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Trial of the Scared

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 7:19 pm
by Aegis
Who even knows anymore?

And so, the adventurers of Kisaik, Vega, and Chuckles, who you've all met because Vega is impeccably polite about introducing him, entered the Trial of the Scared. Directly at their back was the slightly shrinking portal they'd stepped through. Before them was a hallway of glass walls, ceilings, and floors, with wonderfully carved wooden frames. Even to the most dimwitted man, it would be clear by the various turns, openings, and halls, that the trio were in a glass maze.

To those who were wise enough to use their eyes and pay attention, they'd see that it was not simply glass around them. Some of the panels were see through glass, standard. Others were mirrors, though these mirrors often did strange things, from distorting the reflection, to showing the backside of the person looking at it, to not showing one person, or showing them multiple times. Others still were not glass at all, but some form of force field. Some of these force fields held firm, others were stretchy, some refused to be touched, some fought back. And finally, some of the panels were not panels at all, and instead were just empty space, for a maze without halls is not much of a maze.

To the incredibly astute, a motionless form could be seen in the incredibly distance, through many, many walls, was a prone woman's body. It was flickering back and forth between what appeared to be her normal state, and a crystalline, transparent state. It was too far to tell if she was moving in her prone state. Chuckles strayed too close to one of the wooden edges, and ignited it. Every wooden edge in the entire trial instantly ignited and disappeared, removing all semblance of reference and border from the mirrors, leaving not a trace they ever existed.

Meanwhile, voices were coming from the maze, into the minds of Vega and Kisaik. They were whispering, asking the pair to let them in, yet doing so without words. They wanted in, but they would not force it. But all it would take was a simple consent.
 ! Message from: Aegis
You two may post as many times as you'd like within this round. I will post again on June 10th. If you have any questions, fire away.


Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 7:38 pm
by Kisaik

Kisaik could see that he was not alone afterall. Some stalwart tall folk woman was with him. Her hair, the color of fire made him slightly nervous, but all the same he tried to stay calm. They were all in this together!

At first, he marveled at the latticework of wooden frames, which held either glass or mirrors or even viewing pools into whatever lay beyond this layer of reality. How exciting!

He looked all around, and thought he saw something at the far end, flickering, but couldn’t make out just what it was. Suddenly, something happened, and all the wooden frames lit up in flames. Kisaik could only stand stock still, it was all he could do to keep himself from screaming and pulling out his lichen in a blind panic.

Okay, calmly now, Kisaik… This is our task to undertake. We won’t fail!

”Ahem.” He said in Xanthean, clearing his throat, and popping his head out of his cuirass for the tall folk woman to see him, eye to eye. He waved briefly at her, then wove his hands together in a nervous wringing. ”Excuse me, I mean pardon me, Madam, my lady, or erm…”

”Madam, since we seem to be in this quest together, would you be so kind as to let me ride on your shoulder? My legs won’t be able to keep pace with yours, I’m afraid, you having such a longer stride than myself.”

”Oh, and I’m Madara Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo, At your service, and your kin’s.”

Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:35 am
by Vega

People were idiots.

Especially, Vega thought to herself rather crossly, sanctimonious asshats named Panic Fedora or whoever he was. Still, that bunch of total numpties were having a scrap back where None was, and that was up to them. Vega had a job to do and so, she was quite happy to just get through. Into a strange place, filled with glass and mirrors. She was on her own here, which suited her just fine ~ or she thought she was until she heard a small voice speaking. Glancing down to where it came from, Vega's eyes swirled white and gold and she grinned before replying in fluent Xanthean. "Well, shake my shoot an' crimp my edges, I didn't see you there. Hiya," she lowered herself to sit on her ankles where she was at least closer to him. "My name's Vega. It's righ' nice to meetcha." Glancing around, she nodded her head. "It would be my pleasure, no worries. Here we go." She offered her arm for him to climb up, rather than actually just lifting him up herself. She wouldn't like it, after all, if someone simply grabbed and hoisted her out of nowhere.

