Put some pants on!
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 8:14 pm
+ + + + Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 + + + +
Zarik arrived to Marcovera by mid-morning. He’d flown across from Quacia on Kleine’s Sohr Khal form and he thanked the Lotharro, then bid him farewell. He hitched his two travel packs on his shoulder. He might’ve packed too much, but he required more clothes to choose from in the town than whatever he could find at the Mayor’s estate.
He headed along the path that led past the beach and paused to stare at the ocean. The irises of his eyes flashed gold. He felt like he had a headache. Zarik closed his eyes. He shook his head. Then he continued onto Marcovera.
The fresh air felt nice on his lungs. A sea breeze drifted up from the coast that made the Biqaj feel renewed. He had fallen in love with Marcovera and he felt glad to be back, even if it was on his own, as Alistair still proved as busy as ever with his gradual negotiations with the Tirano populace. Zarik needed to get out of Quacia for a bit though, and what better than to check on his first ever dominion, the place that he was titled Lord of – even if it was only due to his marital relation to the true leader of the people.
He had a plan: he would drop off his belongings at the estate, then he would grab something to eat, then he would visit the orphanage and check on how the children were doing – especially Hazel – and he would talk with the headmistress about the state of their resources. He required carpenters to make new beds, but most of Marcovera’s wood-workers had died between the attacks. Then he would go around and visit with the townsfolk, those people he knew well from cleaning the streets of bloodshed together.
Zarik smiled as he walked past the new gates. The wooden perimeter was being reconstructed, this time fortified with stone and metal, not mere timber that could be splintered apart. It was a slow process, but he was impressed with how far the new structure had come along since his last visit. He waved to the workers, happy to see a couple vaguely familiar faces.
He’d almost gotten to the street where the Mayor’s Estate was… when he saw an odd and out-of-place sight down the way. Zarik dropped his bags. He peered at the silhouette of an athletic and lean man. Something about it didn’t seem right.
Zarik slipped into the nearest alley. He scaled a house, then crouched on the roof. The Biqaj carefully snuck along the edge, then leapt to the next roof to get a better look at whoever it was.
Once close enough, he recognized the tattoos. He knew that man… though he didn’t know why the man from Lair was naked in Marcovera. Zarik wondered if he might be hallucinating. His mind had been feeling off lately, and he didn’t know why… The blond leaned over the edge of the roof and gave a shout as he recalled the Lair crawler’s name, “Dosan Saito! I see you!”
He smiled slightly, not wearing any mask to hide the expression. Unlike the nude man, he was tightly dressed in various gray-colored layers of breathable cotton attire. His black leather gloves gripped the edge of the roof. His ice-blond bangs hung low, needing a trim and covering his eyes when flat, but with the leaned over posture… the Mark of Faith thinly carved red on his forehead showed obviously. Zarik asked, “Do you remember me? What are you doing in my town of all places?”