Ivorian Empire Calendar: Rebirth Cycle 719
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:55 pm
Welcome to Arc 719
The Rebirth Cycle is normally a time of great celebration, for another arc has passed and the people are all the stronger for it. However, something has been bubbling below the surface for some time; a discontent that threatens to shake the foundations of the Empire's beliefs, while beyond its shores, chaos is brewing. Many citizens are growing frightened to step outside their doors, businesses are hiring additional security, and many are afraid to step onto the streets after dark.
Cylus: As the suns disappear from the sky and the island is plunged into thirty trials of perpetual night, saved only by the ghostly light of the three moons, a cold freezing wind from the north will freeze much of Yithiral where it stands. Throughout the season, across the island, temperatures drop so low that rain freezes in the clouds, leaving them heavy and constant in the sky, miring the thin moon rays even further. Wind is strong and constant throughout the perpetual night, and the ocean is wild and near-impossible to traverse.
1 - 7th: Yithiral feels the worst of the cold first, with wind howling through the streets. Water freezes in drains and most of the city grinds to a halt, unprepared for such severe weather. Ethelanum is buffered by the mountains and escapes much of the wind, but the cold weather still puts exceptional strain on day-to-day activities. Talonir bundles up warm and many campfires are spotted throughout the city and surrounding regions. Cathirus escapes the worst of the chill and while cold temperatures leave many seeking warm clothing, the chill is not severe.
8th - 18th: Yithiral's freeze settles deep in the bones of the city, but the wind calms to an eerie silence. The streets fill with a few more regulars, but many continue to remain inside, or seek immediate shelter and heavy winter clothes to brave the sub-zero temperatures. Ethelanum feels a slight reprieve from the worst of the cold's bite, with slightly lighter skies. Talonir is hit by a powerful storm of cold from the north many are calling The Breath of Death, known to freeze trees down to the roots and pull them from the ground. Many houses are damaged and some are killed. Cathirus feels a brush of frozen rain that strikes the ground like sharp pellets, injuring those that remain outside without protection.
19th - 23rd: Yithiral's clouds grow thicker and more complete, briefly shutting out nearly all light in the city and plunging it into a complete darkness, illuminated only by torchlight throughout the city. Ethelanum is next to feel the Breath of Death, whipping through the streets and destroying many crops in the outer regions of the city, affecting local cattle worst of all. Talonir, having felt the worst, now settles into a comparatively comfortable light wind and cold, with skies clearing for plenty of moonlight. Cathirus suffers from intermittent bouts of frozen rain every other trial, striking hard and disappearing just as fast.
24th - 30th: Yithiral and Cathirus feel the full effects of the Breath of Death. Streets are flooded with howling winds that threaten to rip the shutters from most windows. Going outside without heavy protection invites hypothermia, frostbite and eventual death within breaks. Ethelanum and Talonir spend much of their time recovering with a light sky, a bone-deep cold but very little wind.
Ashan: As the suns finally re-emerge, the weather starts to improve, and later, temperatures follow. Snow and ice give way to long downpours of rain and prolonged sunny spells, leading to a few cases of fog. Overall, it is a smooth and very temperate season with plenty of rapidly warming weather, pleasant and revitalizing.
1st - 24th: The remains of the deep freeze linger across the island, with all four cities still feeling the occasional bluster of biting wind, mixed with occasional snowstorms lasting a day at best, leaving behind a snowy slush and plenty of thin ice. Temperatures remain low but the skies, while still dotted with a few clouds, are mostly clear and open, leaving a warm sun to wash away most of the snap freeze by midday.
25th - 37th: Temperatures begin to climb to a more manageable level, allowing residents to shed their thickest coats in favour of lighter garments. Yithiral benefits the most with a spell of clear skies and warm breezes. Ethelanum meanwhile is caught in a prolonged bout of rain. Talonir gets the warmest weather of them all, with trees and foliage growing rapidly, and the breezes passing through it travel all the way down to Cathirus too.
38th - 62nd: Ethelanum's rain, while pleasant at first, develops into some more serious flooding and wet weather throughout its outlying territories, and even some more through the city. Some of this spray hits Yithiral, but apart from this, the general trend across the rest of the island continues, with an increase in temperature and humidity, now at a pleasant temperature that heralds a warm and bountiful season ahead.
63rd - 99th: Wind picks up through Cathirus and Yithiral, intermittently swelling and ebbing with powerful gusts occasionally carrying the spray of the last showers of the season. Talonir is sheltered from the worst of it, but its temperatures continue to climb at an alarming rate, suffering from a jungle-like heatwave, mixed with a dramatic increase in humidity that leaves many residents sweating. Ethelanum, meanwhile, benefits from many clear skies and a few remnant sprinkles of rain in the wake of its recent flooding.
