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84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:07 pm
by Darius Baer
84 Faldrass View Lane
Nestled in the hills above Scalvoris Town and overlooking the Hollow Sea, sits the home of Darius Baer.

The property rests on a rocky shelf with a fenced garden that appears simplistic and functional rather than decorative, with a small area dedicated to growing herbs and vegetables.

The construction of the buildings is typical fare for the area: a timber frame connected by panels of wattle and daub, and a roof made of clay tiles.

The main building consists of three rooms.

On the lower level, the main entrance leads into a spacious living area that doubles as a dining room. A comfortable couch is situated near the door, facing the rectangular wooden dining table and four chairs opposite. A simple rug rests on the floor in the middle of the room, while a bookcase lines the adjacent wall, its shelves only half-filled with books.

At the rear of the lower level sits the kitchen. A stone hearth dominates the room, doubling as an oven for cooking and the main heat source for the whole house. Pots, pans, and cooking utensils hang from the wall, while basic shelving homes cutlery, crockery, and mugs.

Upstairs, a solitary bedroom can be found, with a small window above the front door, and another - a bay window - overlooking the harbour. This vantage point offers views of Scalvoris Town, the Hollow Sea, and Faldrass, and - during particularly clear trials - glimpses of Almund to the left and Ishallr to the right. The room has a bed, a mirror, a tub for bathing, and a small chest for storing clothes and other items.

Behind the house sits a smaller building, which Darius uses as both a storage space and a workshop. His tools are kept there, along with whatever project he is working on at the time.

An outhouse sits nearby, on the far side of the property from the main entrance.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
OOC: This is both Darius' home and his "letters" thread. If you have a letter for him, post it here. Equally, if you're wanting to visit him, post in here and the interaction can be continued in a new thread. Please note - posts in this thread do not need to adhere to the 250 word limit and will gain no XP or knowledge.
Developed by: Darius Baer

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 12:11 pm
by Yeva
Sent: 17 Ashan 720
Received: 19 Ashan 720

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I know we haven't written before, but as I'm here in the library studying for my upcoming exam at university, I've grown awfully reminiscent of my time in Scalvoris and am ever grateful for our acquaintanceship. You have been a wonderful person to know. Which is why, I would like to spend some more time together if it suits you.

Upon a bit of reflection, I realize how very little we know of one another so I apologize in advance if this is unexpected or presumptuous. If you are available sometime this week, maybe the 21st or so, I would very much like to come by and visit. Perhaps we share some lunch? I could stop by market on my way, and if you're interested... there is a cookie recipe I have been dying to try. Do you have any allergies? I'm not sure if baking is your forte, but I look forward to any and all practice in the culinary arts. It's a bit of a more recent hobby I've developed.

Until I can arrange more permanent residence within the city, I am staying at the Knight's Rest in Scalvoris Town. Should you need to write a letter, please send it to their address and the owner will make sure I receive it in a timely manner. I am also open minded to any dessert requests. Just keep in mind, I'm still learning! As always, best wishes to you and yours.

Yeva of Rharne

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 6:48 pm
by Faith Augustin
40th Ashan, 720
Dear Darius,

My sincere apologies for the imposition, but I am afraid that I am writing to ask you for help. I am currently in Rharne, in Storm's Edge. We are under constant attack and we need more resources. Scalvoris sand - both the heated and, more importantly, the cold sand would be incredibly useful. Also, wood and fresh food. We are hunting and that is keeping us alive, but there is a lack of fresh produce and, the time spent hunting is time which could be spent doing other things. Therefore, I have arranged the following.

Please go to the Order of the Adunih Headquarters in Scalvoris. Give your name and please let them know who it was that you had lost when first we met. They will give you money - please spend it on food and resources. What I would like is the following:

Food: Go to Cally's (the restaurant in Scalvoris) - the people there are members of Isonomia and they will be able to help you. I am cooking in a siege for hundreds - I need to keep health and morale up. Give them 1/2 of the money (roughly) and they'll be able to help you.

Medical Supplies: The Order of the Adunih will give you medical supplies. They know how many I need.

Resources - things to buy: Please buy wood and stone. We are very short of stone and we are needing to reinforce the walls. Stone, Wood, and Metal - in that order. Please liase with the people in the Order and Isonomia - they will help you.

