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Finding Faith

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 12:08 pm
by Darius Baer
Arc 720, 22nd of Ashan
The early morning fog had lifted, giving way to a crisp but bright trial in Scalvoris Town. The vast reflection of sunlight that blanketed the surface of the Hollow Sea, was interrupted by the outlines of masts and sails of the cogs and caravels that rested peacefully against the docks.

The break was early, but the town itself had been alive for some time. The scents from bakeries were fighting to cover the stench of offal from butchers nearby. The skylarks, having woken before dawn, had sung their song until they were drowned out by the hubbub of the local markets and the creaking of heavy-laden carts trundling over cobbled streets.

And in one part of the city, outside the Order of the Adunih Outpost, stood Darius and Yeva. They had both risen early. Darius knew Yeva would be excited, and so he'd been careful to get out of bed as soon as he'd heard the rooster's call, so there could be no risk of a panicked rush. He'd worn some of his finer clothes which, in all fairness, wasn't saying much, but he would at least be much more presentable the second time he saw Faith than when he had first met her on Ishallr. He had managed to comb his hair and run a razor through his beard, trimming it and making him look much less dishevelled than he'd been on the small ice island. He hoped that might count for something.

Darius turned, looking into the honey brown eyes of his good friend. He knew there would be nerves for the young woman along with her inevitable excitement, and he offered her a gentle smile. He, too, felt a sense of anxiety. The real Faith Augustin was much more approachable than he'd expected her to be when they'd met, and they'd shared a few harrowing moments together, but he still couldn't claim to know her well. Even so, he was optimistic that Yeva would be as comfortable in her presence as he eventually was.

"Ready?" he asked quietly, his gravelly voice gently rumbling from his chest. "I'll be nearby, if you need anything."

Once Yeva responded, he entered through the open door of the small building, and approached the reception area. He knew it probably wasn't his place to speak, given Yeva was herself a member of the Order of the Adunih, but he couldn't resist, expecting the small act to be his last involvement in the meeting of the two women.

"Excuse me," he gently greeted the person behind the desk, offering a polite smile as he did so. "Is Faith Augustin available? Yeva of Rharne is here to see her."

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 6:58 pm
by Yeva
22 Ashan 720

"Hi, my name's Yeva, I'm from Rhar-no... Hello, you must be F... Mrs.Augustin. My name's Yeva. My NAME'S Yeva. My name is Yeh-vah..." Scratch, scratch, "It's very nice to meet you. It's VERY nice to meet you. I've wanted to meet you...." A delicate neck tilted back and the young woman groaned in frustration. In her hands were a collection of note cards, which she flipped through helplessly and vandalized with a pen, unable to bring herself to enter the Outpost without a bit of help. It was a place she had been many times before since her arrival in Scalvoris with enthusiasm and passion, and now the very thought made her knees weak with nerves. What was she even doing? Meeting Faith Augustin, THE Faith Augustin? On this very trial!?!

Take a deep breath, Yeva. Just breathe.

At least she wouldn't be alone. Darius would be coming, which was good. He knew her, that was common ground to fall back on should she run out of conversation. The red haired medic shuffled both her feet and notes, pacing in a tight circle while the birds sang their early morning greeting, "I don't know if you remember, but I wrote a letter... I actually still have it. No. No," Yeva shook her head, voice muffled as she scolded herself in a hushed whisper, "I sound like a stalker. No letter."

Lips pressed together, at the sound of footsteps, she looked up, and spotted Darius approaching. Oh, happy trial! Releasing the bunched hem of her cloak in her fist, she rushed forward to greet him, "I can't believe we're doing this." She was a bundle of energy, absolutely electric.


Almost immediately, she studied her cards, brow furrowed as she mentally fretted. What Darius was doing for her was a delight, an honor; she hoped she was managing her emotions enough, else he might have second doubts involving her participation. She couldn't seem to focus on the rushed notes she had written that morning once he was here and she knew the meeting was soon inevitable. Walking was now a challenge enough.


Not in the slightest.


"I'll be nearby, if you need anything."

"Wait, what?"

Darius was moving through the front doors and to the desk, announcing their arrival and requesting Faith for her.

Yeva's face paled, "You're leaving me?" her breathing picked up as the women went to inform Faith and they were left standing at the desk, moments away from meeting an idol, "You can't go! I-I-I-I-" She couldn't even speak. He had said Yeva of Rharne was here to see her, not Darius Baer and herself. The brown eyed medic jumped forward, clutching onto the blonde's jacket, wishing very much to hide behind him, "I wasn't ready, I lied!"

