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The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:12 am
by Elyna
22nd Ymiden
The closest memory she had to such a beautiful day, was the one she’d spent with Malcolm at the fair. Happiness was simple and with the right person, it was easy. The sun shone down for only them, not that they saw much of it. Malcolm made good on his playful threat to keep her in their bedroom for much of the day. But the warmth had started fading to the gentle hush of evening and she had bathed and dressed and escaped those loving arms, laughing and protesting that they both needed to eat. She had tidied the kitchen, stoked the fire and emptied out the pot of old stew.
Fresh water was boiled, grains, vegetables, herbs and chicken were added to the broth and allowed to simmer. As she had slept so late in the day, she felt refreshed and invigorated. The sunshine had gotten into her blood, as her Grandmother would have said. The horses cared for, Elyna set up the Hawk on the table and unfastened the bandage. She ran gentle fingers down the length of his wing, careful not to be nipped by the sharp beak. A few trials yet, before she would stop binding it, but she was hopeful the careless damage wouldn’t be permanent. The bird had grown used to her attention and let her re-wrap the limb without much fuss, but she was glad to finally restore him to his cage and wash her hands.
The Skyrider checked the cooking pot once more, stirred their meal and returned to the table, caught between watching the door and watching out the window. Maybe she should let sleeping dragons lie, the woman wondered and ran her forefinger over the ring she wore on her right hand. What good could come, from digging up the past? If experience had taught her anything, it was that the answer was ‘very little.’ Yet, she also knew that unanswered questions had a habit of festering like an open wound.
“Mal,” she propped her elbow on the window ledge and called out to him, “what happened in Krome?” The pieces that she knew, made no sense. How, how had he been poisoned? By Vanessa? Her parents? Why…and how had he ended up in the arena charged with her murder? She wasn’t going to ask if he’d killed his wife, because she knew that he hadn’t.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:12 am
by Malcolm
Malcolm had just finished washing up and was drying his hair with a towel when Elyna called out to him. The candle that had been burning in the bathroom for light was put out and he hung the towel up to dry and use again another day. Malcolm closed the door as he left the bathroom and threaded the tongue of his leather belt through the loops on his pants. He took a shirt from the back of the chair that he had hung in front of the fireplace and sniffed it before pulling it on to return to the kitchen where he still had carrots to chop and peas to shell.
Taking up a knife, the knight set to work, slicing the carrots into thin medallions that he had found took less time to cook than when they were cut thicker. He added them to the pot and made a start on the peas, though they wouldn't have to go in till right near the end of the cooking time when the heat was turned down to allow the broth to simmer. It had been a good day, they had gotten a few things off their chests and cleared others up.
"In Krome?" He assumed she was talking about his most recent trip. "I arrived, the boys were messing around with swords outside in the courtyard, Vanessa was watching them from the balcony. We went inside, ate, Marcus insisted I try the wine he had returned from his travels with. We argued about his betrothal to you, I took the wine upstairs and had a bath, I felt stiff after the long ride."

