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Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 8:38 pm
by Uiyaejn
Name: Uiyaejn Age: 22
Race: Sev’ryn
Date of Birth: 694th Arc, Ashan 109 (The day she was found)
Factions Joined:
>The Seekers
> The Legion
> The Order of the Adunih
Languages Spoken:
>Common (Fluent)
>Xanthea (Basic)
Partners: Shesha - Glorified Bodyguard


Short with a thin frame, Uiyaejn often wears light coloured silks and dresses. Pale in complexion with a slight tint of olive in her skin, is easily susceptible to the sun and tans. Upon entering shaded areas her irises change to a light blue hue in contrast to the darker blue they wear in the daylight. A woman of survival and practicality, she is often forced to wear her hair away from her face however when she has the chance will leave it down. Similarly to her eyes, due to the thick nature of her hair it also has a habit of shifting between light and dark dependant on the light she is in.

Ashan 716: Burnt to a crisp under the hot Nashaki sun, Uiyaejns skin has tanned a great deal and garnered her with a darker shade of skin for the time being.

Ymiden 716: Received a blow to the shoulder that left a deep gash in her skin.


Key Words: Optimistic| Realistic| Inspired| Open-Minded| Cheerful

The glass is always full. Uiyaejn always likes to look on the bright side of life, she recognises that there is such a thing as ugly but believes that ugliness in itself is a beauty. Whimsical in her way about the world she is very observant of nature's designs, she enjoys looking at things and analysing the possibilities of that which was, that which is and that which will yet come to pass. She has a huge amount of empathy for everyone and will do everything in her power to give a helping hand. Perhaps too forgiving Uiyaejn can sometimes appear naïve, for although she knows something may hurt she strongly believes she will always be able to get back up again because there is far too much adventure for her to do and too much beauty in the world for her yet to see.

Key Words: Optimistic| Doubtful| Inspired| Open-Minded| Contemplative

Ashan 716: Hardened by the war that has raged around her, Uiyaejn made some decisions that were rough for her. This season has caused her a lot of turmoil that she is slowly beginning to deal with, guided by the sweet voice of Ileyn the Sev'ryn can feel her thoughts straying her from the path, filled with self-doubt.

Key Words: Resolute| Frightened| Resourceful| Focused| Astute| Vigilant| Hurt| Vengeful| Conflicted

Ymiden 716: War has taught her many lessons about life in death in a short time. Amongst the heat of battle her beliefs became confused and she discovered that it is possible to be halted from the journey to the next world and she asks herself if being bound to this world is a journey in itself? A cruel punishment for the Karma placed upon the soul or just the malice of other individuals. She has discovered that much of the fate that people lead is chosen by their state of mind, yet there are outer elements of fate too.

Key Words: Optimistic | Excited | Driven | Vigilant | Astute | Free | Hopeful

Ashan 717: Uiyaejn has travelled across the continents of Idalos to get to Viden, the city of ice and knowledge to gather more knowledge of the practice of healing. Still in search of a cure for her mother's disease, Uiyaejn is still searching for the fires to burn it away and she believes there is still hope. Happy to be on the path life has set for her, but sad to leave a her beloved companion Shesha and the kindness of Raskalarn's offer behind, the little healer has decided that one day she will return to Nashaki. Until that day, the future awaits her.


Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:55 pm
by Uiyaejn

Although Uiyaejn never knew her real parents, she was adopted into a family from a very young age. As a child she lived with her mother and brother, her father was more often than not out hunting while their mum looked after them. For years Uiyaejn, Jeym, her mother and father lived happy lives together until her mother eventually fell ill. During this time the children's father often still went off working and hunting to provide for the family, while their mother was still at home, but very sick. Between the two children they managed to run the household, making sure all the chores were done and that their mother was looked after, but it was lonely.