Resources -if you can pick them up / collect them: Scalvoris sand - hot and cold. Sacks of the stuff.

I've arranged for you to have access via the Eclipse Portals - however, if there is an issue with carrying / delivery (I am aware this is a lot) then please take the price of arranging delivery via ship out of the money. If you need more, please let me know.

Take good care of yourself, Darius. Thank you, in advance, and I am so sorry to have to ask.


OOC: If you do all that - Faith has arranged for 30 Wealth Points to be transferred to you.

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:44 pm
by Yeva
Sent: TBD Ymiden 720
Received: TBD Ymiden 720

It’s been quite some time since my last letter, but given our recent adventure together, I’m sure you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I wish you good health (as always), however if you were to feel under the weather, you must only find a way to reach me and I could easily be persuaded to offer a home visit to aid in your recovery. Even better, if you are feeling well, you are more than welcome to come stay the night. As you know, this is an awful lot of house for one person and without friends and family... not much of a comfort, I’m afraid.

Azrael has left. I know that the two of you never had a chance to be formally introduced, but he was a dear friend of mine. As an Avriel from Athart, he's returned home to continue his work, as he does every arc. I suppose this means I won't see him till next Ymiden and given your soon departure to my homeland, I've been less than optimistic for the upcoming trials. I know I should be eager to seize this new chapter... A strong woman providing for herself, carving a name in the world! So much potential for shenanigans, yet all I feel is... a slow sapping sadness?
I know I can be a social disaster, but I have learned that in the opposite vein, I'm not one to enjoy being left alone. I like warmth and company. Sometimes I return home from the Order or classes and expect to see a fire burning in the hearth, or hear the laughter of someone I love, but it's always empty. As beautiful as my house in Scalvoris is, it cannot replace a home. I know you will be busy with the war efforts, but please give all my love to my parents if you have the time to see them. Faldrass has made my heart a bit more delicate than it was. Have you experienced any changes? I've been having nightmares, ones where the walls slowly close in and I'm being crushed in absolute darkness...

I know that it will pass. In the meantime, I shall stay busy! The heart has a way of healing itself, and I'm sure my mind will follow. Which is why I wanted to write you. Dari, my friend, are you still practicing your carpentry? I have a task for you, paid for in hugs, blushes, and banana cake (should you play your cards right), which may be a challenge in its theoretical simplicity. I need you to make me dice! Just like the ones in your workshop, but even more than that. I also need sets unlike those existing in Idalos. Four-sided, eight sided, ten, and even twenty! Who else can I count on in my time of need but a strong, daring and adept sailor such as yourself?

After all, I thought it might give you something to do at sea in between chasing sea monsters and manning that massive ship of yours. Please stay safe in your travels. I know our friendship is still young, but I'm proud of you.

Sincerely and with a little guilt trip added,
Honey Bee

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:04 am
by Yeva
Sent: 12 Ymiden 720
Received: 13 Ymiden 720

You are a good man.

I do not write that as empty flattery but as truth. If my last letter saddened you even the slightest, then please forgive me. I only wish to be honest, but not if it means upsetting you. Because you have always made me feel so comfortable, I find it easy to forget how short a time we've known each other. It's not even been an arc, and yet we've chased villains, played cards, shared secrets, and faced impossible odds together. If our memories have brightened your trials, then rest assured they have done so much more for me. When I arrived at this place, I knew only one other person. Scalvoris was a city of strangers and even stranger customs. But Dari, you've made a big scary world, not so scary after all.

I will consider your offer. To see my family and spend time with you and yours on the way? I want to say yes! Although... as you have written, I would be of use here. To leave now makes me feel as if I'm running from the vow I made in Faldrass... But is it so bad if I want to run home once in a while? Please give me time to think about it. I am going to write to the council about using my current residence as temporary housing for refugees, providing them with food and medical care until the time comes. I can't sit idly, knowing there are so many without a roof over their head. I fear I may a bit naive in this regard, or as Azrael used to point out - "my innocence is showing" (which doesn't sound very innocent at all, does it?) - I do not know the first thing about tending to a household, let alone one with such need. But I am confident we will make it work.

I am not alone, in fact...

I suppose I should reveal to you that ChiChi has come to stay with me. Afer Baron Smooglenuff passed, she had neither home nor means of income. I would never dream of turning her away; I know her and Ari had their differences, but she has been so kind to me. I can't say her arrival didn't come as a surprise because... well...

