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Animal Training Skill

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:55 pm
by Nir'wei
Name: Animal Training ... _c1906.jpg

Animal Training relates to the ability of a person to control animals, whether for the purpose of training them to fight, to perform tricks or simply to coerce the animal to act in a particular way or follow a particular set of rules, for example, training a domesticated animal to urinate outside of their house as opposed to inside. This can be done through either reinforcement of good behaviour, punishment of bad behaviour or a combination of both, which will be dependent on the preferred methods of the trainer and the animal involved.

Skill Ranks

0-5 Unskilled

6-25 Novice

26-50 Competent

51-75 Expert

76-99 Master

100 Legendary

Animal Training Skill

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:24 pm
by Jade
Will you be continuing your work with the development of this skill? Please let me know :)