Eyes wide, she glanced towards the doorways like a skittish doe, "Do you have any idea how much I've idolized this woman? What she's done for the medical community alone - for the culinary arts, for modern science! Blood transfusion, Dari! Blood. Transfusion," she shook his arms, practically hanging onto him now for support, voice a rushed whisper of awe as her note cards were all but destroyed in her grip, "She's a national treasure! You have to stay."

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 12:32 pm
by Darius Baer

Darius had thought it endearing when he'd seen that Yeva had written notes for her introduction to Faith. He hadn't said so, of course, for he didn't want to embarrass her, and she was clearly already nervous enough as it was.

It was only as he was walking into the building, however, and witnessing the redhead's panic, that he began to realise just how much this meeting meant to her. He had broached the topic with Faith on a whim, thinking that Yeva might like the idea of meeting someone famous - and the leader of the Order of the Adunih, to boot - and his friend had worn her heart on her sleeve when he'd told her. But the full weight of just how important this meeting was really struck home after he'd spoken to the receptionist.

What had been a warm but gentle smile sent in Yeva's direction faded when the young medic became distressed. Darius' blond brow furrowed, as the redhead almost seemed to shrink before him. He reached his hands out, even as she clung to his gambeson, her words threatening to overwhelm her and run her out of the building. He placed his palms on the woman's upper arms, remaining calm, his dark grey eyes sending her a kind gaze.

"Yeva," he spoke quietly, hoping the calmness in his voice would force her to listen, and thus stop speaking. "I know who Faith Augustin is."

He smiled sympathetically, because he knew that Yeva knew that everyone on Scalvoris knew that Faith knew who Faith was. There probably wasn't a soul on the island who hadn't heard of the petite brunette and her exploits. Wrapping one arm around Yeva's shoulders, Darius tried to reassure her.

"And I won't leave you," he added with a gentle smile as they both patiently awaited Faith's arrival. "I'll stay."

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:53 pm
by Faith Augustin
22nd Ashan, 720

"I'll see if she's available," the woman behind the desk had replied with a smile. If she had noticed the response from Yeva and Darius, then it was well-hidden. Instead, she stood and, with just a miniscule adjustment of her cloak, she turned and stepped through the doorway behind her. Presumably, from there, she moved further into the Order building.

Faith, for her part, was preparing as best she could, for Rharne. It was tricky to do so, because she had no real idea what it was that she was going to be facing when she got there. Her recent experiences had taught her something of war, but she also got the impression that each battle was probably different. However, she knew only what she had recently experienced, so she was preparing in light of that, and using her experience as best she could. When the knock came on her office door, Faith lifted her head and called out, "Come in!"

The green-cloak who walked in was a familiar face to Faith and she smiled. "Hello, Remi. Is everything alright?"

"There's someone to see you. Yeva from Rharne the man said."

Faith frowned slightly, just a slight expression of confusion on her face. "I know the name. Sh.. he wrote to me. I assumed it was a woman," Faith shook her head and smiled. "Thanks, Remi. Is he in reception?" Remi nodded and Faith walked out with her. The two of them chatted as they went and then, they entered the reception. The woman who walked in with the receptionist was short and very slender. She didn't quite stand at five foot four, although she'd claim she did. Her pale face was framed by jet-black hair and her eyes were such a pale shade of blue they seemed almost silver; of course these trials, they had flecks of red in them. As Faith walked in to the reception area, she saw a familiar face. "Darius!" Faith smiled in pleasure at seeing him, and then her eyes turned to the young woman with him. As realisation dawned, Faith smiled. "And you must be Yeva? You wrote to me, I remember," Faith offered a hand to shake Yeva's, revealing her black nailsImage and the tattoo on her wrist. There was a matching one on her neck, of course, and her hastily pulled-back hair revealed a small glowing mark on her forehead, also.

"Would you like to come through? They've kindly given me an office for the few trials I'm back, so you'll have to forgive the chaos. I'm only here briefly," she said. Her pale hand gestured, and she showed them the way, waking alongside them. As she did, she considered the correspondence she had received from this woman. "How did you fare with the Ether Aloplumia?" Faith asked Yeva, with interest. "Was it akin to the Ember Plague, do you think?" Faith looked - because she was - interested in this, and in what her fellow-medic had discovered.

