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Saoire's Dream NPCs

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:33 pm
by Pegasus
Dream of the Blue Turtle

A School for Idalos
Use this thread to create "classmate" or "mentor" NPCs. This will allow consistency between players and will mean that you can have more skilled NPCs than the usual "faceless" ones being played consistently without needing to go through the full approval process. If you use your skills against them, however, this submission MUST be linked in your review request to ensure that our Peer Reviewers can confirm.

As long as the NPC meets the requirements / restrictions below, you may play them immediately and don't need to wait for approval. It is perfectly ok for you to post them here after you finish your thread with them! Professors and other academic staff need to go through the usual city approval process.

All NPCs of this kind have up to 8 skills, it's just the levels that change. If you wish your classmates to progress with you, use the code below. PLEASE NOTE: These are the maximum skill levels. It's fine for an NPC to have lower skill levels than this.

Clarification: Consider these "flavour" NPCs. They follow the same rules as flavour NPCs with 2 differences.
1. They can be a significant presence in study / teaching / mentorship threads. If you want to have one student who is your buddy or nemesis or the joker of the class etc be with you in every class, that's fine.
2. They are more skilled than usual flavour NPCs.
3. Peer Mentor NPCs are included

Outside of the Saoire's Dream threads, the same rules as Flavour NPCs apply. You can meet them, see them in passing. Someone who isn't studying at Saoire's Dream or who isn't studying with this person might use them in passing. If, however, an NPC becomes a significant part of your story, then they should be submitted as a personal NPC or a city one.


Students may have 8 non-magic skills. All of these apply to courses and classes.
  • Novice / Competent Course / Class
    • 4 Competent
    • 4 Novice.
  • Expert Course / Class
    • 2 Expert
    • 4 Competent
    • 2 Novice.
  • Master Course / Class
    • 1 Master
    • 2 Expert
    • 4 Competent
    • 1 Novice.

Peer Mentors

Peer Mentors are assigned to people signing up to Courses only. They may have 8 non-magic skills.
  • Novice / Competent Course
    • 1 Expert (in what the course is about)
    • 4 Competent
    • 3 Novice.
  • Expert Course
    • ]
    • 1 Master (in what the course is about)
    • 2 Expert
    • 4 Competent
    • 1 Novice.
  • Master Course
    • 2 Master (in what the course is about + 1 related subject)
    • 2 Expert
    • 4 Competent
All NPCs are stored: here!

Code for submitting an NPC

Code: Select all

Name of NPC
Level and Subject Studying
Date started
Brief Description of Personality
Links to threads where used:
Code for adding threads where a particular NPC is used:

Code: Select all

Name of NPC
Link to new thread(s)
Code for NPC chaging what they're studying (progressing or adding something else):

Code: Select all

Name of NPC:
Existing Level & Subject:
Are they staying with this? Y  / N 
Moving to: 
Skill change? If so - fill in new skills below.
New Skills:
I'll move NPCs to the relevant tabs as they get approved, and delete posts here. Hope that helps!

Re: Saoire's Dream NPCs

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 6:15 pm
by Woe
Name: Noo (Pronounced Noh or Noe)
Race: Cadouri (Honey Badger)
Birthday/Age: 36th of Saun 698
Languages Spoken: Fluent Common, Broken Yari
Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Discipline 80 Master
Strength 80 Master
Endurance 51 Expert
Teaching 51 Expert
Athletics 30 Competent
Intimidation 30 Competent

Appearance/Biometrics: This cadouri stands at around 5'2", and about half as wide with a thickly muscled body beneath the coat of fur. His phenotype is largely that of a badger, specifically a honey badger with a mostly black body and belly and limbs, and a large back hide of white. He wears a very fine masterwork suit, even while training.

Personality: Ascerbic and fearless, he clashed frequently with his own kind. He's a first-generation Cadouri but has retained much of his honey-badger temperament. He doesn't care how big or scary a person is, he is only phased by the scariest of sights and mostly unmoved by temptation. He does what he wants, he doesn't care. He teaches subjects that focus on toughness and physical fitness, but will not teach combat training, as he was never given training in how to fight. Rumor has it he's looking for a teacher to teach him just that.

Backstory: Known for being a bit of a drill sergeant in Saoire's Dream, he often pushed the boundaries of acceptable behavior within the Dream by giving younger Cadouri what he called lessons in toughness. He was among the first of the Dream to exit from under Saoire's auspices when arriving in Idalos. Still, he reveres the mother of his race and still holds valuable lessons in toughness and grit that he passes on even to this day.

 ! Message from: Avalon
Hey you! I really enjoy this npc dev. A few things - first, we need to be a little more specific about the subjects he teaches if he's going to be a teacher at Saoire's School. On the other hand, if you are viewing him as more of a utility-type npc that isn't a straightforward teacher, he can be developed at a city npc instead. Oh, and remember that there are types of behavior Saoire allows, and that which she doesn't tolerate. Looks like he may be a bit borderline on that so depending on which way you go, you may need to adjust his temperament a bit. Just a little tightening and you'll be good to go! :D

Re: Saoire's Dream NPCs

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:27 pm
by Pegasus
Up to date - all NPCs submitted can be found in the first (teaching staff) or third (students) post here. Remember, staff are often also students, so can be used if it's appropriate!
Woe - see the modnote on your submission - let me know if you want to continue the dev, or abandon it <3

Re: Saoire's Dream NPCs

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 2:47 am
by Tristan Venora
Name of NPC: Philomena Potter
Level and Subject Studying: Novice Ensorcelling
Date started: Ymiden 723
Skills: Competent Research, Competent Detection, Competent Textile Production, Competent Science, Novice Ensorcelling, Novice Writing, Novice Needlecraft, Novice Leather Working
Brief Description of Personality: Philomena is a very curious young woman with a slightly child-like demeanor. She wants to know everything and doesn’t hesitate to ask questions that others might deem embarrassing. She has wild red curls, green eyes and a lot of freckles, and her tastes border on the eccentric. She is also quite studious and wants to become a seamstress, but not a normal one because that would be boring. She wants to make magical clothes!
Links to threads where used: Ensorcelling 101: The Beginning, Ensorcelling 101: Practice Wells, Ensorcelling 101: The Finale

Re: Saoire's Dream NPCs

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 4:51 pm
by Bedwyr
Name of NPC: Marley
Level and Subject Studying: Linguistics (Competent)
Date started : Vhalar 724
Skills: Linguistics (Competent), Teaching (Competent), Research (Competent), Writing (Competent), Athletics (Novice), Acting (Novice), Stealth (Novice), Endurance (Novice),
Brief Description of Personality: Marley is a cat Cadouri. He is rather plumb looking but much of that is hair which he washes and combs regularly to avoid notes. He is very curious and he also discovered he had a talent for languages and not knowing what people are talking about in another language sparks that curiosity so he is working to master linguistics as well as writing plays.
Links to threads where used: Here