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Laures' notes

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:59 pm
by Lars

ARC 720
6 Ashan - Teach Me How To Write (Wealth Thread)
44 Ashan - Lectures Are So Boring
1 Ymiden - Take Me Apart (Dream)
2 Ymiden - 1. Like A Snowflake In A Fiery Grip (Dream)
2 Ymiden - 2. Many Things I Cannot Grasp (Dream)
3 Ymiden - 3. Dolls and Toys (Dream)
3 Ymiden - 4. From Chaos Choreographed (Dream)
3 Ymiden - 5. S E P E R A T E (Dream)
3 Ymiden - 6. Buried Treasures (Dream)
3 Ymiden - Home Is Where We Are
4 Ymiden - Everyday Forever
48 Ymiden - 1. Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae (Dream)
51 Ymiden - Just Us
68 Ymiden - The Trick Is To Keep Breathing (Dream)
1 Vhalar - It Might As Well Rain (Dream)
56 Vhalar - Settling In


Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 12:05 am
by Lars
Personal NPCs


Name: Avery Sinclair
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 17 Saun, 692
Skills: Deception (30), Pick pocketing (30), Storytelling (25), Mixology (15)

Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair: Light blonde
Eyes: Pale blue
Other: Various scars on her arms and legs, pierced ears
FC: Saoirse Ronan

Personality: At first glance, Avery gives the impression of a polite, soft-spoken girl, meek and unassuming. Avery is anything but that. She is loud and expressive, and wears her heart on her sleeve. Always the first to voice her opinion, she is unafraid of conflict (despite being one of the worst fighters alive) and has no issue making her disapproval clear. Avery is passionate, enthusiastic, wild - she is a storm that has only ever been calmed by her brother.

A creative at heart, she and her twin have lived in Scalvoris for five arcs as of 720, finding rocky residence in Egilrun with the hope of finding a place for Avery to pursue her passions. She is often found working in taverns around Egilrun, offering fantastical (and on occasion, more practical) stories whether you've asked for them or not, and picking pockets clean in the meantime.

Relationship to PC: Sister of Iver Sinclair (the original soul from the body Laures now inhabits).


Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:19 am
by Lars
The Sacrificer
Graft Spark & Mutations

"A candle can only illuminate its world by allowing itself to be set on fire."

- Matshona Dhliwayo
The Sacrificer spark seeks to perceive and understand the world (and the living beings within it) as best as it possibly can, and through any means necessary. It is incredibly curious about the physical world and the many ways it can be experienced, constantly testing the limits of the body's senses in an attempt to figure out which might allow it the most understanding: what can be learned from a visual? From a smell? From a sound, or touch, or sensation?

To narrow down its search for the "best" way to experience the world, the Sacrificer deems it necessary to test and remove the things it believes are unneeded or inadequate in the body. To exchange one thing for another, in its desire to create a form better fit to perceive the universe - in the right way.

Or in other words, the Sacrificer has no issue in damaging one part of itself (or more accurately, Laures) in order to improve another.
Propitiatory Polycoria
Brought about by the spark's desire to test the limits of normal vision, this mutation causes extra pupils to grow in the mage's eyes. Each pupil is able to dilate and constrict independently, but the crowding of the iris and excess intake of light has an adverse effect on overall vision, leaving it softly blurred at best, and painful and blinding at worst. The mage might be able to see somewhat normally in a dim room, or in the dark (although it will still be blurred), while he is virtually blinded in direct sunlight and other brighter areas.

Because of this crowding, and the fact that each pupil might be angled towards different sources of light at any given moment, the dilation and constriction sometimes gives the appearance of perpetual eye movement. This is most often seen in dimly-lit environments.

With the body's vision tested and diminished, Laures will be forced to rely more on (and thus, improve) his other senses, and therefore lean into other methods of experiencing the physical world beyond the visual aspects.

(While there are multiple pupils in both eyes, they create a layered, double-vision effect, rather than allowing the mage to focus on multiple things at once. They can dilate and constrict individually, but do not move/look around separately. This mutation is also impossible to hide unless his eyes are kept shut or he wears something to cover his eyes from view.)


Notes & Journal

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:03 pm
by Lars

Main skills:
Combat (Blades)

Focus on:
Deception, Acrobatics, Seduction
Discipline, Psychology, Combat (Blades)

Deception - Expert (80/250)
Seduction - Expert (80/250)
Discipline - Expert (80/250)
Acrobatics - Expert (80/250)
Psychology - Competent (60/250)
Combat (Blades) - Competent (30/100)

Master: Deception, Seduction, Psychology, Combat (Blades)
Expert: Acrobatics, Discipline, Endurance, Persuasion, Stealth, Detection, Intelligence, Combat (Unarmed)
Competent: Cooking, Resistance, Caregiving, Etiquette, Research, Writing, Strength, Dancing, Climbing, Acting, Intimidation

Graft - Novice (10/250)

Initiate into Becoming

Possible interests:
Governing (26/100)

Maxed out.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming: Upon being initiated into Dreamwalking, a Dreamwalker first gains the very basic understanding of the reality of dreams and becomes more likely to gain self-awareness in their dreams, increasing probability that they can retain information in the waking world. Not all dreams will be lucid even for a Dreamwalker, but their initiation into the ability gives them the liberty of choosing to explore their dreams in more depth, which is a prerequisite of all other implied ventures by the Dreamwalker.

