[Utheridge] Bargaining Power
Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:40 pm
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26th Ashan, 718
What a strange thing to think, she thought. A hot bath? One night being a whore for a wealthy man and she was getting ideas above her station. It was a beautiful morning and she should be grateful for her blessings. She'd made a bread dough the trial before and she'd left it to prove. It had worked, thankfully, and so there was fresh bread now, baking in the oven. It had been a tip that Lexxie, a fellow streetwalker, had given her which had done it. Rather than baking whole loaves, she was making individual rolls, in order to ensure better cooking. If she did say so, it smelled good.
For his breakfast, since he'd got paid for her, while she'd been out working Benji had gone and bought potatoes and onions and eggs. There was even some bacon and sausages. Tessa was not a good cook, not by any stretch, but equally she was getting to be almost competent in what she did. So, she popped them all in a pan, drizzled a little oil on them and then kept them on the heat, stirring. Keeping the eggs back, she'd add those at the last minute to give a crunchy texture to the meal.
The table was laid, the food smelled good and Tessa knew that her and Benji were going to need to talk about Mr James' offer. He'd been pleased with her last night when she got home. As he always did, he insisted that she told him everything that had happened, and as she always did she obeyed him and did so. He maintained the habit of the last twenty trials and he hadn't hit her, though his hands on her had been demanding and he'd pinched and bitten. "Good morning, Benji," she said, as he walked in and she turned to smile at him as she put his tea in front of him.
"Morning, Tess. It smells good," He sounded surprised and she couldn't really fault him. Some of the meals that she'd served him had been dreadful. "Thank you, Benji," she said as she added the eggs and stirred quickly. When it was done, she put it down in front of him and stood, waiting as he tasted it. He did, then he nodded. "It's not shit. Sit. Eat." With another thank you she did just that.
"You make these bread rolls too?" Benji asked suddenly. "If you've been wasting money buyin' what's your work to make..." Tessa shook her head. "No, Benji, I made them." He breathed out and nodded. "They're good." It was like it hurt him to admit it, but admit it he did. "Thank you, Benji. I wanted to make something you enjoy." Her reply was soft and honest and he smiled, pleased. Things were working out just fine. His woman was obedient and beautiful and, more than that, she was a key to a lot for him. He was well aware of what Mr James wanted Tessa for. He'd known when he sent her there last night, but he hadn't told her then.
Mopping up the egg with some bread, he looked at her. "You look tired. Did you sleep at all?"
"No, Benji. Once you were finished with me, the babies woke." He smiled at her, his face cruel. "It's not easy being a whore, eh, Tess?" She lowered her head and spoke softly. "I'm whatev'r you wan' me t'be, Benji, an' it's my pleasure."
Slurping his tea, Benji's smile turned to one of a conqueror. Yes. This was how life should be.
711 words
Cooking: Combining ingredients for flavour and texture
Baking: Home made bread should prove for 12 breaks.