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Put some pants on!

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 8:14 pm
by Llyr Llywelyn

+ + + + Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 + + + +

Zarik arrived to Marcovera by mid-morning. He’d flown across from Quacia on Kleine’s Sohr Khal form and he thanked the Lotharro, then bid him farewell. He hitched his two travel packs on his shoulder. He might’ve packed too much, but he required more clothes to choose from in the town than whatever he could find at the Mayor’s estate.

He headed along the path that led past the beach and paused to stare at the ocean. The irises of his eyes flashed gold. He felt like he had a headache. Zarik closed his eyes. He shook his head. Then he continued onto Marcovera.

The fresh air felt nice on his lungs. A sea breeze drifted up from the coast that made the Biqaj feel renewed. He had fallen in love with Marcovera and he felt glad to be back, even if it was on his own, as Alistair still proved as busy as ever with his gradual negotiations with the Tirano populace. Zarik needed to get out of Quacia for a bit though, and what better than to check on his first ever dominion, the place that he was titled Lord of – even if it was only due to his marital relation to the true leader of the people.

He had a plan: he would drop off his belongings at the estate, then he would grab something to eat, then he would visit the orphanage and check on how the children were doing – especially Hazel – and he would talk with the headmistress about the state of their resources. He required carpenters to make new beds, but most of Marcovera’s wood-workers had died between the attacks. Then he would go around and visit with the townsfolk, those people he knew well from cleaning the streets of bloodshed together.

Zarik smiled as he walked past the new gates. The wooden perimeter was being reconstructed, this time fortified with stone and metal, not mere timber that could be splintered apart. It was a slow process, but he was impressed with how far the new structure had come along since his last visit. He waved to the workers, happy to see a couple vaguely familiar faces.

He’d almost gotten to the street where the Mayor’s Estate was… when he saw an odd and out-of-place sight down the way. Zarik dropped his bags. He peered at the silhouette of an athletic and lean man. Something about it didn’t seem right.

Zarik slipped into the nearest alley. He scaled a house, then crouched on the roof. The Biqaj carefully snuck along the edge, then leapt to the next roof to get a better look at whoever it was.

Once close enough, he recognized the tattoos. He knew that man… though he didn’t know why the man from Lair was naked in Marcovera. Zarik wondered if he might be hallucinating. His mind had been feeling off lately, and he didn’t know why… The blond leaned over the edge of the roof and gave a shout as he recalled the Lair crawler’s name, “Dosan Saito! I see you!”

He smiled slightly, not wearing any mask to hide the expression. Unlike the nude man, he was tightly dressed in various gray-colored layers of breathable cotton attire. His black leather gloves gripped the edge of the roof. His ice-blond bangs hung low, needing a trim and covering his eyes when flat, but with the leaned over posture… the Mark of Faith thinly carved red on his forehead showed obviously. Zarik asked, “Do you remember me? What are you doing in my town of all places?”

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:33 am
by Nasod
㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious
㊝ Company: Himself
㊝ Current Thought: What an interesting place
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Snake Fundoshi

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
The sun enveloped his skin as he walked around the city of Marcovera. This was the largest place of people the viper had found. This trial he was not with Fridgar, so he decided he would explore his new home, see what the people were like.

While in Marcovera he found that the place was rather interesting. He was taking in the sights and sounds of the place, smelling the different aromas that came from shops and homes. He never had the care to do so while in Quacia, as the only smell there was death and decay.

For him, there was really no point, as the city itself held no interest to him. In any case, it was a pleasant place. Though he was rather annoyed from the stares.

You think they hadn't seen a man walking around in his underwear like his before. Well the more he thought about it, they probably hadn't. He had made him a nice little piece of underwear from what was left from the snake he made a totem out of, as that was all the clothing he had after leaving everything behind in Quacia. Not to mention he had a 5ft long snake tail now, but come on, it's not anything new he was certain.

All in all, he ignored them, moving through the city square. So many quaint shops dotted the streets, and as he walked, his spark began to stir. He felt the keen suspicion he was being watched, and his predatory mode kicked in. Quickly he narrowed the source of the feeling down, finding a figure off in the distance.

