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[Utheridge] Bargaining Power

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:40 pm
by Celeste Andaris
26th Ashan, 718
Tessa Anders was tired. She'd worked last night for a man called Mr James who Benji had given her to. He had proved to have some rather insatiable habits and he liked to watch while he rested, so she was tired when she got home. But, as was his way, Benji had made sure that she remembered who her husband was, who she belonged to and then, just when he was done with her, the babies had needed to be fed. By the time that was done, she had to be up and getting Benji's breakfast ready for him. So, she was tired and she wanted nothing more than a soak in a hot bath.

What a strange thing to think, she thought. A hot bath? One night being a whore for a wealthy man and she was getting ideas above her station. It was a beautiful morning and she should be grateful for her blessings. She'd made a bread dough the trial before and she'd left it to prove. It had worked, thankfully, and so there was fresh bread now, baking in the oven. It had been a tip that Lexxie, a fellow streetwalker, had given her which had done it. Rather than baking whole loaves, she was making individual rolls, in order to ensure better cooking. If she did say so, it smelled good.

For his breakfast, since he'd got paid for her, while she'd been out working Benji had gone and bought potatoes and onions and eggs. There was even some bacon and sausages. Tessa was not a good cook, not by any stretch, but equally she was getting to be almost competent in what she did. So, she popped them all in a pan, drizzled a little oil on them and then kept them on the heat, stirring. Keeping the eggs back, she'd add those at the last minute to give a crunchy texture to the meal.

The table was laid, the food smelled good and Tessa knew that her and Benji were going to need to talk about Mr James' offer. He'd been pleased with her last night when she got home. As he always did, he insisted that she told him everything that had happened, and as she always did she obeyed him and did so. He maintained the habit of the last twenty trials and he hadn't hit her, though his hands on her had been demanding and he'd pinched and bitten. "Good morning, Benji," she said, as he walked in and she turned to smile at him as she put his tea in front of him.

"Morning, Tess. It smells good," He sounded surprised and she couldn't really fault him. Some of the meals that she'd served him had been dreadful. "Thank you, Benji," she said as she added the eggs and stirred quickly. When it was done, she put it down in front of him and stood, waiting as he tasted it. He did, then he nodded. "It's not shit. Sit. Eat." With another thank you she did just that.

"You make these bread rolls too?" Benji asked suddenly. "If you've been wasting money buyin' what's your work to make..." Tessa shook her head. "No, Benji, I made them." He breathed out and nodded. "They're good." It was like it hurt him to admit it, but admit it he did. "Thank you, Benji. I wanted to make something you enjoy." Her reply was soft and honest and he smiled, pleased. Things were working out just fine. His woman was obedient and beautiful and, more than that, she was a key to a lot for him. He was well aware of what Mr James wanted Tessa for. He'd known when he sent her there last night, but he hadn't told her then.

Mopping up the egg with some bread, he looked at her. "You look tired. Did you sleep at all?"

"No, Benji. Once you were finished with me, the babies woke." He smiled at her, his face cruel. "It's not easy being a whore, eh, Tess?" She lowered her head and spoke softly. "I'm whatev'r you wan' me t'be, Benji, an' it's my pleasure."

Slurping his tea, Benji's smile turned to one of a conqueror. Yes. This was how life should be.
711 words
Cooking: Combining ingredients for flavour and texture
Baking: Home made bread should prove for 12 breaks.

[Utheridge] Bargaining Power

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:16 am
by Celeste Andaris
If she said anything, anything at all, Tessa knew that her chances of Benji letting her work for Mr James were done for, so she sat and ate her food. As always, her back was straight and her manners impeccable. Benji watched her, she knew he did. He was irritated, pleased, angry, satisfied and smug all in one and she didn't understand why. That was always dangerous. "You've eaten enough, you'll get fat." As soon as the words left his mouth, she put down her knife and fork and placed them on to plate. Thankfully, she had nothing in her mouth at the time or he'd have had her spitting it out she knew. "Yes, Benji," was all she said to that. He motioned to her plate and she picked it up and put the contents on to his. "It's good, Tess," he said and she smiled, then sat with her hands folded in her lap, waiting. She didn't dare get up from the table before he had finished. Even when they didn't have enough money for her to eat, that was the rule.

Woe betide she ever forgot it.

Once he had eaten his fill, he sat back and looked at her. "Leave the dishes for a moment. I want to talk to you. Mr James, he told you about his organisation?" Tessa looked at him and nodded her head. Yes, he had. Benji knew that it had been part of her description of the night. No detail left out, Benji was very detailed orientated. "Do you like the idea?"
Please, Benji. I hate walking the streets. I get so afraid
"I like the idea of doing what you want me to. Will it bring you more money?" That was what drove him, she knew, and she didn't make the mistake of using the word 'us', because then he'd have a reason to tell her she was being selfish. "Yes. More and more regular, too. The special assignments would be extra, if you were good at them." Tessa nodded her head and said nothing. She knew Benji, understood him in a way which was instinctual - or so she thought.