An extension of this ability is that a lucid Dreamwalker can make others lucid as well, with simply a touch. This isn't guaranteed to work every time, but the likelihood increases with the level of dreamwalking.
Walking: The namesake ability of a Dreamwalker is to Walk. It's to exit their own Dreamscape and step into the Veil. Their body in Idalos remains there, but their mind ventures further into Emea in order to access the parts of the Veil within range of their body. Walking allows the Dreamwalker to access the Veil itself, gaining awareness of Dreamscapes in their vicinity and gaining familiarity with the mechanics of the Veil.

With this ability granting access to the Veil, the Dreamwalker finds themselves able to access the entrances to other people's Dreamscapes. These entrances are not always so obvious as to finding a doorway in the Veil, and opening them is different for each person. Only dreamwalkers may find them, as well as open them. For all others, these entrances simply do not exist. The dreamwalker typically does not require permission of the dreamscape's owner to enter their dreamscape, unless there are specific protections put into place.

Walking does not allow for the Dreamer to seek out specific dreams,or dreamers, but gives them the ability to begin to explore.
Governing: Most Dreamwalkers desire the ability to control their environment. It isn't until they learn to Govern that they truly become able to, but the scope of their control is still limited. A Dreamwalker at this stage is able to Govern their own Dreamscapes, enabling the Dreamwalker to influence the environment and content of the currently ongoing dream by forcing their will on it, shifting the reality of the dream at their whim. They become able to create new items, objects, areas, buildings and even creatures to insert into the Dreamscape, limited only by their imagination and prior experience. They can control everything within their dreamscape, with the exception of other people who enter.
Ongoing Education:
Letter of Arcana in Fractures
  • Vhalar study thread:
  • Zi'da study thread:

Possible Areas of Study:
Metaphysics - Arcana
Science - Psychology

Possible Plans:
Visit more Fractures.
Research and collect all known knowledge on Fractures.
Discover more about Fractures through hands-on experience.
Research... the nature of magic.
Learn more about the Immortals (and the Originals???)
Learn more about the effects of sparks in souls.
Learn more about the origin of sparks.
Interested in:
Elindria - Edasha
Sesser - Syroa
Nyvahi - Unity

Current Marks:

Re: Laures' notes

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:26 pm
by Lars
A collection of crumpled-up, unsent love letters, notes, and scribbled thoughts written by Iver Sinclair. None are dated, but some appear to have been tossed to the side long before the others, as if they had sat undisturbed for arcs.

#1, waking thoughts

This morning I awoke to the sound of a little red bird tapping its beak against my window. I was stirred from the most horrible dream, in which I was trapped in a darkened room in a house I have never seen, and no amount of searching ever brought me to the door.

I thought at first that I must have been blinded, and the memories of this had been stolen away from me. For breaks I searched and found nothing. Eventually I lost all hope of finding an exit, and resigned myself to stillness. I was certain I had spent a lifetime there in the darkness, and that the world must have left me behind as I laid down to sleep.

I thought of you as I waited there, though what I waited for I can no longer recall. I hoped that thoughts of you might illuminate the path and show me the way out of my dark little room.

The bird flew away when I lifted my head; I must have frightened him. I find myself hoping he might return, but am not inclined to believe he will.
#2, frustrated
Avery has informed me of your

My dear An

I understand that you have a reputation to uphold, and that I am
#3, a sad attempt
You have become a permanent fixture,
a symbol of places unknown and unexplored,
a traveler that knows not his own movements
in the hollows of my faulty heart and mind
If only I might express them,
they have flooded my mouth and yet dried my tongue
there is nothing left behind when they are gone.
#4, drunk again
Dearest Antoni,

You were in my dreams again. So frequently have I seen your face within them as of late, that you have begun to blend with the scenery
you have become nothing less than a resident in my mind. I am a starving man fed with these dreams of you, though such visions might never stand against the blessing that is your smile real thing. I hope to see you soon. If not in the waking world, then in the comfort of what my sleeping mind might conjure.
#5, hastily scribbled
Antoni Caldwell-Zyma,

What is it that you might prefer for me to call you? Shall I address you as Lord Caldwell? I can stop sending letters entirely if you so wish. My deepest apologies. I shall endeavor to exist with less offense. I would be most grateful if you might heed my returned request and cease such presumed affections, and delay further visits to my home.
Iver Sinclair
#6, new love
Dear Antoni,

I did not know what it meant to be in love before I crossed paths with you. In every trial I find myself devoting more and more of my thoughts to you, and to the next time that I might see you. Avery thinks me a fool, for she has seen the way your presence in my life has changed it irreversibly, and she does not yet know what to make of me with a smile on my face. I am certain that the next time you visit, she will be quick to tell you of my ramblings, and of the ways in which your love has improved my disposition. I shall meet these embarrassments gladly, if only to see you again.
Until then,
#7, chance meetings
Dear Antoni,

I hope that I have not made an error in sending this to you. If you would prefer that I not contact you, I shall not send another letter. I hope, too, that I have delivered this to the right place. You did not mention your room number, so I can only hope that the attendant will get this to you.

