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Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:31 am
by Mathias Blackwood

7 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
Mathias tightened Hound's saddle to his body and pat the side of the horse. He wasn't great at handling the beast, nor was he very much of a rider, but Mathias treated Hound better than he often treated people out of habit. People could go from friend to foe in a matter of a few misspoken or misinterpreted words while animals tended to be more loyal once you'd won their loyalty. Mathias hoped to win Hound's loyalty eventually and he figured a ride to get some supplies for the castle would help. They needed more wood and stone for repairs so two volunteers had a wagon offered to help so long as they could go with Mathias... it seemed they didn't trust him to return their wagon to them safely. If three hadn't been enough for the supply run, Mathias heard the red head from a trial or so back would be joining them. At first he was disappointed, she seemed to have a temper that he didn't want to have to dance around, but then he remembered how she'd handled the beasts from the ground and it made him feel safer.

So Mathias- after two failed attempts, mounted Hound and sat atop his horse, watching the two wagon-owning volunteer (a man named Clayton and a woman named Bertha) as they finished securing their horses and checking their wagon's wheels. Mathias pet his horse and checked on his weapons. He was bringing his bow with him- it was the only real weapon he knew how to use other than his ether, and he had a quiver of arrows on his hip and on his horse's saddle. Mathias had little hope of firing from horseback without a little practice so he'd brought some of the training arrows for the quiver on his horse's saddle... just in case they had a little extra time on the trip. He'd cleared some space in his horse's saddlebag to make room for extra supplies but he hadn't taken out anything he considered too important.

Re: Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:56 pm
by Vega
7th Trial of Cylus during Arc 720
"Wotcha, Clayton, how're you doin' Bertha?" Vega said with a grin, as she walked up, leading a sleek-looking black horse. "Heya, Mathias, how's it hangin'?" She had a good-natured smile and seemed in a generally good mood; if there was one thing it was certainly true that Vega bore no grudges. Mathias had been, in her multi-coloured eyes, rude once. She'd ripped into him for it, he'd apologised. It was, at that point, over with. Bertha and Clayton greeted her and she got up on to her own horse. Storm was black and calm of nature. "I'm not the best rider, in terms o' the fact that we have a wagon, a lot like that," she said, motioning to the wagon Bertha and Clayton had, "so, if there's trouble, we need to agree what we're gonna do. An' my suggestion is that we protect the wagon. Above all else. Because, at the end of the trial, it's that what's gonna have the supplies an' those supplies are gonna save lives. " She looked at Mat, Clayton and Berta and raised an eyebrow.

Once they'd answered, she carried on. "That bein' the case, Bertha, if there's a problem, you focus on gettin' us out of here, if at all possible. I think, all things considered, that means we need to protect Bertha as much as the wagon, yeah?" Clayton smiled and Bertha made a grumbling noise. "Righteo, that works." Vega grinned. "I know how it is with these over-protective fellas, Bertha. My Arlo'd have me home an' cookin' given the chance." Vega gave a chuckle at just how far from the truth that was. "Actually, he does all the cookin' mostly because I could burn water."

And, so, they got underway. As they did, Vega kept an eye out around them. Her
skill was excellent, and so where she could she used her
to snag them some rabbits and other small animals. As she did, she would encourage Mathias to do the same. "I never saw the point in them trainin' arrows," she said with a smile. "Personal choice an' all, but I'd rather get used to the weight an' feel of the real thing, an' if I'm gonna miss, I'd rather miss a rabbit I had a chance of catchin' so it'd feed me, you know?" That was her logic anyhow. Either way, as she watched him, she frowned slightly. "You need to concentrate on yer breathin'," she said. "It's like anythin' that becomes part of you, you breathe with it. There's a rhythm to it, an' you've got to find it." Of course, to Vega, almost everything had a rhythm, it was part of her mortalborn heritage, but she wasn't really planning on explaining that to anyone. "Breathe with it, from the moment you draw yer bow, breathe in and then out as it releases, but don't tense. Yer like a lad who's never touched a girl before, holdin' it. Stop thinkin' about it, an' just do it."

Always, she kept her eyes open and was looking around to make sure that there was no one near them. Mind you, she thought, knowing their luck, if there was going to be trouble, it would be on the way back. "So why'd you come here, any'ow?" Vega asked, making conversation as she did. "What's your story?"

Re: Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:56 pm
by Mathias Blackwood

7 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
Mathias had been more than surprised with the arguably cheery demeanor that Vega seemed to have totrial when she lead a very nice looking black horse up to the trio of volunteers. Mathias didn't know much about horses, but it seemed like a good one. "I'm alright, a little sore but better than others. How are you, Vega?" Mathias replied with a wave when she greeted him. He'd been keeping himself busy over the last few trials and part of him wanted to help get supplies because he thought the journey would be much more peaceful than the work in Storm's Edge had been.

