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The Amnesiac, Part 2

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:09 am
by Devin

Part 1

Ashan 62, Arc 720

“I think that he likes his new clothes”,
Devin remarked and looked at their surprise visitor who had mysteriously ended up in their garden a couple of breaks earlier and who was sitting at the table in their living room now. The Sev’ryn was wearing one of his roommate Aidan’s old suits, because Devin’s clothes had turned out to be too narrow in the shoulders for him, and his hair was tied back with a velvet ribbon. “The navy-blue color looks really great against his tanned skin, don’t you think?” he asked the student.

“He does seem rather comfortable”, Aidan agreed and eyed the Sev’ryn appraisingly. The Sev’ryn looked at him and smiled, revealing perfect, pearly white teeth before he turned back to the notebook and the tin with differently colored pencils in front of him, a look of deep concentration on his face. “He seems to enjoy drawing”, he continued and came a bit closer, looking over their guest’s shoulder. “He’s not very good at it though.”

“I agree. I don’t think he’s an artist. Drawing doesn’t seem to trigger his memory either”,
Devin decided. Devin and Aidan had decided to conduct a few experiments and make the Sev’ryn do different things in order to find out what he liked and hopefully make him remember – and give him new clothes to wear since their guest had very clearly told them that he didn’t like his traditional Sev’ryn outfit and wanted to stop wearing it.

He didn’t seem to particularly enjoy being a Sev’ryn.

It seemed as if whatever accident he had suffered might have brought out a side of him that he had suppressed so far. At least Devin didn’t think that most Sev’ryn openly complained about wearing leather and fur and such and admitted that they would rather dress themselves in silk and velvet.

“Maybe he could be an actor though”, he mused. “What do you think? Are you an actor, Mik’hail?” he asked. He had decided to call their guest Mik’hail after a friend from Desnind until he found out his real name. So far, the Sev’ryn didn’t seem to mind his new name. “Or maybe you like fishing – or want to dance? We already know that you like to eat bugs or things that look like bugs”, he remarked, remembering the dinner that Aidan had made for their guest.

It was just then that Aidan nudged him though and told him. “I need to talk to you about something, Devin. Mik’hail”, he addressed their guest who briefly looked up from his drawing. “Would you mind if Devin and I leave you for a bit? There is something that we need to discuss!” Having said that, he grabbed Devin’s hand and practically dragged him into his kitchen. Once they were alone, he turned to him again and informed him,

“I do not like how you treat this poor man, Devin. He’s not a pet, he’s a human … err … Sev’ryn being who has probably been through something terrible. You are not going to drag him to the theatre, put him on a stage and tell everybody that he’s a famous actor!” he informed him in no uncertain terms, crossed his arms over his chest and looked at him, his normally gentle brown eyes practically ablaze with anger.

You said that!” Devin retorted. “I never planned on taking advantage of him like that”, he insisted. He’d only briefly considered it but changed his plan quite quickly because Aidan had looked at him like that, so very disapprovingly. Aidan was one of his biggest weaknesses. He could hardly bear it when the student was mad at him. He wanted him to be happy with him and like him and smile at him. And what more, sometimes, being near him actually made him want to do good deeds!

Of course, he’d never admit that a part of him might actually enjoy treating patients and such.

A little.


Being a nice and good and helpful person was kind of lame, and it also didn’t make you rich!

“I just want to make him experience as many different things as possible because something might eventually seem familiar to him. I know that we talked about taking him to the Order of the Adunih, but do you really think they’d help him there? They wouldn’t work with him that much! He’d be stuck in a hospital bed all trial long, and every now and then a doctor would come, poke him with something and ask unpleasant questions. And hospital food sucks! He’d probably get terrible heartburn!”

He knew that from experience. The cycle before, he had worked as a doctor in a hospital in Desnind.

Aidan looked at him for a moment before he remarked in a gentler tone of voice, “I’m sorry then. Do you forgive me?”

“Of course”,
Devin replied because he was in quite a generous mood that trial and smiled at him.

Re: The Amnesiac, Part 2

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:11 am
by Devin
Since Mik’hail needed a place to sleep, Devin prepared his second bedroom that he occasionally turned into a makeshift dental clinic when he felt like harvesting the reagents for new totems for him – which the Sev’ryn turned out to be extraordinarily grateful for. He almost fell asleep on the spot. Apparently, Devin concluded, being teleported into someone’s garden and losing your memory in the process was exhausting.

