[Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:24 pm
Right up until the noise which cracked around them - not that of the volcano or the undulating land, although that was a constant. No. This was an indication that the Deputy, and his men, had arrived.
The Beast had backup. "Elias..." whispered Amelia and Rodrigues von Smooglenuff pulled her close. He wanted to tell her to run, to hide but he knew. There was nowhere for her to go.
82nd Ymiden, 718
The first thing that happened was that the Deputy arrived, with the men behind him. They spread out and took cover, then aim. They did not attack, not yet, because there was no need. The battle raged in front of them - and it was an astonishing sight to behold. Both of the men fought with astonishing skill and yet, the Beast had just a slight edge. Just a slight one.
In many ways though, it would be the one who lost attention, the first one to make a mistake. That might well determine who would be the first one to die. It wasn't long before the first rag-tag group more or less fell through the portal behind them. First Amaris and then, Patrick half carrying Nalin they made it through without anyone being sheared in half or anything. Which was good. And as they stepped through they saw the Deputy who they knew and his men, fanned out and ready to fire but not doing so. They were closer to the volcano and the heat was enormous, oppressive and uncomfortable.
Ash rained down on them, small hailstones of hot stone, too. The ground continued to shake and roll around and they saw two men (they didn't know either of them) fighting. Baron von Smooglenuff (who none of them knew) and a woman (also unknown) were standing, arms around each other and watching, wide eyed
And the fight continued. Lights flashed around them, blades spun impossibly fast and both men had cuts. They were tiring, the two of them. Moments had passed stretched into hours and then, another portal opened and this one had the group from Ishallr. Those who chose to follow Sephira through saw a number of things.
They saw the two men fighting - for Sephira, of course, one was Elias. The Baron had his arms around her mother. There were others, spread around the place and moving into better positions of cover. Obviously unsure of who they were, the archers - under the direction of the Deputy, raised crossbows at them.
As reality warped and they stepped through, they might spot Patrick who had just finished pulling Nalin through. Or Amaris who had stumbled forward and was in the process of falling to one knee.
Or they might, perhaps, focus on the fight.... As his spark recognised her, Elias Drakeson was briefly, momentarily distracted and it was all his opponent needed. Elias glanced at Sephira and his eyes lit, briefly, with recognition and delight.
And that was all it took.
As the Ishallr group stepped through, the Beast plunged his long dagger - a mirror to the one Sephira had found in the cave - through Elias' throat and his eyes widened as Amelia Blackwood screamed. Blood trickled from his mouth and he crumpled to the floor.
New Thread!!
Situation Critical
So. You have the following. Imagine that the layout of the combat is in a clock face. The "time" I give you is where on the circle you are. The distance is how far from the very center of that clock face you are.
Elias & The Beast are fighting right, slap bang in the center.
The Baron & Amelia are standing in front of Smooglenuff Manor. They are at 3 o'clock, roughly 20ft away from the battle.
Patrick, Nalin and Amaris are at 9 o'clock. They are about 40ft away from the battle.
The Ishallr group are at 7 o'clock. They are also about 40ft away from the battle.
The Deputy and his people have spread out to between 11 - 2 o'clock. They are about 45ft away from the battle.