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Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:00 pm
by Faith Augustin
10th Cylus 720
It was the first time Faith Augustin had dreamed for a long while. They had been to the barriers at the edge of the world, and there was no dreaming there. So, perhaps that was why, this night, she didn't dream lucidly, she wasn't aware of the fact that she was dreaming. No, on this particular night, and in this particular dream, Faith Augustin was sitting on warm sands of Scalvoris, with purple waves washing against the short, a bright yellow sun in the somehow-still-night-time sky and a pair of needles in her hands.

"I get that it's 'in, round, over, and off," Faith said, softly, holding up the knitting. It was going to be - one trial - a beautiful cardigan for one of the children, but first she knew that she had to learn to knit. There was a problem with that, of course, and that was that she didn't know how and they were sitting on the sand. The sand was an issue because there were pirates on the sand. Pirates and glitter, for reasons which her dreaming mind couldn't fathom. And above them, there were owls. "But what I don't really understand is what I'm putting in where, what goes round what, which bit goes over which bit and what comes off." Silver eyes regarded him seriously, and she nodded. "But other than that, I've got it!"

PB, her chalk-drawn outline of a bunny companion was sitting opposite her. Pirates fought around them, but there was a circle of glitter which they stayed out of - and besides that, every now and then PB put down his knitting, lifted a pea-shooter to his chalk-line mouth and a dream-pea shot out at impossibly high velocity. When it did, it impacted with a pirate and the pirate in question exploded in a shower of lights, like the
Doran had shown her.

"Right. I get that," PB said with a grin. "But love. You need to get the wool in yer 'and first."

Faith got the wool into her hand.

"Right. Now. Needle one into the loop."

She put the needle into the loop.

"Now, take the yarn an' wrap it round an' round. No!! Jus' once. Jus' round. Not roun' an' round. Jus' round."

She wrapped it around twice, unwrapped it, and wrapped it around once.

"Now, the needle you didn't put in, that's right", that was to her waggling the needle, "put that over the needle you did."

She did that. It seemed to make a knot.

"Now, pull that one off, transferrin' the loop to the wiggle-needle."

Faith looked at him in amazement.

"Well done, you. You knitted a stitch!"

Now that her dreaming mind recognised it, Faith began to knit and a cardigan suddenly started appearing. And it happened fast. "Oh, PB, thank you!" Faith said, most solemnly. "Rose is going to love this so much!"

"Yeah," PB said quietly. "About that. I was meaning to tell ya..."

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:59 am
by Pig Boy
”The boss wants you to make something for him…” PB murmured uncomfortably, as Faith celebrated the cardigan she’d woven for Rose. ”I know, I know, he’s been a bit of a nutter lately, but he tells me he’s gotten a bit better just recently. He wants you to make a shroud, for… well, you know. His kids.”

It was an uncomfortable topic, even for a spirit of death to speak on the death of children, even if they were grown children. Mortalborn children that were centuries old in fact. Yet there they were.

”I don’t know why or how he intends to put them to rest, but he does want to have a memorial at least, if not a funeral for them. What happened to them, worse than death, losing who they are, their soul… Terrible.” It was unlike PB to speak so solemnly, yet again, there they were.

Suddenly, PB snapped his fingers, and a pair of bolts of dreamcloth materialized nearby. One made of gossamer white fabric, the other fuligin, a black deeper than black. ”He has the fabric for it, just need you to weave the stitches and make something that’ll do justice to the people they were.”

”I believe… Not sure, but believe he wants you to officiate the memorial. You’ll be able to bring as many guests as you wish, but first, we need a shroud to cover what remains of who they were.”

So saying, PB waited for Faith to get to stitching, or ask questions. This was doubtless a bit of a shock to her, especially to occur in the middle of a pleasant dream. Nevertheless, it was apropos for it to be so, given the subject of the memorial.

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:23 pm
by Faith Augustin
10th Cylus 720
The boss was wanting her to ....?

Faith looked at PB and she nodded. "Of course," she said softly. There was nothing worse, after all. She knew, when Rose had died, that her not being physically there had meant that mourning was so much more difficult for both she and Padraig. She listened to how PB described it and she nodded. "It's beyond awful. Whatever he needs, always." That was Faith's default, of course, anyhow and to anyone, but in the case of Vri that was even more so. And yes, maybe he had been a bit "more of a nutter" than usual lately, but Faith wasn't judging. It wasn't her way to do so. PB supplied the cloth and Faith looked at it with a slight frown on her face. The glimmering white cloth was for Jesnine, of course, and the black for Kliek; but they were more than that. They were more than dreams and nightmares - they were his children.