100th - 123rd: To round off the season, the wind picks up across the island, eliminating the heatwave plaguing Talonir and sweeping it briefly through Ethelanum and Yithiral before dissipating. Cathirus suffers a brief and unexpected chill because of the wind sweeping from the south, but clear skies keep the sun shining and the days warm.
2nd of Cylus: Concerns rise over the appearance of the Grand Zealotry within Yithiral. Their harsh stance leaves thieves bloodied and beaten long before they reach the cells, the concerns of non-Ithecal citizens undervalued or outright ignored, and unauthorized inquests into local temples.
5th of Cylus: A large fight breaks out in lower Melrath with an unscheduled raid on several warehouses. Several members of the public are involved. Both the Arm Militum, Grand Zealotry, and unknown factions are involved. The skirmish leaves many wounded and people frightened to leave their homes. [Moderated Event]
11th of Cylus: After long delays, celebrations for the new arc are held across the city in several key locations. Festivities lead long into the night, though the event is somewhat marred by the Zealotry's presence, that actively attempts to prohibit alcohol, confiscates numerous weapons and cracks down harshly on what they call 'inappropriate behaviour', ranging anywhere from cheering to dancing.
18th of Cylus: Undocumented ships are spotted at the Northern Watchtower. Preliminary alarms are raised when they seem to be lingering in restricted waters, but the boats vanish before any Arm Nautica ships can reach them, and they display no insignia or identifying marks on the hull or sails. Warnings are passed around merchant vessels.
24th of Cylus: An Arm Nautica Brig, Blue Viper, has not returned to port. Scavenging boats sent into the Crescent Sea have found no signs of wreckage. Alerts are raised at once and patrols are increased fivefold. All members of Arm Militum are to be prepared for naval deployment within six breaks and Watchtower reports are tripled.
30th of Cylus: Three more naval force ships, as well as some smaller patrol boats, fishing trawlers and scant merchant vessels are all reported missing. The entirety of the Arm Nautica armada is mobilised, pulling Terrwyn from her current work on her secret project, in preparation for a potential skirmish with what is now considered an extremely dangerous threat to the island nation. Investigators from the Inquirium, along with volunteers and anyone else willing to brave the waters, are sent undercover on small merchant-marked boats to discover the true identity of the attackers. [Moderated Event]
4th of Ashan: A proper celebration of the new Arc begins now that the worst of the cold weather is at an end. Across Yithiral, shops open up for their wares and the streets are packed with performers and loud music, drowning out the worst of the bad events and the tense feelings.
9th of Ashan: The Arm Nautica's Third Armada is assembled in preparation for a small assaulting force said to be arriving from the north, caught by early intelligence and scouts. The Armada travels to the edge of Ivorian Empire territory and clashes with the force long before they enter their territory. In the wake of the attack, it's discovered that they were likely trying to travel through Ivorian Empire territory to harass a different location. More scouts are sent out to check possible targets and gather more intelligence.
24th of Ashan: Multiple ships carrying a full force of Arm Militum soldiers are sent out to hunt down the pirates' base. An ambush strikes them down and heavy losses are felt by the Arm Nautica.
47th of Ashan: A second force, the Second Armada, is sent east, in the wake of new developments at Yaralon, where the pirates are said to have blockaded their naval port. Though Ivorian Empire ships are sent en-masse and heavily armed, they do not make any attempt to remove the blockade, and remain a safe distance to measure the intent of the enemy ships, and Yaralon's response to the problem.
74th of Ashan: Bolstered by additional troops and resources, the Second Armada is sent to clear out the remaining pirates and take up defensive positions to help Yaralon remove any further threats posed. However, this attempt to aid their allies in their time of need is met with acid and spite, and a call for additional responses and a suitable retaliation lead to a full-scale attack. All reserves are drawn.
92nd of Ashan: The Arm Nautica Flagship, Stormanchor, the Pride of Terrwyn, is revealed as it leaves dry dock. The Arm Nautica pours all its resources into equipping it and all their remaining forces, in the hopes of dealing with the pirates and Yaralon's sly maneuverings once and for all.
109th of Ashan: Stormanchor's Armada repels a massive attack brought by the remaining forces of Blackbrine, having recuperated following their defeat from the bay of Yaralon. It suffers significant damage, but remains floating and recuperates with resources backed by Yithiral.