Malcolm turned to look at Elyna and the way the setting sun caught her hair, he smiled and didn't say anything else for a spell before turning back to the task at hand, shelling peas.
"Vanessa came up stairs to talk, I don't really remember what we spoke about, her leaving perhaps... She followed me to my room, the next thing I know, I'm being visited by my father and aunties, neither of whom seemed too impressed. Judgement was cast, I returned, and one... Maybe two of the servants got me outside and had my horse ready. I left, returned home, Ben and Health helped with the move and I was arrested." Malcolm didn't turn around to watch the woman or wait on a reply, instead he washed the knife and the cutting board in the sink and dried them both before putting them away.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:18 pm
by Elyna
There was something strange about hearing Malcolm talk about the boys. His boys. Something in the tone and what he told her that confirmed that they would always be his children, not matter that they were both older than her, and she knew Marcus not as a boy, but definitely as a man. A chiselled sailor with striking blue eyes and a jaw roughened with stubble. Unwittingly, the memory of the same jaw brushing against her shoulder, caused her belly to tighten and she gulped, turning her attention to the outside world and the stars peeking through the twilight.
Malcolm gave his report, like he would report a crime. It was something she was growing used to with him. The important information and the details that could hurt, were given simply and without elaboration. There was nothing about what he said about the pain of his betrayal, or thoughts of revenge. He gave enough information that she could draw her own conclusions, if it was important for him to mention Marcus’s invitation to drink the wine, then it was significant. He blamed Marcus for the poisoning. Was it rightly or wrongly?
Elyna rested against the back of the chair, drawing shapes across the table with her fingertips. A small part of her, the tiny part that remembered with vivid clarity the night that should never have happened, in Marcus’s bed, denied his involvement. But she knew the truth, Marcus had been responsible. Why? Malcolm had returned to Krome to sign his title over to his sons. What else would Marcus have to gain? Elyna was prepared to walk away from her family for Malcolm, but she still loved her parents and offered them no ill will. It made little sense, and yet it was the truth. Then there was the puzzle of Heath, he’d helped Malcolm move and then orchestrated the arrest of his Captain? Or was he a victim of circumstance, in danger?
Riders crested the horizon, out from the treeline and she sat up, watching them approach. Excited to see Benjamin and maybe Kathryn as well. Not recognising the first two shapes in the near-dark she wondered if they’d bought new members of the crew with them. It was then Elyna stood up, hands pressed to the table. Of the five shapes in the darkness, she didn’t recognise the movements or shape of any of them, nor the voices now they were closer.
“Mal,” she spoke softly and turned, blowing out the candle beside her and dimming the light in the room. Elyna crossed to the door and slid bare feet into her boots, “Mal…I think they’re bandit…” she looked back at him and reached for her sword belt, rested beside the door. She buckled it in no time and swung arrows over her shoulder, setting the string to her bow before looking at the tall Mortalborn for orders. He was still her Captain, no matter what else he was.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:53 pm
by Malcolm
Elyna had not said anything in reply, and a small part of him was thankful for that, as angry as the man should be at his family, he was struggling to hold them accountable for their actions, there had to be more to it, this he had convinced himself. The noble woman did mention the riders, however, and half surprised that their peace had been undisturbed this long, Malcolm acted quickly and poured a pot of tea into the fireplace, suffocating the flames. He whispered for Elyna to wait and took his tabard to slip into before retreating to the bedroom to find his belt, ducking below the window in the kitchen to sneak through the door.
With his blades and sword attached, Malcolm crept back to the front door where Elyna had stood waiting quietly, this being the only way in or out of the house. He listened to their voices, none of which sold them as a very intelligent group, but it seemed they were well studied.
"The fucking knight lives here."
"Which one?"
"Bastard from the arena."
"No he's dead, saw with my own eyes I did, guts everywhere."
"No you maggot, they dragged him out of there still kicking and screaming like a woman."

Malcolm pulled the door open just a fraction to hear them better and try and get a headcount. He could see three of them trying to corral Elyna's mare and the chestnut gelding they had started calling 'Red' into a corner. Malcolm silently wished them luck as his horse wasn't above giving him a kick on a good day.
"By my count there are five, let's take these two out quickly and silently," he told Elyna, "you take the one on your left with the bow, I'll get his friend."

The best time to act was now, divide and conquer a strategy the knight knew all too well. If they could take out the two of them without their friends noticing, that would leave three already distracted individuals to deal with and in the meantime, Malcolm had another plan he was gearing up to put into action. The knight waited until the Skyrider's bow was nocked and pulled open the door to move outside, giving her plenty of room to make her shot while he drew two throwing daggers from his belt.
"Three, two..."

Malcolm lined up his target with arm drawn over shoulder, the weighted blade pointed down his back at the ready. He threw it forward with all his might, thrusting it through the air to plunge into the first man's back before he ran forwards, hoping Elyna's arrow had been successful as he drew a second blade across the bandit's throat. When Elyna's target fell beside him, the same swift justice was preformed before he waved her over to the men's horses and undid their reins to hobble a front left hoof up close to the saddles, they wouldn't be going anywhere in a hurry on horses like that, but only three horse's in and the paddock gate was opened, the bandits deciding they would have better luck herding the horses away from the house rather than trying to mount them.
Malcolm, somewhat amused by their poor planning, planted his open hand against the backsides of the two remaining horses he had left unhobbled and watched as they tore off after their mounts down the road towards the beach.
"Hey, the horses!" One of the bandits yelled before a second realised what was going on, just as Malcolm drew another throwing blade from his belt.
"Oh shit!"

