The Iron Hand
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:45 am
The Iron Hand
The Fist
Then, at any time, particularly in times of war, the King may - through the Iron Accords - conscript the five armies and unite six into one, forming the Closed Fist, universally known as the Iron Hand's symbol. When the fingers draw back into the palm, and six armies become one, it is said that Rynmere can never lose a war - a momentum they can only hope to maintain.
The Fingers
The Fingers, also known as the Five Armies, are the ducal-led armies and they make up the vast majority of the Iron Hand. The Fingers are led by a Commandant, who is directed by a Duke. When the Iron Hand is united into the Fist, the Commanders will begin to answer to the Iron Commandant, the leader of the Iron Hand who serves directly underneath the King as his military councilor. When a Kingdom-wide conscription is not under effect, the ducal armies serve the will of their respective ducal ruler, acting as their enforcers. They will generally reside in their Duchy and train within one of many fortresses (or Chateau's in Venora's case) during daylight hours, cycling out as guards and city law enforcers every so often. While residing within the Duchies, members of the Iron Hand are overseen by the Monks and Priors who 'try' to hold them accountable for their own actions.
Joint Armies
Joint armies are an extremely contentious issue within ducal politics, and always have been. Since Arc 236, Gawyne and Krome, and Burhan and Endor have fought jointly together rather than carrying their own independent force. This is seen as a necessity for weaker Duchies, some of which are often barely able to field a proper garrison of guards along their cities and roads, let alone can they fend off raids, pirates or foreign invasions. As a result of the necessity of these greater forces, the two joint ducal armies remain.
The way the armies work is simple. Firstly, both Dukes have total control over whichever troops reside within their Duchy, and transfers between the two Duchies must be approved. In times of need, either of the Dukes may conscript necessary troops from the greater pool depending on their needs, and can reallocate and relocate them as they wish. In war, the two Dukes serve as generals within the force, with the Commandant acting as their advisor and ensuring the army acts cohesively despite the possibly conflicting desires of the Dukes.
If one Duke is to die in combat or by any other means, the other takes total control over the armies and is required to protect the interests and physical holdings of both Duchies. In the case of civil wars, the joint armies allow the Northern Duchies to hold their own in large scale battles, which - in many ways - acts as a deterrent, to keep the South from invading the Northern Realms.
The Iron Accords
The Iron Accords are a series of laws and treaties between the Dukes and the Crown. What they do is - essentially - allow for the King to conscript the Five Armies into the 'Closed Fist' in times of national emergency. This will typically occur amidst a ducal council meeting, with the Herald, Justicar and Iron Commandant present as well. Though the reasons for a national emergency must be cited, the King has the right to enact Iron Accord conscription laws without a vote and without consent. Typically this is done in times of war and colonization. When this does occur, the Commandants are all asked to meet with the Iron Commandant to form a cohesive strategy, and they are delegated to certain tasks among the colonial or war front.
Once the Iron Accords are enacted, Rynmere tends to carry an incredibly large military force, keeping a professional army that is typically around 1% of its given population. It must be noted, though, that historically there have been times where a King's reasoning was seen as arbitrary and tyrannical - and in such cases, Commandants loyal to their Dukes have refused to serve the Iron Commandant, remaining present with their army in their home Duchy. This is incredibly rare and is grounds for great consequence, but it has occurred.