. The door is locked, there's a key next to it.
Scaltoth: The water is frozen solid down as far as the Warden-diri can sense. That's far down. They're at the ruins. Mist has formed a barrier around them, keeping them on the island. The rip in reality leads to an underwater place, and is big enough for them to walk through.
Next Post: Sunday 16th May

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 3:52 am
by Doran
The Three Groups

For a moment as the new reports from the three groups arrived, the son of Ziell could not help but wonder if Fei’s fracture had a tendency to affect the sanity of some of the inhabitants of Scalvoris negatively, and if Balthazar Black’s questionable mental state was not only the result of his various sparks getting out of control, but also due to his environment.

Two of the people that had gone to Ishallr had thought that it would be a good idea to take their wet clothes off in unbearably low temperatures. Darius Baer had wandered into a cave that he knew nothing about, alone, and was facing a tiger made of ice that might be about to attack.

The Sweetwine group had crossed over to Emerald Isle, apparently without wondering what might greet them on the other side; that was nothing compared to what he heard from the Scaltoth group though. When the report about a rip in reality that led to an underwater place reached him, the son of Ziell who had himself under nearly perfect control most of the time, had to resist the urge to bring his palm to his face in a very obvious gesture.

Immortals, he sincerely hoped that those people wouldn’t just waltz right into Pyke without a care in the world and readily subject themselves to the powers of Fei’s fracture now! Had they not heard his warning about the city that Chrien had destroyed in her fury? Had none of them bothered to take a look at his notes? Fei’s fracture changed you!

How long would they even last in there, especially the mages, and would they be able to find their way back?

Once upon a time, he might have despaired, slightly. What he had learned so far, did not bode well for the success of that very important mission. Nowadays, he decided to be hopeful though. A few of the people that he had met in the Glass Temple had made a relatively good impression on him. Maybe, they would be able to turn things around. Maybe, someone would listen to him, eventually, if he only warned them frequently enough.

Maybe Kura and he would be able to make a difference. With that thought in mind, he sent a message to the group that had gone to Scaltoth, as their situation was absolutely concerning - provided that the city that they had seen through the rip in reality was what he thought it was.

“You might be about to approach Pyke, the city that Fei founded here once upon a time and that Chrien destroyed in her fury – and Fei’s fracture. She was in the ocean when she died. Her fracture causes people to change. The more magic you have, the more it changes you, and the risk will without a doubt increase the longer you are subjected to its powers. An ancient creature might be trapped under Scalvoris, a creature with great powers. Keep that in mind, tread with nothing but the utmost caution – and pay heed to my previous warning. If you enter Fei’s fracture, you will be in great danger, and there may be no way back!”

“The Induks need to be released, in order, but do not desecrate Fei’s grave!”
he added because that could not be said often enough in his opinion (it had not seemed to have sunk in entirely yet).

A moment later, he already turned to the next report. Ishallr’s situation was perhaps marginally less concerning – compared to possibly waltzing into a Grand Fracture. Why had the group not stayed together in such a situation though? Doran himself was far from an experienced leader – he was an academic first and foremost – but he knew that there was strength in numbers, and that Arlo Creede’s previous experience would have been invaluable inside the ice caves.

Perhaps … no, he realized, there would be no point in contacting Darius, or his Diri. By the time that his message reached him, his former student would either be safe or torn apart by a tiger made of ice. Furrowing his brow slightly because he did not like this at all, he turned to the Albarech instead, because someone might still benefit from the information. “A previous expedition that explored the ice caves was attacked by a tiger made of ice with glowing eyes. Its touch was freezing. When it was killed, it shattered into countless shards and left a tooth behind. People also mentioned magic going bad there, among other things. I’m not sure if you have read that report. I made notes about my research, in case you didn’t. During the briefing, Arlo Creede also mentioned wolves, wolves that were tied to the elements. Do you think there is anything that we can do for anybody in the group right now?” he wanted to know.

Darius’ situation was worrying and more or less his own fault, but he would not write him off.