That's when they spoke, and the voice was familiar to him. He hadn't heard that voice in quite some time. But what was he doing here on Koros? In any case, the viper ran toward the male who called to him, immediately climbing the building thanks to his sticky fingers. Once topside Dosan embraced the man in a hug.

"Of course I remember you Ral'faldo, or is it Zarik these days?"
he said with a smirk, then noticing the marking on his forehead. He was surprised, to say the least, But he reached up and kissed the mark of faith on his forehead and bowed, before coming up and licking the fresh blood off his lips.

"And I take it that this is the place you come from originally then since you call it your town? Fridgar and I came here on the 36th of Ashan, this is my new home, and I could use a tour if you don't mind, that way we can catch up."

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:55 am
by Llyr Llywelyn

Dosan had hardly looked at him before the spry Quacian scaled the building and then reached the rooftop. Zarik reluctantly let himself be embraced in a hug. He might’ve resisted it, if he wasn’t feeling so shocked by what the other man wore and the strange fact that he was in Marcovera at all. He hoped the Quacian hadn’t come to spy for any of the Guilds.

Zarik shrugged at the recollection of his fake name. His gaze flickered over the… snake underwear… his focus lingered on it and so when he felt the faint kiss that stung the wound on his forehead, he startled somewhat. The surprised jolt ran through his body, but he remained where he was instead of taking a step back like he wanted.

The Mark of Faith on his forehead had been bleeding since he’d woken up. It didn’t want to seem to heal, though the blood was slow and just enough to smear. It was a mixture too of silver and crimson, which was strange as Zarik was Biqaj. His blood was meant to be purely silver and yet, the mark on his forehead had a surface color of scarlet red. In response to Dosan’s kiss, he felt a thin trickle of crimson roll alongside his slender nose. He tapped against it with his glove, tried to wipe it off, but only managed to smear the red blood across his cheek.

“Not exactly,” he answered honestly about whether Marcovera was his home of origin. While he could have lied, he didn’t see much purpose in doing so. It was better that Dosan knew the truth, unless… unless the Lair crawler was there as a spy an- “Fridgar?”

“Did you say Fridgar?” he asked again. He didn’t know that the two men knew each other. His thoughts raced at this change of events. He’d vaguely known that Fridgar had gone to an island, to help with the efforts, that Kaelrik was with him, but he didn’t know about Dosan. “I… oh… I wasn't aware you knew him also.”

He collected his composure, brushed his bangs over the mark to hide it from quick view so the townsfolk wouldn’t wonder about it. At the thought of Fridgar, he supposed he should’ve worn something over it like the blindfold that the Protean wore, only for his forehead. He looked at Dosan again, then chuckled, “Zarik is my true name, by the way. No, I don’t come from Marcovera. I am lord of this town.”

It was an odd thing to say, on a rooftop with the Wounded God’s mark slowly bleeding on his forehead while talking to a tattooed Vahanic man who stood in what amounted to a snake thong. Still, his posture stiffened. He realized that perhaps Dosan might think he was lying about it. He said, “Where is Fridgar now? And is he the reason you’re wearing that?”

Zarik gestured for the other man to follow him. He’d left his bags in the street and didn’t want to leave them discarded for long. He climbed down the building with ease, then jogged over to where he’d left the two canvas travel packs. Zarik picked them both up, turned to look at Dosan, and mentioned in rough Vahanic as he tried his tongue with the language, I’ll give you a tour, yes, but only after I place these somewhere safe. The house is just up that way.

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:00 pm
by Nasod
㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious
㊝ Company: Himself
㊝ Current Thought: What an interesting place
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Snake Fundoshi

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
The Viper looked the man over, as his eyes widened at the fact that he was lord of this place. It could explain why he hadn't seen the man around the lair at all before his own departure. He was at least glad he had another familiar face in a new place.