Down a corridor and into a room. Faith, evidently, had a strange definition of chaos, there was a large dark wood desk near a window, which had piles of books and medical supplies on it. However, Faith gestured that they sit in the comfortable overstuffed armchairs in the room, and when they were both comfortable, she did the same, sitting with her hands folded in her lap, Faith regarded the two of them and asked what was, pretty much always, her bottom line. "So, how can I help?"

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:42 pm
by Yeva
22 Ashan 720

"Yeva," Darius grabbed her and spoke in a soothing tone, "I know who Faith Augustin is."

Of course he did.

What a dumb way to start losing her composure, especially when he was responsible for the meeting in the first place. Yeva's cheeks rosined with embarrassment at her own frantic feelings and she could only manage the smallest of nods at the reassurance. Standing still was hard, she had the strongest and most unnatural impulse to run to the nearest window and throw herself through it. As if the front doors didn't even exist, there was something appealing about leaping away from the impending interaction that seemed to make sense.


Yeva's shoulders rose and she threw herself away from the sailor as if caught behaving poorly. She clutched her chest and clearly frozen, stared at the petite idol that seemed to glide into the room. Bottom lip dropping, Yeva managed a small, strangled whimper, shaking hands with someone who up until Athart, had felt surreal. Impossible to reach. The kind of person who became legend, but never possible to consult, let alone share space with. When reminded of the letter, she screamed silently, or maybe just at the frequency only heard by dogs and other animals.

She nodded dumbly, "Y-y-y-y-"

'You remember.'

"Yes." It wasn't what she meant to say, but worked well for Faith's next question.

Did they want to go back? Yeva looked at Darius for an answer and then nodded again, stepping lightly as they followed the woman. As they made their way down the hallway, she realized it would have been a good opportunity for small talk. A chance to get to learn about the very figure she had only read about or heard rumors of. But as she tried to remember her note cards, or quite literally any intelligent string of words, Faith took the lead.

"How did you fare with the Ether Aloplumia?"

"Um," she swallowed. Had her throat always been so dry? She rubbed her hands together and then held them up. Were her palms sweaty? "W-w-w- well,"

It hadn't gone well. Not just from her own inexperience in medicine at the time, but the social and economic crisis, mixed with Avriel pride and denial had made it impossible to gain access to reported cases and seeing inflicted was out of the question. She had just been a single human girl, a slave by all legal documentation without a master, and at risk of resell if she was captured.

She struggled to find the words, "I have notes," she managed. That would be so much easier than speaking but she tried anyway. This time with Faith might have been a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yeva thought of the Avriel still needing aid, "There were s-s-similarities. The Ember Plague only affected Aukari citizens. Ether Aloplumia," as the name suggested was related to feathered individuals, "Only affected Avriel. But the city denied everything."

It was a difficult failure to accept on her part. While she was there, she could tell she was on to something, but every individual affected had been swooped up, taken away and the crisis simply denied. They refused her help. They saw her desire to help as unnecessary human involvement. Slaves were left without masters, humans were rioting on the streets demanding answers. There had been rumors of Lisirra's influence and enemies at war. Thinking back to it made the red head frown, "I discovered that it may be related to attunement frequency, but there was no mage to aid me and I know little of magic. That's actually why I'm in Scalvoris... for now."

Still trying to find a cure.

While speaking, Faith guided them into a nice office - what surprised Yeva was not the 'chaos' as Faith described it, but that the organization was only giving her a temporary space when it seemed like the woman should be given permanent arrangements. Even if she didn't stay long, she had more than earned it, right?

Just when she thought her nerves were beginning to lessen their grip on her spine, Faith settled her eyes upon them expectantly. So much so, that it made her very uncomfortable, "So, how can I help?"

"Wha... ah," Yeva shot a look at Darius, brow furrowing. What was she talking about? Was she supposed to have prepared something more? He didn't tell her! What did she mean? Oh no... Yeva was drowning, sitting without purpose before one of the most well known women of her lifetime, "I don't need anything," she rushed, horrified.

Was it too late to jump out the window? Her eyes flickered towards any sign of window sill, just in case, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time. I just... I just wanted to meet you," Without warning she thought she might burst into tears. Dumb girl, her beating heart thundered "I didn't know, I'm so sorry... I thought you and Dari were friends and now I just feel very... unprepared. Um..."

A spark of anger flickered at her friend. Why had either of them thought she was ready for this? "D-D-Do you know anything about attunement, maybe?"

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:23 pm
by Darius Baer

Yeva's thoughts of self-defenestration were unknown by Darius, which was fortunate. He would never have forgiven himself if he'd arranged a meeting for his friend to meet her idol, only for her to jump to her tragic death.