He did not ponder the Ishallr group’s situation any longer though but turned to check the report on the last group, the one that had gone to Sweetwine instead and that seemed to fare much better than the others so far, at least judging by what limited information he had so far. “They have reached Emerald Isle and the tree. According to Professor Fridson you were part of a previous expedition. He said that it was about closing doors. What was behind the door? What would happen if it were opened again?” he subsequently asked the Albarech. He did not tell her that her help would be invaluable where the Sweetwine group was concerned and that she should advise them. It would be insulting to suggest that to her. Kura Mareth had given him the impression of being a very reasonable woman and a competent leader so far. She definitely knew that already.

“Thank you”, he said, referring to her thanking him for his help, in a very sincere tone of voice. He appreciated her words, more than she probably knew. “And you, if you ever need my help again after this, let me know. You can always count on me, Albarech”, he added. He meant that. Provided that there was still a Scalvoris after this – and he would be hopeful, for now – he would continue to help the island and its people.


Chuckles, he observed, as he listened to the flame creature, spoke perfect Common, but he did not communicate quite like Kura and he did, regardless, and some of the things that he said were confusing because of it. He thought that he understood the first part regardless though, mostly, at least, although he couldn’t help but wonder what that meant for the Scaltoth group. He had expected Fei’s city, or what was left of it, to be located much deeper under Scalvoris. The reports made it sound as if it was very close to the surface though, too close.

It sounded as if it had already have begun, provided that the rip in reality did indeed lead to Pyke.

(He was not so arrogant as to assume that he was always right.)

When Kura asked Chuckles about the ships with black sails, he nodded at her. He had not considered asking him about that, but it was an important question, a question that subsequently raised another question. “I think he is talking about the attacks in 718. They were trying to destroy Smooglenuff Manor and whatever Baron Smooglenuff was guarding. I think he’s talking about the one that they called The Beast. He is”, he continued and broke off abruptly as something suddenly occurred to him.

“How are you able to tell what the Albarech and I are?” he wanted to know in just as respectful tone of voice as before. Very few possessed the ability to detect Mortalborn. He did not know about the Albarech, but he had hardly told anybody so far. Yvithia, his Immortal aunt, knew of course, and he had told Llyr – you did not keep such things from your lover in his opinion - and his apprentice, but his apprentice was dead now.

“If you know that they were the same that we are, do you know whose children they were – and who sent them? Was it her?” He was talking about the daughter, or rather whatever had taken the Warden’s daughter’s place. He also couldn’t help but wonder about the woman in the glass cage that Hart had talked about again. Were they the same, or different? Was the woman who the girl had eventually become? Had she aged to a certain point?

And finally, he realized that an explanation to the Albarech was in order.

He had planned on eventually being less secretive about his being a Mortalborn, because he had no interest in hiding anymore, but he had not thought that it would happen like that. His tone of voice was calm regardless though, as he said, “I am Mortalborn, like he said. Ziell is my father”, he added. He didn’t ask Kura whose Mortalborn she was though. He would leave it up to her if she decided to tell him.

The Reports

“Do you think that the first tragedy was Fei’s death?”
he asked Professor Fridson and Rose when they discovered that the Ruins of Fei were said to be the point on Scalvoris where the “first tragedy” occurred and where a great power was imprisoned. A moment later, he turned to his colleague, furrowing his brow once more. “You mentioned that Fei had a penchant for studying odd things when we met a few trials ago and that it is easily possible that something is trapped down there. Could that be the same creature? Do you have any theories in that regard? Are there any sources that we could check?” he asked. If the Scaltoth group was possibly near the fracture, even the smallest hint as to what they might have to expect would be helpful.

“Furthermore, you mentioned that nobody has really had much luck studying the fracture”, he remembered. “Not much luck” was different from “no luck”, as far as he was concerned. “Did anybody study the Grand Fracture of Fei, or at least reach the first part of it? Where did you learn about it?” he wanted to know – that was something that he had not thought of asking during their last meeting. Professor Fridson had talked about people not having much luck studying the fracture and not coming back, but the information on the Grand Fracture of Fei and that it caused people to change had to come from somewhere. It was possible that people had at least seen its entrance (and that some Immortals and Mortalborns had shared their knowledge, of course).

