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Leeson Andaris

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:55 am
by Leeson Andaris
Leeson Andaris

Leeson stands at an average height of 6’1”, not quite reaching above most men but standing among them. He seems - upon first appearance - somewhat shorter than he would if compared to another due to his somewhat average build. Despite this, Leeson appears to be somewhat burly. Not overbearingly so that he seems stocky, but enough to seem stronger than he may be. His broad shoulders seem to have grown strong from carrying the burdens of nobility since his early years.

The young Andarian Lord’s face is smooth and defined, almost pampered - as many nobles of Andaris seemed. His jaw is strong and his cheekbones distinctly sharp, yet both appear soft and without blemish. His brow is high on his head, not raised in facetious undertone but in optimism. His eyes are wide with a sense of curious and boyish wonder, nearly in a stubborn effort to hold onto his youthful disposition.

His complexion glows with a royal shade of tan, designated by birth rather than by sunkissed rays, and its likeness is fairly distributed across the rest of his skin, bathing him in regal tones. He usually adorns himself in wardrobe that reflects his social standing, he realized long ago that he wouldn’t be anything more than a lord with an Andaris name and clings lightly to the little bit of social superiority he possesses.

Leeson keeps himself kept. He bathes often and is quite self conscious about his smell, usually opting to use particular soaps to smell of lavender or pine. He trims his hair daily, keeping it at perfect length, and keeps his nails short and regular.

Leeson is, in every way, a royal of the house Andaris.

IC Earned Scars, Tattoos, etc
Quick Facts
Name: Leeson Marillion Andaris

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 16th of Vhalar, 693th Arc

Marks: N/A

Magic: None

Business - N/A

Jobs - Unemployed

Factions Joined: none

Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common, Basic: Rakahi

Partners: None
The beginnings of a noble vary. Often slightly do they vary, but they vary.

Leeson was conceived to the baron Benji Andaris of Rynmere and his wife, Mary Andaris during a time of celebration, which had faded by the time Leeson was brought into Idalos. Being the youngest born at the time, celebration of the boy’s coming was short and treated more as an obligation to show their infant son an honorable beginning as a noble than true desire to rejoice in Leeson’s coming. Only a few trials following, Leeson’s father grew increasingly distant due to his responsibilities as a figurehead in the city. He had little time for his youngest son, and Leeson got the pleasure of watching him groom his eldest brother, Peake, to take over as the new baron of Andaris, and assisting the middle sibling, Quincy, to expand business in the family, but only loosely.

Both of Leeson’s siblings had promises to lighten the load carried by their Andaris shoulders. Quincy had the promise of wealth with his venture, sure to bring in success with Andaris family backing. Peake had the promise of power and land by blood, and worried about very little that Leeson could notice actively throughout both of their childhoods. Often had Leeson noticed how they view their father’s assistance. Peake seemed disgusted, Quincy apathetic. And Leeson wondered quietly to himself if they fully understood what they would be without their father. Peake would be incompetent, and Quincy without funds.

They wouldn’t have anything at all.

Not to say, of course, that Leeson actually disliked his siblings. Peake was driven, surely, and seemed much more ambitious than the middle Andaris, and Quincy lacked the apparent stress and overall uptight stick-up-the-ass attitude Peake seemed to carry around as his own burden. But their father had the power to give them what they requried to a successful life, which they had both been gifted so easily and immediately.

And then there was Leeson.

As a child, Leeson spent a long amount of time staring out the windows of his family’s estate and residing in the corners of his classrooms, not quite sure of what he wanted to do, how to assure himself a life he wanted to lead without his father’s benefits.

For a long while, Leeson dreamt of being a knight. A member of the Iron Fist. Protecting the city he was given with his life and his sword. He often ran around Andaris City streets, pretending he was one such praetorian. He found a suitable stick to call his sword and a suitable hunk of metal for his shield. He stopped passerby knights while doing so and addressed them as comrades, which they often found refreshing, and sometimes imparted wisdom to him. How many citystates existed within Rynmere, where they’d been, who they’d met, Rynlist beliefs, and even how to punch and kick properly. For a long while it seemed he would be good for the job.