Her panic was clear, though, and the blond was still trying to help her to relax when Faith stepped into the room. Caught somewhere between returning the brunette's warm smile and trying to unfreeze his friend, Darius ended saying nothing beyond a polite greeting before turning back to Yeva, who appeared to be jumping at shadows. Again he reached out to the redhead, hoping to reassure her.

Soon, however, Faith began a conversation and Yeva, despite her nerves, managed to engage with her idol. There was a stammer to her voice that Darius had never heard, and as they followed their host down the corridor, he sent her a sympathetic smile, then mouthed the words: 'You're doing great!'

The sailor was quickly left behind by the conversation, as the two healers used medical words, the length and meaning of which were lost on him. Despite his own ignorance on such matters, he felt a sense of pride that Yeva's knowledge was coming to the fore. He assumed she was providing useful answers to Faith, and he smiled encouragingly as she did.

When they reached the office, Darius was grateful to be offered a comfortable seat. He was not used to such luxuries - his body was more accustomed to the hard wood of stools and benches - and he allowed the cushioning beneath his backside to distract him briefly, and he looked up just in time to hear Faith asking her question.

He turned, then, as Yeva suddenly floundered again, and he could see she was struggling. He opened his mouth to speak, then saw a flash of anger in the redhead's eyes, and he furrowed his brow in defensive confusion. Was he the baddie? The thought caused him to hesitate, and he wondered if Yeva might smooth out her note cards to save the conversation, but that didn't seem to be happening, so he flashed a look in Faith's direction. She had agreed to meet Yeva, but Darius had never suggested that his curly-haired companion might have wanted anything more than an opportunity to meet her idol.

"I met Yeva at the Everdark last month," he offered awkwardly, his voice cracking. "She cares about people, and she's very clev--"

He stopped mid-sentence, his words faltering as Yeva stormed ahead, having found a question she wanted to ask. Darius felt some relief at that development, and he sank back into his seat. He had agreed to accompany Yeva to help her fend off the desire to flee, but now it was the bearded blond who caught a glimpse of the window and wondered how quickly he might be able to get to the ledge.

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:38 pm
by Faith Augustin
22nd Ashan, 720

Yeva seemed to be a bag of nerves and Faith asked what seemed, to her, to be a perfectly innocent question. However, it threw the redhead into a state of panic and Faith leaned forward slightly as she looked between the two. "I'm sorry," she said with an apologetic smile to both Darius and Yeva. "Darius told me that you'd like to meet - I shouldn't have assumed that you needed anything. It's something of a force of habit and, if I'm honest, I'd like to help with your research."

She glanced at Darius. "We are friends, yes. We met in the ice caves of Ishallr, and fought giant spiders. I hate spiders, they scare me silly," she said with a slight smile. "So we became friends there. He told me about you, that you were friends and, of course, I remembered your letter." She considered Yeva's thoughts about the disease in question and she chewed her lip, thoughtfully. "Hmm. Attunement you say? Yes," Faith said. But then, she tapped her fingers together. "My licentiate thesis was concerning the impact of ether on blood. It has a definite impact, it changes blood and each type of Domain magic has a different impact. That's true both for the mage, and the person who is exposed to magic." With a glance around, Faith's eyes alighted on a book and a small wooden box on a shelf.

Standing, she moved over to pick up the two items, and she came back. "My licentiate thesis, if it's any use to you," she said, handing over the book to Yeva. Then, she handed her the box. "This is something my husband invented to help me study better. It's called a magnifier," she said, gesturing that Yeva should have a look. She considered the Rharnian woman with a slight smile.

"You are welcome to both or either of those, they are spares and, frankly, I'd like to see them being put to good use. There are diagrams in the book which illustrate differences in blood which has been exposed to Attunement ether. If you want to compare that with the blood of Avriel, we have illustrations," Faith had, in fact, done a study on racial blood differences for her Charter. "If it helps?" She thought about it, sitting back in her chair and pressing her hands together. "Have you spoken to the Professor for Arcane Studies here? I can introduce you, or write you a letter of introduction to be precise, if you'd like?"

But then, because she was who she was and because Faith hated the idea of anyone feeling uncomfortable around her - celebrity did not sit well with her - Faith asked, with an apparently innocent expression. "So, has Darius told you about the time he got his legs all tangled and screamed like a girl?" Teasing a mutual friend seemed likely to break any feeling of discomfort, she thought. At least, for her and Yeva.

