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Signs of Trouble

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:42 am
by Tei'serin Nji'ryn

19th Ymiden, 719

Desnind was an interesting place when it came to healing the people who call it home. The city had two places of healing. One, the more traditional of the two was the Olọravu Slosneppe. Translated into Common, it was the Medicine House. And from what Tei'serin could tell, it had existed as long as the city had.

Totrial, Tei'serin was at the Order of the Adunih Outpost. She found the Olọravu Slosneppe to be a fascinating place, but she felt hopelessly out of her depth there. The herbs she relied on exclusively were foreign there, and sources of suspicion. As a result, she was much more comfortable working in the Outpost. The Outpost was so much...more than she was. Tei'serin knew herbs, and she was confident in her abilities when using them. But herbs were only one small aspect of healing. And when she considered that, she found herself very lacking. Herbs were what she loved. But how many people was she failing by not knowing more than the herbs she trusted? As a healer, she, needed to know more.

So while she had come to the Outpost to help out, there was one thing she needed to do first. Tei'serin made her way over to the reception area where a simple wooden desk could be found. A girl who looked to be a few arcs younger than her sat behind it.

"May I help you?" the girl asked politely.

Tei'serin hesitated. Did she really want to do this? Yes. More than just about anything. There were only two things that she wanted more than this. And yet...he wouldn't like it. Thorin would be furious if she joined the Order of the Adunih. He didn't like it if she attracted too much attention to herself. Being a teacher and an herbalist in a tiny village was one thing. Joining a faction that was known all over the world...was very much another thing entirely. He wouldn't like the time she would have to spend honoring the commitment she would be making if she were to join the Order. If he found out...and he would, there was no denying that fact. When he found out, the punishment he would give her for denying his wishes would be a truly horrible one indeed. Tei'serin shuddered at the thought, and the girl behind the desk frowned in concern. And would be worth it. She hoped.

"I would like to join the Order of the Adunih." Tei'serin said softly.

The girl's eyes widened slightly. Tei'serin got the feeling that she hadn't been expecting Tei'serin to say what she had said.

"Are you certain? It's a big commitment, and you looked a little...worried a few trills ago." she said.

Tei'serin nodded.

"There are...complications that I will need to deal with. But they are personal ones, and they will not affect my duties to the Order if I am allowed to join."

It was true enough. Thorin would be furious with her, but the scandal of being forced to quit after she had joined might draw attention to him too, since he was her guardian. So like it or not, he wouldn't force her to withdraw her membership. Instead, he would find other ways to make her life miserable.

"I see. Please wait here. I need to get Rue for this. She is a hooded gold cloak member of the Order, and she is the head healer at this Outpost. This is something she needs to deal with."

Tei'serin had no idea what a gold cloak was supposed to represent, hooded or not, but from what the girl said, it sounded like it meant that Rue was a person of authority. Especially when combined with the fact that she was the head healer. That much, Tei'serin could understand.

She didn't have to wait long.

"Is this the woman who wants to join the Order?"

Tei'serin jumped a little, and turned to see a woman wearing a gold cloak with a hood over a dark green dress enter the reception area.

"Yes, Rue."

The older woman turned to Tei'serin.

"My name is Rue Westfield, and I am the head healer at this outpost. Juel'rie tells me that you want to join the Order of Adunih?"

"Tei'serin nodded.

"Yes, ma'am." she said politely.

"Why don't we take this somewhere where we can talk more freely?"

Rue led Tei'serin through a hall that branched into nine rooms. She was told that eight of them were exam rooms where patients could be examined and treated in privacy. It was far from anything she had ever experienced back in Treth. Normally, she treated people in their own homes. That offered her patients all the privacy they could want as long as the rest of their family kept out from underfoot, but this seemed...more professional, somehow. She couldn't tell if it was better or not, but she figured that that was a sign of her own lack of knowledge on such matters.

At the back of the exam area, there was a room that Rue explained was the staff break room.