Twins. Light and dark.
different, so very different

But he was their father - and they were his. The product of his love with a mortal woman and beings he loved. Both of them. He had held them as babies.

and so very much the same.....

Such was the way of it with twins, of course. Individuals, no doubt, but also somehow connected. Faith looked at it and she nodded. "It's not up to me who attends," she said softly. "But PB, could you make an offer, please?" She had a clear idea now and so she started to draw out the pattern. "As Famula's champion, I can pull anyone back, from any length of time, for seven trials. If he wants it, their mother could be that person." She wouldn't be able to do that with the twins, Faith thought, since they'd sort of become someone else. But their mother, to stand with him and mourn together - that was something she could do. "It must be ever so bitter sweet," she considered, her hands keeping busy, "I've always thought, but I think that it might be something he'd like - and that she'd appreciate." It was a power from Famula, Faith knew that Vri could probably do it himself, but she got the feeling that, for him, it was important that he followed the 'rules'.

So, she made the offer.

"I'm going to make the shrouds resemble a pair of wings, wrapped around them. One around him, one around her," Faith explained. "The wings will be black, the shrouds white." But, that said, Faith had an idea and she looked at the cloth. Yes, that would work. "I'm going make this appear like ... well, like it's changing colour, but it's shifting from black to black. Shimmering." But Faith was adamant - there would be no showing of one twin as "dark" and the other as "light" - this was a moment to remember his children, and that was what they would do.

She was going to embroider, she decided, the shrouds themselves. In the same pattern, but with different designs. That would work, she thought - so that they looked the same from a distance, but when close up were individual. Faith liked that idea, she thought it was appropriate for Vri to see that. To notice details. "You're his," she said, with a smile. "Tell me, PB - give me some ideas for memories would you? Things, flowers, moments, smells - anything that you can. I want to make both shrouds individual." Also, of course, she made a pair of hankerchiefs, one with the left wing, one with the right, from the same material. She'd embroider the design on those, too, so that he'd have something to remember the moment by.

It didn't matter that he was the Immortal of Remembrance in that moment. It was a gesture for a grieving father. So, at that point, once PB had given her some ideas, Faith got to work. There would be, she considered, a low plinth where the bodies would lay, side by side, wrapped in the shrouds and placed so it seemed that they were both being held by the one winged creature - a wing around each child. Then, there was the question of what the guest list would look like. Faith's fingers stopped moving and she looked at PB rather quizzically. "Who do you think we should invite? There needs to be clear rules if there are any Immortals who might think about messing around," But then, Jesine and Kliek had been mortal born - looking down at the shroud she was stitching, Faith's face gave a sad, gentle smile. "Jesnine's fairies. They should be here. I don't know much about Kleik." It was true, she didn't. But she'd spoken to Arlo about his little fairy companion. That was the pattern she was making on Jesine's she decided; it would include the little fae.

"Do you have any ideas?" Faith asked PB. She wanted to get to know the twins, both of them, as much as she could. If she was going to officiate this, then she'd have to make sure that it was personal. That was the most important thing - that it was personal.

So, she looked at her bunny friend and smiled. He would be a source of invaluable support in this - but also of invaluable information.

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:38 pm
by Pig Boy

PB watched her reaction carefully. Of course, the Diri was aware that Faith herself had only recently been through so much. He was still worried about Vri's mental state, even though he'd assured his closest servants that he was fit and getting better, having spent some time among humanity. Even now, he continued to spend time in the mortal world, posing as a mortal to better learn about them. But that was neither here nor there.

PB's eyes widened at Faith's idea. Of course, Vri even in his worst moments couldn't bring himself to work against his own domain, and bring back the woman he loved. For fear that something might change, or his memory might get spoiled. Even now he wouldn't ask it of anyone, yet this seemed more than an appropriate situation for her to return, if there ever was one. And it would only last so long as the memorial itself, from the wake to the ceremony.

"Yes, he would appreciate that, I'll ask him if he wishes it."

PB attended as Faith went through the motions, describing how she would create the shrouds. This was her process, and he would not interrupt it, for fear of spoiling anything. While Faith was more than capable as a needleworker and tailor, it was jarring even for a master for their process to get interrupted. At least PB understood it to be so.