“I don’t think I’ve thanked you enough yet, both of you”, he told Professor Fridson and Rose. He truly doubted that he would have managed without them, at least not as easily.


To Doran’s surprise, Jacien had actually managed to procure some Drainglass. When he asked the Professor if he would be willing to take a look (He was worried what it would do to himself.), the man confided in him that he had a mark and magic. At his prompting, the Professor touched the glass and subsequently informed him about what he had felt. The glass drained ether, marks and magic, and what more, it was quite volatile, which caused the son of Ziell to immediately make a step back and subsequently furrow his brow, deep in thought once more.

He had thought that the Drainglass simply kept a mage from casting, not unlike Paradigm Cuffs, but it was entirely different, and it led to a question, or rather several questions that both Jacien and Kura needed to hear, he realized. With that thought in mind, he gestured for both of them to come closer and spoke, “Drainglass drains ether, but not only domain magic ether. It also drains that which causes mark abilities to work. There are different kinds of ether”, he explained, in case they didn’t know.

“Ether usually doesn’t just disappear”, he continued. “It goes somewhere. It is possible to transfer ether or redirect it. Transmuters can absorb energy. Alchemists can use the blood of mages in order to infuse items with a spell. Those items only have a limited capacity though. Once it has been spent, they stop working, unless recharged. Ether is fleeting. It doesn’t last, at least not when you put it somewhere else”, he remarked, wondering if he was about to come to a very important realization.

“Could that be the reason why so much glass was brought to Slag’s Deep, because it doesn’t last and because it’s so volatile?” he wanted to know and looked at Jacien questioningly before he turned to the Professor that had examined the glass once more. “Do you think that the glass could be used to build something, such shackles, or a cage, and could it be used to either drain ether from outside or inside the cage? Why did they send so much glass to Slag’s Deep, what did they do with it, and where exactly does the ether go?” he wondered again before he decided. "We need to figure that out." What exactly had Slag’s Deep made with the glass, and why?

“And what is it made of?” he added. “During the briefing, Oram Mednix mentioned that Slag’s Deep mines sand that gets made into glass in Egilrun and a workaround involving Viden. Do you have any idea what kind of sand is being mined in Slag’s Deep?”

“May I ask what your name is, by the way?”
he finally spoke to the Professor that he had previously talked to. The man had already been quite helpful. It didn’t seem right to him to not even know who he actually was.


Oram Mednix, Doran decided, had provided them with several important pieces of information, but the map was, possibly, among the most interesting ones. As he examined the lines and the different locations on it, he could not help but remember Kura’s previous request. “Albarech, when I first contacted you, you asked me about connections between the Heart, Sweetwine Wood, Faldrass, Ishallr, Immortals Tongue and Slag’s Deep. People historically avoided settling in those places. They have all been marked on this map. The Tower is the only location that was not on your original list”, he continued, wondering what exactly the meaning of that was.

“And the lines … there are caves tunnels under Scalvoris that connect the entire island - the true home of the pirate lords according to a source that I found. Watch is believed to be the entrance. One of the lines leads right through the bay. You have to travel through Treid’s Mouth in order to reach Immortal’s Tongue. Is there any way to find out what is under those lines? What makes the Tower special, and what about that bridge where some of the lines cross?” he asked.

“Did anything strange happen on or around that bridge?” he wanted to know, addressing whoever had brought that report. “Could there be some sort of concentration of power where the lines cross? Has Fei’s fracture started to leak? And the mist. The mist is in all those places, and all three groups are facing barriers of mist. A strange mist already descended over Scalvoris a couple of arcs ago”, he suddenly remembered – he had not paid a lot of attention to that particular phenomenon before because there was so much that needed to be considered. “We need to find out more about the lines, which direction they actually run in, and the places where the lines meet - and what exactly that mist is. One of the lines goes through Scalvoris Town, but no lines start, end or cross there. Furthermore, Almund, Havadr, Gunvorton and Darbyton have not been marked at all”, he realized. He would start to investigate in that regard, and ask people for advice and help, once he had discussed the matter with the Albarech and Jacien.

