Order from Chaos 4: Supplies and Demands.
Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 6:56 pm
15th Cylus 719
This was the backbone of the Order and so she had to get it right. In this particular moment, Faith was standing and looking at the table in her office at home. It was a large oak table, on which were lists - and more lists. A large map with a number of pins in it. Sighing, she glanced down at the large glowing blue dog which was looking up at her. "What we need to do, Cosmo, is get a clear idea of the resources produced, and required, by each Order outpost." Cosmo wagged his tail and gave a soft 'wuff' of agreement. Faith smiled down at the dog. "I'm glad you agree," she said with a chuckle as she scratched him gently behind the ear.
It was, very much, what they needed to do and so Faith had a plan. No one who knew her would be surprised by this. She had written to all the known Order outposts with a letter, a copy of which she had kept.
That letter - usually filed in her "correspondence" folder which had more subsections (one for each outpost, one for all - over organised was not a phrase Faith knew of) - was on the desk, too. The letter had gone out a few trials ago and she was impatient to get things done. On her note labelled "To Do" she wrote, carefully. Echo Scrolls 1 x each Order Outpost.
To: The Head of the Order of the Adunih in <name of place>
Further to my previous correspondences, I am writing to request the following information from you:
1. What resources your Order outpost produces.
Please consider the term "resources" in its broadest definition. This might be:
Items you grow: like herbs or food.
Items you create: like glassblown beakers, wooden benches.
2. A brief overview of each member of your outpost. For this, please, may I have, for each person that works there (not just the healers):
Current Rank (If applicable)
Additional skills which may be of benefit to the Order (crafting, creating, growing, inventing, etc)
3. A list of what resources you need in any given 40-trial period and how well you meet that need.
4. A list of what training, education etc has been provided at your outpost, alongside that which you plan to provide.
5. Anything else which might be useful as I attempt to centralise our resources to the betterment of all. (this would include staffing needs).
My aim is to ensure that we all have access to supplies and the most efficient supply lines possible. However, in order to do that I need to know the current demand. Thank you, in advance for your time and assistance.
Faith Augustin.
"Hello, Qit," she said, with a smile to her ghostly friend. "How are you?"