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:21 pm
by Elyna
Elyna was happy to wait at the order of the Captain. It was almost strange how easily she could slip back into simply being a Skyrider. Then he slipped through the dark like a shadow and suddenly she was too conscious of the hear emanating from the man beside her; and it hit all of the right places of her awareness. Memory of their tangled breaks of time threatened to overwhelm and she was grateful for the wash of cold air as the door opened and returned her focus.
The woman nocked an arrow to the string and ran a practiced hand over the fletching to straighten them. She gave a singular nod to Malcolm but remained silent in her acceptance of orders.
The countdown was a blur and she stepped to the side in the open door, glad they’d doused the light and they weren’t simply going to light themselves up as easy targets. She’d never strictly shot at a person and her gaze narrowed down the length of the arrow. She drew the string back on the count of three and sighted her mark in the center of the man’s back. On Malcolm's command the arrow flew and landed with a dull thud in the center of his spin. A soundless cry was pushed from lungs and he toppled to the dirt.
His life ended fast and Elyna paused. This was a violent life, her body count was rising rapidly in Malcolm’s company. She shrugged off the moment of hesitation though and fit another arrow to the string, following carefully at his heels to the horses. She wouldn’t have it any other way. Turning her bow to the side she crouched, hidden by the longer grass further away from the house, so her silhouette wouldn’t show so easily if the remaining thieves were to turn around.
Her heart was uncomfortable behind her ribs and she would have sworn that if they’d been paying any attention they would have heard it. Such was adrenaline. This was the life she’d chosen though, and she loved it.
The horses set running she straightened and quickly took aim again. One of the thieves rushed towards the horses and his path took him directly past her sight. Without hesitation she let another arrow fly, cursing inwardly as it buried in his leg and he dropped, screaming like a banshee. She fit a third arrow to string and pulled the sinew back, inhaling with care, focused, lined up the site and let loose once more. The second arrow cutting off his shouts with a furious gurgle before he too dropped.
Malcolm was tangling with a second thief and the third was bearing down on her. She obviously seemed like the easier target, smaller, lighter…female. Bow discarded to the side. Elyna stepped back as he charged. Buying time to draw her sword as he lunged wildly with a blade of his own. Metal screeched together and sparks lit the darkness as she countered his attack. He was furious, hacking without skill or discipline to one side then the other, and he was strong.
The wild strokes had her stepping back on the uneven turf, forced to block them and without time to counter. Teeth grit, the muscles in her arms started to sting. It had been too long since she’d trained. Sweat slid down the back of her neck as the relentless attacks continued. Growling with frustration the Noblewoman finally sidestepped, letting the swing pass her and the man fall forward, loosing his balance. It left him open as she spun and bought her own blade up and across his middle. He dropped, gasping to knees, blade dropped to cool grass as he clutched the slice she’d taken from him.
Before she could put him out of his misery though, she looked up and sighed as two further bandits came charging out from the cover of darkness, enraged by the death of their friends, or family.
When would they learn? Elyna glanced across at Malcolm and lifted the tip of her blade once more, backing away towards the Captain and prepared to follow his lead once more.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:16 am
by Malcolm
With blade already drawn, Malcolm was spoiled for targets, deciding on the Man Elyna had shot through the leg, only to find that a second arrow had taken care of him. He spun around to face his closest threat, throwing his dagger ahead of him to see it slow the man, if only temporarily, as the blade dug into his left shoulder and was swiftly pulled out and cast aside. Malcolm drew his longsword and blocked against a high attack, shifting his weigh in order to steer the man's weapon towards the ground while he delivered a strong head-butt that saw each of them take a dizzy step backwards.
Malcolm found himself distracted, turning to check on Elyna quickly before fending off another high strike. He kicked the man in his middle and sent him to the ground before swinging his weapon down to deliver a death blow, only to be blocked. The Mortalborn took a few steps back and let his attacker come to him, chancing another glance over his shoulder at Elyna who seemed to be holding up okay. The distraction earned him a graze to the back of his left calf, but the ill timed attack left the bandit wide open, and Malcolm took advantage of this, hacking his blade at the horse thief's neck in an attempt to lop head from shoulders.
As two more riders approached in the distance, Malcolm realised this was probably their backup and if they were the same as most bandits, the weakest were generally left for last.
"Bow!" Malcolm called to Elyna, if she could take one of them out before they got any closer, their chances of finishing on top would increase significantly.