“Albarech, Jacien, do you know if there is anything different about those places?” he asked. In his opinion, they might be just as important as those where the lines met. Was there something or someone that kept them from being affected, or had Oram Mednix just not gone there? "Yeva", he added. "Mentioned the Chief of Havadr." The Hero of Faldrass had talked about his curse. Linca had, from what he knew, played a very important part.

“And the animals”, he remembered. “Their current behaviour seems to stand in contrast to their normal behaviour. There does not seem to be a pattern … but”, he continued, addressing those that had reported on the animals and the oddities that surrounded them. “Are pets and farm animals affected at all, or only animals that live in the wilderness? Can you try to find out if any farmers or pet owners have noticed anything out of the ordinary?” he wanted to know before he fell silent once more.

As he researched – and waited for new reports – he could not help but wonder about her again. Audrae. She had manipulated the Warden. What if he was not the only one that she manipulated? What if there were people listening here, in this temple, the wrong kind of people? What if Audrae, the Warden, the Daughter or people that worked for them or were being manipulated by them were here? It would be strange for them to just ignore the Glass Temple, especially knowing what he had learned so far.

And besides, Hart had said something about the Warden watching all of them before, he remembered.

What if …

His thought still only half-formed, he approached Kura once more and gestured for her follow him, away from a certain young person. Once he was reasonably sure that she could not hear them, he admitted to the Albarech, lowering his voice to a mere whisper as he did so, “Albarech, I’m worried that Audrae or the Warden, or people that are connected to them might be spying on us. Albarech, … how much attention did you pay to Ruari recently? When did you last check on her? She was held captive in Slag’s Deep for a very long time. Remember what Hart said during the briefing, about someone watching us”, he reminded the Albarech, half expecting her to plainly refuse to believe that there might be anything wrong with Hart's daughter. People often tended to be blind where children concerned.

It needed to be said though.

He had suspected the Professor from the Institute of Metaphysics of being the spy at first (the man had told him that he was marked, but not which mark exactly he had), or Stan, because of his sharing information that had turned out to be incorrect and that could have had devastating consequences. Manipulating them or impersonating them would have been much harder though, and besides, the Professor had not been there in the beginning. People tended not to suspect the innocent looking ones, the small ones, the victims. It was possible that Ruari was being manipulated, or that she was in fact not Ruari at all.

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 7:57 pm
by Kura Wolfsdotter
Three Groups

Kura let a low growl as the Diri reported in on their groups progress. Ishallr was becoming vital and it already seemed to be falling apart, Scaltoth was in danger of falling into a Grand Fracture and probably pissing off Fei, while the Sweetwine Woods group was going slow. She heard Doran's warning about Pyke, but she had her own to add. "Do not enter Pyke if you can avoid it. Chrien attacked Scalvoris earlier this Trial, that's what those storms were. One of the things she's angry about is the possibility of our war with Slags Deep spillin' over into Pyke. We cannot afford to anger her unnecessarily right now, so we will not be enterin' Pyke if we can avoid it." she sent through the Diri.

As for the Ishallr group, all she could do was shake her head. "Darius, animals are feelin' peaceful all across Scalvoris. Don't antagonize it if you can avoid it. No one from that original expedition is still on the island, so our advice is limited there." she said, grimacing slightly. When Doran asked if they could do anything for them, she just shook her head. "I have no idea. Our contact is limited and it would take breaks for us to get them any further support. I'm open to suggestions though, to be sure." she said, before nodding at the mention of the Sweetwine expedition. "Aye, I was there. There was a door in a tree. It was open at the time, and strangeness was spilin' out. All we did was close the door, but we knew naught about the Induks at the time. That's why I told the Sweetwine group to start by seein' if that door is still there. As is, though, their slow pace doesn't concern me, since Ishallr has to free theirs first." she said, her tone calm. She did, however, smile slightly when he offered further aid. "It's always good to have reliable allies. I look forward to working' with you in the future, though hopefully on more peaceful matters."