"Right, so, what did you say yer name was? Madara? Ok. So, oh, Chuckles..." That was as the fire-creature ignited every frame in the place. "Righ', so Chuckles is my friend, Madara, but I understand that, since yer made o'wood, you won't be keen on gettin' too close. So, Chuckles is gonna stay at a distance, a'right? I promise. He's a good bloke, aren't you Chuckles?" Vega grinned at her flame-made chum. "Righ' so there's someone over there, yeah? We can see it? Chuckles, I want you to try somethin'... carefully please? I'd like you to scorch this glass here." She showed Chuckles carefully what she wanted him to do and then, she explained to Madara.

"Thing is, this is one o' them mirror maze things, an' that means we migh' end up gettin' turned around an' be outside-in an' frack to bunt. So, if Chuckles scorches th' mirrors for us, it'll mean that we know where we've been, an' also it'll mean we 'ave less reflections o' reflections goin' on."

Chuckles got to work and Vega made sure that the tunawa on her shoulder was kept at a minimum safe difference. "It's a shame yer name ain't Chip, really. My Papa," she said, as they made their way, always trying to get to where the woman was, "he always said I 'ad a chip on my shoulder. So there's a vacancy. So, what do you do?"

Did twigs do things, she wondered? They must do, she supposed. He seemed like a very polite tunawa, and she liked that. Manners, after all, were important to Vega. "I've not met many tunawa, but it must be well weird, all these tall folks stompin' around ya an' livin' in a different height. It seems a bit harsh, too, since most evry'thin' is made for people roughly me-sized. You got a place in Desnind, though, yeah?" Vega grinned. "I'm half Sev'ryn. My mother were a Sev'ryn. It's all a bit hey-nonny-nonny an' lets meditate on the transcendental state o'my belly button there for me."

Keeping her eyes on the place she was trying to get them to, Vega considered. "Is it jus' me, or is that woman sometimes bein' a bit crystal like? You know.. I had a bad experience with a woman with a crystal. Had to give 'er a spankin' me an' Arlo did. What can you see there, Madara?"

Did Tunawa have good vision, Vega wondered? Like birds.

Or long-sighted twigs.
 ! Message from: Aegis
Continue the trial. I will reply again on June 18th. You may post as much as you wish. If you have any questions, just ask.

Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:39 am
by Kisaik
It was just then that Kisaik noticed the flame-like creature, and shivered slightly. Nevertheless, he stood his ground bravely, putting on a welcoming face for his fellow quest-mate. ”Hullo!” He said, smiling at her peculiar style of speech. At least she could speak Xanthean, that was good. Kisaik didn’t always have the pleasure of speaking with the big folk in his native tongue.

He nodded, and carefully climbed her arm, right up to her shoulder as she stood up. ”Oh no, Mädärä is my title… It means Sir. I’m a Knight, you see…” He made a low bow as he stood on her shoulder, trying to be respectful as he could. ”Aha! Hello there Chuckles, nice day right? I’ll just wave, no need to shake hands…” He saluted the flame-creature with his right hand, and said with a deep voice, ”Hail Chuckles!”

”Oh? I always thought mirrors were how people got their sun, to get it to point toward them while they’re in their indoor places.” Kisaik scratched the top of his head, then shrugged.

”You can call me Chip, if you like, My lady?” Kisaik offered. Truth be told, it wasn’t all that different sounding from Kisaik, and he’d prefer she refer to him less formally than to call him by title. ”Oh, as a Knight I treat people kindly with chivalry, I seek out injustice and right all wrongs. I still don’t do the best at the latter, but I’m trying and training hard.”

He smirked as she talked about tunawa and big folk stomping around. ”It’s always an adventure with big folk around. I have no fear or enmity toward Tall Folk. Unless they are base villains, or churlish knaves. Knaves especially do bust my bark! But you seem a respectable personage.” He couldn’t help but laugh at her impression of the Sev’ryn, ”Sev’ryn can act in silly ways, but most are good folk. They respect the spirits and have been good friends to my people.”

When Vega asked him to look over toward the far side of the chamber, he immediately went into action, lifting his hand over his brow and searching. He squinted. Now that she mentioned it, it did look like a woman, shimmering slightly as though she were prismatic? ”Yes, I believe you may be right. Should we approach?”