While he left Elyha to try and take one of the approaching riders down, Malcolm unhobbled one of the bandit's horses and turned the animal towards the oncoming pair. He climbed up into the saddle and kept his longsword drawn, ready to charge.
"Try and take him out," he pointed, "just don't shoot me!" The man laughed before urging the horse forwards. "Saddle up and follow soon, we need to get our horses back!"

With that he charged towards the riders. Malcolm wasn't very showy, especially with his weapon, he didn't like to take any chances but instead used the quickly closing gap between himself and the left rider to make a judgement call on if and when to swing his blade. The rider raised his weapon and just before they clashed, Malcolm swung down at the horse's front, right leg, taking it out from under the animal in a move that saw the rider up fly and over the wounded creature's head. Both hit the ground with a heavy thud, and Malcolm pulled sharply on his reins to turn his mount around and gallop him back towards the grounded rider.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:55 am
by Elyna
"Bow!" Malcolm shouted and Elyna swore. Sword gripped tight she spun, searching the ground for the discarded weapon. In the darkness, it was hidden beneath long grass and she trod carefully, inching her boots forward in the spot she thought she’d put it down. It would be no good to find the weapon by stamping in the middle of it. Edging carefully she bent, hands moving quickly over the ground in a desperate hunt, eyes fixed on the approaching rider. The advantage was quickly lost and the rider was gaining ground. Hooves thundered over hard earth grass and sent tremors through her legs.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Malcolm drop the second rider with an attack at the horse and she flinched. But there was little time to think. Instead Elyna took a deliberate step back and out of the longer grass, any hope of finding the ranged weapon fading fast. She settled her stance, knees slightly bent as the rider approached, steam rising from the animal as warm skin hit cool night air. The outline of the man was picked out in the stars and she spun her sword slowly, wishing she had a shield. But these were the moments she lived for. Calm settled on the Skyrider and she focused, aware of the hairs on her arms raising, the fit of her shirt against her skin and the weight of the longsword in her hand.
The rider was carrying an axe and as he drew close enough, he lent to the side to swipe as he passed. Ely lifted the sword, blocking the attack and stepping back with one foot to turn and watch as he spun his sweating horse. He roared, frustrated that his kill hadn’t been so easy. The horse skid on the wet grass and he changed position, leaning away from the saddle to strike down at her. More wild swings that she struggled to block, the benefit of his weight adding to his strength. Her feet moved fast across the ground as she dodged what she could and deflected what she couldn’t. His frustration increased and her arm grew heavier. The horse spun, stamping hard on the ground as it was pulled this way and that, and the Skyrider risked being trodden on, as much as sliced with the axe. It was the bandits eagerness that undid him, leaning so far out to swing at her.
She drew her belt knife and settled the hilt easy in her palm, waiting for her chance to strike. The bandit overreached again in a swipe from the side and she was given the opportunity she’d been waiting for. Stepping in to the horse, back to its belly she slid the knife between warm flesh and the girth strap and cut the fabric in a clean sweep. The bandit lunged for her, forgetting his axe as he toppled sideways off the horse and landed beneath its feet. The horse screamed, rearing in panic.
Elyna darted back, slipping inevitably on the damp grass and landing with a thump on her back. The bandit scrambled to his feet, dazed from hoof kicks and launched at her again. Teeth bared the woman lifted her sword and gripped it as he fell onto the sharpened blade. His eyes widened with shock as it slipped through his middle and he dropped to his knees. In the dark, the blood that bubbled up from his mouth was black, like tar as it trickled down. His horse spinning and bolting towards the paddock.
The woman rolled and swore softly, hand landing on the wooden stave of the long bow. She slid her knife back into its holder, collected the bow and stood up. Before she could lose it again, she set the bow beside the house and shut the door, locking it before she ran back to hobbled horses, unfastened Malcolm’s knots and mounted up. Ready, she closed her eyes. She couldn’t see much in the thick falling darkness anyway. Instead she listened for the crashing and breaking of horses in the woods or thundering down the road.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:04 am
by Malcolm
The horse was half wild, wide-eyed and nervous, jumping away from the groaning man who withered in the grass like a pinned snake, coiling about the blade that kept it grounded. Malcolm wrestled with the reins, shortening them in order to try and regain control only to to be bucked from the saddle to land on his feet, having been headed that way already. He pushed his hand against the animal's rump to avoid being trampled and ran over to the bandit who was struggling to his feet, having found the sword he had gone over the head of his horse with.
"You picked the wrong farmstead, boy."