Kura had already been thinking about the Black Sails, but when Doran asked how Chuckles knew what they were, she gave a half-irritated wave. "Like as not, we look completely different to than regular Mortals do, since Mortalborn have an inherent source of Divine Ether." she said, before turning back to the more important matter. She hadn't really made her Mortalborn status a public thing, but she figured it was at the point of being an open secret at this point anyway. "But if those people on the black sailed ships were Mortalborn, they were a sorry lot indeed. The one I went up against died in seconds. From what I can tell, they were all power and naught else. Complacent in their old age, perhaps." she said, her tone curious.

When Doran explained his father was, though, she turned to him and smiled. "Karem's daughter, hence why people, spirits and Immortals in particular, are wont to refer to me as "Wolfsdotter"." she said, shaking her head. Then she frowned and turned to look at Chuckles again. "There's a tree with a door in Sweetwine. I assume it to be important, but do you know anythin' of it?" she said, her tone intent.


When it came to fiddling with the Drainglass Jacien had acquired for them, Kura let Doran take the lead, since he was a better researcher than her. "Someone...blast, I don't remember who, someone said that the Warden's daughter was in a glass cage. Could be the Warden's usin' that to try and retain some measure of control and restraint over the creature that's wearin' his daughters body. As for what sand...offhand, I'm not sure. Slag's Deep somehow wormed its way into bein' its own separate territory, and they weren't exactly forthcomin'. If you can find out though, Jacien, it could be very useful." she said, her tone thoughtful.

Then Doran wanted to talk to her about her earlier request and she nodded. "Lorstran, see if you can find any secret tunnels on the Watch. And got put some eyes on that bridge Doran's talkin' about. If there's some oddness in either place, best we know about it." she said, in response to Doran asking if they could find anything out about those lines. "As to the Tower, no one goes in or out. Way back durin' the Pirate Lords reign, the Eternal Empire had a presence here on Scalvoris, and Empress Raskalarn had the Tower under guard. When the Council took over, Brandel and Rand saw fit to keep the guard goin', and I saw no reason to break with the policy when Brandel stepped down. I get the feelin' it's particularly special, but no one seems to know anythin' of any importance about the place." she said, shaking her head.

When the topic of Almund, Darbyton, Gunvortun, and Havadr came up, Kura shook her head. "I know of nothin' particular special about them, but just as likely it's the direct opposite. Could well be they're just towns made because they're in a good place to build a town, rather than because they're sittin' on some ancient connection to long lost Induk and the grave of an Original, and the mist is poppin' up in places with a connection to Fei's grave and the Induk." she said, her tone thoughtful.

Then she turned to the reports that were under her control. She frowned at the animal reports, feeling something was missing, then snapped her fingers. "Find out what the predators are eatin', yeah? And if animals that are normally pack or herd animals are runnin' about on their own." she said, her tone calm. Side'hnn had disappeared as well as Liza and Kura let out a borderline murderous growl. "Jacien, get with Lorstran. Sieze all property belongin' to Side'hnn and Liza and turn them upside down. Find anythin' connectin' to Slags Deep or..." she said, trailing off for a moment, then swearing. "Or the Loggin' Consortium. Turn their old stuff upside down as well and see if their leaders have disappeared as well. We've been treatin' them as an entirely separate groups, but now I'm not so sure." she said, her tone cold.

When Doran asked her about Ruari, Kura looked over at the child, and Phelan who had been sitting next to her since Hart left the girl in her care. "I'm always watchin' her, thanks to my familiars. I'll know when somethin' goes wrong." she said, reaching to Phelan for a report on Ruari's condition.

Re: [The Forging] Life & Death

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 4:17 pm
by Pegasus

The Three Groups:

Darius' Diri is able to report to you - you know what is happening to him. However, it becomes obvious that he can not hear her. She doesn't hesitate, she tries to go to him, but she can't. You have the information coming in, but no means of communicating out.

Arlo's Diri is in exactly the same situation. So you know what is going on in that thread. They don't know you do.