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:22 pm
by Yeva
22nd Ashan 720

Yeva firstly felt dread - the idea that Faith Augustin would apologize to hershould have been ridiculous - and yet the renowned woman did in an effort to clear a misunderstanding. Smoothing her worries, the Famula champion informed her of her relation with Darius and how the sailor had mentioned their friendship. And of course the letter, "He said that?" Yeva glanced at the sailor, the earlier stress lessening as she remembered this whole meeting was his doing. If it went poorly, that was not something she could blame upon him; if anything, what she felt was thankfulness.

The redhead met the man's eye, reaching over to pat his forearm apologetically. However, when Faith spoke of magical effects on blood, her fingers stilled and a creeping smile began to brighten her expression. Faith turned, spotting something on the bookshelf and Yeva's excitement was palpable. 'Thank you,' she mouthed silently to her companion, resettling her attention on the other woman when she heard Faith's footsteps approaching.

A book was held out to her and Yeva's mouth dropped as she let out a small gasp, "Your thesis?"


Did Dari have any idea what this meant? "I...I..." Her whole expression brightened and she shuffled in her seat to scoot forward, heart pounding in eager delight, "This is amazing," she suddenly gushed, hugging the research to her chest. Just the sliver of knowledge about ether and blood was enough to help, and there was more to learn! "I love books," she added flipping the cover open and then, too eager to stop herself from admiring the contraption on the table, began to reverently touch its design, "Fiction. Non-fiction..." she bit her lip, struggling to remain seated. She wanted to jump up and down as if she had just won a great prize. But hadn't she? "To have the chance to experience the results of your research... Just amazing! This will help! Even if I can't find the answers, I'm sure it'll teach me so much. About researching and... and... everything! Thank you so much!"

Yeva, white smile beaming, finally relented some of the self control and jumped up to look through whatever this 'magnifier' was, "Padraig made this?" she was in awe! Oh, how neat it would be to invent something so wondrous. Her hand hovered over its craftsmanship, unable to comprehend that this was being offered to her, "You both are so renowned in your field! I've only ever heard stories of you both, outside our letter, and now..." Yeva took a deep breath, the tiniest rise of tears budding on her eyes, from happiness and not distress, "I feel like I've won a great prize, I wasn't expecting this at all," she laughed, her discomfort melting away.

And then the dark haired woman offered to introduce her to the Professor of Arcane studies, or to write a letter... "You're too generous," Yeva looked back and forth between Dari and Faith, "I... don't know what to say. I would like that, but I'd hate to inconvenience you. You must be so busy." she turned to Darius, turning the magnifier towards him, "Do you wanna see?"

Yeva settled back in her chair, deciding at once that for his help, Yeva would smother the sailor with baked goods. He would be fed until the next arc! Cookies, cakes, pies, tarts, candies - if he wanted it, he would get it. How had she ever been mad at him? What a lucky woman she was to have a friend like this. She began flipping through the pages, hungrily devouring the words in the brief reprieve in conversation.

That is, until Faith began to tease her companion.

"Giant spiders?"
How giant?

"I didn't know that,"
she grinned, peering up and playfully pinching at Darius' coat, "You didn't mention that in your letter. I don't imagine that's something you can conveniently forget," she laughed again. Faith was so approachable. Then a bit more serious, realizing that although they sat their now joking about it, the threat must have been very real. This was interesting. She'd have to do some reading, "How did you both escape?" and then, to either party with a burning interest, "What's Ishallr like?"

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:58 am
by Darius Baer

Darius didn't realise he could experience so many changes in a single conversation, and yet that was precisely what was happening. He had asked Faith if she would be willing to meet Yeva, who had understandably been a mix of nervousness and excitement. But then the redhead had seemed annoyed at him when she didn't know how to answer Faith's offer of assistance.

However, just as she had been on Ishallr, Faith was quick to the rescue, and Yeva's perspective changed.

Darius blushed through an embarrassed grin when he caught her expression of gratitude in her honey-brown eyes, and he felt a sense of pride that he'd been able to provide her with an opportunity to meet her idol. That feeling only increased when Faith began to display her immense generosity.

His smile grew when he saw how excited Yeva became, and he couldn't conceal his surprised laughter as she clung the book to her chest as if it might attempt to escape her grasp. He stole a glance in Faith's direction, and mouthed the very same 'Thank you' that Yeva had sent in his direction.