When Vega proposed the plan to guard the wagon in case of emergency, Mathias nodded in agreement. They could all be killed and the lot at Storm's Edge would probably forget about them so long as the wagon arrived with something to keep them going... at least that was how Mathias thought it would go should the worse happen. But he didn't expect the same danger that Vega seemed to be preparing for. He thought it would be a easy ride to Rharne and back and had only really brought weapons because only an fool would live in Idalos and think weapons were unnecessary. "I agree, the supplies come first." Mathias said simply to the proposed plan, not wanting to really elaborate on why he thought Vega was right.

Mathias smiled but didn't quite laugh when Vega said she could burn water. It was amusing to think of her- who he'd seen only as a warrior- trying and failing to cook. Then again he knew he wouldn't have been much better. The band of travelers went on their way and before long Vega had proposed that she and Mathias should shoot at rabbits to get food for the group. He couldn't deny it was a good idea but he was an even worse shot on horseback than he'd been on the ground- and Vega was right when she eventually addressed it, it was because he was holding his breath the entire time be notched, drew, and fired the arrow. Mathias was so afraid of falling backwards off of Hound that he held his breath, anticipating something going wrong and so something went wrong every time-

He missed his shot.

They talked briefly about the training arrows before Vega eventually hit the bulls-eye on why Mathias wasn't doing well with the bow. "You're right about the weight, but I like to think that training arrows are more expendable. I don't have to worry as much about recovering an arrow that can't kill something for me. Plus I'm a transmutation mage- that's why my hands glow, and I can practice altering training arrows without worrying as much about the flaws and decay that it will cause." Mathias admit. He could- with proper preparation, make a training arrow feel like it was on fire, or he could make it hard like diamonds, or cold like ice, or he make it slippery but he didn't know the benefit of that exactly. He didn't know if he could make it sharper because he hadn't experimented with trying to learn the quality of sharpness.

Then Vega advised Mathias on his breathing and he nodded in agreement. "You're not wrong." A stupid thing to say, of course she knew she was right "I'll try it on a tree when we go by one." He'd learned that lesson on his own before but that hadn't been on the back of a horse. Without a rabbit in clear view and without Vega pointing out another one for him to shoot at- given she was a far superior hunter than him, he couldn't test what she'd told him on an animal so waited till he could test it on nature. He eventually tested it by riding over to a tree, pressing his hand against it to cause the wood to decay a little bit, and then riding back to the group to shoot at the tree utilizing Vega's prescribed breathing method. Low and behold, the arrow stuck right into the mark Mathias had put on the tree and a childlike grin spread over his face, then he looked at Vega and jokingly said "See I could just leave that arrow there an no one would mind because it is dull, right?" Before he road over and pulled the training arrow from the softened tree.

Then they were riding again, still on the route to Rharne when Vega asked Mathias his story and the mage visibly tensed up. He didn't know what was appropriate to begin with and so he quickly compiled the more recent events of his life in his head, cutting out anything and everything he could think of about Perseus and his childhood to focus on the good things. "I'm no knight, it's only fair I make that clear." Mathias began, hoping Vega would understand that meant his past was not to be examined with a fine tooth comb. Someone could certainly find something to be mad at him about. "I was with a girl for a while but we were in a bad line of work." He wouldn't just out himself as an assassin. "We made enemies and decided it would be safer to be apart." He had decided. Sylvia hadn't agreed. "I came to Rharne because it was nearby. She went somewhere else. I'd been working as a bounty hunter since and when I heard about Storm's Edge... well I figured I'd either die when the Flameborn overran it or I'd die defending it and more people would like to hear the story about the sellsword- who can't swing a sword, turning noble and trying to save Storm's Edge." He was an assassin with nothing better to do trapped in a land that was soon to be overrun with no way out and a way in. It was a sad and dark way to look at the situation but it was the way Mathias thought. "Though with all the work we're doing, maybe I won't have to die after all. What about you? You seem more than capable given the display on the archery field, when we first met, in the library..." Mathias's voice began to trail off "But I'm not going to assume you came to help just because you could, so what's you're story?"

Re: Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:40 am
by Vega
7th Trial of Cylus during Arc 720
"I'm well knackered," Vega replied, when Mathias asked her how she was. "I haven't slept properly for trials. But that's a'righ' we're used to it." She gave the slightest grin, of a very self-depreciating nature, and then she turned around and got on with what needed to be done. When Mathias agreed with her, Vega nodded, but said no more than that. She wasn't everyone's cup of tea, she was painfully aware of that. There were people who didn't like her because she was strong, stubborn, determined, and said it how it was. And, the thing that Vega was very aware of was that she simply couldn't find it in herself to care. She neither needed or wanted to be liked, so mostly she wasn't bothered. There were a few, of course, whose opinions of her mattered very much. But the vast majority of people weren't in that number and all the ones that were, they knew.