Neither child had the time to spend with the other children and their mother constantly needed their attention. One would keep her company while the other ran about the house trying to do what was necessary and when their father was home, they could sense the tension as he drunk himself into a stupor. In these times Uiyaejn looked to Moseke for guidance and prayed to the immortal and in her dreams she found the answers. Gifted with the vision of a giant crystalline flower that reached into the sky, a tower of brilliance and beauty; a pinnacle of power. On it's petals the weight of cities, supported by that would usually be consider so fragile became strong and majestic in it's structure. In that moment her eyes became to the beauty that the world had to offer, the beauty that lied love, something so simple and yet so hard for many. She began to realize that she took things granted, that if she were to change the fate of that around her she would have to act. Day after day Uiyaejn tried to be the best person she could be, and even harder to help her mother. Jeym quickly noticed her change and began to wonder why, in contrast to the depression that loomed over him that she could be so happy? her brother grew to resent Uiyaejn's joy and optimism and began to accuse the girl of not being the real child of their parents, that she was not thankful and did not belong in their household.

Unable to understand her brother's rage at first Uiyaejn could only see the hurt and she gracefully accepted the bitter feeling with a sweet smile that held back her tears, she loved them more than anything in the world. Upon her father's return sought the truth, was she really not their daughter? A long conversation took place between her and her father as he explained what had happened when she was a child, lost at the ridge of the pool of Sevir and crying with nobody to claim her. It was true, she was not their true child but she had been raised and become a part of that family.

Adamant and desperate for answers she looked to spirituality for answers. A small knowledge of herbs came to her along with a knack for meditation that set her mind at ease when life became hard. Still her quest continues.


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:13 pm
by Uiyaejn
Familiar - Ileyn
Ileyn is an ancient animal spirit that takes the form of a radiant white butterfly and has ever been a messenger of life or death. Drawn to Uiyaejn's respect of life it tested her of how willing she would be to sacrifice the life she had, for that of another creature; for to accept death, is to accept that you have lived.


Darkness didn't make a sound and behind the veil of closed eyelids thousands of mirrors could do naught but wait to reflect a light that shone upon them. Blind Uiyaejn shuddered, stepping out onto nothing and afraid to fall "Hello!" she yelled, the sound of her mysterious crystal touched voice echoed through the space, bouncing off the walls in an endless cycle.

"Hello! Hello!! Hello!!!" the sound grew until she could no longer hear.

Her scream was drowned by the swirling vortex of repeated greetings and blood poured from her nostrils. Gently padding her fingers against the warm liquid, loneliness clutched at her chest. Falling to her knees, Uiyaejn could feel the threat of tears tremble in her eyes, when she realised something soft cushioned her fall. Reaching out her hand the sensation of thousands of sharp tickling blades prick against her palm. On both hands and knees Uiyaejn crawled through the grass, searching for something, for anything but nothing came. Night after Night she would come back to that place and do the same thing over and over again, until one day she became tired and the word hello never escaped her lips, the blood did not pour from her nostrils and she could hear the wind on the breeze.

Forward she pressed on wandering blindly into nothing when suddenly the texture underneath her hand became different, it was smooth and chalky like freshly carved stone. Her hands wandered the masonry, etching every curve and crack that swirled beneath what felt like a body of water. In those brief moments she felt more alive than she had ever done, more aware as her hands finally found etchings carved into the rock of letters the she recited one by one.

Understand the end and you may speak

Cool water doused her finger tips and at that moment she would wake up. Every dream she would not speak, careful to even make a sound as the words berated her mind and in reality she took it as a sign to try to understand the true meaning of the world, a message meant for her and only her, but what did it mean? In the end, only though listening did she come to realize the truth "Do you think mum will go to the afterlife when she dies?" The key to that which she sought was not in the beginning or the end but rather the never ending cycle of life.

Upon returning to the pool of water Uiyaejn lowered herself into the water and closed her eyes "There is only the cycle," she muttered into the breeze that blew against her face. Fearful of the never ending echo she waited to be subject to pain once again, but none came. It appeared that the dream was happy with her answer.