"No one will disturb us here. Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself. I know you have some experience as a healer because I've seen you helping one of the healers who work here. How much experience do you have?"

"I'm an herbalist, ma'am. Back in Treth, I'm the village herbalist. We have a doctor who tends to things like broken bones, or surgery. But people come to me when they need a remedy for a cold, or the flu. Or if they need something to help them relax, or get to sleep. I know what herbs are good for easing pain, preventing infection, making the body stronger so it can fight illness of better, and speeding healing. If someone wants to have a child...or not to have one, I know what herbs they should take. And I know what herbs are safe to use on children, and which ones are not. I know a few basic things like how to bandage some injuries, but what I know the most about...what I know best, is herbs. I have also been honored by Moseke's blessing. I try not to rely completely on the gifts she has given to me, because to do so would be to take them for granted, and I could never do that. That would be wrong."

Rue considered her words, then continued with another question.

"What do you think your greatest weakness is as a healer?"

"My lack of knowledge in every aspect of healing other than herbs. I like herbs. They fascinate me, and I am good at making herbal remedies. But they can't heal everything."

She had seen many cases where herbs wouldn't be enough to help her patients even if she had had enough to work with in a tent on an icy field during the war back in 716.

"Take away my herbs, or give me a patient who is bleeding out, and I am useless."

Rue nodded, watching Tei'serin carefully. Finally, she offered her a small smile.

"Well, at least you are honest about your limitations as well as your strengths. If you are willing to learn, I think you will be very useful to the Order."

Tei'serin smiled weakly. If she were being completely honest, she wondered if Rue would feel the same. She loved learning about herbs, collecting them, and making remedies out of them. Actually treating patients made her uneasy at times if their need wasn't severe enough to override her anxiety. Men terrified her because of everything she had suffered at the hands of Thorin and his men. There were few exceptions to this, and most of them were related to her. Treating a man for anything was a battle between her fear of him, and her duty as a healer...and she could never be completely certain which would win. Women weren't a source of terror the way men were, but it was hard to trust any stranger when she had to wonder if they were a spy for him, or had been blackmailed into helping him in some way. That lack of trust sometimes made it difficult for her to do her duty to them. With herbs, she had some distance, at least. Suggesting that someone drink lavender tea to help them sleep didn't take a lot of trust, after all. That was another reason why she liked working with herbs. She wouldn't have that distance if she was using other methods. Children didn't cause any conflict in her, though. And if she could learn more ways to help them, then she would be glad to.

"I am always willing to learn." she said simply.

"Then its settled. I'll get the paperwork that you'll need to fill out, and we'll get everything settled."

"Thank you."

Re: Signs of Trouble

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:06 am
by Tei'serin Nji'ryn

It didn't take long for Rue to return with the paper work, and once she did, it was a simple matter for Tei'serin to fill it out. As she signed the final page, she looked up at Rue and handed her the completed paper work.

"I didn't come here totrial just to join the Order." she said as Rue checked to make sure everything had been filled out.

"I came to see if there was anything I could help with here."

Rue looked her over carefully.

"We can always use as much help as we can get. And someone who has skill with herbs will be especially useful totrial. I'll ask Juel'rie to get your green cloak, and medical kit ready for you when you are ready to leave. While she's doing that, I'll put you to work. I was planning to work with the chamomile totrial, and since you know herbs, you'll be a big help. Sound good?"

"I know a few things about chamomile, but it isn't an herb I am especially familiar with. But if you are willing to teach me as we work, I'm a quick learner." Tei'serin replied with a smile.

Rue filed the paper work quickly, then led Tei'serin out into the garden.

"You mentioned knowing a little bit about chamomile, so let's start with that. What can you tell me about the herb?"

Rue's tone held a hint of a challenge, letting Tei'serin know that she was being tested.

