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Clothes for a dance

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:20 pm
by Hinata
Vhalar 15 720 10AM

Hinata came in to Faith's boutique because she was here for some clothes. It was time to replace most of her wardrobe, including the clothes she wore now which had many holes around her elbows and knees from all the work she did. Not only that, but she also wanted to order some nicer clothes for a special occasion that was coming up. She only hoped that she had come early enough for the clothes to be made on time.

Once she found an employee to talk to she would say, "I'm Hinata, nice to meet you. I want to put in an order for a really good quality dress. A red revealing one that wouldn't be horrible for dancing. Secondly I wanted to have a second outfit made that includes a pointed blue hat, a revealing blue tunic, and some thigh high black socks. The goal being to look mysterious and to stand out."

Hinata had never put in a custom order for clothes before so beyond giving general descriptions there wasn't much else she could do to help the employees. She didn't have much of a fashion sense either, apparent by the request for a silly pointed hat.

Hinata had other clothes she wanted but she was just going to pick and choose from the current stock for those. She wanted the ones she was spending lots of money on to fit perfectly because she would take good care of them. The others were likely to just get torn up doing work again so she wouldn't be too picky with those.

Re: Clothes for a dance

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:23 pm
by Pig Boy

Sasia was also shopping for clothing, looking for something perfect for the ball. Everywhere she looked in Augustin's Boutique, she saw... well near enough to perfection. All around, beautiful pieces and examples of tailored workmanship were on display. Sasia, strangely enough, wore a carved emerald mask, and a voluminous cloak around her shoulders that hid her figure. She looked rather shy, but very nonchalant, looking around the place and wondering which beautiful dress she should choose.

It was around that time that another woman, Hinata, spoke to her as if she worked there.
"I'm Hinata, nice to meet you. I want to put in an order for a really good quality dress. A red revealing one that wouldn't be horrible for dancing. Secondly I wanted to have a second outfit made that includes a pointed blue hat, a revealing blue tunic, and some thigh high black socks. The goal being to look mysterious and to stand out."
"Oh! That sounds gorgeous, really. But I'm sorry I don't work here... I'm looking for something to wear for... Are you going to the ball too?!" Sasia smiled widely at the idea of getting to know someone else that was attending the ball, before the festival got underway. "You should come to the ball with my Beau and I, if you're not with anyone already that is..."

Her hand reached out to graze a fabric, and sample it's texture, "Hmm, what color do you think, and what material? You said you liked the color red? That's always a popular standby" The fabric she was handling was orange, which made her pale green eyes glint softly beneath the mask. "I'm thinking something simple for once, I'm usually very underdressed to these sorts of occasions..."

Then she smirked, as she looked at the fabric, and shortly after let go of the cloth and looked fully at Hinata, "Well, I wonder where they are? Must be busy working in the back... I'll try the bell."

Sasia approached the main desk, and rang a bell that hung from the bannister. "Hello! Is anyone back there! You have customers!"

Re: Clothes for a dance

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:00 pm
by Faith Augustin
Vhalar 15th

It was one of those trials.

Two of her staff were off sick and they'd just taken a delivery of fabric, which had not been correct. So, Faith had heard the bell tinkle, and she had called out but, evidently, it hadn't been loud enough that either of the people here had heard. So, when the bell tinkled again, and a voice called out. Faith sighed, just slightly, and then she glanced down at her hands. She was annoyed, and frustrated, but a simple in-breath and then, she put the emotions into her hands and made her way out to the shop floor.

"Hello," she said, softly. Her voice was gentle and quiet, "I'm so sorry, we've just had a delivery and some of the stock was faulty. However, I assure you," the young woman who spoke was short, with long black hair and pale silver eyes. She had tattoos on her wrists and neck, and her fingernails were long and black. "You have my full attention now." The two women seemed quite different and Faith didn't think that they'd come in together. "I'm Faith Augustin. Welcome to my shop. Are you looking for outfits for the ball, or something else?"

Faith gestured to the shop itself. The place was filled with colour, of course. "We have off the rail and bespoke pieces, depending on your preference. Do you have any ideas in terms of either colour, fabric, design, etc?" If they wanted to browse, Faith would let them be, but she was also more than happy to help as much as she was needed or required. Then, she lapsed into silence to let them answer, so she could determine the best way to help them both.

Re: Clothes for a dance

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:06 pm
by Hinata
"Sorry to trouble you then," Hinata said to the other customer. Followed by, "I like red, it stands out but it isn't begging for attention. I'm Hinata, what's your name? Maybe we will see each other there." She didn't have much else to say to the woman as she usually ran out of things to say fairly quickly. Talking to people was one of the things she wanted to work on while at the ball. Though she really wanted to comment on that strange mask. Hinata thought it odd to want to cover one's face so she'd stare maybe a bit too much at it.