But, her internal chunterings aside, Vega knew that there was a lot to do, and so, they got going. As for his bow-skills, she managed to stay quiet for about half a minute and then she gave him her opinion. He didn't need to take it - that was very much one of those not-caring-too-much-about-that things, too - but he did and she listened to him when he spoke about the training arrows. Shades of orange swirled in her eyes and Vega considered for a few trill and then spoke. "I don't get it," she said, genuinely. "I really don't. I mean, I get that you do, but it's jus' like." Considering it for a moment, she sighed and then launched into it. "Look, I don't mean to be offensive or nothin' but, I jus' don't understand the attitude, you know? It's not what I have." She gestured to her back, where her arrows were. "I need arrows. An' there might come a trial when I can't buy 'em. So I learned to make them." She smiled at the memory of it. "It's tedious as anythin', but it means I don't rely on someone. It's like, when you lot all arrived, you know?" Shrugging, she said it how she saw it. "An' that cantankerous old guy who don't like me asked me what he's gettin' paid. If that's why he's there, why's he findin' out from a stranger? An' if they wanna learn, then walk up to someone an' say hey, you're practicin' an' you said we could practice with you, but I'm naff at this, teach me, would you?" Vega shrugged and smiled, looking at him with a strangely serious expression.

"Not that long ago, Mathias, I died. Burned alive, body shattered an' broken," moving her hand, she lifted her skirt just to above her knee and showed him the surgery scars. "They go all the way up, which I'm not showin' you. I got grabbed by some kind of earth elemental thing an' dragged through the ground. Both my legs were shattered an' they said I wouldn't walk again. When the earth element thing finished draggin' me, I got burned alive." Vega gave a slight shrug. "I've felt my own eyeballs melt, so I'll be damned if anyone's gonna be doin' somethin' for me when I can do it for myself. It's not a game. If yer practicin' with duff arrows, then you'll get better. But you won't get as better, as fast, as if you practice with real ones. It's not a dress rehearsal." She shrugged and then gave a wide, rather toothy grin. "An' if anyone minds yer arrow, tell them to run along an' tell someone who cares what they mind. Shoot the damn rabbit, an' stop messin' about."

That said, she shook her head and kept quiet. For a good while, at least. She asked him, eventually, what his story was and he told her. She smiled, obviously pleased that he'd answered and then he asked her and Vega looked at him. What was her story? "I love Rharne," she said, quietly. "My husband comes from here, an' the nicest people I've ever met. An' I'm not real good at a lot of things, you know?" She didn't seem to mind that, but equally she knew it (or believed it) to be true. "I never did learn to read till about an arc ago, an' I was never good at makin' friends or bein' popular or pretty. But I always had a temper an' I could always fight." With a slight shrug, she considered it and then spoke her truth. "I had a moment where I had to make a choice. I could become a fighter or a killer. " Her hand moved to her chest and she grinned. "I chose hope, not despair. I still don't have friends, an' mostly that's because people are stupid an' irritate me an' they get on my wick an' I want them to jus' go away. But I love Rharne, an' this place needs hope. Real hope." Urging her horse on a little, she glanced over her shoulder. "Besides, I like to fight, an' this'll be a good one."

Her suggestion was that they get themselves to Mistral village then, from there, they could spend the night and get to Rharne proper the next day. Also, she said, "I know people in Mistral Village, Arlo an' I helped save it some time ago. There's a horse breeder an' seller there she's a good one, an' we can get some other recruits too. Also, they're very self-sufficient, so I reckon, we'll be able to get some good supplies." Glancing at him, she raised an eyebrow. "You game?"

Re: Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:55 pm
by Mathias Blackwood

7 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
Mathias couldn't help but grin when Vega said she didn't mean to be offensive given how their first interaction had gone. Then again he'd been rude first in that exchange and the philosophy she laid out for him helped Mathias understand why, but before that they spoke of arrows. Making arrows was something that Mathias often thought about but had never really put the time in to learning. It would certainly have helped cut expenses and he was sure that with Transmutation he could make really cool arrow- suddenly Mathias wondered whether or not the ether he manifested could be shaped into an arrow and fired from his bow. Mathias had no immediate plans to test that- he'd have looked like a nut if he did, so instead he continued to listen to Vega. She had a lot of good points and a way of thinking about things that was oddly refreshing. You do you and damn anyone who thinks that you're doing it wrong.

Her story garnered more than a single look from the comparably mundane mage. He glanced once at the scars when she lifted her clothing to show him and never glanced that way again. Instead he found himself transfixed on her multicolored eyes and thoughts of how it felt to have your eyes melt. It was frightening to think that Vega could tell him exactly how it felt. Mathias nodded to Vega at the end of her story, taking a moment to process the things she'd told him. Could he accept it all as true? Not easily... but she had shown him enough evidence for him to trust her. Besides, why lie?

