Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:55 pm

39th of Ashan, Arc 719
Praetorum lay along an empty pier, his feet dipping lightly into the water of the harbor. With his eyes closed, and his head turned up to the Ashan sun, he looked for all the world like he had fallen asleep, with one hand tucked under his head to prop it up, and the other loosely grasping at the trident at his side.
The temptation was there, to be sure. The trial could not be considered warm by any stretch of the imagination, but even these meager scraps of sunlight currently peeking through the clouds was better than the frigid darkness of Cylus. Prae did not mind the cold as many of his kin did, but that didn't mean he particularly relished it. The idea of diving into the near freezing water.... well it wasn't as unpleasant a thought as it might have been several trials ago. But it was still going to be damned cold.
Pushing himself upright, Prae sighed, soaking in the last few traces of sunlight as he secured his trident to the straps that wound over his back and shoulders, settling the weapon close to his spine. Then, shifting his weight, he slipped off of the pier, and into the water.
For a few moments, he simply let himself sink into the harbor, eyes closed as he felt the chilly water settle over his hide, listened to the soft burble of it in his spark, trying to familiarize himself with the element. Then, stretching out his limbs and tail, Praetorum began to swim, webbed fingers and toes sweeping through the cold sea water. Or rather, sweeping against.
What Prae had unexpectedly discovered the other trial, was that his very first defiance mutation was... not immediately obvious. But sure enough, for all that he had seen no difference in himself, the water under his webbing, and around his tail, had taken on a nearly honey like consistency, while the water around the rest of his body was as thin as ever. When his arms swept around, webbing spread wide to catch water between them, it was like pushing himself off of a rock; Praetorum was able to propel himself far more rapidly through the water than he'd ever had before.
Testing a theory, Praetorum twisted in the water, and kicked off to change directions, and to his delight, found that that too, was far easier than before.
Sort of.
Prae swam around for some time, testing out his newfound mobility in the water. Swimming straight ahead was the easiest, it seemed; simple propulsion was exactly the same as it had always been, only now the water was more there for him to push against. Prae went faster, for longer, and with less energy. Easy as anything.
Turning, though, now required something of a delicate touch, something Prae had never had much of when it came to swimming. It used to be, turning was simple. A twist of the torso, a flick of the tail, and Prae would just about manage to turn to one side or the other. Now though, that heavy handed sort of movement would send him into a dizzying spiral and end with him facing a random direction.
It took some experimentation for him to figure out how much strength was required to make the turns he wanted, and by the time he gave up, he was still clumsy. Part of it was how easy it was to turn now, but much of it was simply that Prae had never had much control of his body in the water. Seriunus could, had been able to make such precise movments, darting around like a fish, while Prae had not so much learned to swim as he did learn to flail.
It was something he would have to work on, he supposed. But there would be plenty of time for that in his future. Stretching his muscles, Prae let him self settle back in the water, floating, loose and relaxed on the surface with just his face sticking out to face the sun.
Praetorum enjoyed a few trills like this, basking in the comfortable lap of the water against his hide as he relaxed.
Then something in his spark tightened.
Then the water began to churn.
The temptation was there, to be sure. The trial could not be considered warm by any stretch of the imagination, but even these meager scraps of sunlight currently peeking through the clouds was better than the frigid darkness of Cylus. Prae did not mind the cold as many of his kin did, but that didn't mean he particularly relished it. The idea of diving into the near freezing water.... well it wasn't as unpleasant a thought as it might have been several trials ago. But it was still going to be damned cold.
Pushing himself upright, Prae sighed, soaking in the last few traces of sunlight as he secured his trident to the straps that wound over his back and shoulders, settling the weapon close to his spine. Then, shifting his weight, he slipped off of the pier, and into the water.
For a few moments, he simply let himself sink into the harbor, eyes closed as he felt the chilly water settle over his hide, listened to the soft burble of it in his spark, trying to familiarize himself with the element. Then, stretching out his limbs and tail, Praetorum began to swim, webbed fingers and toes sweeping through the cold sea water. Or rather, sweeping against.
What Prae had unexpectedly discovered the other trial, was that his very first defiance mutation was... not immediately obvious. But sure enough, for all that he had seen no difference in himself, the water under his webbing, and around his tail, had taken on a nearly honey like consistency, while the water around the rest of his body was as thin as ever. When his arms swept around, webbing spread wide to catch water between them, it was like pushing himself off of a rock; Praetorum was able to propel himself far more rapidly through the water than he'd ever had before.
Testing a theory, Praetorum twisted in the water, and kicked off to change directions, and to his delight, found that that too, was far easier than before.
Sort of.
Prae swam around for some time, testing out his newfound mobility in the water. Swimming straight ahead was the easiest, it seemed; simple propulsion was exactly the same as it had always been, only now the water was more there for him to push against. Prae went faster, for longer, and with less energy. Easy as anything.
Turning, though, now required something of a delicate touch, something Prae had never had much of when it came to swimming. It used to be, turning was simple. A twist of the torso, a flick of the tail, and Prae would just about manage to turn to one side or the other. Now though, that heavy handed sort of movement would send him into a dizzying spiral and end with him facing a random direction.
It took some experimentation for him to figure out how much strength was required to make the turns he wanted, and by the time he gave up, he was still clumsy. Part of it was how easy it was to turn now, but much of it was simply that Prae had never had much control of his body in the water. Seriunus could, had been able to make such precise movments, darting around like a fish, while Prae had not so much learned to swim as he did learn to flail.
It was something he would have to work on, he supposed. But there would be plenty of time for that in his future. Stretching his muscles, Prae let him self settle back in the water, floating, loose and relaxed on the surface with just his face sticking out to face the sun.
Praetorum enjoyed a few trills like this, basking in the comfortable lap of the water against his hide as he relaxed.
Then something in his spark tightened.
Then the water began to churn.