Cassion came with her.

I don't really want to write this, but I'm afraid I won't have the nerve to admit this in public, but he... offered me his blessing and... I think he wanted something else. I don't know! There was this look in his eye. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I don't even know what I'm talking about, but you are a man. You must know.

The look. I'm not making that up, am I? That's a thing that happens, right?

Gods and fate, I'm mortified writing that. Just forget it! He's gone now, and that's what matters.

With a racing heart,
Honey Bee

P.s: Whether I go with you or not, you better say goodbye before you leave.

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:24 am
by Yeva
Sent: 7 Vhalar 720
Received: ??? Vhalar 720
My dearest friend,

You've made me cry.

Hardly a surprise, but rest assured, these tears fall from happiness.

I miss you. I miss Scalvoris. I love my gift.

How are you? The crew? I have so much to tell you.

The people I've met and the things I've seen... Oh, Dari, I wish I could have shown you more of the city. I know there was so much happening all at once. and things were so complicated after our last discussion and

My mother says hello... I'm sorry about my family, by the way. If Petyr or my father said anything uncouth

We'll see each other again. I may make arrangements to visit in the upcoming seasons but that depends entirely on the progress at Storm's Edge. Speaking of which, between the war and the events of Faldrass, we live dangerous lives, don't you think? I've bought you something. I was walking through the market and... well, you were on my mind. I hope you like it - It's called a kindred bracelet. I have one too. Apparently, if we both wear them, it will always tell us when the other is in danger. It's probably best I'm giving it to you now; had you been wearing it last in Ymiden, you might not appreciate some of my more recent adventures (I may have almost been burned alive by flame born. Sorry).

Anyway... I haven't really been able to test them - I don't even know if it's something you'd wear, but I liked the sentiment. Happy birth trial. I've also included a recipe for banana rum cake. It is no comparison to your mother's original, but it has a certain "Rharnian twist" that should suit an adult. I promise, whatever recipe you chose, I'll bake for you next time we meet as an apology for not being there in person. Just don't expect to be hand-fed... unless you make me more dice. You've begun to spoil me and now my expectations border on unreasonable. ☺

Please extend my regards to Josef - We nearly perfected a routine while sailing and his stories had become something of a nightly ritual. Now when the suns fall, I often wish I was mending a pair of pants while hearing enamoring descriptions. He made time feel irrelevant - a lovely quality you share. I'll say, I've lost many a night's sleep thinking of his cliffhangers! You both have become such an important part of my life, I've caught myself glimpsing a group of gamblers and think of how it all began. How curious life unfolds. xoxo

Honey Bee

P.s: Why did the banana go to the healer? It wasn't peel-ling so good.
Please note that the aforementioned letter is no longer canon due to Yeva's death.

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:36 pm
by Doran
Date: Vhalar 95, Arc 720
Dear Darius,

I do of course know who you are. Several seasons may have passed, but I still remember our meeting at The Proving Ground with utmost clarity. I had been persuaded to participate in a tournament of sorts by Mister Bramwell who apparently thought that my presence would be good for his business, and you approached me and asked me if I taught lessons.

You impressed me back then. You were observant and respectful, so different from the other spectators that trial. You made a few mistakes, but you did not let that discourage you. I saw potential in you. For that reason, I am glad that you decided to ask me for another lesson.

I know about the earthquake in the Stormwastes. An acquaintance of mine wrote about it in a letter; and besides, I spent a few trials in Rharne myself earlier this season. I know that you are a reasonable man that will not rush into a dangerous situation head-first, but I ask you to tread with caution, nevertheless. What I have learned of the events in Rharne so far is worrisome. I will do what I can to make sure that you will be prepared for whatever challenge you will have to face when you undertake that mission.

I will not demand any money from you. If you and those that will fight by your side manage to take care of the threat, it will be payment enough for me. I can either reserve a room at the Fitness Centre for us or we can train in my small private training room in the Obsidian Prism. Let me know what you would prefer, please. That being said, I look forward to seeing you again.


Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:17 pm
by Yeva
Darius Baer

With heavy hearts, we write you with tragic news that would be better said in person. As of the Eighty-first of Ymiden, in the arc Seven Hundred and Twenty, Yeva of Rharne and the Hero of Faldrass has been deemed a casualty of war between the city of Rharne and the Flameborn, fallen like many before her within the Stormwastes of Rharne.