As it turns out, Zarik seemed shocked, almost surprised at the mention of Fridgar, as if he knew him. Wait did he know him? Was Zarik this Kindal that Frid spoke of?

Many questions now swirled in his head, and he wanted to hold the man down and get every answer he could out of him. But he refrained, no, that wasn't the best way to go about it. Instead, he stood and listened, looking the taller man over, as he spoke.

"I met Fridgar earlier in Ashan, helped him and Bellator find the gleam. He's become my mentor in Becoming, and I've learned so much from him. He brought me here after I.............after I tried to kill myself atop his cave. I told him I loved him and I promised never to leave him."
he explained, the events of that trial replaying in his head.

When asked where Fridgar was at this moment, Dosan shrugged.
"I don't know, but I'm sure he'll return soon. And no, I chose to where this on my own."
he said shrugging as he answered. Following the man down the building, Dosan caught the glistening of his feet.

It was a rather odd sight, and it made Dosan quirk his head to the side a bit. What sort of magic, as there could be no other force to cause such a strange change in a person, caused this? This meant that Zarik was now a mage and a strong one. His spark liked that, urging Dosan to hunt the man and kill him.

The primal predator in him had begun running different scenarios on how to do it. And the more he thought about it the more it excited him. He licked his lips at the opportune prey before him, but when Zarik spoke in Vahanic, it brought him back in a state of shock and surprise.

"I see someone has been practicing their Vahanic"
he said with a wink, noticing that the Mark of Faith was still bleeding. He decided to help his old friend out by untying the makeshift underwear he was wearing and use that to cover the mark. He wrapped it around Zarik's forehead and tied it tight enough to stop the bleeding.

"There we go."
he said patting it before moving in front of Zarik, stark naked and taking one of the bags in his hand from him.
"So tell me about this place, Ive been trying to learn but i cant get my head wrapped around much of the culture here."

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:52 pm
by Llyr Llywelyn

Dosan explained how he knew Fridgar… and… Zarik stared at the man. That was… a lot to process at once. He’d know Fridgar for longer than he did, much longer. Dosan tried to kill himself? He loved Fridgar? Zarik felt a bit dizzy for how much information had gotten packed into essentially agreement that they both were mutual acquaintances with the same man, though it seemed that Dosan was more than a mere acquaintance and… Zarik’s eyes flashed orange briefly. Fridgar had another man, all this time? Did Alistair even know?

He inquired where Fridgar was, partly hoping that the Becomer wasn’t in his town. Not at the moment anyhow. He’d be returning soon, though, shared Dosan. Zarik weighed his options: whether to talk with the Protean or not about this new information he’d stumbled upon.

First things first, though, he had to get to the mayor’s estate and drop off his belongings. He felt a sense that Dosan was watching him closely, though he didn’t know why. He spoke to the other in his crude Vahanic, then smiled when Dosan complimented his attempt anyway. Zarik said in the Quacian language, Thank you.

He returned to common, “I’ve been trying to include it in my studies. It is difficult though, practicing from books however. I fear my pronunciations aren’t the best and I can only imagine my accent is… heavy…” he slowed his words – as Dosan took off the only thing that’d been covering the tattooed man’s nether regions from sight.

A silvery-blue blush rose to his cheeks. He stared directly at the place where the snake underwear had been and… he realized that he was staring. He looked away to the sky instead and said, “So-sorry, uhm…”

Dosan tied the snake skin around his forehead, to cover the bleeding Mark of Faith. Zarik hesitated. Did he… was the… his underwear was now on Zarik’s head. The blond’s mind reeled at this for so many reasons. He wanted desperately to take it off, but he paused when Dosan took a bag from him. It seemed a friendly gesture? The Quacian asked him about Marcovera.

They started on their walk to the Mayor’s estate. Zarik itched at the snake skin, barely able to restrain himself from taking it off. “I… uhm.. Dosan, you can’t just walk around here like that. You’re naked!”