I write to you in the hope that I might speak with you again soon, to further discuss the cabinet you wanted made. Already I have mentioned your idea to my partner, and he believes he might know of a fellow craftsman that could get us the glass at a lesser expense to you. If you would care to speak with me again to go over the details, I am willing to meet yo
#8, bargaining
Dearest Antoni,

Tell me, please, that you will not go. I cannot uproot myself to follow, yet I cannot stay without you. There has to be another solution. You have made a better man of me, and they will see that soon. I have resisted the temptations that for so long controlled me, and I have learned, through you, not to resort to the brutish methods of my fists each time I am sc
#9, depression

I did not intend for my visit to devolve into
I am sorry for the scene I caused in my
I am s

I did not mean
#10, acceptance
I watched you for a while as you left the lodge,
I am not certain that you saw me, but I

fell in love with the hair that curls at the back of your neck and
the annoying little sound you made with your tongue as you walked farther away from me
and I don't know if you saw me, but I
watched your fingers curl around hers,
and I know that love is fleeting and the clouds are overtaking
me but
I wanted to be her, for you,
so you could watch me too
#11, dried petals

I am sorry that I could not find another way. I love you. Take care of yourself for me. I picked these flowers for you before I left.

#12, unfulfilled
Dear Antoni,

Your smile is brighter than any sun, moon, or star,
and I could drown myself in the darkest pools of your gaze.
I hope to see you soon, as always, and I hope that your aunt has not treated you too terribly since my previous visit. I will return when I can.
Handwriting practice, attempts at writing, and the like.


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w z y z

L o r
L o a r
L o u r

That one is easier. Carver Carver Carver Carver. Carver is sleeping. I think. I should put the candle out.

Reading my writing back to myself makes it feel like you're talking to me again. You probably had better words though. I'm bad at them. What do you think of this place? Nevermind. You're dead. Its okay. Sorry I couldn't take you with me. You probably wouldn't have liked it here. I like to pretend you're here though. I hear your voice in mine. It's weird having it all to myself. Okay. Sorry you died. I'll die again one day, I think. Before Carver dies. That would be okay.

It does not

Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Lars Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures Laures
I can spell it now. But now I don't know what to write.
L l Laures

A small journal with a poorly-drawn cat on the front.
10 Cylus, 720

This feels weird. Should I be wasting ink? I have been wasting it for practice. I should practice in here in one place. Laures. Carver. Skweek. Bet. I think I'm spelling them all right. Close enough. More words. I will get better at this.

I am going to cook. It is going to be good.
It was not good.
No more of that. This is annoying me.
11 Cylus, 720

rave gold.
It was so pretty.

I wanted to take it.
He was nice though.

I did not know anyone could have so many titles.
Doctor. Professor. Priest. Politician.
Those words are good practice.

The library was not as bad as I thought it would be.
There was a girl with white hair at one of the tables. She reminded me of someone. I don't remember who, now. I suppose she reminds me of nothing.

He said that anyone can do magic. He implied it, at least.
If you know a mage that is willing to initiate you.
I am married to one. Right?

I don't want to ask. He did not seem impressed.
With any of it. Maybe the doctor-professor would find a mage to do it for me. I don't think Carver would like that though.
12 Cylus, 720, TORN OUT


15 Cylus, 720

I spelled it wrong. It should have been Squeak.

I've been working on the garden. Is that something to write about? I cleared out the weeds. Carver would not care about that, but you have to listen to me. I never used to be any good at finding the weeds, and I was always too weak to pull them up right. I got them though. I'm not thinking about it anymore.

I think I can make it pretty. Although I think he might like it better when it's still a pile of dirt.
He's better with these things than I am. Prettier than I could ever make a garden, too.
17 Cylus, 720

I still don't know if I know myself.
Sometimes I think I do.
Other times I feel like a shadow.
Or something.
Carver is better at words than me.
How do I know who I am
when you are not here to tell me?
Or was I the one that guided you?
I wonder if he misses you like I do.
I don't know if he knows.
I hope that I am the one he would have picked
if he had a choice
but I don't even know that for myself.
I'm Laures. I should be Laures.
I don't feel like Laures.
But I must be Laures.
That's what he called me when we woke up here.
Maybe I don't need to figure it out beyond that.