If she expressed a preference here, she was doomed. "There are downsides, Tess. We won't be able to play rough any more," he said. It was what he called it, when he beat her, bruised her or broke her. He'd never tried to drown her (yet) like Master Peake had, but he'd held her by the throat in the same way. As he'd done it, he'd whispered to her, telling her that he loved it when she played rough. "Not at all?" Tessa asked and she realised that she was taking an awful gamble. But it might, it just might, be worth it. "What if Mr James has clients who likes to play rough too? If he knew that you would allow it and I serviced them then when I get home..."

Benji watched her. Tessa looked back at him with soft brown eyes and she smiled, just a slight lifting of her lips that she knew he liked as an expression. "It's not ev'ry night, Benji. But if th'money's better and more regular. I'll still take good care o'you, if that's what you decide my love." He looked at her and suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her to him. "And whose are you, Tessa?"

"Yours Benji. Only yours an'always yours!"

He looked down at the table and snarled. "I could just pound your face into this, you know that don't you?" Looking at her as she nodded, he knew she did and he let her go. "No one would want you then, would they? If I smashed your pretty face?" Standing up, he let his chair fall and didn't bother to pick it up as he walked out. "Clean the house. It's a pit. No resting to-trial, Tessa. I want you busy all trial long, till you go to work tonight."

He didn't look behind him as he spoke. He didn't need to. "Yes Benji," she said and she didn't let the smile come into her voice.
696 words
Seduction: Slight expressions can make a difference.
Acting: Appearing unconcerned

[Utheridge] Bargaining Power

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 12:00 am
by Celeste Andaris
Having washed the dishes and started on the laundry, the babies woke and needed feeding and changing. Tessa wondered what Benji would do - one or other of the working girls was always pregnant and they looked after the children for all the others. Everyone's turn came around, especially when they were in a job like hers. But when she was working for Mr James, then she wouldn't have that opportunity. He'd get someone in, she thought. Someone young and beautiful who he could bed. It was Benji's way, and she understood him. That was fine, she'd be a hypocrite to expect anything less, really.

Tessa always kept herself and her house clean. There was very little to do after she'd washed up after breakfast and got the laundry on the line, but she knew that Benji was nothing if he wasn't true to his word, so she needed to remain busy. Busy was good and easy enough to do, there were lots of things which needed to be done. So, Tessa got to work on preparing the vegetables for their evening meal. After washing the potatoes thoroughly, she put them to one side on a cloth to dry. This particular kind of potato, small and fresh, she knew that they cooked nicely in their skins so she was going to roast them with some chunks of onion and bacon. As she was washing the vegetables, Benji came out and sat at the dining room table. Tessa didn't hesitate, she moved over to make him a cup of tea and put it down in front of him. He nodded, but said nothing, gesturing for her to go back to her work.

That was what she did, but it made her a little nervous. Still, he'd say what was on his mind, she had no doubt. "I've spoken to Mr James," he said and Tessa raised an eyebrow. "Oh? That were quick, Benji." Her husband chuckled. "You'll be starting there with him on the first of Ymiden. In the meantime, there's going to be training for you." Training? That didn't sound good, she though, he sounded almost gleeful. Still, Tessa had learnt patience at the hands of Master Peake and then, Benji.

"He was impressed with you, Tess. You did good." Tessa smiled at him, pleased at his praise, "thank you, Benji." Benji looked at her and asked what she knew was the important question here, for him anyhow. "What did you think of him? As a man I mean, a person?" Tessa considered it for a few trill. "I think he's clever, Benji. Clever an'dang'rous too." There was no doubting the truth of that, but Benji was starting to see that maybe Mr James was right about his wife. "What did he say about you being my wife?" It was a sudden, out of the blue question and Tessa considered her answer, there, too. "I think he were impressed, Benji. That you'd do that," Benji shrugged and looked at her. "Why would he be? You're a street tramp, Tessa. I let anyone do what they want." She looked at him impassively and smiled slightly. "Yes, Benji, but he's rich an' I think he was impressed that yer wife is so obedient t'ya that it don't matter, that." It didn't, either. He'd offered for her to sleep there, Benji knew that and she'd come home.

"That's true. You know your place, don't you?" Tessa nodded to the question. "I do, Benji." He smiled at her, possessively. That was never a good sign. "You don't start till next season Tessa. We're gonna play rough till then, you know that, don't you?" Brown eyes turned to him and she answered honestly. "I know, Benji." She tried to look pleased, failed dismally and he saw it. He sneered a smile at her and put down his mug.

"Best get back to it, Tessa. Lots to do." And with that, he left her with her thoughts.
661 words
Cooking: Roasting small new potato in their skins
Acting: Appearing pleased when you are not

[Utheridge] Bargaining Power

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 2:59 pm
by Rynata
Name: Tessa

Acting: Appearing pleased when you are not
Acting: Appearing unconcerned
Baking: Home made bread should prove for 12 breaks.
Cooking: Combining ingredients for flavour and texture
Cooking: Roasting small new potato in their skins
Seduction: Slight expressions can make a difference

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Expenses: N/A
Renown: N/A
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Ugh, terrible situation. Excellent writing though! I hope the future's brighter for Tessa.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Also, please indicate on your request thread that this has been reviewed. Thanks!

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