"See," the haunting beauty of a crystalline voice echoed through the nether. Fluttering open her eyes Uiyaejn gasped at the landscape under the stars and gazed upon her picturesque surroundings. Stood atop of a forgotten shrine that looked to be no more than a rock pool, she breathed in the fresh air and studied the surrounding meadow. All around her pale colours of blue and white lit up the scenery, flowers dancing in the moonlight air and trees whispering to one another. In front of her, at the base of the rock pool an image of a white butterfly shone brightly in the depths of the water. When Uiyaejn would have thought she would have seen the bottom, all she could see was herself starring back at her.

"You don't belong here," the sound of Jeyme's voice drifted through the air "You've always been a burden to father, just another mouth to feed."

Every night as the moon said bedtime stories to the sunlight pain broke into her heart and stole hope, treating it like a mirage ready to sunder the steadiness of the earth that felt like glass beneath her feet. Alone to battle the endless flurry of words that stabbed into her skin, slicing and dicing away at her beliefs.

"Why are you so happy all the time? It's almost as if you enjoy seeing our mother on her death bed!"

"You think you're doing the right thing, you're cold."

"Get out!!!"

Over time she listened to thee insults again and again and again, accepting the relentless rage that he sought to bring onto her where most sought to break into tears, she had none. It was not her brother's fault that he was so angry at her. For years she had given him hope that they would find a cure for her and every second that hope slipped away, once they had laughed together and now...

Uiyaejn clutched her heart in her chest and looked at her reflection, the tears that she had hidden for so long phasing the image in her own eyes, "How can you be so free?"

Jeym's image stopped speaking and starred back at her and for a moment she saw that smile that she had missed, filled with compassion. "Jeym!" she called, reaching to the water and before she knew it he was gone, replaced by a reflection of herself.

"Why am I not true to that which I feel?" her eyes lifted toward the clouded sky. Concepts like hate had fell into gravity drifting into an abyss that she never know how to search for. Her heart a tree filled with forgiveness and willing to embrace that which was unknown to her with unconditional love and still he loathed her. Two sides of a coin infected with the promise of hardship, whatever joy he held replaced with malice. She realised now that what lay in him was a reflection on feeling that she had and needed to let go of, it became clear to her now.

"No, why would I be so selfish? Celebrate life and death in their finality, Mother has the option of leaving at any moment and giving in and for us she chooses life. Even I have my limits, yet should she choose otherwise it is not the end."

"The cycle never ends," the crystalline voice spoke once again, growing louder as the faint sound of small white wings fluttered in the wind.

Uiyaejn awoke that day with a clear concious and understanding of what she needed to do and with a heavy heart told her family "I leave you now brother, as you have wished. Upon the day that I find something to save mother, only then will I return."

Gathering her things the young Sev'ryn set off on a journey to find this field of grass and the small ruin it beheld. After month of wandering, gathering and learning to live in the wilderness Uiyaejn finally came across the shrine.

Lost in a whirlpool of melancholy emotions, Uiyaejn's mind became shrouded in the doubts of what was to come. Starring into the moonlight she reflected upon her research. In order to save her mother she would have to embark on an almost impossible quest, one that if she failed; she would not survive.

"Come let the warmth of your heart find the cold embrace of truth." whispered a voice of inner knowing. A brief sense of union settled upon her soul and her final test began...

A Journey of The Heart

"Come let the warmth of your heart find the cold embrace of truth," whispered a voice of inner knowing. Lowering her gaze onto the tranquil, grassy landscape she felt whole for but a second, What was this feeling? Her clear sapphire eyes followed the gentle flutter of small luminescent white wings that drifted along in the soft breeze, whistling through the leaves, it was a butterfly.

Elegant, the creature was a radiant light in front of the backdrop of the clouded sky "Hello little one," she whispered out into the cool night air and for a fleeting moment the creature landed gently upon her finger almost as if it had acknowledged her greeting. As swift as it's arrival descended upon her, it lifted off again and flew into the trees. Compelled to follow, Uiyaejn wandered away from the rock pool whose waters so often comforted her thoughts and ventured into the unknown.