Darius has changed his clothes and has made contact with what seems to be an intelligent tiger. It is trying to lead him somewhere deeper in the caves.
Outside the caves, Elisabeth is suffering from the cold, has not yet finished changing her clothes. She is unable to get into the cave, as the mist is solid. The ghost says it's going to "drain her dry" - and Arlo has seen the SkeeterwampulusDoran, I know that thread isn't finished, but this might be important info and so, like in other threads, you have permission to have that knowledge from a tale.

They have arrived at an islet which is frozen around it. Hart and Ralgar have explored one side - Nir'wei the other. They've found an entrance down, some steps down.
The words of the crow to Woe echo around from a crow in the Temple.

Summary They've discovered a new way in!

They have discovered that the fireflies in the mist teleport you and turn you funny colours! They've also opened the door and found that behind it is an impossibly large concert hall. Finally, they've discovered that there are anomalies in terms of what they see and how big that tree is.

Summary It's open - and it's weird!

"That is the Tree" Chuckles explained when Kura asked. "The Song Tree of Sweetwine. They will find the Induk there." Then, to Doran's question of how he could tell that they were different, he answered honestly. "You look different." If Doran was any judge - Chuckles thought that was fairly obvious. "I don't, no. Do you?" He gave a smile, trying to encourage Doran and Kura to ask sensible questions he could answer (as he saw it) but in truth, he was having as much trouble making sense of them, as they were of him.

But then, they seemed to engage in some strange ritual. So he spoke. "I am Brother Chuckles, named by the Death Forged who freed the Scalv Flame" Which at least explained his name.

"I am fire and ice, I am song and soul. I was created in a state of balance, and I am eternal. I see you - you are different. She is different," He pointed to Ru "Some of those who were here, they were different, too." He nodded. "The ScalvFlame a flame of four, as am I. You are peace. You are wolf. You are ...." He looked at Ru and frowned. "I can not see what you are. You are hidden"

The Glass Temple:
Phelan reported that Ru was here, Ru was fine. Ru looked at Kura and she looked at Doran and she sat. She was calm and quiet, she leaned against Phelan. To Kura's eyesDetection novice she seemed perfectly fine. But DoranDetection Master saw something else.

She was following their conversation. She was listening and she was paying attention. She was sitting, quietly, and she was watching with real intent.

She was also two arcs old. These two things did not compute. Not at all.

Looking at Doran, she smiled. At his whispered words to Kura?

Her nose started to bleed. She sat, blood first trickling and then pouring down her face - and she appeared not to notice it.

The Reports:
Current Statesince you had three hours, there are things you are finding out now IC which you probably would have earlier on in terms of IC time. So, if things seem to get done very quickly here, that's why, it's because I'll assume they started before of Reports:
1. Weather ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
No change.

2. Animals ~ situation ongoing ~ current status getting there!
It hasn't been going on long enough for reports on animal eating behavior etc - but it's one of the things the menagerie is worried about and can help with. Yes - pack animals are individual, and vice versa.
All animals are impacted.

3. The Towns ~ situation CLOSED ~ current status peak efficiency
No change in status.
There are legends about the bridge - that it is a place you can go to meet an evil spirit who will trade your soul for gifts. It's odd - because it's a bridge and those sorts of legends are usually reserved for crossroads.

4. The Tower, Immortals Tongue etc. ~ situation CLOSED ~ current status peak efficiency
No change in status.
People have been dispatched to find out about Watch. That will take time.

5. Magic.~ situation ongoing ~ current status more to discover
Doran is correct - if Drainglass was put together appropriately - he thinks it might be able to be used to syphon ether, like a ghost syphons life force. But it would be a very involved process and to be sure he'd have to try - but it would take weeks of work.

6. Egilrun ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
The Egg, Liza, has disappeared. No one knows when or where or how at this point.
As an update, Jacien quickly finds out that Liza had been sending glass to Viden - it was well known that she was busy and that Viden was ordering a lot of glass. However, documents found at her home (after a thorough search) suggested a few leads - and they have led to discovering that the glass is then sent straight back to Egilrun. Namely, Slags Deep. The glass is referred to as "Drainglass"
No further information this round.
The Logging Consortium is the missing link - yes - all members of the Logging Consortium have disappeared, but a thorough search of the home of Cornell finds a hidden tunnel which seems to connect to other tunnels running beneath Darbyton. Would Kura like these explored now, or when there is more available personnel?