Bright and early the next trial, Devin, Aidan and Mik’hail made their way to the coast in order to take him fishing. Each one of them carried a fishing pole, and Devin who was dressed in an exceedingly fashionable outfit of bright purple that matched the color of his eyes quite well in his opinion, but was really a bit off (because he wanted to go fishing in style) also carried a picknick basket that was filled with all kinds of delicacies because fishing would probably make him hungry.

Before long, the harbor came into view. Upon seeing all the boats that were in the dock, Devin’s eyes lit up as he had suddenly had a most excellent idea. “How would you like to go sailing, Mik’hail? We’d probably catch bigger fish if we were further away from the harbor. Besides, the water doesn’t look too appealing”, he decided and wrinkled his nose as he looked at the pieces of algae and random trash that floated there.

“Mik’hail?” he asked in confusion as the Sev’ryn that had next to him a moment earlier was suddenly … gone. “Mik’hail?” he asked again before he remarked to Aidan, his eyes wide, “I think that we lost our guest! Did he teleport again? Maybe he has a teleporting disease on top of amnesia!” he mused before he spotted a hint of navy blue behind the tree.

When he came closer in order to see what was going on, he saw that Mik’hail was huddling on the floor, his arms around his knees and shaking like crazy. “The water!” he stammered when he noticed Aidan and Devin standing there. “I think that I’m afraid of water!” he informed them in heavily accented Common. “Can we go back, please?”

Re: The Amnesiac, Part 2

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:13 am
by Devin
Mik’hail had been in such bad shape after encountering the terrible ocean with the terrible boats, that Devin actually began to feel genuinely sorry for him rather than making fun of his phobia, given him something to drink as that might make him feel better and assured him that he would never have to go near the harbor again – and told him that they could continue whenever he was ready, but that it didn’t have to be right now.

Feeling sorry for Mik’hail had been such an unusual feeling that he’d actually wondered if he was himself afterwards – or if he was being possessed by some sort of ghost.

Either way, Mik’hail had nodded and gone into the garden, stating that doing such might make him calm down. Aidan and Devin decided to take the opportunity to talk about what their next course of action should be, and Devin lit a cigar and poured some brandy into a glass because he didn’t see why he shouldn’t be doing things that he enjoyed at the same time, besides it made him feel better about that terrible sympathy.

“Okay, the fishing trip was another failure”, he remarked. “What do you think we should do next? Shall I take him dancing or see if he likes animals? I could confront him with Heidi”, he mused. Heidi was his pet goat who was quite stupid, but also strangely endearing. “Or maybe I should find a Sev’ryn that is willing to talk to him. Maybe seeing a member of his own race will help him remember”, he murmured.

It was just then that he heard a loud sound. It sounded as if … by Delroth, it sounded as if Mik’hail were screaming!

He instantly set his glass down, extinguished his cigar and ran outside as quickly as he could (which was not very fast), Aidan on his heels. All kinds of thoughts went through his head, each one more terrible than the last one. Maybe Mik’hail was being attacked! Maybe he had hurt himself! Maybe he was having an epileptic fit!

What he saw upon arriving in the garden was so strange that he couldn’t believe his eyes. Mik’hail was kneeling in the grass, the basket that Aidan had put into the shed after failing at basket weaving several times in a row in front of him, an incredibly wide smile on his face. “I think that I really like basketweaving”, he informed the two young men who just stared at him. Apparently, Mik’hail’s scream had been a scream of joy!

Re: The Amnesiac, Part 2

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:13 pm
by Oberan
Review Rewards

Devin Diesel

Points awarded: 10


Running x1
Cosmetology x2
Detection x1
Psychology x2

Magic: No magic exp

Other: +5 renown for being seen in public trying to help an amnesiac in your own special way

"Being a nice and good and helpful person was kind of lame, and it also didn’t make you rich!" --> 100% agreed. Best line of the thread, hands down!

Solid thread all around. I found myself rather enjoying the relationship and chemistry between Devin and Aidan, despite not knowing a lot about either, so kudos there for sure! Devin's way of helping an amnesiac is so very Devin, which is great. 'Just try to experience many things and perhaps you'll remember something. We'll all have some fun too, while we're at it'. I'm quite curious to see who this mysterious Sev'ryn turns out to be. Someone normal? Someone famous or important in other parts of Idalos? Who knows? I don't, but I'm ready to find out!

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