Going deeper into the forest Uiyaejn slowly became more and more concious of her surroundings, fear pounded at her heart as the shadows crept from every corner, dancing through the trees and playing with her mind. Scenarios of what could happen haunted her thoughts, the butterfly had disappeared and without a light to guide her she was lost. "Trust your instincts," a clear voice said inside of her head "...see."

Stood in the middle of a dark clearing Uiyaejn sought to calm her thoughts "breathe," she said to herself and wandered to a nearby tree. Ever since a young age the Sev'ryn had been taught the importance of life, to cherish and thank it; the belief that even the trees could hear you "I will be in your care," she uttered softly, loftily touching her hand against its bark. It was then she was reminded that she was never alone and relaxed into a seated position.

Search, she reminded herself and closed her eyes, delving into the depths of meditation. Tranquillity spread throughout her body, her muscles, her mind. Each idea drifting into a soft white light, slowly fading into a sun-touched image of the forest that surrounded her. "Come," the hauntingly beautiful sound of a shard-touched voice echoed through her head and once again she saw the butterfly. Drawn toward it Uiyaejn could feel her spirit floating side by side, soaring through the trees in a rush to get to where they were going. Why were they rushing?

Her minds eye turned toward the trail ahead and in an instant everything became clear. On the floor behind a large shrub a wolf lay injured, a large wound gaping from its side. It was here that the butterfly landed "This creature is on the brink of life and death, you can save him," the voice said.

"How?" she asked, looking at the creature "I don't even know where this is."

"Trust your instincts, think... feel...remember," it replied with a sense of urgency and the vision faded.

Opening her eyes Uiyaejn looked about the forest, the sense of fear that once gripped her had faded and been replaced with worry for the wolf. "Let my instincts guide me," she uttered taking a deep breath with the hopes the tingling feeling in her gut would guide her. Almost an hour passed until she finally found it, the shrub where the wolf lay "There isn't much time," the crystal voice chimed in again.

Approaching carefully Uiyaejn looked past the bush to see the wolf gone, left with no sign of it other than the trail of blood that had pooled out onto the floor. Doing her best to follow the trail Uiyaejn found it laying next to a tree not too far away, its eyes closed, resting and helpless. It did not take long for the creature to notice her. One large eye opened to greet her, accompanied by stifled a snarl before it remembered its pain. "Shhhh," she whispered.

Weary of her the wolf flinched as she touched it "I won't hurt you," she said, trying to use the dim light of the moon to see the damage. She could feel it breath heavily beneath her hand, resigned to the pain that her fingertips brought to it. The wolf knew it was dying. Death did not wait for the living to prevent it, taking no chances Uiyaejn ripped her shirt from her body and tore it into long thin strands to make bandages. She didn't care if she would freeze, she was going to save this creature or die trying. Thinking back to what she knew, she took a small handful of herbs from inside of the special pouch her grandmother had given her. Mindful of the wolf's natural ferocity, carefully began to pour the water onto the wound to clean it of any infection that might have got into it previous to her arrival.

"Can you see the evening stars, that shine down over you, can you look up to the skies, then say your heart remains true. We all walk our own road, we go as far as we can go, hold your head up high, aim for for the sky and remember the earth loves you. Remember through my song, remember through the blood inside your veins, Remember oh, Remember, Remember oh, Remember the earth loves you..." she sung a soft lullaby as her arms wrapped slowly around the wolf's body, shifting it's weight to stop the wound from bleeding.

"I'll look after you little wolf."

Days and Nights passed, without a shirt to keep her warm Uiyaejn looked the shelter underneath the trees that blocked the bitter chill of the night air. Every day she would go hunting for wild berries and fruits to eat, sometimes waiting for small prey to come across her so she could catch it and cook it around a fire and sometimes having to go without meals. Over time the wolf began to heal, but the butterfly was nowhere to be found and although she wished to return to civilisation, she could not wander too far from the wolf. As she predicted the smell of the wolf's blood on the ground attracted some unwanted attention.