"I know that it can be made into a tea, and that that tea can be made either weaker or stronger depending on how much of the herb is used to make it. The length of time that the tea is steeped for will also have an effect on how strong it is. I know that people who are allergic to flowers like chrysanthemums, daisies, marigolds, asters and ragweed may also be allergic to chamomile, and that people who have asthma shouldn't drink chamomile tea because it might worsen their symptoms. If someone is allergic to chamomile, they may experience skin irritations, hives, and in severe cases, they may even have trouble breathing. And finally, I know how to dry the chamomile flowers before they are used."

Rue indicated that she should explain how, so Tei'serin continued.

"In order to dry the flowers, you need to spread them out in a single layer and allow them to dry for 7-14 trials in a dark, warm, dry space."

"That's a good start." Rue allowed.

"It's always a good idea to know about any possible allergic reactions people might have to an herb, and who shouldn't be taking it. But the most important information, of course is what it can be used for. Where to find it in the wild, and how to cultivate it if it can be cultivated are also important facts to know."

Tei'serin flushed, staring at the ground in embarrassment. She knew what Rue had said was true, of course. But after the way she had been interrupted while reading about the herb the first time, she just hadn't been able to make herself go back and reread that section. Whenever she tried, unpleasant memories overwhelmed her.

Rue chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, Tei'serin. That's why you're here; to learn. So. Chamomile is as edible herb. If you don't know, that means that it can be considered a source of food as well as a medicinal herb. There are two kinds of chamomile that are commonly used in herbal remedies. Both are edible, and both have tiny white flowers that look like daises. One type has feathery, fern like light green leaves while the other type has finely divided parsley like leaves."

Tei'serin nodded as she committed the information to memory. She was pretty sure that she had seem some chamomile growing along the road to Ne'haer the last time she had made her way into the city.

"Chamomile has a bittersweet flavor that some people find quite pleasant. But for those who find it to be too bitter, it can be sweetened with sugar or honey as desired. The flowers and leaves are the parts that can be eaten. They taste similar, but both have slightly different flavors. The flowers have a slight apple taste to them. I know that much from drinking the tea fairly often. The flowers and leaves can be used fresh in a salad or as a garnish. They can also be used fresh or dried to make tea. The leaves can be chopped up and put into butter or sour cream as a flavor when used for mashed potatoes. Or for other things, for that matter. And dried chamomile flowers can be ground into a powder that can be used in tea, sprinkled over soups, drinks, or side dishes. It can also be added to the batter of cookies, scones, and muffins to add a delicate floral fragrance to the dessert. Now, this is all second hand information, but I trust the source. I'm not much use at cooking, but one of my friends is, and she uses chamomile as an ingredient quite frequently. She uses a lot of the edible herbs when she cooks; says it makes her feel as if her dishes are healthier because she uses the same herbs I make my medicines with."

Tei'serin smiled and nodded.

"I've done the same a few times. It can't hurt to use the herbs while cooking. I know it isn't the same as using an herbal remedy, but I like to think that it gives you a little boost to eat the herbs as well."

Rue laughed.

"True enough. More importantly for what we are going to be doing totrial, chamomile is an annual herb that will self-seed and can be quite aggressive if left unchecked. The good part of that is that it is easy to grow the herb. But unless you grow it in pots, or designate an herb garden specifically to chamomile, it can really take over your entire garden unless you keep a close eye on things. Harvesting it on a regular basis will help with that, so if it is an herb that you plan to use frequently, it is usually worth growing it yourself."

Tei'serin paid close attention to what Rue was telling her. She had taken a few gardening classes over the arcs, but she wasn't very confident in her ability to grow herbs yet. As a result, she was always happy to hear about an herb that was easy to grow. If she could stick to those until she had a better idea of what she was doing in a garden, it might help her chances of having a successful one.

"It is easy to grow it from seeds. To do so, you should start the seeds indoors, roughly 42 trials before the last expected frost. Chamomile seed needs light to germinate, so when it's time to take them outside, simply scatter the seed and press firmly onto the soil. Do not cover the seed with soil. The seeds should germinate in 7 to 14 trials. This is actually late in the season to be starting the chamomile, but I am hoping that we will still end up with a decent crop of it."