When at last she addressed him again, he nodded at her suggestions, "Jesines Fairies, we couldn't keep them away certainly. They will be there." Pb tapped his chin, "As for Kielik... I hear he was quite close to Labrae..." He paused there, and shook his head, "Hmmm, Sintra's daughter though? At Vri's house? It seems likely as not to turn into a powder keg."

"That's the first one that springs to mind anyway... Kielik didn't have many real friends, especially when he started to go... well you know... Mad."

PB paused in thought for a few trills. He seemed to settle into a torpor for a few moments, until he lit up, "Oh! Vri instructed me to give you some visual inspiration... Some keepsakes of his children that will be put in place of their body."

So saying, PB began dragging his hand across the air. Like the same chalk-drawing that he appeared composed of, figures began appearing trailing across the air as if chalked onto it. He finished one figure after another. When one was finished, it materialized in the dream, showing Faith it's dimensions and colors in full detail. It wasn't hard to tell which belonged to whom. The skull of a nightmare beast, the webspinner medallion, and a toy, stuffed caterpillar that could only belong to Kielik. Then, a crystal rose that shone with light, a crystal fairy bell, and a crystal unicorn figurine that must've been Jesine's childhood toy.

When PB was done, he rubbed the arm that had drawn the figures, and then nodded toward them as they descended to the floor for Faith to inspect.
Visual Aides

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:15 pm
by Faith Augustin
10th Cylus 720
Every detail had to be correct, Faith knew, and so she nodded to PB. "Yes, please ask him. If you could do that sooner, rather than later, I'll get on here." The shrouds - which were one shroud - were more or less done, and Faith considered what to do with regards to the items. She inspected them carefully, nodding her head as she did so. This was helpful, more than helpful. Glancing up at PB, Faith asked him, most sincerely, "Vri is your ... he's yours and you are his. Are you doing alright, PB?" She and PB had been together since before Faith had been freed - he had been born from Faith's unconscious desire to be free, existing at first only in her dreams and now, her constant companion.

Once PB had answered her, once that conversation was done and she was content that he was, in fact, genuinely alright - Faith considered the items. each one of them and she nodded. "I can use these," she said. Her thoughts were clear and she explained to PB. "I'm going to make small wooden carvings of each, as mementos for Vri and their mother." Faith was here as a seamstress, but she had other skills and one of them was her ability to work wood. So, she sat and began the task of making two each of the small figures. Then, for each, she made small accessories, using the ability she had to make shimmering, colour-changing fabric. Each item was given the same level of care and attention, there was no notion from Faith that one child was better than another.

As she worked, she spoke to PB. "There must be rules. I suggest that we hold this memorial in a Domain - presumably Zuudaria? Although Bellinos might be the place. Or Gwelliph, I suppose. But wherever it is, there must be a clear indication that it is neutral ground. Peace. There must be peace." She smiled slightly and shrugged gently as she continued to work. "And to enforce that, I would suggest that we ask Ziell to ensure that there is peace there. An area of no-combat, nothing but peace. Those with non-peaceful intent may not enter. Does that work?"

When she was done, she showed PB the woodcarvings, and she handed him two small soft toys. A caterpillar and a unicorn, made to be together. She embroidered the images into the wings of the shroud, also, and she waited to see what Vri would say about her bringing the children's mother back to him. In terms of the logistics of this, Faith knew, there were questions which had to be asked, before the final details could be decided. But what the final details were would be, as far as she was aware, up to Vri rather than her.

"Is there anything else I should be thinking about?"

Faith figured it never hurt to ask.

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:47 pm
by Pig Boy

PB saluted Faith when she insisted that he ask Vri sooner than later about bringing back Anaza. "Sure thing. Uh, I'll be right back. He's a little shy still, after his downtime..." And with that, PB drew a door which he then flipped open, and stepped into.

Once he was gone, this allowed her time to assess the work she'd be doing. The objects seemed mundane enough, even the nightmare beast skull looked more like a physical replica than the remains of an Emean being. They appeared keepsakes, or toys that belonged to them as children and young adults. One signifying young childhood, one adolesence, and the last signifying their coming of age.

Soon enough, PB reentered through the same door he'd just drawn, with a nervous look on his face. "Ay, he says he... Would rather leave it up to you. He cannot bring himself to go against his nature, as much as he might like to..."

Here PB scratched the back of his neck, his face twisted by uncertainty, "If you ask me, he does want you to, but he can't request or even command you to. Dig?" PB shrugged, "But I could be wrong... Uh... I'm alright. It's... a lot has happened over the past arc. So much. And so much that was strange."

