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[Vorkund] The Tower Prison of Hel

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:18 pm
by Woe

Name of Location: The Tower Prison of Hel

Description: On the other side of Mount Ymir, several miles from Vorkund lies a single massive tower that was constructed in the same year that the village was founded. This tower is the foremost prison in Melrath. The tower is mammoth in width and reaches roughly fifty stories in height. There is no door on the ground level and all prisoners are airlifted to the top of the tower for processing and incarceration by either the winged mounts of the Valkyrion or the Avriel guards entrusted to protect the site.

This prison is known as Hel, and it is the only maximum-security prison in Melrath. The prison was established as a remote location to store criminals and traitors to the nation and the nearby Vorkund village provides the prison and it’s guards with any necessary supplies.

To avoid the possibility of corruption the Melrathi has placed a third party in charge of managing the prison in their stead. The Scarverlyth clan of Avriel guard the prison. The prison has never been breached nor has a single prisoner ever escaped the lofty tower with their lives intact.

There is no entrance on the ground. The only way to qualify for entry into the halls of Hel, whether for visitation or employment is to fly to the top level of the Tower, where the Chief among the Avriel and her staff make their offices, living quarters, and barracks. This can be accomplished either by flying, whether by mount or other means to the upper platform reception or by climbing up the tower. Climbing is a perilous proposition, and one had better be good at hiding and strong enough to maintain a grip on the icy bricks of the tower as windy gales blow around them. The patrols of avriel do not make distinctions between those seeking employment, and those trying to escape through the draft cells of the upper level.

Were one to somehow escape from Hel, they would do so through the open cell windows, by climbing down. Yet climbing down, even for those who are master at the sport of climbing, one would have to brave the vigilant avriel guards who fly patrols around those parts of the towers, making sport of escapees by scourging them until they lose their grip and fall to their deaths. It's rare for a non-avriel to survive a venture toward employment at Hel. One most certainly must earn their trust, or else risk treachery as the avriel takes the applicant's life in their hands in a trip to Hel.

Timeline of the Scarverlyth's arrival in Melrath: roughly 567th Arc in Ymiden: The Scarverlyth Avriel clan had in ages past left Athart in a desire to make their mark upon the world, believing their homeland to be far too small for their own ambitions. These haughty avians flew toward the far west and it was not long before they were met by the hordes of the Lotharro. After several poor interactions with Lothar men, the Scarverlyth clan ventured into the mountains of Melrath to make a home for themselves. Over the seasons these Avriel became well known by the Melrathi for their brutality and predatory nature. Many would avoid them and before long the situation came to a head when the Circle began proposing that the military force the avians out of their mountains. However, a clever member of the Circle proposed an exchange and a truce. The Avriel wanted an important place in the world and the Melrathi needed a place to store their most wretched of criminals. It came to pass that Hel was constructed and the Scarverlyth was given command of the prison. Even now the descendants of the first Scarverlyths stand as the guards of Hel.

Goods/services available here? If so what, how much? Indefinite incarceration, potential reform. Also, employment, which comes with a killer dental plan.
Credits to: Oracle & Strange with additions from Woe
Submitted for Development: 4/12/2021

Re: [Vorkund] The Tower Prison of Hel

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:35 pm
by Fate
Hello Woe.

I am not sure if you are interested in finishing this up, but over all I feel that this is a good description. My one pause is the history section on its guards. I would love for that to be included in the Timeline. If you would be willing to pull that out and clean up so this focuses the building and the guards, and then do a separate blurb below that with what you would like in the timeline (date please) regarding the migration and this deal I would be glade to review again and approve.

Thank you

Re: [Vorkund] The Tower Prison of Hel

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:51 pm
by Woe
Hello Fate. I've separated out the blurb on the Scarverlyth in its own section below, with a suggested date for their establishment. Let me know if there are any specifics that need further reworking.

Re: [Vorkund] The Tower Prison of Hel

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:02 am
by Fate

thank you