7. The Sparrow. ~ situation ongoing ~ current status needs attention
All known associates that we can get - we have. But a lot of them have disappeared. Literally.
Jacien works quickly here. Over the course of three breaks a number of bodies turn up. It seems, he informs Kura, that the "rot" of the Sparrow goes deeper than they had even suspected. Disappearances include Liza from the Council, but also the Undersecretary for the Rangers, and various people from local businesses (Petyr [an alchemist / medic], the owner of the Bank of Scalv, Berlwin [Berlwin's Brews] and Crowther [from The Scribe]). Also Efah (the Bones) has been found dead - murdered.
Sidhe'nn is nowhere to be found. Jacien is not happy as he'd been having him watched. He disappeared at the same time as Liza.
Jacien replies immediately, that there are rumours of Slags Deep having white sand, so he has heard, of a type unlike any other. He sends feelers out to Egilrun, but suggests also asking Woe and Oram.

8. The Rangers ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
No change in status.
The lines found by Oram take a lot of research. But something is immediately apparent to Doran. They are different. The lines from Faldrass, Ishallr, Sweetwine and Scaltoth all go towards the mountain. They converge on one point - it is a point in the mountains where the "Death Forged" met Chuckles.

The other three lines form a circuit of their own. A triangle which seems to almost "hold down" or "restrain" or "focus" the lines of weird energy which travel from the four places to the mountains.

9. The University ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
No change in status.
The Professor is Professor Saffie Realmis. Surreptitiously, Jacien checks out these people here and then reports to Kura that they're ok.
Professor Fridson thinks that the Great Shattering - the time when all of the Originals died - is the First Tragedy.
He think that there are likely to be creatures the like of which we've never seen down there - but is quick to point out that this is pure speculation.
Although - there are caves with paintings and carvings on Immortals Tongue. He says that they depict a battle, not for good or evil, it seems - but for chaos vs order. Balance vs destruction. They show a great monster devouring Scalvoris as it falls into the Hollow Sea.
As for the location of Pyke - he has read that Pyk is enclosed within a huge, bubble shaped cave that the very island of Scalvoris formed around. He has read tales that it is unable to be teleported to or such, because it interferes with magic and the casting of any magic has extreme effects there. He tells of a legend he read where U'frek made a tunnel down to the city, but that it was so dangerous that none dared go there, without U'frek's compass. But this is all legend and not reliable, he stresses.

9a: Audrae
There are rumours / beliefs that Audrae is behind a lot of this - that she has helped the Warden in hiding what is going on in Slags Deep. Xiur told Doran previously that Audrae was deceiving the Warden.
Vhalar told Oram that the Warden's daughter's birth was "shrouded in shadow" - that before that he was hopeful.
Vhalar also told Oram that none of the Immortals know who the daughter is - she is hidden from them. thread
Audrae seems to have appeared to Ru when she was held captive - she was the "Shadow Lady"
While he was with her, Ru couldn't see Hart.

9b: Mist
Mist was what was surrounding Scalvoris when Enri von Smooglenuff saved the children.
Mist came with the Shadowbeasts

It has heralded change in Scalvoris at least a half-dozen times. However - the teleporting / colour changing? That's all new (Sweetwine).

10. The Order of the Adunih / Isonomia. ~ situation ongoing ~ current status peak efficiency
No change in status

The place was busy with people moving in and out. Stan is there, but will make himself scarce if needed.
NPCs you now have access to:
Professor Tag Fridson from the Institute of Metaphysics - knowledgeable on magic, unusual phenomena, Originals, Immortals.
Professor Saffie Realmis.
Rose - the librarian.
Four x members of the Order of the Adunih

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have stayed in the Glass Temple following this thread
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
None this round.


Is only working 1-way with Ishallr.
Summarised above.
Next Post: Sunday 23rd May