There will be arrangements made in the trials to come, although dates have not yet been decided. To acquiesce to this news is not something we are prepared for but when the time comes, you shall be notified should you wish to pay your respects. We apologize for not contacting you sooner, but until your last postage, we did not know how to reach you.

Yeva spoke of you often and it was a great joy to welcome you into our home. She treasured you. Inside the package, we have returned the gift you sent for her birth trial. She would have loved it.

[The ink smudges as dried tears wrinkle the page.]

We have also included Yeva’s journal. After reading some of the entries and learning it was once a gift granted by your father, we thought it might be appreciated within your family’s care. Please, preserve her story. Reading the voice of our daughter hurts us beyond measure. She lives within those pages, and so often she mentions you and the bond you shared.

Her death, although of honorable service, was not one we would have wished on anyone. There was little left to recover after the fire that overwhelmed her but we have been informed by those she fought alongside that in her final moments, she did not suffer. Her end was instant. For that, we are thankful although each trial feels as if the immortals have abandoned us. The sun is dimmer without her, laughter an impossible memory.

We are so sorry. She loved you and Josef so.

Theo & Hestia of Rharne

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:27 am
by Elisabeth Black
Date: Zi'da 46, Arc 720

Darius –

As I said then and repeat to you now – you have nothing to apologize for. The last thing I told you in Viden was that I would be there if you needed me. That offer has no expiration and friends never have to fear embarrassment.

As to your explanation, I’m aware of the complex nature of Yeva’s ‘death’ and resurrection. Let me explain – I met Balthazar in Rharne in early Vhalar. He was still grieving her death at that point. We grew close over time and he told me of her – so much so that I felt like I knew her myself and was grieving with him. Both of us were present at the Mummer’s Ball in Rharne when she was resurrected. As Yeva may or may not have told you, we’ve started getting to know each other and I like her very much. I can see why you feel the way you do about her.

Your reaction was perfectly acceptable considering the circumstances, Darius. You did what you needed to in that moment and I cannot and will not fault you for that. Do I wish you had told me what was going on? Yes, but that wasn’t my decision to make – it was yours. I had no right to what was in your heart. The only thing I was worried about was you and it hurt that I couldn’t help you more. Please know that I will always try to help you if I can.

So, the answer is no – I won’t accept your apology... because there is no reason for one. Our friendship is as it always will be. There is nothing to be repaired for nothing was damaged.

You are a kind, good man – one that I’m proud to call my friend. That will never change, and I remain here should you ever have need of me.



P.S. As compensation for the collision, I fear I will be demanding a hug when next we meet. I believe it to be a fair exchange.

Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:45 pm
by Balthazar Black
14 Ashan 721


I don't know why I'm writing this but I suppose you deserve some form of an update. We agreed to stay in contact and I disappeared all of Cylus because I was apprehended by the Elements in Almund. I suspect you, like everyone else, were questioned and I would like to clarify a few things based on rumors going around my settlement. I am not a slaver and I am not looking to run some grand slave operation. I suspected something in the bazaar and was correct. Unfortunately there were other things I did not know about which made powerful but slow working people angry. They put me in a hole for thirty trials, then put me on trial with no time to prepare a defense, then stripped me of my magic and sent me back to the island. They arrested Elisabeth too and she hasn't been quite the same since either. All and all, we are not very happy but we're managing.

I am not writing you to explain the trial though, again, I'm not sure why I am writing. I suppose I just wanted to let you know we are doing well in Haven, I've been told that is what the people are calling it these trials, and I was hoping you were as well. I'll be leading a group into the Badlands soon to gather resources and if I find anything I think might be of value to you, I will be sure to send a sample your way. Elisabeth discovered some strange clams and when we learn a little more about them, I'll send you some.

I had a strange dream the other night, more strange than usual. A throne carved from a tree stump, frozen in time with rotting leaves around it. A forest of ashen grey trees, strange symbols (which are written from memory), and a lot of different statues. I'm not sure what it means but it was unusual. Not quite as unusual as being kidnapped by the Immortal of Curses in a dream but I get around, or I used to. Keep an eye out for me, could you? If you find any forests of grey trees, we could use some more wood over here.