Danger reared its head at every turn and although she slept nights became long and uncomfortable, the cold sometimes too much for her to bare. Drawn by the scent of fresh blood, a panther stalked the bushes nearby a panther stalked, quiet and ready to home in on the wolf and deal the finishing blow and within moments it let out a booming growl, alerting Uiyaejn of its presence just before it's claw came down to slash across her body. Uiyaejn reared back in pain, her mind going numb as her primal instinct to defend herself took root "No!" her shrill cry echoed through the forest and the panthers claws swiped at her once again, tearing into her flesh.

Unable to move Uiyaejn weakly grabbed her dagger and threw it, lodging in the creatures side, only enough to give a distraction. The wolf too fought back, biting down into the creature's neck it pierced the large sabre's hide and pinned it's dying body to the floor. "Good job little wolf," she uttered weakly, perching herself against a tree, she held her fingertips against her wounds to stop some of the bleeding, she did not have long now. What was she fighting for?

Tears streamed down her face as she looked to the sky one last time "I have failed you mother," she whispered. Only the cold kept her awake now. Still in the quiet of the forest with nobody to remember her death but a wolf, she he her arms open to the creature "You'll be alright." It whimpered at her and tried to lick her wounds, even in death there was some comfort for her.

"Hello!" the sudden sound sound of a gruff voice came from behind the bushes, eliciting a low, gutteral growl from her companion.

"It's okay little wolf," she comforted it with her hand and used what small resource of strength she had left to call out "Here!"

A stranger suddenly appeared into the clearing, hooded and cloaked in dark coloured robes she couldn't make out in the moonlight. In these final moments, she wouldn't be alone. Wary of the creature that guarded her the man approached carefully "I am friend," he uttered quietly to the wolf "easy."

Reluctant under the assurance of Uiyaejn the creature, although injured kept a protective stance as the figure sat beside her. From behind the shadows of his hood, Uiyaejn was finally able to see a human face; rugged, pained and scarred by war "You have done well to get this far."

"There was so much left that I had to do," she replied as small droplets of water fell from her eyes. Reaching out to grasp his warm robe she searched for closure and in her heart wished that she could have loved another, to experience the warm embrace of unconditional love and hold its embodiment in her arms for but one time. She wished to see the smiling faces of children, a smiling brother and healthy mother. A father that didn't have to drink to remind himself the world could be a good place, and to understand there hardship "Please, look after the little wolf," she pleaded clutching to the wolf "I want.." her breathing was heavy and the pain was settling in "to have saved... at least one life."

A warm smile passed across the man's rough features "Shhhh," he cooed softly, "You're not going to die today."

Touching his palm close to her wounds, a warm white light flower from his fingertips, coursing along her wounds and with every waking moment the flesh slowly began to seal. Exhausted Uiyaejn resigned herself to fate, she gave in to the calm surrender of sleep.

Hours passed and an aroma of spiced meat reached her nose, hungry she awoke to see the stranger sitting there next to a fire, in peaceful meditation "Thank you..." she muttered, going closer.

Silence thicken intensity as fear washed over Uiyaejn, who was this man and what was he capable of? She sat and watched him from a moment, curious to the answers that he might have when she realised she hadn't seen the wolf. "Little wolf!" she cried out, searching frantically for the creature.

"He's gone home to live with his pack" the stranger informed her, it appeared he'd been listening to her all along.

Storming with emotions Uiyaejn's eyes drifted toward the forest "Good luck little wolf, go and make your own journey."

"You will be making your own," the voice came again.

"What?" she asked, turning to watch the man as he prepared chunks of panther meat, skewering them onto sticks and twisting them over the fire.

"You, young lady have seen my magic, I used it to save your life," he paused to grab a lump of slat from his pack "Unfortunately that means I can't let you go."

"Why not?" Uiyaejn asked, clearly confused and marginally frightened. She had fairy tales of magic, none of them usually ended well. Yet, how could something so evil save a life?