“So, that’s probably the first thing you should consider when it comes to the culture – clothes. Clothes are a requirement. Did you not have to wear clothes in Lair? Because everywhere else in Quacia, you must or else the Tribunals would flog you,” he said swiftly. He felt certain this had to be Fridgar’s influence. That Lotharro didn’t even know the proper currency to buy shoes with. A sense to change this in Dosan overcame him.

“Follow me, we’ll get you some suitable clothes,” said Zarik as he walked up the steps to the largest house on the street – and arguably the largest home in the entire town. He retrieved a key, unlocked the front door, then led Dosan into the foyer. He gestured the Quacian toward the stairs, “Up and to the left, there’s the wardrobe past there. We’ll set these bags down in there, and also find you something you can wear.”

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:26 am
by Nasod
㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious
㊝ Company: Himself
㊝ Current Thought: What an interesting place
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Naked

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
He chuckled when he realized Zarik was staring at his junk, and a sly smirk painted his lips.
"Dont apologize, thats the general reaction when folks see it anyway. Its either "wow thats bigger than I expected" or "Where exactly do you plan to put that"
he teased poking the man's forehead as he followed the blonde.

He followed Zarik up to this large house, probably the largest of the homes on the block. Once inside the viper's eyes widened as it reminded him of the same disgusting opulence as the homes in the gleam. He thought Zarik would be among the type to enjoy such things, but the question was, did he think like them too.

He heard the tall male's instructions and did as such, going up the stairs and to the room to set the bags down. Once there he looked to the wardrobe and opened it. All of the clothes looked nice, but he wasn't sure if he could fit anything. His tail swayed from side to side as he rummaged through the contents of the wardrobe trying to find some form of clothing to wear.

"I'm surprised this place hasn't been besieged by any of the Guilds from Quacia. I see that there are fortifications being put up, but the damage doesn't look like that of an army, not like the one we fought on Kephallonia alongside the natives. So just what exactly attacked this place Zarik?"
he asked, finding a nice pair of linen pants and putting them on, though he kept a part of his butt exposed as he didnt want to ruin the man's clothing with making room for his tail.

Casually he laid on his stomach on the lounging chair that had been in the room, his rear end and tail swaying about as he watched Zarik, breathing in every move he made, noting the way his muscles expanded and retracted with each motion. Dosan was unknowingly studying Zarik, like a predator watches its prey. ㊝

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:26 pm
by Llyr Llywelyn

Zarik didn’t understand why Dosan felt so comfortable with his body being exposed to the public like that. He hurried to get the man away from the streets and hoped that not too many Marcoverans had seen one of their lords hustle a naked Quacian into the Mayor’s estate… he could only worry about what some of them might think if they knew about it. How could Fridgar just let the Lair dweller wander around like this? Without any chaperone to him?

They went up to the wardrobe, though he let Dosan get ahead of him. In the privacy of the estate, and because well… it was just there, Zarik surveyed the athletic man’s tail. He mentioned, “I don’t think I remember you having that tail when last we met? I feel as if I would’ve recalled something such as that.”

And then it clicked for him with the prior knowledge that had been shared finally sinking in. Zarik set the bags aside, then leaned against the frame of the wardrobe. He crossed his arms and watched as Dosan rummaged through the clothing. He winced when Dosan mentioned the guilds.

“They tried,” he admitted. “Well, one of them did. But they didn’t get very far with the effort. I heard Kephallonia was tougher, yes. I didn’t know you were part of that though… Before then, though, Marcovera had been assaulted by a Saltfetcher incursion. Those beasts slaughtered most of the populace, but… Alistair and I are making things right again.”

He nodded in approval to the pants that Dosan put on. Zarik didn’t move yet, then smiled when Dosan casually lounged with tail swinging. Zarik walked over and sat down on the lounge chair at the edge. He glanced over the tattoos he could see and asked, “So you’re a Becomer, being mentored by Fridgar?”

“What happened to Lair?” He paused, waiting for an answer, and then he added, “You mentioned that you love Fridgar? Do-is that… are you two together then? Have you been?” He couldn’t help it. He was too curious to parse out his questions. He wanted to know exactly what Dosan’s relation to Fridgar was. Zarik, after all, knew what relation he had with his own mentor: Alistair.