120th of Ashan: Stormanchor's Armada is hit by a massive counter-attack of Yaralon's full naval force and suffers heavy casualties and damage. Stormanchor is forced to take up a new position much closer to Ivorian in order to protect itself against any further assaults.
Weather Conditions
Cylus: As the suns disappear from the sky and the island is plunged into thirty trials of perpetual night, saved only by the ghostly light of the three moons, a cold freezing wind from the north will freeze much of Yithiral where it stands. Throughout the season, across the island, temperatures drop so low that rain freezes in the clouds, leaving them heavy and constant in the sky, miring the thin moon rays even further. Wind is strong and constant throughout the perpetual night, and the ocean is wild and near-impossible to traverse.
1 - 7th: Yithiral feels the worst of the cold first, with wind howling through the streets. Water freezes in drains and most of the city grinds to a halt, unprepared for such severe weather. Ethelanum is buffered by the mountains and escapes much of the wind, but the cold weather still puts exceptional strain on day-to-day activities. Talonir bundles up warm and many campfires are spotted throughout the city and surrounding regions. Cathirus escapes the worst of the chill and while cold temperatures leave many seeking warm clothing, the chill is not severe.
8th - 18th: Yithiral's freeze settles deep in the bones of the city, but the wind calms to an eerie silence. The streets fill with a few more regulars, but many continue to remain inside, or seek immediate shelter and heavy winter clothes to brave the sub-zero temperatures. Ethelanum feels a slight reprieve from the worst of the cold's bite, with slightly lighter skies. Talonir is hit by a powerful storm of cold from the north many are calling The Breath of Death, known to freeze trees down to the roots and pull them from the ground. Many houses are damaged and some are killed. Cathirus feels a brush of frozen rain that strikes the ground like sharp pellets, injuring those that remain outside without protection.
19th - 23rd: Yithiral's clouds grow thicker and more complete, briefly shutting out nearly all light in the city and plunging it into a complete darkness, illuminated only by torchlight throughout the city. Ethelanum is next to feel the Breath of Death, whipping through the streets and destroying many crops in the outer regions of the city, affecting local cattle worst of all. Talonir, having felt the worst, now settles into a comparatively comfortable light wind and cold, with skies clearing for plenty of moonlight. Cathirus suffers from intermittent bouts of frozen rain every other trial, striking hard and disappearing just as fast.
24th - 30th: Yithiral and Cathirus feel the full effects of the Breath of Death. Streets are flooded with howling winds that threaten to rip the shutters from most windows. Going outside without heavy protection invites hypothermia, frostbite and eventual death within breaks. Ethelanum and Talonir spend much of their time recovering with a light sky, a bone-deep cold but very little wind.
Ashan: As the suns finally re-emerge, the weather starts to improve, and later, temperatures follow. Snow and ice give way to long downpours of rain and prolonged sunny spells, leading to a few cases of fog. Overall, it is a smooth and very temperate season with plenty of rapidly warming weather, pleasant and revitalizing.
1st - 24th: The remains of the deep freeze linger across the island, with all four cities still feeling the occasional bluster of biting wind, mixed with occasional snowstorms lasting a day at best, leaving behind a snowy slush and plenty of thin ice. Temperatures remain low but the skies, while still dotted with a few clouds, are mostly clear and open, leaving a warm sun to wash away most of the snap freeze by midday.
25th - 37th: Temperatures begin to climb to a more manageable level, allowing residents to shed their thickest coats in favour of lighter garments. Yithiral benefits the most with a spell of clear skies and warm breezes. Ethelanum meanwhile is caught in a prolonged bout of rain. Talonir gets the warmest weather of them all, with trees and foliage growing rapidly, and the breezes passing through it travel all the way down to Cathirus too.
38th - 62nd: Ethelanum's rain, while pleasant at first, develops into some more serious flooding and wet weather throughout its outlying territories, and even some more through the city. Some of this spray hits Yithiral, but apart from this, the general trend across the rest of the island continues, with an increase in temperature and humidity, now at a pleasant temperature that heralds a warm and bountiful season ahead.
63rd - 99th: Wind picks up through Cathirus and Yithiral, intermittently swelling and ebbing with powerful gusts occasionally carrying the spray of the last showers of the season. Talonir is sheltered from the worst of it, but its temperatures continue to climb at an alarming rate, suffering from a jungle-like heatwave, mixed with a dramatic increase in humidity that leaves many residents sweating. Ethelanum, meanwhile, benefits from many clear skies and a few remnant sprinkles of rain in the wake of its recent flooding.
