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A Night of Cloaks

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:58 am
by Vincent D'Ordyn
Timestamp: 10th of Ymiden - 2nd Break
Location: Streets of Midtown

It had taken Sabine a few day to get back to Gray with the information about the thefts in Midtown. From what she had told him, it didn't seem like the thief had any particular target in his previous crimes. The only thing that seemed to be consistent was that he seemed to like hitting places in Midtown, and he hit places that seemed to have a lot of small, yet profitable items. Armed with that information, Gray had taken to the street of Midtown at night. Keeping himself alert to all the sights and sounds of the city at night, trying to pick out anything that sounded abnormal.

He had already spent two trials attempting to catch any scent of the thief, but it seemed they hadn't been active lately. Letting out a sigh as he leaned against a wall of a local garden. It seemed this night was going to be another uneventful one, when suddenly the silence of the night was broken by the shattering of glass. The sound seemed to have come from a few blocks up from Gray himself was at, so with no hesitation he started running straight in the direction that sound had originated. As Gray rounded, what he believed to be, the corner to the street where he had heard the glass break he saw the tail end of a black cloak disappear around a corner a few houses up.

With a small grin Gray took off after the cloak as fast as he could. He had finally found his thief after nights of looking, and wasn't going to loose him that easily. As Gray rounded the corner into the alleyway he had seen the cloak enter, Gray had enough time to see a darkly clad figure exit the other end of the alley and turn again onto the other street. Without breaking stride, Gray continued down the alley, but about halfway stepped up onto a crate that was against the wall and then reached up and grabbed the top of the building there, using the momentum from his running and a little strength to pull himself up on to the top of the one story building. As soon as he was atop the building Gray cut across the roof and ran to the front corner. From his height he could see the black cloak still running on the main road he had just turned on, though a few houses up from where Gray was now. With a quick look at the next few buildings, Gray took a few steps back and then charged to the edge of the building he was currently on, and then with a powerful push from his leg jumped to the next rooftop.

Landing hard, Gray attempted to save some momentum with a roll. Coming up unsteady, he took a few half paced steps before again charging full speed at the next ledge, and the next rooftop. This time he was ready for the landing and was able to come up from the roll with most of his speed.

A Night of Cloaks

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:14 am
by Vincent D'Ordyn
As Gray continued to run down the length of the rooftop he watched the figure in black begin to move towards an alley on the other side of the street from his current vantage point. With a curse, Gray drew one of his throwing knives and with a quick trill to check the weight sent the blade tumbling end over end through the air. Whistling through the air the blade buried itself in the wall of the alley just head of the black cloaked figure, causing the person, a man by the sound of the curse he gave, to change his course at the last second in the opposite direction.

With a self satisfied smile Gray again took a running jump to the next rooftop this time forgoing the roll and with a few staggered steps continued on. As Gray neared the next gap in the buildings he saw his target heading for the alleyway that made the gap. Adjusting his speed to get the timing right, Gray dropped into the alley and directly on top of the cloaked figure.

As Gray landed the two dropped to the ground and rolled together, though as Gray tried to get a hold of his opponent, the other figure place his boot in Gray's abdomen and tossed him over their head as the rolled together. Landing with a hard thud, and slightly disoriented, Gray knew he didn't have time to stay down, and with a quick roll backward came back to his feet. The man in the black cloak stood in the alley his back to the main street and was looking at Gray from beneath his hood.

"No need to do this friend." The man said taking a half step backwards. "I've got enough loot for the both of us to split and live well." He continued, and then quickly turned and started for the mouth of the alley. Though Gray was ready for him to run and sprung after him. He chased him for a few steps before reaching out and grabbing the end of his cloak. With a quick jerk he pulled the man back and off his feet. Though he didn't stay on the ground long enough for Gray to make a move against him.

"I guess it's the hard way then?" the man asked dropping a sack that he had had hidden other his cloak. Judging by the sound the sack made as it hit the ground it was likely the loot from the man's most recent burglary.

"Not unless you've decided to turn yourself in." Gray stated watch the man for beneath his own hood.

"No such luck." The black cloaked man said, as he sprung at Gray.

A Night of Cloaks

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:45 am
by Vincent D'Ordyn
Gray sighed as the man rushed at him. They always chose the hard way, or so it seemed to him. When the man was right on top of him Gray aimed a sweeping kick for his left knee, but it never connected as the man darted to Gray's left and then struck out at his face. Gray was barely able to duck the punch before a second one came flying. Though now Gray was on his guard, and was able to catch the punch on his arm, before striking out himself.

The two men trade blows in the alley for a few trills, neither seeming to get the up hand on the other. Then the man over reached on a kick that he had aimed at Gray's abdomen. Grabbing the mans leg before he could pull it back Gray mustered his strength and tossed the man into a stack of crates nearby. With a loud crash, he went smashing through them. A few trills later he tried to pull himself from the wreck, but Gray was already on top of him, and with no words, and little ceremony, struck him in the jaw, knocking the thief out.

Hands on his knees, Gray took a bit to catch his breath. The bastard had had more fight in him than Gray had been expecting in a thief. Rubbing some of the soreness out of his arms and a few choice areas on his abdomen. He was going to be bruised in the morning that was for sure, the man had landed a few kicks to his sides, and abdomen, and though his leather armor had taken most of the force Gray could still feel the soreness that spoke of future bruises.

After he had finally regained his composure Gray undid the knot in the rope at his waist, and unwound the ten feet of hemp he had wrapped there. Walking over to the unconscious thief, he began binding the mans hands behind his back, looping the rope multiple times around his arms before securing the binding with a tight knot. Then with the rest of the length of the rope he bound the mans legs, again looping the rope around his legs a number of times before tying the knot off. After Gray was sure the man was secure, he quickly patted him down looking for any concealed weapons or tools. Coming away from his search with a small knife, and a set of tools that contained a number of small hooks and pins. Gray didn't really know what they would be used for but he pocketed them away with the knife just to be safe.

Finally, with a fair bit of effort Gray threw the unconscious man over shoulder, grapped the sack of stolen goods, and left the alley. Making a quick stop at the opposite alleyway to collect the knife he had left in the wall. That done he made his way to the nearest guardhouse to drop off the thief for his bounty and return the items.

A Night of Cloaks

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:29 pm
by Malcolm

Rynmere rooftops can be used to get around quickly
Running: Rough surfaces
Acrobatics: How to land a jump with a roll
Detection: Taking up a vantage point
Unarmed Combat: Stopping a kick
Loot: Returned Stolen Goods.
Injuries: Bruising and fatigue.
Fame: +2

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5

Comment: Action packed! Couldn’t fault ya man, good work. If this the bandit from the bounty you are splitting with Sabine? If so, I’m awarding that but you need to make it clearer in the review request next time.