"I see your point about the arrows. But I'm naff at making arrow, teach me if we get to a place you can, would you?" Mathias tried hard to word it exactly as she had worded it when she referenced the group of volunteers standing around during the archery practice. It was a small jest, meant to ease the long journey, but also a genuine request. Vega had displayed more than her share of bow knowledge and if Mathias was to ride with her for an extended time, he'd be sure he learned something from her. The best thing was that now he knew how to ask properly.

After Vega had responded, the party road quickly for a bit. Then the question about his past came up, Mathias answered- posed his own question, and Vega gave her story. A patriot, through and through. Mathias could respect that even if he was not one. Patriots were easier to trust than mercenaries like him... and the man Mathias knew as Karim.

Mathias’ eyes widened when Vega expressed that she wasn’t good at many things. From what he’d seen of her she was better than him at everything he thought he was good at. When Vega said that she liked to fight and that they were in for a good one, Mathias smiled and nodded. It would be something indeed, but he had to say ”With all due respect, you seem really good at fighting, so that’s something. Great with a bow too. And the beat hunter in this little wagon.” because he liked to afford people the credit they deserved. And the blame.

They road for some more and then Vega suggested that they go to Minstral Village. Mathias nodded in agreement. “A place to rest where I can sleep in something other than a tent? I’m in.

Re: Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:18 pm
by Vega
7th Trial of Cylus during Arc 720

He asked her to teach him some fletching, and Vega nodded, "no sweat. I was well surprised at how technical it is. My Papa taught me an' Arlo, an' it were about as interestin' as havin' my toenails removed, but I have to say, I quite like it now." Things changed, Vega supposed. They always would. For her part, she grinned when he reassured her that she was a good fighter, archer and hunter. "Oh, I know what I'm good at now," she said, considering that yes, indeed she did. "But I weren't always. Used to be all gangly-legged an' all elbows an' knees as a kid." Shrugging slightly, Vega didn't mind it - not one bit.

"Well, if we're gonna be travellin' a while, may as well put ourselves in a good mood for doin' it," she said, and holding on with her knees, Vega lifted her fiddle to nestle it under her chin and she began to play. Her musical ability was all tied in with her fighting, and it was all about rhythm for Faldrun's child. The melody she played was one of cheerful optimism and she used the fiddle to ensure that the people and animals around were peaceful, happy and feeling like they didn't want to fight. That was the beauty of Hope's Fiddle of course, it just gave a little nudge, here and there, for people to have the emotions they were going to have anyhow.

Playing out in the open was something which Vega very much enjoyed and she decided, as she played, that she'd see if she could help the horses along. First she matched her tune to the rhythm of the hoof-beats of the cart-puller. Then, she played a chipper little tune which she continued with until the other horses - hers and Mathias' were also walking in time. That delighted the young redhead, and so - being who she was - Vega decided to push things a little further. Ever so slightly, she increased the speed and, true enough, the horses picked up their pace. Now, Vega could do that to a much greater extent when she used her mortalborn ability, but that wasn't what she was doing here, she was just using music to create harmony and accord, promote teamwork and, hopefully, to get them there just a few minutes quicker.

"It's a miracle, music is," Vega said with a smile. Then, she continued to play as they made their way to Mistral Village, her bow moving in time with the clip-clop of the horses hooves.

Re: Preparing for War: Does Anyone Want Anything From Rharne?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:35 pm
by Soren Kvistson

Word Count: 4171
Total Post Count: 6
Word and Post Count for Mathias: 3 / 2082
Word and Post Count for Vega: 3 / 2089
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&p=144852#p144972

Part of me wonders if Vega's claim at not making friends is actually true... I wonder if she actually has several friends but perhaps just doesn't identify them as such. Or maybe it's more one sided, more people view her as friend than she views in return. I do particularly love seeing the after effects of events from years ago still weighing heavily on a PC, and that she is sharing and open about it.

Whereas Mathias is interesting to me in that he feels somehow both experienced and novice (in life, not necessarily in a singular aspect). It was my first time reading him, and I'm looking forward to more.

Together, they both found a nice, carefree (yet not because impending death and war and such on the horizon) way to pass the time together. And who doesn't love a bit of fiddlin' while strollin down the road?

Played to Skill Level? Yes

Skill Points 15

Renown +5 for aiding in the efforts for war

Skill Knowledges:
Ranged (Shortbow) x 4
Fletching x 2
Mount x 2

Non-Skill Knowledges:

Items and Other Rewards:

Played to Skill Level? Yes / No

Skill Points 15

Renown +5 for aiding in the efforts for war

Skill Knowledges:
Fiddle x 4
Animal Husbandry x 2
Ranged Combat x 2

Non-Skill Knowledges:

Items and Other Rewards:

Code: Select all