The bandit spat blood at Malcolm and the knight repaid the favour by booting him in the jaw, which sent the young man backwards into the cold grass. He was sick of thieves and criminals who decided it was too difficult to earn a living the honest way and robbed people for one instead. Malcolm raised his blade and plunged it down into the Man's breast, a strange energy running through him as the blow was dealt and the bandit cried out and passed moments later.
Malcolm looked across the field towards the house, but with little light, was unable to make out whether it was Elyna riding towards him or the dead bandit's friend, come to claim his prize. The Mortalborn backed up slowly and put the horse between himself and the approaching rider before throwing a leg up to return to the saddle. He called out Elyna's name, and reassured, pointed his mount in the direction their horses had fled, they could search the bodies later.

Down on the beach the soft sand made it difficult to ride but the light of Treid's moons lit up the water and tracks scattered along the shore. Malcolm urged his horse to canter along the water's edge where the sand was firmer, conscious of his injury and the fact that he was not yet fit to gallop, at least not over long distances. He knew this end of the beach well and the way that it stretched on for miles before sand was traded for high dunes and shallow rock pools; the animals wouldn't go beyond the dunes and he expected to find them standing somewhere along the beach or to turn and race towards the horses they had taken from their attackers, feeling safer as part of a herd.
He rode alongside Elyna, glancing over at her every now and then to make sure she was all right, had she sustained any injuries or strains that would endanger her or their child? How could he leave her alone in that house now, knowing that things like this might take place in his absence, how could he provide if he was on the other side of the world? Before Malcolm could say anything, a familiar voice called out from up ahead.
"Ben?" Malcolm replied.
"Lose anything?" The man smiled as he slowed his horse, Red and his paddock mate in tow.
Malcolm brought his horse to a walk and rode up to take
Red by the rope Ben had managed to get around his neck. "I did not expect to see you here."
"Saw them race by the docks as I was leaving for the night, I thought this one looked familiar," he gestured to Elyna's mare and smiled, rubbing the bay's back.
"Horse thieves, seven of them."
"Well it looks like you two came out better off," he glanced at the animals they had taken to the beach with.
"I don't know," Malcolm smiled, "that one seems lame and this one is a little loopy."
Ben laughed, "well I was heading your way, I'll help you take them back home and write up a report."
"Sure," Malcolm nodded, "some ale in the kitchen with your name on it."
"Now you're talking."