Rue demonstrated what she wanted done, then let Tei'serin try it. It took Tei'serin a few attempts to get the hang of it, but once she did, it was a simple enough task. Once Rue was certain that Tei'serin knew what she was doing, she started working too, and the two worked in a companionable silence.

Re: Signs of Trouble

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 9:26 pm
by Tei'serin Nji'ryn

"Where can you find chamomile if you were to look for it in the wild?" Tei'serin asked after they had been working for a while.

"Chamomile can be found in pastures, cornfields, roadsides, and other sunny, well-drained areas. So you won't find it growing wild around here. Which is why we grow so much of it here. It really is a useful herb."

Tei'serin nodded. Rue's words led right to her next question.

"What is it good for?"

"Chamomile can be used both internally, and externally. When used internally, it is usually drunk in the form of a tea, or a tisane. External remedies are more varied. It can be used in creams, lotions, washes, is a very versatile herb in that regard. Its uses as an herb are just as varied. Chamomile helps to relax the muscles, so when it is taken internally, it can calm stomach spasms, and either calm or even prevent menstrual pains. It has pain relieving qualities when used both internally and externally. As a tea, it is good for relieving headaches. As a mouth rinse, it can help with toothaches, swollen, and bleeding gums. And as a salve, chamomile is good for easing the pain of general aches and pains. It is especially good for women who have just given birth. The salve can ease the lingering pain of birthing a child, and its soothing scent can help them to relax, and get some much needed sleep."

Tei'serin nodded as she tried to memorize what she was being told. She recognized the scent of chamomile...had it been in any of the remedies they had given her after she had given birth last Zi'da? She couldn't remember now, but after hearing this, it seemed likely.

"As I said earlier, chamomile has a very soothing scent. When used in a bath, it can help you to relax, so it is good for easing stress, frayed nerves, and anxiety. And if you drink chamomile tea, it has a mild sedative effect, so it can help you fall asleep if you have trouble with insomnia. This herb is also good for fighting off colds. It can ease the pain of a sore throat if you drink it as a tea. Chamomile also encourages sweating, so it is useful for lowering fevers. And if you inhale the steam that is produced by boiling chamomile in water, it can clear out your sinuses, and cure a stuffy nose in the process."

Rue paused to allow Tei'serin to work through everything she had told her before continuing.

"Chamomile tea is good for easing and preventing stomach complaints such as bloating, pain, gas, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea. It can also help with liver problems."

Tei'serin frowned in confusion at that. She had a very general idea of how the body worked. You thought with your mind, and felt with you heart. Your heart beat in your chest, and kept you alive. How, exactly...that Tei'serin was less certain of. It had something to do with blood flow, though. That much, she did know. Blood was important, too. If you lost too much of it, you would die, so it had to be important somehow. Lungs breathed, and were just as essential to life as the heart because without them, you would suffocate. People needed air to live, and the lungs were how they got it. And you needed your stomach to eat since it was what digested food. The intestines...dealt with what was left after food was digested. But the liver? That was something Tei'serin was a lot less certain of. She knew people needed one. If they didn't, why would they have it? But what it did, exactly, and what problems it might have...well, maybe that was something that she would learn now that she was a member of the Order. Rather than interrupt the older woman, she simply nodded, and tried to commit the information to memory.

"Chamomile is safe to use for children. In tea form, it is very useful for helping to ease colic in babies, as well as for teething."

That was something that Tei'serin was on firmer ground with. She tried very hard to make sure she knew which herbs were safe to use on children, and which ones were too harsh for them.

"Chamomile can be used externally to calm red and inflamed skin. This makes it useful in dealing with a number of skin irritations, including sunburn, eczema, and itchy skin. As a salve, it can be used to treat minor burns. This herb can also be used to speed the healing of wounds. And it can be used to heal cuts, abrasions, and scrapes when the tea or essential oils are used as a wash. A chamomile wash can also be used to clean wounds. As a poultice, it can be used to reduce swelling, and ease pain. Cooled chamomile tea can be used in a compress to help soothe tired, irritated eyes and it may even help treat conjunctivitis. It can also be used to treat eye inflammation, and infection."