He shrugged again. "But yeah, I'm fine." So saying, the chalk outline listened pensively as Faith told him how he'd be using the mementos.

Then Faith went into her plan mode, as she often did, drawing from her experience as the General of Famula's forces, no doubt. He waited a few moments for her advice to sink in, and then nodded. "Leave no stone unturned, or in this case, seam unstitched eh? Yeah Ziell is tight with Ymiden, and you're good with him. I think he can be persuaded to send somebody or something to ensure peace."

"As for the choice of venue... I would suggest Gwelliph as neutral ground. All that works!"

"So... uh... how does summoning Anaza back to the living work? Does she come back as healthy, as she was before she began to decline toward death?" PB rubbed his chin thoughtfully, shaking his head. "I don't think he'd like having her back on her death bed for the entire proceedings... Just not sure how your ability works, is all."

PB waited for her to explain, or even just to show him. Then he'd stand by and let her get to work, summoning the rest of what she'd need to craft the shrouds and mementos.

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:03 am
by Faith Augustin
10th Cylus 720
PB was happy with what she was doing and, for that, Faith was happy. But then, there was the question of bringing back Vri's love - and the mother of the twins. Putting down the sewing in her hands, she looked at PB and considered what he asked. "She comes back in the prime of her life," she said, softly. "And she will be here for seven trials."

Faith frowned slightly and then she turned a very serious gaze to PB as she spoke. "He... PB, the thing is. I am concerned about him," she said, and then added, "them. Him and her. He is an Immortal and I understand that. I know that I do not understand and I would not presume to do so. But," she paused, trying to make sense and speak as clearly as she could. She knew what she meant, but it was tricky to explain. "When we lost Rose," she said, "we grieved" Faith's hands clasped together, her finger pads pressing against each other. "It didn't make sense, PB. Nothing did. It... it punctuated everything. Each moment, every thought." Even now, even after they had Rose in their family once again, after she had been returned to them.

But there was a very real difference here, and that was important to her. "We fell apart, we cried. We were able to be weak, to get things wrong and .... " Faith shook her head. "He's feeling the loss of his children and he can not. " The frown which crossed Faith's expression was genuine. "It's cruel."

It was important, she knew, that she got this point across. "We're bringing Anaza back, but she will be coming back to face that reality, too.". She sighed. "Gwelliph is a good place, it makes sense." None of this seemed fair to her, but Faith didn't understand how to fix it. "He feels mortal emotions," she explained, "yet he is restrained by his Domains. It must be torture for him." Gesturing around to what she had organised, she sighed. "Will any of this help, PB?" It was a genuine question, and she looked at him with a perplexed expression. "I want to help, but is this making it worse?"

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:40 am
by Pig Boy

"It only ever gets worse with Sorrow, but there is peace in death, and joy in remembrance."

The voice of Vri floated on the air of Emea, to Faith's ears. He arrived from behind PB, emerging from the mists of dreams. He looked different from when he'd last appeared to Faith. There were fewer fracture wounds, which she herself had unwittingly healed when Vri tried to throw himself on her Truthblade. But where Faith had no intent to harm him, and only pure devotion and love for Vri, it had healed his fracture scars. Thus had she joined the few, or possibly become the only healer, to repair a fracture scar. Although she might not claim credit for it.

"Faith I... I wasn't at my best when we last met. I've made enemies of your friends, people who I ought to protect and hold up as precious as you are." He sighed, "But I have walked among humanity for a time, and met some truly exceptional individuals. I have a new appreciation for mortals, and even a sort of envy, as your words give evidence to the realization..."

If Faith made a move to bow or any such thing, Vri would shake his head and hold out his hand, "No, Faith. You are worthy, do not bow before this sorry excuse for a creature." He would take her hand, if she let him, and PB would just stand in awe, quite uncharacteristically for him. "I couldn't stay away... I heard Anaza's name spoken, by you, and I surmised almost instantly what you have planned..."

While Vri was speaking with Faith, PB discretely covered the work she'd already done on the funeral shroud for the twins. "I have no words for what you have planned. I cannot condone it, as you know. Yet, I long to see her again... Please..."

"Alright, ya Longshanks, get back to Bellinos now. We'll see to everything, boss, just wait and see it'll cheer you right up!" PB chimed in, ushering Vri away from Faith. Vri still had some healing left to do, Faith could tell due to her psychological skill. Although he couldn't condone the return of Anaza, he had not forbidden it. Vri disappeared at the bidding and suggestion of PB, and with a wave of his hand was gone back to Bellinos, to prepare himself for the funeral.