Soon, after the other customer called for help, an employee came by and at that point Hinata looked at the girl beside her and wondered if she would ask first or not. Whenever it was her turn to speak Hinata would say to Faith, "I'm here for a high quality red dress that's fairly revealing for that ball you mentioned. I'd like a white one too but that one should be less revealing. I wanted some other outfits too but I'll just browse for those."

Hinata was once again out of things to say. Buying fancy stuff was very outside of her usual comfort zone so just being here made her nervous. She was keenly aware of how many clothes were here and how much she would owe if she did something stupid like fall down and tear them.

Re: Clothes for a dance

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:50 pm
by Pig Boy

Sasia stood by, nodding with a demure smile toward Hinata. "It's no trouble... I'm Sasia, wonderful to meet you Hinata. I..." But then Hinata seemed to pivot back to the proprietor of the clothing boutique. At which point, Sasia drifted back to browsing, her hand extending from her cloth to lightly touch the fabrics and outfits on display, just lightly sampling the fabric. "We can touch these, can we not?" She said, "They're so beautiful, almost more than any other store I've ever been in..."

Sasia sighed, letting her hand fall back behind the folds of her cloak as she glanced to and fro from one end of the boutique to the other.

When Hinata was done describing what she wanted, Sasia dared to speak up, "Is it my turn? I'd like something in green, and orange maybe? And yes I'm going to the ball too! Isn't it exciting! Why... Wait a moment... You're Faith Augustin! By the Immortals!"

Her hand shot out of her cloak to cover her mouth, as if to prevent an oath from escaping her lips. "I didn't know this was THE Faith Augustin's boutique... If I had I wouldn't have come so, underdressed... But... Say can I have you sign something for me? I'm such a great admirer of yours, and I know someone who would love to have something signed by you..."

Unabashedly, she blushed at Faith and all but forgot about Hinata. Although the latter got a strange sense that Sasia was watching her, even while not directly looking at her. It was a strange feeling.

Re: Clothes for a dance

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:07 am
by Faith Augustin
Vhalar 15th

There were many people who made their way through the doors of Augustin's boutique, but Faith had to admit that "give me revealing" was unusual. Faith, however, was a consummate professional and she looked at the young woman who had asked for the red dress to be revealing, and the white one less so, and she gave a slight smile. "When you say revealing, can you give me some idea of what you mean?" As she spoke, she pulled from the rack, or pointed to, a piece which demonstrated her words. "There's plunging necklines, open back, high leg, open lace fabric... what is your ideal?" That she wanted it, Faith didn't doubt - but quite where would be important to understand.

"And, when you say revealing," she asked, her voice soft, "Are you wanting to have a lot of flesh on show, or would you like more of a hint, with lace and so on? A flash of flesh, or whisper of a promise?" Faith wasn't judging or suggesting either - but they were very different things. To Sasia, she smiled, "You are more than welcome to browse, to touch, to try on, any of the things here."

And then, it happened. Of course. Faith was more than a "well known" figure, she was famous across Idalos and she was used to this kind of reaction. Equally, she'd never quite be used to it and she smiled. "I don't know if I'm 'the' Faith Augustin, but I believe I'm fairly well-known, yes." false modesty was pointless, and yes, she was famous. She nodded her head, as Sasia asked about something signed. "I'll be very happy to help you, certainly," she said softly, but her attention was split between the two of them. "Once we've got both of you what you're needing?" She was friendly and polite to Sasia, but Faith was not the kind of woman to get wrapped up in terms of fame and fuss.

To Hinata, she said, "I think that maybe, if we start with this," she pulled a red dressImage from the rail, "and we can look at what you'd like to be taken away completely, or made more revealing with lace?. Once she'd left Hinata to look at that for a moment, she stepped to another area and got a different gownImage in green and orange. Holding it out to Sasia, she asked, "Is that too much orange, not enough green? Or how is the colour balance?" Pointing, however, to a mannequinImage she said, with a smile, "Or, we could go much more whimsical?"

Re: Clothes for a dance

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:30 am
by Hinata
THE Faith? Hinata remembered hearing some tales about a Faith over the arcs though she had seemed like a myth. Seeing someone with such a reputation in the flesh made Hinata feel inferior and jealous. She couldn't hide it so she didn't make eye contact with Faith anymore. She thought it might be best if she just got a few dresses and got out of here before she got dragged into embarasing himself.

"Yes, one like this but one that shows more leg and breast. I was thinking of one that has slits I'm the stomach area around here," she said while motioning to her stomach. She was referring to the first dress she was shown. "Also, I'd just the one color. I don't want to draw attention to the dress, I want the eye to naturally want to find where skin meets fabric."

Hinata blushed and glanced around the shop to try finding what she was looking for. This was just to busy herself should the other customer need anything.

"What's the deal with the mask?" Hinata would ask Sasia when conversation reached a lul. She'd tried her best to keep her mouth shut but she couldn't help it. "Not that I think it's bad, it looks good, it's just different. I don't even think I know of a shop that sells those around here. Are you from another city?" If she was from out of town then this Ball was a lot bigger of a deal than Hinata had expected.