Conjunctivitis was something else Tei'serin didn't know about, but from Rue's words, she could tell that it was a problem with the eyes.

"Chamomile can be used to treat allergies, too. And it can be used to strengthen the body so it can fight off illness more effectively."

Rue looked as though she wanted to say something else, but she was interrupted by a loud crash. Tei'serin jumped, her eyes darting towards the building they had come out of.

"Juel'rie?" Rue called out, her tone one of question, and concern.

For a long trill, there was no answer. Tei'serin glanced at Rue worriedly. Was the younger girl injured, and unable to respond?

"Help! We're being robbed!" came the answering cry at last.

Tei'serin's eyes widened in shock.

Robbed...? By who? And more importantly...why?!

There was no time to think. Rue was the first to bolt towards Juel'rie's voice, but Tei'serin was mere trills behind her. When they reached the supply room, they were bowled over by a group of fifteen men and women. Tei'serin jumped to her feet, and she and Juel'rie helped Rue up. By the time they had done so, the thieves were gone.

"Are you okay, Juel'rie?" Rue asked sharply.

The younger girl nodded.

"I'm fine, but just look at this mess!"

Juel'rie was right. The room was a shambles. Shelves had been knocked over, and supplies littered the floor. Jars and vials had shattered when they hit the ground, and many of them had been filled with medicines, and herbs. Those too were now scattered, and ruined. Bandages lay scattered, and trampled on the ground. The mess was such that it would take breaks to clean up, and Tei'serin couldn't even begin to tell how many herbs had been ruined.

"Go get help." Rue told Juel'rie.

The girl nodded once, and fled. Tei'serin's first thought was to begin the long task of cleaning everything up, and salvaging whatever could be saved. But before she could start, Rue warned her not to touch anything, explaining that it was a crime scene. That simple statement seemed so odd in the safety of Desnind that all the two of them could do was stare at each other uncertainly until help came.

Re: Signs of Trouble

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:01 am
by Strange

Thread Review


Tei'serin Nji'ryn
Skill Points: +10 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5 (helping out at the Order of the Adunih Outpost, and for being there when a crime took place)

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Cooking; Ingredient: Chamomile.
  • Field Craft: Chamomile.
  • Field Craft: There are two kinds of chamomile.
  • Gardening: Chamomile.
  • Medicine; Herb: uses for chamomile as an herb
  • Medicine: Potential allergic reactions.
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • Chamomile: helps to fight dandruff
  • Chamomile: dried flowers can be used as an insect repellent
  • Chamomile: is a popular ingredient in soaps.
  • Location: Olọravu Slosneppe
  • Olọravu Slosneppe: the traditional place of healing in Desnind
  • Location: Order of the Adunih Outpost
  • Order of the Adunih Outpost: offers more "western" healing techniques that some are highly suspicious of
  • NPC: Juel'rie
  • Juel'rie: works at the Order of the Adunih Outpost
  • NPC: Rue Westfield
  • Rue Westfield: head healer of the Order of Adunih Outpost
  • Rue Westfield: is a hooded Gold Cloak member of the Order
  • Xanthea: Olọravu Slosneppe means Medicine House
Notes: I didn't put the full descriptions of the knowledge that was on the request, but feel free to add the whole descriptions to your CS.

Tei'serin will make an excellent addition to the Order of Adunih. It was good to see her taking that step forward despite her difficult situation under her guardian. I also learned a ton about chamomile from this thread.

The explanation dialogue about chamomile was a bit bulky as a paragraph, but understandable why it didn't get broken up into separate paragraphs also. The narrative followed Tei'serin's internal logic and thought processes very closely, which was interesting as a POV, and makes for an intimate read of the character's thoughts and experience.

The unexpected ending of a robbery was interesting and hopefully will lead to another thread!

Good job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 4147 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=122809#p122809