The book was only of a passing interest to Darius, but the magnifier truly piqued his curiosity. He gladly accepted it when Yeva passed it to him, before sitting it in his lap, and when he put his eye to the lens, he heard himself make an audible gasp. Without daring to look away, he fumbled for his tunic and held it so that he could look at it through the magnifier. He gasped again, for he could see every thread, every mark, and every broken stitch in exquisite detail.

"It's like a spyglass," he marvelled aloud, "but for things that are already up close."

He shook his head in disbelief as he returned the magnifier to Yeva, just in time to realise that Faith was poking fun at him.

"Hey!" he protested, though there was no gravity to it, then turned to his redheaded friend to defend himself. "I like to think that it was my scream that gave Faith an opportunity to shine!"

He laughed at the notion, even though he had been terrified at the time. But such things were easy to laugh about now that the danger was gone.

"I didn't tell you earlier because we had more important things to focus on," he said to Yeva, recalling their rather eventful baking experience, with another burst of laughter. "We escaped because Faith knows how to wield a blade much better than I do! Plus she tried to ride one like a horse!"

Re: Finding Faith

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:22 pm
by Faith Augustin
22nd Ashan, 720

Faith grinned as Yeva said she loved books. "Oh, me too," she said and nodded eagerly at the description. Fiction, non-fiction, anything. Everything. "I write everything I can down, too. Words. Words are important and details could get missed, otherwise." It had to be said, Yeva's enthusiasm was contagious and Faith beamed in pride when the young woman spoke of Padraig with such delight. "He's a genius, he truly is," she said; it was an opinion which she would not be dissuaded of. As for it being a prize? Faith shook her head slightly. "I've always believed that we can make this world a much better place by just paying kindness forward. People have been inordinately generous to me throughout my life, and I try therefore to repay them that by being generous back." It made perfect sense to her and Faith tried very hard to live her life in such a manner.

On the matter of the Professor of Arcane Studies, Faith shook her head. "It's no bother at all, I promise you." It might just be her perception, but Faith thought that Yeva would appreciate the written letter more than if Faith had made the introductions in person - it allowed Yeva to take her own time and so on. So, she pulled some parchment and, as they spoke, she wrote.

Dear Professor,

I have given this note to Yeva, a fellow seeker after knowledge, originally from Rharne. She is researching Arcana and will undoubtedly benefit from your knowledge and expertise. I would be very grateful if you would assist her in this endeavour. I trust that you are well and hope to speak with you soon.

With very best regards,

Faith Augustin
She wrote this twice, and put the names "Professor Folly Tinkle" on one and "Professor Migh Gur" on the other. "Showing this letter to the receptionist, should get you an appointment. Once in, let me know if they're not helpful and I'll stop making them cookies. Folly is very fond of chocolate and Migh has a penchant for honey cakes." She grinned slightly, and then handed Yeva the letters. She met Darius' gaze and there was no need for any gratitude on his part - it was a very genuine pleasure to her. "It's exactly that," she said, of the magnifer. "I was sure that blood had more to it, unseeable by the naked eye and so I asked Padraig to make my eyes better. He couldn't do that, but he did this. Made with glass from the finest Scalvoris sands, the lenses in there." It delighted her to work together.

As for the spiders though? Faith's chuckle joined with Darius' as he described what happened. "When you're as short as me," she replied, "you get used to having to climb on things to reach your destination. And, Ishallr is... oh, it's beautiful." Silver eyes shone with delight at the thought of the place. "I love it there. There are wonders there, like I've never seen. Ice which never melts, statues which are so perfect it's as if the person was literally frozen in a heart beat. It's fascinating. It helps," she admitted, rather ruefully, "that my blessing from Famula means I don't feel the cold. But yes, I'm sure that scream shattered a few of the unbreakable icicles." As for the spiders and how they escaped, Faith gave a slight shrug. "We fought the spiders. I hate spiders, truly, but needs must." They'd found a dead man, of course, and that was something which was more than sad. "We were too late to save them, the people Darius was looking for. But, the spiders were a menace and we dealt with those." The young priestess of Famula could not say that she had found it to be a resounding success, just that they'd done the best they could - which was the best that anyone could ask. Still, her fingers pressed together slightly, as she fought down the emotions inevitably associated, for her, with failure. Failure to help, failure to heal. Failure to save.

"So, if I may ask," Faith said to Yeva, putting that thought out of her head and focusing on the positives of the here and the now. "With such a keen mind and focus. Have you considered studyinge? The Institute for Innovation in Rharne is a place which is focused on pushing boundaries, learning together in a collaborative way. People who think outside the box, who see links between things. You'd be very welcome there." Faith smiled slightly. "But only if you want it, of course."