PB looked at Faith, and sighed, "Sorry about that, Love. He's really gotten a bit cookey, even after going to therapy in Viden... Now... Where were we? Is the shroud ready yet, you think? Need more time?"

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:47 pm
by Faith Augustin
10th Cylus 720
As she heard Vri's voice, Faith turned and smiled. It wasn't the sort of smile which spoke of enthusiasm - but of comfort, of familiarity. Her eyes regarded him and she nodded at what he said. Sorrow was a dreadful, draining emotion and Faith believed, most wholeheartedly, that the Immortal in front of her was in a situation where he could not win; he was trapped. More and more, Faith was of the opinion that the Immortals were enslaved by their very creation. They embodied their Domains, but to her that was something which restricted them.

And they had seen the impact of that in Vri himself.

He spoke of how he was not himself, and Faith turned to assure him that there was no apology needed, there was nothing but respect for him. He would not allow her to bow, though she tried, and his words hit home. He envied mortals, even a little? Faith considered this, and she felt her resolve grow more than it already was. There was no doubt in her mind that he was under immense pressure - literally. "You have a lot on your shoulders," she took his hands into hers - her natural inclination to care, to empathise - to look after. He held on to her hand and she stepped forward, so that she was standing close to him. "You are the very embodiment of love," she said, softly. "What you have had to endure is beyond description. It is my privilege to help you, and I hope to do you and your children justice."

With PB's urging, though, Vri left and then PB spoke again. Faith nodded. "I want to help him," she said with the softly earnest tone which he knew meant that she had no intention of letting this go any time soon. "I want to help all of them. They're trapped, PB. And Treid, I want to help him, too. Will I be able to do that?" The question might seem incongruous; especially since she was talking to the outline of a chalk-drawn bunny. But getting Vri's co-operation would be key to achieving this.

"And if so, how can I start?" Sighing, slightly, she motioned to the shroud. "Right now, though, I think we're ready to go?" When it was time, she would do what she needed to. And, as was always the way when Faith did anything, she'd make sure that every detail was attended to.

Re: Stars shining bright above me.....

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:44 pm
by Pig Boy

"Trapped?" PB quirked an etched brow, and brought one of his paws to his chin for a moment in a very pensive pose. Then he hiccuped. "Well, if you say. Do you think I am trapped as well? I mean, aren't we all trapped by our invisible synapses and motives and subconscious desires...?" PB chuckled at his joke, then floated over and patted Faith on the shoulder. "I think you're thinking too much, maybe, good Doctor. We take people as they come, no? It's just in his nature, all of their natures... Besides, what would 'freeing' them even mean?"

PB floated away, and regarded the funeral shroud that Faith had woven. He whistled at her handiwork, as well as the keepsakes that had inspired them. "I think this is just perfect. And don't you worry, we'll get him turned away from Sorrow and onto love right quick, yes?" So saying, PB bobbed his head, and faded away for the moment. To make ready for the memorial with Vri and his closest helpers.

There, Faith was left to wait, and ponder the question she'd posed to PB that he'd so blithely dismissed. Yet, maybe there was something to it afterall?

In Gwelliph, there was a grand chamber that was suitable for such a function as they were all called to that day. In the midhours of dusk, they arrived at the Emean domain.

Faith with her shroud, and dressed however she wished to appear there. PB was there as well, as Faith's chaperone as it were. Vri was there at the stage where the keepsakes were held, all that was left of the twins former identities. There were two seating arrangements before the altar these were placed upon. One for Kielik's friends and close associates, and the other for Jesine's, those who were closest to either. All told, apart from some former marked who refused the amalgam of Unity, and yet were called for their service to either Mortalborn, there were few enough immortals present.

Among those in Jesine's corner, Faith was told by PB, were Ti'atha, a good friend of Jesine, the Mortalborn of Creativity, Colors, and Curiosity, the Daughter of Daia, who was alive at the time of the eruption of the Immortal War. She sat, looking sullen, yet casting about as if looking for something, or someone. Ethelm, the son of Ethelynda, was there with her, to provide moral support looking not too pleased about having been dragged away from the forge, but respectfully silent about it.

Labrae had yet to enter the scene, and for now it was Faith's turn to bring the shroud to the grieving father, and perform that service she'd said she would. To bring Anaza into the world again, for just a few trials or moments...