Q&A Rules
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:07 pm
The Q&A Forum has been restructured on June 2, 2019. Now, instead of a bunch of different subforums for different questions, we're going to have you put all questions in this main forum. We ask that you use title tags to indicate what your question might be about.
So, have a question about Becoming Totems?
[Becoming] - Totems Question
Something along those lines. We won't be thwapping you on the head for doing it differently, but help us to help you.
Now, in addition to this, we're going to be ensuring that homework was done before, and after, questions are asked. So, if you're asking about say, Becoming, include the link to the Becoming Wiki page as well. We want you to read the pertaining articles BEFORE you ask the questions, just in case they are already answered.
Now, once your question has been asked, a Staff member will respond to it. We will try to do this in as timely a manner as possible. Now, if the staff member is able to answer it with existing lore, they will quote the lore than answers it, and provide a link to it. If it is not answered in the lore, the staff member answering it will make an update (if minor) in the lore, quote that and link it in the reply. If its a major update, it will be put before staff for staff discussion and possibly sent to the Lore Analysis team.
1. Post your question with a title tag and link to the pertaining article.
2. Staff will answer question, providing quote/link OR will answer and update the quote/link.
3. Staff will archive the question.