"Magic in these lands is considered a taboo, if The Seekers were to find out I betrayed our secret to save your life I will be punished," he replied, with a deadpan expression, he was serious.

Wide-eyed Uiyaejn realised the consequences of the actions this man took to save her life, yet he did it anyway. "I will do whatever you require, you are my miracle, the shining star that saved me when I was beyond hope."

Surprise entered his book worn eyes that starred knowingly at her, "Join us."

We have found our path, the familiar and gentle crystalline voice re-entered her head as the radiant white butterfly landed upon her shoulder and she felt as if a bright light had filled an empty part of her soul. Beaming with joy Uiyaejn nodded to the stranger "Life awaits us."

And so the journey of life began...


Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:39 pm
by Uiyaejn

Uiyaejn does not own her own house, she has been living with her mother and looking after her. In order to go adventuring she tried doing the odd job and saving what she could to buy herself adventuring gear to travel to the heart of fire and instead owns a tent.


Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:41 pm
by Uiyaejn
Fast Track: Fieldraft
SkillPoints AcquiredProficiency
Acrobatics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Acting0/100 (0/251)Novice
Agriculture0/100 (0/251)Novice
Alchemy0/100 (0/251)Novice
Animal Husbandry0/100 (0/251)Novice
Animal Training0/100 (0/251)Novice
Axes & Bludgeons0/100 (0/251)Novice
Appraisal0/100 (0/251)Novice
Baking0/100 (0/251)Novice
Basket Weaving0/100 (0/251)Novice
Blades0/100 (0/251)Novice
Brewing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Business Management0/100 (0/251)Novice
Candlemaking0/100 (0/251)Novice
Carpentry0/100 (0/251)Novice
Cartography0/100 (0/251)Novice
Chemistry0/100 (0/251)Novice
Climbing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Construction0/100 (0/251)Novice
Cooking0/100 (0/251)Novice
Cosmetology0/100 (0/251)Novice
Dancing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Deception0/100 (0/251)Novice
Detection0/100 (0/251)Novice
Discipline 0/100 (0/251)Novice
Disguise0/100 (0/251)Novice
Drawing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Endurance0/100 (0/251)Novice
Etiquette0/100 (0/251)Novice
Field Craft FT0/100 (0/100)Novice
Fishing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Flying0/100 (0/251)Novice
Fletching0/100 (0/251)Novice
Forgery0/100 (0/251)Novice
Gambling0/100 (0/251)Novice
Gardening0/100 (0/251)Novice
Glassblowing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Hunting13/100 (13/251)Novice
Intelligence0/100 (0/251)Novice
Interrogation0/100 (0/251)Novice
Intimidation0/100 (0/251)Novice
Investigation0/100 (0/251)Novice
Jewelry Crafting0/100 (0/251)Novice
Leadership0/100 (0/251)Novice
Leather Working0/100 (0/251)Novice
Linguistics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Lock Picking0/100 (0/251)Novice
Logistics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Masonry0/100 (0/251)Novice
Mathematics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Medicine8/100 (8/251)Novice
Meditation25/100 (25/251)Novice
Mining0/100 (0/251)Novice
Mount0/100 (0/251)Novice
Musical Instrument0/100 (0/251)Novice
Navigation0/100 (0/251)Novice
Negotiation 0/100 (0/251)Novice
Painting0/100 (0/251)Novice
Persuasion0/100 (0/251)Novice
Physics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Pick Pocketing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Poisons0/100 (0/251)Novice
Polearms0/100 (0/251)Novice
Politics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Pottery0/100 (0/251)Novice
Psychology0/100 (0/251)Novice
Ranged Combat1/100 (0/251)Novice
Research0/100 (0/251)Novice
Resistance0/100 (0/251)Novice
Rhetoric0/100 (0/251)Novice
Running0/100 (0/251)Novice
Sculpting0/100 (0/251)Novice
Seafaring0/100 (0/251)Novice
Seduction0/100 (0/251)Novice
Sewing1/100 (0/251)Novice
Shielded Combat0/100 (0/251)Novice
Ship Building0/100 (0/251)Novice
Shoemaking0/100 (0/251)Novice
Siege Weaponry0/100 (0/251)Novice
Singing6/100 (6/251)Novice
Smithing0/100 (0/251)Novice
Stealth0/100 (0/251)Novice
Storytelling0/100 (0/251)Novice
Strength0/100 (0/251)Novice
Surgery15/100 (16/251)Novice
Swimming0/100 (0/251)Novice
Tactics0/100 (0/251)Novice
Tanning0/100 (0/251)Novice
Teaching0/100 (0/251)Novice
Thrown Weapons0/100 (0/251)Novice
Torture0/100 (0/251)Novice
Trap Making0/100 (0/251)Novice
Unarmed Combat0/100 (0/251)Novice
Vinting0/100 (0/251)Novice
Whips0/100 (0/251)Novice
Writing0/100 (0/251)Novice