All the while, Kisaik couldn’t shake the sound of those voices in the air, asking for them to let them in. The tunawa whispered to Vega then, ”I don’t think we should listen to those voices, or do what they say. I believe them to be echo anak. My cousin was a famous panflute player in my village… He heard an echo anak, and let it speak to him, thinking it would teach him some unknown song. He went mad, speaking forever more the same phrase, over and over. It seems to favor musicians as victims most of all… That said, I’m not sure if they are echo anak, but just in case, let’s not listen to them?”

Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:18 am
by Vega

"Chip?" Vega grinned. "A'right, that'd be good. Thanks. My real name's Eva, but only my Papa calls me that, an' only then when I've misbehaved." She liked this funny little knightly twig. He seemed kind of endearing, she thought. "Well, we use mirrors to look at ourselves mostly. On th' water, we use them to find the sun, sometimes, when it's real cloudy in the sky. That kind o'thing." She let out a bark of laughter at being referred to as a "respectable personage", "Faldrun's flamin' farts, that makes me sound right old. But I try to be a good person, where I can. You know. Like.. I dunno, jus' doin' what's right. I hate people what don't help out when they could. Righ' flibberties my gibbet that does."

They continued to move towards the woman - with Chuckles scorching a path for them. It was helpful, and Vega made sure to say thank you to her flame-y friend, whilst also making sure that the Chip on her shoulder didn't get anywhere near him.

"I think yer right you know," Vega said, of the whispering. "I once got possessed by this... thing. It were like a nasty gnarly demon-thing, an' it made it so that whenever I touched a weapon, I started to sort of turn to lava. That was not fun. But you know, it did jus' that. It whispered to me, in my head. Every fear, every insecurity." Her eyes swirled a mass of different colours as the emotions of the memory hit her. "Right irksome it were, so we hit it with swords till it were dead. Attackin' Scalvoris it was, under the volcano. That's where I met Chuckles, he was part o' the spirit of the island itself, an' he helped me an' Arlo out." She gave Chuckles a grin and then explained. "Arlo's my 'usband."

But, onwards to the crystal woman. Just before they got there (and Vega kept checking their environment the whole way) she asked Chip. "So, 'ow's it work bein' a knight then? I always used to think I'd be a good knight." but then, she'd also considered that she might be a dancer in a bar. There was that. "But you lot talk proper an' get educated an' stuff, and mostly I drop letters off words an' wander round jus' doin' what I think is the right thing to do." It wasn't a complicated life that Vega led, it had to be said. Not complicated at all.

Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:34 am
by Aegis
Who even knows anymore?

As Vega, Sir Chip, and Chuckles approached the woman in the heart of the glass maze, they'd be able to see clearly the flickering in her form. One instant, she held a normal, mortal visage, and the next she was there, made of diamond or glass. She looked up at them with her crystalline eyes, and in that moment, the entire maze changed, walling her off from them.

And no longer was the maze made of glass and invisible barriers.

The air was hot and filled with echoing sounds, words that Kisaik and Vega had spoken since they entered, being tossed back at them in their own voices, though the echoes twisted and jumbled them, changing the meanings.

"since yer made o'wood"
"I'd like you to scorch"
"I always thought mirrors"
"treat people"
"fear or enmity"

The glass walls became love, the glass ceilings became stone, the glass floors becoming nothingness yet not allowing them to fall through. And now, around every corner, through every doorway, stood some form of base villain or churlish knave, and all were people that Vega or Kisaik had met in the course of their lives. Each one was behaving in the same villainous, knavish manners that they always had. And with each villain or knave the trio met, the halls and walls and such of the maze grew smaller, closing in around them.

The lava shimmered and glowed, and showed Vega's visage back at her, much like a mirror might. It showed the fire within her, the fire granted by her father, the fire given by the being in Scalvoris, the fire that burned her in the name of the Induk there, the fire from Chuckles' bond with her. All the fires of Vega's life were there.

But the reflection did not show Chip whatsoever. He was simply gone.

And so, the Trial continued.

 ! Message from: Aegis

I'll post again as soon as I am able, you may post as much as you like in this round, and questions are always welcome.


Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:02 am
by Kisaik

Vega went on for a bit about this and that. She was an interesting person, that was for sure, and he just knew he could stay around and listen to her stories and anecdotes all day. But right now they had some sort of task. A trial if you will. Something was scared, and it needed to be brave. But what was it?