As he grew older, he began realizing how little he could do, how much more of a soldier we would be rather to Rynmere’s hero, with much more limited complexity of thought given his age. And with the recent coming of his sister, even less attention was given to the boy. Even as he began to excel in schooling, earning nearly top marks of his class, nothing was given. As he rose athletically, becoming stronger and more able than the rest of his classmates, nothing was given. As he became kinder, gentler, nobler, and more giving, nothing was yet given. He began to think it almost feeble to have thought he could make any contributions not only as a knight, but as an Andaris child. Perhaps, he considered, his status could be used less to change the opinions of the upper-class nobles, but to use limited status to do everything he can to improve the lives of the everyday man.

Influenced deeply by this thought, Leeson began to look to the science of politic to solve his dilemma, learning about his land’s structure and his countrymen, as well as the history of his title and religion. It absolutely fascinated the lad, who was fourteen at the time, realized immediately an inherent flaw in the government at hand. They were wholly indecisive, and no man but the common one would be affected by it. Those who make the decisions have little to no risk in the outcome, whatever the outcome may be. It was the kingdom affected. Why would man allow another man, unsympathetic to his cause and plights, decide his outcomes? What man could possibly understand another’s life the way one would require to in order to make decisions that would affect their life? Wasn’t that the reason Rynlism was founded, that the common man may rule instead of those Immortal beings, ignorant to man, govern himself? What had happened?

Quickly Leeson realized the folly in organized leadership of disassociated nobles, and realized even quicker the folly of actively acting against it. He couldn’t take on a kingdom. But he could take on the indecision of one and assist the people.

Immediately, Leeson began training as an interterritorial diplomat, particularly between Andaris, Warrick, and Venora. His aim is to work between the regions to better unify opinion, as well as carry the opinion of the commonman to a larger political level. He isn’t working towards a revolution, but believes heavily in the value of the proletariat man.

At this point in his life, Leeson has been travelling between the satellites for a long amount of time. At age 23, he still has much to learn about the people he wants to help. He does his job to the best of his ability, and enjoys it thoroughly.

He has no intention to in any way decline his personal crusade of assistance towards the working class citizens of Rynmere.

Post 716

Life for Leeson in the city of his namesake became much too difficult, much too quickly.

Leeson, although young and inexperienced, is not completely unwise. He could see the conflict between Rynmere and the mages getting out of control. He could see the beginnings of a civil war. And, most, influentially, he could feel the failing power of the Andaris house.

However, this paranoia alone was not all that inspired Leeson to leave Rynmere. After his brother Quincy's disappearance, and Peake's presumed death, Leeson became fearful. He became lonely. He was unsure of the whereabouts of his sister, Celeste, and he was unsure of his safety within the kingdom of Rynmere.

There came a time of decision. Whether Leeson valued his life and the potential he held in the future more than he valued the loyalty to his homeland.

Soon after Peake's death, Leeson disguised himself in rags, boarded a ship, and escaped to Rharne.

Life wasn't easy. He and Kepler, unaccustomed to the life of a working citizen, quickly found themselves homeless. Leeson eventually resorted to fighting in The Pits within Rharne's Dust Quarter for money, losing fights nightly to pay for his food.

This is where Leeson has been living, incognito, since 716.

Leeson is sociable only when he needs to be. He keeps his personal life to himself on most occasions and typically is largely reluctant to share much of himself or his experiences with anyone he acquaints himself with. Personally, he is largely unsure if it is mistrust of a stranger or simply that he dislikes speaking about himself.

Leeson, from a lifetime of familiarizing himself with royalty, has begun to value the somewhat inconsistent and uncommon trait of modesty and genuinely humble dispositions, and does the best to become the change he wishes to see. Despite his grandeur outward appearance, Leeson is somewhat quiet about his nobility, and tends to steer conversations away from himself and towards the others involved. Not as a defense mechanism, but as sincere preferred interest. Leeson cares deeply for the problems and lives of others, and does his best to at the very least be sensitive to their problems. Above everything, Leeson considers himself a man for his people.