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:01 pm
by Elyna
The gelding shifted white feet beneath her, uncertain before finally he slumped. Some of her calm seeming to seep into the animal before she finally made a large circle and approached Malcolm, sheathing her sword once more. There was something about fighting, scrabbling for life that made the woman feel both alive and very free. Hyper-aware of her surrounds she called back to Malcolm and settled alongside him as they rode down to the beach.
She kept her own strange mount back in a controlled trot, noting that he skipped beats and letting the animal slow to a walk over the sand. It took her a while to catch up with Malcolm, but she didn’t feel rushed. The wind tugged at wisps of her hair and set it fanning behind her. With the sun set, it was a cool night, but she felt comfortable and strangely at ease with the world. Being pregnant hadn’t suddenly robbed her of her ability to fight and defend herself. Things would get harder, that was obvious, but for the time being… The woman found she was smiling. Eyes fixed on the Mortalborns back.
Reaching Malcolm she grinned across at Benjamin relieved that he had managed to catch their horses. Ember pulled her rope free of the man’s hand and approached Elyna. The gelding tried to retreat, but she tightened the reins, reaching for Ember’s rope before she dismounted. She chose to climb onto her own horse, bare back, and turned the rope into loose reins. Then she unfastened the grip of the lame creature’s reins to lead him. Settled and ready she looked up at both men as they turned.
On the return journey, Elyna tilted her head back, watching the stars and still smiling until they crested the hill. A moment of freedom passed and slipped away and she set a determined plan in mind that one night, she and Malcolm would ride across the beach in moonlight, before they left for the West. She invited Ben to share their meal and nudged Ember into the paddock, along with the gelding.
Usually quiet the woman took the chance to rig up a corner of the paddock for the new horses whilst Ben and Malcolm gathered the bodies in a pile. She felt bad for her lack of involvement, but made no attempt to help them, the smell of the fresh blood sinking into wet grass was too potent and she needed to eat. No one could maintain a pregnancy where they lost more weight than they gained. She was sure it wasn’t right.
Horses secured Elyna washed her hands and face and dished out the evening meal, stealing the un-podded peas as she served it. They were sweet and she enjoyed the crunch of them between her teeth.
“Are you hurt?” She turned to face Malcolm at the earliest chance. She’d come away with a few bruises and an arm that ached with tired muscles. Elyna scanned his face from across the room, conscious that Ben was somewhere close by.

The day that wouldn't end

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:41 pm
by Malcolm
"You think I could take one?" Benjamin asked.
"Of course," Malcolm agreed, "what would we do with five horses anyway?"
"Sell them, breed them?" The knight suggested.
"I don't think Red is quite up to the challenge," Malcolm smirked.
Ben chuckled, "poor sod, keep the stallion and a mare, I'll take the other one, then you have a chance at two foals come rebirth?"
"I suppose," Malcolm nodded, "maybe I can sell the stallion before I leave, if they don't mind picking him up later."
"Ronald was looking for a new horse, I'm sure he would take him off your hands."
"Yeah? What happened to his horse?"
"Stolen," Ben looked surprised, "haven't you heard about all the recent thefts?"
"No but I'm not surprised," Malcolm admitted, "two ran off into the woods, there might be a third floating around the main road somewhere, injured, and I took the leg off of that one in the field, I didn't leave it to suffer though," he drew the point of his thumb across his neck as if to silently explain what had followed.
"I'll search the road on my way home, the Knights can always use more horses," Ben smiled.

Malcolm finished turning out the pockets of each of the bandits, taking what little coin their was to be found. He collected up their weapons and decided against keeping any of them, donating them all to The Iron Hand instead, all of which Benjamin was more than happy to take off his hands. Inside they sat down to eat after washing up and Benjamin did most of the talking, going on about his recent missions, leaving Malcolm envious, the Mortalborn wasn't very good at sitting still and doing nothing while his old crew continued life as usual.
While Ben was rinsing up after they had eaten, Elyna asked Malcolm if he was all right and he smiled, taking her hand across the table.
"I'm fine," he assured her with a gentle squeeze, watching her for a spell, "are you feeling okay?" Chicken seemed to go down better than beef with Elyna, and he was pleased to see her eat a full meal for a change, using up the last of bread from his trip to the capital.

"I won't keep you," Benjamin smiled warmly and gathered his things before heading for the door, "thank you kindly for the meal, Elyna."
"When are you next passing by?" Malcolm asked him.
"A few trials maybe?"
"How about the thirtieth?"
"Sure, you need a hand with something?"
Malcolm smiled, "no just you, Ronald, Kathryn, and Peter, we would like you to attend our wedding that morning."
Benjamin's eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of his head. "Wedding, but aren't yo---," he looked at Elyna and realised this one must have been off the books, especially with her being a noble and marrying outside of their assigned season. "Congratulations, I'll make sure we are all here on time."
"We will see you then," Malcolm got to his feet to see the man out and closed the door quietly once Ben was safely on his way, happy to have the house to themselves again.