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:19 pm
by Uiyaejn
SkillPoints AcquiredProficiency
Abrogation15/100 (15/251)Novice
Attunement20/100 (20/251)Novice


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:24 pm
by Uiyaejn
Marks, Blessings and Curses

to be continued...


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:27 pm
by Uiyaejn

Faction: The Seekers (SH)
Faction: Order of the Adunih
Order of the Adunih: Green Cloak

Earning the Name

Raskithecal: Scarred

Family: Adopted (SH)

Knowledge: Arcana
Arcana: Abrogation
Magic: Taboo in Idalos (SH)
Abrogation Master: Belgaryn (SH)

Medicine: Moukou Bean for Pain Relief
Medicine: Laki Leaves for Swelling
Medicine: Rhyth Petals for Virus
Medicine: Using Moukou powder to numb pain
Medicine: Feeding an injured soldier healing cordial to help the healing process
Medicine: Bandaging an open arm wound
Herbs: Area Specific (Nashaki Hotlands)
First Aid
Herbal Properties
Surgery: Interrupted Stitch
Surgery: Repairing a hip wound
Surgery: Bandaging a hip surgery
Surgery: Sewing up a mans chest
Surgery: Assisting a more skilled surgeon
Surgery: Closing thigh wounds
Surgery: Using special sutures on tail wounds
Practice Makes Perfect

Endurance: Working despite cut hands

Tactics: Using the bodies of the dead as an intimidation tactic
Tactics: Setting catapult ammo on fire
Tactics: Damage the brain to stop undead
Siege Weaponry
Siege Weaponry: Siege Weaponry: Using catapults as trees

Intimidation: Firing dead bodies at people

Animal Friends:
Little Wolf: Alive With Pack (SH)

Spiritual Journeys:
Vision: Strength of a Delicate Crystal Flower (SH)


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:31 pm
by Uiyaejn
Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Battle of the Hotlands Claypan: Eastern Front+2020


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:43 pm
by Uiyaejn
  • One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
    •One riding horse.
    •One horse-pulled wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep)
    •100 feet of rope
    •One tinderbox.
    •A set of six torches
    •One Lantern
    •One bedroll
    •A compass
    •A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks.
    •A blanket
    •Four rucksacks
    •A knife
    •One waterskin
    •One set of toiletries
    •One set of clothing.
    •Two rags.
    • Green Hooded Cloak
      Grandmother's Medicinal Kit (Heirloom)
      Order of Adunih Medicinal Kit
    • Waterproof Leather Bag (Heavy Duty, Straps, Large)
      Heavy Duty Bag (Heavy Duty, Small) (2)
      Vial of Lamp oil
      Vial of Ink
      Vellum (10 Sheets)
      Reservoir Pen
      Honey (2 pt)
      Almonds (2 lb)
      Oats (1 s)
      Apple (10)
      Cinnamon (5)
      Salt (2 oz cubes)
      Carrot (1)
      Prunes (6)
      Meat (Standard, Mutton, 1lb)
      Large Towels (2)
      Bucket, Large