Despite his sociable interests regarding business, personally Leeson is a very quiet man with few friends and fewer enemies. There is not a single person in all of his history he can recall disliking, and not a one he can recall disliking him. This is largely in part to his reclusive nature, rather sticking to the corner or obscure sections of the room while on nonprofessional affairs and letting all necessary interactions find him rather to searching and socializing. Outside of his family, Leeson can recollect making very few friends, which isn’t at all something he considers a weakness or a personal loss. Though he isn’t against making friends, he will not actively seek out a personal relationship, either for fear of dependency or lack of interest in doing so. Perhaps illogical, or perhaps evolutionarily sound.

If Leeson were to develop attachment, the person whom he bonded with with would find it difficult to diminish Leeson’s affection towards them. Either to the delight or dismay of his new friend or partner, Leeson holds the men and women who give him enough time and careful attention to be the most important in his life, and wouldn’t see more than the most time Leeson can dedicate to them. He’s caring, but also somewhat dependent. And if one were to let him go, he wouldn’t ever forget it. He lets himself, his personalities and opinions, shape and reshape based on others around him, so that he may better understand their own lives and try to connect with them on a deeper level, as to ensure a better relationship. This all sounds rather caring and sensitive, and it is, but Leeson is no pushover. He will fight until the amount of blood that drips from his wounds is too severe to carry on for someone he loves. He is a dedicated, loyal, and ambitious man who considers the people he loves to be the most important thing to him.

Re: Leeson Andaris

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:00 pm
by Leeson Andaris

Skill Points

Total Points (26,77,151,250) [TP]
Lore Count (11,22,33,60) [LC]

SkillTotal Points SpentLCProficiency
Persuasion 26/250 11 Competent
Leadership 26/250 1 Competent
Politics 26/250 2 Competent
Animal Husbandry20/250 3Novice
Discipline 8/2502 Novice
Brawling 5/250 0 Novice
Etiquette 5/250 0 Novice
Tactics (FT) 0/100 0N/A
Rhetoric 0/250 1 N/A
Woodworking 0/250 1 N/A
Storytelling 0/250 1 N/A
Skills Ledgers

Thread/Skill NameGainedSpentTotal
Starting Points + 50 50
Politics .. - 25 25
Animal Husbandry .. - 20 5
Brawling .. - 5 0
Racial Bonus + 25 .. 25
Leadership .. - 25 0
Completion Bonus (BK) + 10 .. 10
Etiquette .. - 5 5
Persuasion .. - 5 0
It's Not Much + 10 .. 10
Leadership .. -1 9
Politics .. -1 8
Discipline .. -8 0
A Crunchy Outer Coating +15 .. 15
Is it the Shore or the Sea? Pt. 1+15 .. 30
A Strange Duo+15 .. 45
Persuasion .. -21 24

Re: Leeson Andaris

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:05 pm
by Leeson Andaris
Skill Knowledges


Animal Husbandry (3)
Animal Husbandry: Basic Needs of a Tortoise
Animal Husbandry: Kepler the Tortoise Likes Berries and Bell Pepper
Animal Husbandry: Tuck the Tortoise in your Shirt


Discipline (2)
Discipline: How to (Emotionally) Deal with Death
Discipline: Getting Bullied by Dockworkers


Leadership (1)
Leadership: Controlling a Situation


Persuasion (11)
Persuasion: Talking Down a Fight [BK]
Persuasion: Deescalating a Fight
Persuasion: Fighting Isn't the Answer
Persuasion: Try to Convince the Big Guy First
Persuasion: If You Fail, Try Try Again
Persuasion: Share the Blame
Persuasion: Pin It on the Big Guy
Persuasion: How to Make a Friend?
Persuasion: Take Them to a Secondary Location
Persuasion: If They're Going to Fight, Make Them Avoid Property Damage
Persuasion: Ally Yourself with the Biggest Guy in the Room
Politics (2)
Politics: The Polite Procedures of Political Business
Politics: Greeting a Noble