Chip decided he liked this Vega. He wanted to make friends with her, give her his calling card, and keep in touch. Rabu would probably like her too.

In the meantime, they were in a dilly of a pickle.

The voices, without words, kept whispering to the pair, or Kisaik presumed it was both of them hearing it.

Then, as they neared that crystal lady, things started to get awfully strange.

It all fell to nonsense. Chaos. Kisaik didn't like it one bit. He liked it even less as every doorway held the visage of some churlish knave or braggart. He saw the young boy who'd captured him and Rabu, he saw his wicked great grand father. He saw he Raptor that had snatched him from Yaralon and brought to its nest. So many villains, and so little help to be had for poor Kisaik and Vega.

He wondered, though, was she seeing all that he was?

He looked into the mirror, but couldn't see himself. What was going on? Fires all around, he thought he could smell flames at his back, and at the last moment, he decided to give in.

In the end, he decided to submit to the unknown. "I grant you, oh voices! Consent to enter me! Do what thou wilt!"

Re: Trial of the Scared

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:29 pm
by Pegasus
The Call: Thread Review


So, it's such a shame that this thread never got finished - but equally, what there was of it was really interestingly written. Obviously, as one of the participants in this challenge, I enjoyed it immensely. I loved the way that "Chip" and Vega got on so well, and his way of speaking is great.

Fantastic work - and again, sincere apologies for the delays. Thank you for your patience.

If I've got anything wrong here -please don't hesitate to get in touch! Thanks! :)



XP = 20
Renown = None


Meditation: Music as an inward path
Meditation: Using the setting to determine focus
Meditation: Don’t let nerves sway you from your path.
Meditation: Regulating breathing
Meditation: Sometimes It Brings The Focus You Need to Figure Things Out
Meditation: Concentrating on making a spoon stir in a dream.
Meditation: Doesn't need to be sitting still.
Meditation: Movement as meditation
Meditation: Breathing in to coincide with movement.
Meditation: Breathing out slowly

Mount: Raptor: Basics of a saddle
Mount: Raptor: Putting on a girth strap
Mount: Raptor: Tendency to hold breath whilst saddling up
Mount: Raptor: Putting in the hood and reins
Mount: Raptor: Getting to know your Raptor is important
Mount: Raptor: Mounting up into the air!
Mount: Raptor: Raptors are solitary creatures.
Mount: Raptor: Raptors are slaves to hunger
Mount: Raptor: Raptor landing
Mount: Raptor: Riding with a passenger


Mirror of reflection:
A tiny mirror pendent in the shape of a cage, perhaps made from the mirror in the trial itself, this trinket allows the owner to reflect back the language someone is speaking to them in. It does not impart the ability to "know" the language, but it means that a) you can hear a language you don't know and although you hear that, you understand what they are saying and b) when you speak back in your native tongue, the person who hears you will understand it as the language they spoke to you in.



XP = 20
Renown = None


Needlecraft:Threading a needle
Needlecraft: Basic tools of knitting
Needlecraft: Basic tools of crochet
Needlecraft: How to pin out sewing patterns.
Needlecraft: Casting on stitches in knitting.
Needlecraft: Making a foundation chain in crochet
Needlecraft: Knit and purl stitch
Needlecraft: Single and double crochet
Needlecraft: Running stitch
Needlecraft: Types of yarn

Musical Instrument: Flute: Holding the flute
Musical Instrument: Flute: Mouth position for maximum benefit
Musical Instrument: Flute: Finger positions
Musical Instrument: Flute: A basic scale
Musical Instrument: Flute: Breath control is vital
Musical Instrument: Flute: Playing so notes merge into each other
Musical Instrument: Flute: How to make the flute 'sing'
Musical Instrument: Flute: Long, slow notes
Musical Instrument: Flute: Short, staccato notes
Musical Instrument: Flute: Keeping even pitch


 ! Message from: Squirrel
Vega's reward: Mirror of Reflection.

A tiny mirror pendent in the shape of a cage, perhaps made from the mirror in the trial itself, this trinket allows the owner to reflect back the language someone is speaking to them in. It does not impart the ability to "know" the language, but it means that a) you can hear a language you don't know and although you hear that, you understand what they are saying and b) when you speak back in your native tongue, the person who hears you will understand it as the language they spoke to you in.