A realization occurred to him and Zarik asked, “Has he spoken to you about me at all? Or about Alistair?”

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:57 am
by Nasod
㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious
㊝ Company: Himself & Zarik
㊝ Current Thought: Why would he mention you?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Naked

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
The viper smiled when Zarik mentioned not knowing he had a tail. In truth, a lot had happened since their last meeting. Dosan had changed quite some since then, had become stronger, freed and liberated from the crumbling surroundings of Quacia.

"No I didnt, a lot has transpired since me escorting you on your little delivery. How that go by the way?"
he quickly asked, tilting his head as the blonde spoke of him and.......Ali killing monsters here. Did that mean Ali was here.....on Helice? Could he be the Kindal that Frid spoke of?

Part of him hoped not, cause it would mean he slept with Frid's spouse. Part of him panicked a bit, but his reptilian poker face did its best to conceal that revelation from the biqaj. Instead, he laid there, listening, and when Zarik sat near him he arched his back so his rear end and tail raised into the air. Poking the man's cheek with the rounded tip of his tail, he smirked when Zarik asked if he was a Becomer.

Placing a hand on the wall the lounging couch had been up against, Dosan climbed to wall, looking down to Zarik from the ceiling.
"Yes, that I am, its what Fridgar has been mentoring me in, among other things."
he noted, climbing back down just to rest on the wall itself.

Another show of his current level of power in Becoming, as the echo of the bloodbat's sticky limbs seems to persist even now.
"I left all that behind when I came here. I may return to check up on the mage that initiated me, but other than that, I don't really see myself going back."
he replied, tilting his head to the left side with a slight giggle at the man's next question.

"As much as I crave to be with Fridgar in such a way, he has told me that he belongs to another, so we are simply just mentor and mentee."
he lied, knowing full well the extent of the relationship between him and the Protean. He felt that was more private of a thing than to just share it.

The next inquiry made the viper descend the wall, to sit next to Zarik as his gaze fell to his bare feet as they slid across the floor under them.
"No, he hasn't said a word about either of you. He mentioned that I knew his Kindal.......I'm guessing that it's either you or Lord Venora. Why would he mention you two if I may ask?"
he responded, his snake eyes shifting their gaze to Zarik now. ㊝

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:15 pm
by Llyr Llywelyn

Zarik didn’t answer about the query about smuggling, why he’d met Dosan in the first place. It didn’t seem important to him, and he didn’t want to accidentally be led into explaining how that particular contact had been skinned alive by his father. So, he avoided the conversation entirely and answered about Marcovera’s troubles with the guild.

It was true, though, a lot had transpired since Zarik met Dosan on that visit to Lair.

He sat down beside the other on the lounge couch, then examined the tail by sight. Zarik lightly slapped it away from his face when the tail poked him. The blond reached up and took the snake skin off his head. He tossed it over to rest where Dosan had been before climbing the ceiling. He didn’t care if his Mark of Faith started to bleed again. Zarik fixed his hair and ran his fingers through it.

"...among other things" What other things would Fridgar mentor in that wasn’t Becoming? …killing? He supposed something to do with strength was a possibility, but Zarik’s mind traveled in a direction that made him truly wonder about what the relation between the attractive Quacian and the Lotharro were.

Zarik sighed. So Dosan had abandoned Quacia, to what- to walk around Marcovera? He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it in the slightest, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. An intuitive grasp to his gut, however, told him that it was something that he couldn’t ignore. It was his responsibility to make sure the Marcoverans were cared for and protected, from internal as well as external potential threats.

He asked about Fridgar again, though, and he received what sounded like a sincere answer. Zarik tapped his fingers against his knee, then stood. He asked whether Fridgar had mentioned anything about him or Alistair, which he hadn’t… not even a word. That seemed strange, considering. Why wouldn’t the Protean tell his mentee about someone as important as Alistair? He understood why he wouldn’t be included, but…

It didn’t sit right with him. He crossed his arms and made eye contact with Dosan’s reptilian irises. The biqaj’s own irises were blue. He answered, “Why wouldn’t he mention us?”