Rhetoric (1)
Rhetoric: Delivering a Eulogy


Storytelling (1)
Storytelling: Appropriate Eulogies


Unarmed Combat (1)
Unarmed Combat: How to Throw a Punch


Woodworking (1)
Woodworking: Carving Peake's Face

Non Skills


Rynmere: Traditions of Royalty [BK]
People: Andaris Family History [BK]

Re: Leeson Andaris

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:07 pm
by Leeson Andaris
Renown and Money Ledgers


Renown Ledger
It Isn't Much +5 5
A Crunchy Outer Coating +10 15
A Strange Duo +10 25
Money Ledger

Bag (Leather, Pleated, Strapped) -1 GN, -8 SN 98 GN, 2 SN
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 98 GN, 2 SN, 0 CN

Re: Leeson Andaris

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:12 pm
by Leeson Andaris
Location, Rynmere: Andaris Family Estate, 400 sq ft bedroom. Includes one bed, two chairs, one table, one chest, a fireplace, and Kepler the Tortoise (on occasion)
Location, Rharne: With Vivian Shiryu


  • Kepler (SP)
  • Kepler is Leeson's pet redfooted tortoise (City Dweller's Pack optional)
  • One set of clothing (SP)
  • Coat, Shirt, Pants, Undergarments, Boots
  • Toiletries (SP)
  • Soap, Hairbrush, Razor, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
  • Waterskin (SP)
  • Two sets of eating utensils (SP)
  • Tinderbox (SP)
  • Bag (Leather, Pleated, Strapped)
ItemAmountType of Acquisition Note
ItemAmountType of Acquisition Note
Inventory (In housing and Other)

ItemAmountType of Acquisition Note
ItemAmountType of Acquisition Note
ItemAmountType of Acquisition Note

Re: Leeson Andaris

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:17 pm
by Leeson Andaris
Thread List

Active Season & Memories
Title Date Status Description Location
It's Not Much1st Ymiden 718CompleteLeeson finally says goodbyeRharne
The Pit2nd Ymiden 718In ProgressLeeson gets in a fight he didn't want to get into with MinistryRharne
Whoops3rd Ymiden 718In ProgressLeeson reunites with VivianRharne
A Crunchy Outer Coating5th Ymiden 718CompleteLeeson happens upon an armed chocolate robbery and meets Vega, then unmeets VegaRharne
What A Wonderful, Normal Day!10th Ymiden 718In ProgressLeeson has a normal, completely predictable morning!Rharne
Oh My God35th Ymiden 718In ProgressIt's exactly what you think it is.Rharne
A Strange Duo69th Ymiden 718Complete Varlum is ONE BIG BOYRharne
Spitfire70th Ymiden 718In ProgressFinnegan O'Connor saves a wimp from a burning building, and Leeson's the wimpRharne
Rock Hunting80th Ymiden 718In ProgressAuya wants rocksRharnian roads
Benediction of Storms3rd Saun 718In ProgressA murder! An investigation! With Lucas, Auya, and Yavanna!Volta
Quite a Pickle18th Saun 718In ProgressLeeson gets himself into a tilly and meets FaithRharne
Title Date Status Description Location
A Mission Most Diplomatic9 Ashan 711In ProgressLeeson's given the grand tour by Velaine and XanderCairnroch, Krome, Rynmere

Past Threads

Title Date Status Description Location
Truth and Lies Ashan 716 Abandoned Serial Killer? Rynmere
I'm Bored Saun 716 Abandoned Brotherly bonding Rynmere

Title Date Status
Is it the Shore or the Sea? Pt. 126th YmidenComplete
Four Knees and No Where to Put Them3rd Saun 718In Progress