100th - 123rd: To round off the season, the wind picks up across the island, eliminating the heatwave plaguing Talonir and sweeping it briefly through Ethelanum and Yithiral before dissipating. Cathirus suffers a brief and unexpected chill because of the wind sweeping from the south, but clear skies keep the sun shining and the days warm.
2nd of Cylus: Concerns rise over the appearance of the Grand Zealotry within Yithiral. Their harsh stance leaves thieves bloodied and beaten long before they reach the cells, the concerns of non-Ithecal citizens undervalued or outright ignored, and unauthorized inquests into local temples.
5th of Cylus: A large fight breaks out in lower Melrath with an unscheduled raid on several warehouses. Several members of the public are involved. Both the Arm Militum, Grand Zealotry, and unknown factions are involved. The skirmish leaves many wounded and people frightened to leave their homes. [Moderated Event]
11th of Cylus: After long delays, celebrations for the new arc are held across the city in several key locations. Festivities lead long into the night, though the event is somewhat marred by the Zealotry's presence, that actively attempts to prohibit alcohol, confiscates numerous weapons and cracks down harshly on what they call 'inappropriate behaviour', ranging anywhere from cheering to dancing.
18th of Cylus: Undocumented ships are spotted at the Northern Watchtower. Preliminary alarms are raised when they seem to be lingering in restricted waters, but the boats vanish before any Arm Nautica ships can reach them, and they display no insignia or identifying marks on the hull or sails. Warnings are passed around merchant vessels.
24th of Cylus: An Arm Nautica Brig, Blue Viper, has not returned to port. Scavenging boats sent into the Crescent Sea have found no signs of wreckage. Alerts are raised at once and patrols are increased fivefold. All members of Arm Militum are to be prepared for naval deployment within six breaks and Watchtower reports are tripled.
30th of Cylus: Three more naval force ships, as well as some smaller patrol boats, fishing trawlers and scant merchant vessels are all reported missing. The entirety of the Arm Nautica armada is mobilised, pulling Terrwyn from her current work on her secret project, in preparation for a potential skirmish with what is now considered an extremely dangerous threat to the island nation. Investigators from the Inquirium, along with volunteers and anyone else willing to brave the waters, are sent undercover on small merchant-marked boats to discover the true identity of the attackers. [Moderated Event]
4th of Ashan: A proper celebration of the new Arc begins now that the worst of the cold weather is at an end. Across Yithiral, shops open up for their wares and the streets are packed with performers and loud music, drowning out the worst of the bad events and the tense feelings.
9th of Ashan: The Arm Nautica's Third Armada is assembled in preparation for a small assaulting force said to be arriving from the north, caught by early intelligence and scouts. The Armada travels to the edge of Ivorian Empire territory and clashes with the force long before they enter their territory. In the wake of the attack, it's discovered that they were likely trying to travel through Ivorian Empire territory to harass a different location. More scouts are sent out to check possible targets and gather more intelligence.
24th of Ashan: Multiple ships carrying a full force of Arm Militum soldiers are sent out to hunt down the pirates' base. An ambush strikes them down and heavy losses are felt by the Arm Nautica.
47th of Ashan: A second force, the Second Armada, is sent east, in the wake of new developments at Yaralon, where the pirates are said to have blockaded their naval port. Though Ivorian Empire ships are sent en-masse and heavily armed, they do not make any attempt to remove the blockade, and remain a safe distance to measure the intent of the enemy ships, and Yaralon's response to the problem.
74th of Ashan: Bolstered by additional troops and resources, the Second Armada is sent to clear out the remaining pirates and take up defensive positions to help Yaralon remove any further threats posed. However, this attempt to aid their allies in their time of need is met with acid and spite, and a call for additional responses and a suitable retaliation lead to a full-scale attack. All reserves are drawn.
92nd of Ashan: The Arm Nautica Flagship, Stormanchor, the Pride of Terrwyn, is revealed as it leaves dry dock. The Arm Nautica pours all its resources into equipping it and all their remaining forces, in the hopes of dealing with the pirates and Yaralon's sly maneuverings once and for all.
109th of Ashan: Stormanchor's Armada repels a massive attack brought by the remaining forces of Blackbrine, having recuperated following their defeat from the bay of Yaralon. It suffers significant damage, but remains floating and recuperates with resources backed by Yithiral.
120th of Ashan: Stormanchor's Armada is hit by a massive counter-attack of Yaralon's full naval force and suffers heavy casualties and damage. Stormanchor is forced to take up a new position much closer to Ivorian in order to protect itself against any further assaults.