“Do you know what a Kindal is?” asked Zarik. He rolled his eyes, then moved to start unpacking his belongings.

“If you crave Fridgar like that, there shouldn’t be anything blocking it now,” he informed Dosan in a clear, steady voice. “He has left his Kindal, separated from him so fully that there is no chance of return. It is recent so perhaps he has not told you yet. But he no longer belongs to anyone but himself.”

Zarik hung up a few of his coats in the wardrobe. He continued, “It isn’t me, but my husband – who he left. Do you also know Alistair? You call him Lord Venora with ease, though I said no such thing as our family name.”

Re: Put some pants on!

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 8:24 pm
by Nasod
㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious
㊝ Company: Himself & Zarik
㊝ Current Thought: Whats your angle Zarik?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Linen pants

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
The information being told to Dosan was......intriguing. The viper listened intently as Zarik explained what was happening, what things meant and the state of relationships between people he seemed to know. It was truly a small world as Dosan had in some way come in contact with all of these men.

Zarik was someone he met back in Quacia, an odd and sheepish man he didnt think could handle himself in a place like the lair. He had changed much since then, he didnt hold that same sheepish nature when they first met, no this Zarik was different now. He spoke with clear intent, never hesitating in the words spoken, and seemed to remind the viper of the nobles back home.

There was an air of confidence about him now, in how he acted, how he spoke, how he interacted with the viper. Dosan figured it to be expected as he was a lord of an entire Island now. There was no room for weakness when leading others. It was actually nice to see his growth, and such growth it was.

Then there was Fridgar, a man he respected, admired, longed for and loved dearly. He may not know the protean enough to truly have such feelings, but his instincts don't lie, knowing that Fridgar is the only man that could ever fill such a void in his life, act as his guide in such a cruel world. Dosan found himself smiling at these thoughts, his tail swaying side to side.

Fridgar made him happy, made him feel comfortable to be himself, showed him more than most would ever dream, and saw purpose in him. Dosan owed him a lot, and for that nothing anyone could say would change how he saw or felt for the man. He was upset however at the fact that Fridgar never said anything about Alistair.

Had the viper known that the two were together, he would have never confessed himself to the man, now feeling foolish for it. A small frown hit his face at the thought, and he found himself thinking of how Fridgar must have felt hearing him say he had slept with Alistair that night.

And then there was Alistair, the common factor between them all. A man of power and prestige, one who held himself of such degree it was awe-inspiring. Dosan wasn't sure how he felt about the man at this point. Knowing that Ali was on this island, that he was the one Fridgar had brought him here to help in subjugating these isles, it was...ironic in a way.

Ali was the first and last noble he felt feelings for. He wasn't sure what he would say to the man now, not after being cast off aside as a one night fuck.

His thoughts were broken when Zarik asked exactly how he knew Alistair, and the viper adverted his eyes as he spoke.
"I know of him because at one point in time it was my job to know of him. When he arrived as a foreign advisor to King Arkenstone, my employer, Duke Detlev, Duke of the Lair, tasked me with learning of Ali. Though it didnt take long for him to know that I was a spy sent to keep tabs on him. As you should know, foreigners come with much disdain in Quacia, and so it was my duty to learn all that I could about him."

His explanation was clear in tone, a chuckle or two as he thought about the irony of it all. Being sent to spy on a mark that you eventually fell in love with at one point. He stood and moved to the window, opening it and sitting in the frame of the large viewpoint overlooking the city.
"Besides we slept together that night, and you can't get to know anyone better than that. Oddly enough the memory is hazing, I know we had sex, but I can't recall all the details of it."
he said shrugging and looking back at Zarik.

"In any case, why tell me this, what do you hope to gain by divulging such information? I've been to a noble party or two and seen how they play at court, no info like that is given without trying to ascertain a goal in the long run, so what's your angle Zarik?"