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Desnind Development To Do & Suggestions

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:40 pm
by Pegasus
Desnind Development & Suggestions

Welcome to the new Desnind Development & Suggestions thread. Here, I'll keep track of Developments To Do in the City Beneath the Trees, and also you can post in here with suggestions and I'll add them to the to - do list!

Re: Desnind Development To Do & Suggestions

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:43 pm
by Pegasus
The Overall To-Do List

This will get more specific as I work my way through.

Existing Resources To Update:
  1. Map,
  2. Locations Link Map
  3. Locations (names, separate out)
  4. Lore
  5. Factions
  6. Resources: Flora, Fauna etc.

New Resources To Establish
  • Locations
  • Flora
  • Fauna
  • Resources - index and repositories. Organization
  • NPCs

Re: Desnind Development To Do & Suggestions

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:50 pm
by Pegasus
Peg's To-Do List

Currently Working On:
  1. Map,
  2. Locations Link Map
  3. Locations (names of existing, adding new)

  • Flora
  • Fauna
  • Resources - index and repositories. Organization
  • NPCs

Re: Desnind Development To Do & Suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:24 am
by Splinter
Splinter's To-Do List

Currently Working On:

- Adding stuff to my to-do list


Re: Desnind Development To Do & Suggestions

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:18 pm
by Returner
Returner's To-Do List

Prioritized list
  1. Plague facts
    > How far has the plague spread, where is it spread, how is it being fought, who can fight it, how do people fight, what's the effects of contamination of plants/creatures, is there a way to get rid of the effects?
  2. Actual locations
    > 1. Plague Border
    > 2. Temple of Lissira
    > 3. Current close up map locations
    > 4. Cursed grounds (the bad lands right? But we can have more in a forest that size for other reasons eg legends, superstitions,...)
    > 5. Dangerous but survivable place (The Rapids - done)
    > 6. Dangerous and deadly place
    > 7. Monster dens
    > 8. The rift of the dead Original
  3. Legends, folk stories, myths, songs
    > anything to support the above and flesh it out
    > 1. Location related (eg. Garden of Eyes {inspired by Kubo}, 'Well of Wishes', The Dead City, fallen temples, massive bone yard in the healthy part of the forest!)
    > 2. Magical stuffs related (animals, artifacts, plants, people {like the Witch Doctor})
  4. The classics of Fauna and Flora
    > 1. apex predators (=monsters / tough butts to kill)
    > 2. Game to kill and eat
    > 3. Mounts and pets
    > 4. Chillin and living things that are no harm to anyone
    > 1. Herbs
    > 2. Spices
    > 3. Fruit trees
    > 4. Edible plants
    > 5. Veggies?

Re: Desnind Development To Do & Suggestions

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:12 pm
by Pegasus
Reviewed Thread To-Do List

  • NPC Hanni here. Daughter. Masterwork woodcraft.