As Maz and Elisabeth collected books, Maz remembered something about a book she had been tasked to help with. Grabbing her copy, she lent it to Elisabeth to read, hoping it would help in her research but entirely unsure what the young woman was looking for.
The young researcher spent breaks and breaks at the table, plowing through book after book, comparing legends and stories. But her eyes kept falling to the book Maz gave her. Finally, she picked it up and began to read.
The book itself centered upon Plonker and Dweeb, two adventurous granitees, creations of Geoupagus. Granitees seemed to be something like stone people as far as Elisabeth could tell.
There were many stories within the book, but one captured the young mage's attention. Turning the page of her notebook, she wrote the title of the book clearly at the top...then began.
The story went on to talk about the remains of a tavern, where the snow fell but melted almost instantaneously. Within the structure, a single glowing, metal flower. The ruins burst into flames and formed a figure, warning people they needed to leave. Plonker, a red-headed granitee, went into the building to rescue a child and happened upon the strange flower. Many things occurred within the building as Plonker talked to the ‘fire-dude person’, such as the entire structure being reborn, down to the charred boards…but the tavern remained aflame. The ‘fire-dude person’ transformed into a fiery Avriel figure…and Plonker tried to slash at the flower with her sword, which did not work as the sword became lodged in the flower.
The figure repeatedly changed as Plonker tried to figure out what to do, a glow from the flower inching up her sword, then to her, engulfing her in the glow. Everything went black.
When Plonker awoke, things were as they had been. The charred remains of the tavern were back. The flower, cold. But she was changed, hearing voices inside her mind, instructing her. They told her of things she must do…but one voice was kind. While others instructed her to kill the child she had come to save, this voice told her to save him, as he himself had done once before. He parted Plonker then with the words “focus on what made contact with the Death Forged Rose….”
Death Forged! Elisabeth knew that term from her vision! Quickly writing that down, she underlined 'DEATH FORGED' and continued on excitedly, realizing now that the story and her vision were connected.
Plonker then experimented with the flower, testing different materials against it. When she touched the flower with her hand, searing pain and an ornate rose figure appeared. Once that occurred, the metal flower shattered and was gone.
The story then shifted to Plonker realizing she was dangerous to the people she loved. Everyone really, but especially the people she loved. She left town and went up into the Scalvoris Mountains to escape people. But as she sought to escape people, the voices came again. They pushed her, tormented her…but she endured, traveling further up into the mountains. Whenever she picked up her sword, it burst into flaming, molten heat, frustrating her further. She was tired and emotionally worn out. There were a lot of one-sided conversations with Xiur.
And then, things were set right again….as Dweeb was sent to her by Cassion. She didn’t want to hurt him with abilities she didn’t understand but he refused to leave her.
Setting down the book a bit, Elisabeth considered that same dilemma as she wrote her notes, wondering if something happened to her, would Balthazar do the same thing as Dweeb had? The moment she thought it, she knew the answer. There was no question whatsoever in her mind and heart. Absolutely. If she ran, trying to protect him, he would find her - magic or not. If she were in trouble or danger, he would protect her and take care of her…and he would do so because he loved her.
And at that moment, she was reminded of how much she missed him.
Sighing softly, she closed her eyes for just a moment and thought about Balthazar. What she was doing in Scalvoris was important. Nothing less than ‘important’ could have lured her off Faldrass. Things were slowly crawling their way back to normal and she wanted to be with him…but it couldn’t be helped.
Returning her attention to the story, she continued reading, readying her quill for more notes.
Plonker still heard the voices in her mind, but one became louder than the others. It was a familiar voice, telling her to clear her mind…but almost as soon as she heard it, it was gone. It had been her familiar, trying to be heard over the clatter of the others.
Plonker and Dweeb stayed in the mountains while Plonker worked on controlling the fire that raged up her arm whenever she held her weapon.
Then, Elisabeth began to recognized elements of the story. A creature, named Chuckles by Plonker, rose out the rift, calling Plonker the “Death Forged Rose”. It was only then that the young woman closed the book quickly and looked for the author’s name.
Vega Lei'nox.
Vega had written the book! It was her story…and Elisabeth had seen parts of it in her visions. Quickly re-opening the book, Elisabeth found where she had left off.
Plonker and Dweeb descended into what was called the “Heart of Scalvoris”. One of the voices told Plonker that the “Flame of Scalv” would soon extinguish. Plonker realized as they descended that they were within a volcano.
Wait a minute. There was no volcano in the Scalvoris Mountains. So, either Vega had been mistaken…or they had been transported somewhere else…. or…there was an unknown volcano in the Scalvoris Mountains. Could that be true?
Reading on, Plonker described a “large, metallic series of thorned vines, wrapped around what appeared to be a large crystal, reminiscent of fire. Fire that seemed to be frozen, made solid, held in place. Its coloring was faded, a dull yellow and orange, like that of the final gasps of a campfire. The vines could be seen moving slightly, adjusting, squeezing a bit more on the crystal.”
A fight began. Plonker named their enemy “Wanda the Wonder Weed”, but it was described as a plant creature. Plonker and Dweeb fought, with the help of the voices inside Plonker’s head.
And they were victorious.
Elemental beings spoke to Plonker after the battle telling her that they were the protectors of the crystal, which was older than them and older than those whose marks Plonker and Dweeb carried. They confessed that they didn’t know what the crystal even did, only what it was and that it was important.
The tale ended with Plonker and Dweeb next to a campfire, speaking to Cassion and Xiur.
Sitting back, looking at her notes, Elisabeth smiled a bit. It was a great story, made better by the fact that she knew one person within it. Maybe someday she'd be able to talk to Vega about her adventure.
For now, there were some serious questions that the story brought up.