Investing in Ashes
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:29 am

26th of Ashan, Arc 718
So much death. Suffering. City piling onto another - a strike from each blade, a fallen man. Lysoria, Ironridge, Yurrova, Ne'haer, Bayward, all the rest; they had been embroiled in a conflict for some time. Soldiers had fallen en masse, and the cyclical nature of war meant that there was little chance for an extended peace. Wars never ended because two sides learned to love one another, or forgive.
They ended because the people grew tired, and their exhaustion eventually began to surpass their scorn. While for the adults of Ne'haer this moment had not yet come, for many of the children, the thought of continuing a military conflict was one of anxiety and horror. Many of the young boys growing up in these very pastures were to be disposed of as foot soldiers when they came of age, and many of their fathers had already gone to see the second side of the sun.
The orphaned children, some losing their mother and father, were living in a surreal world. They had only themselves and their fellow orphans, stealing and causing mayhem, with not enough money to even bury their parents. Instead, their fathers laid around in bags somewhere, and their mothers the same; if they weren't directly planted into the dirt. There were no coffins, no headstones, no pieces of recognition. They could plant a stake in their grave, and wrap flowers around it, but that was all. A city that faced real war did not have the wealth to maintain its culture. The people fell into a state of animalism, not honoring their soldiers, piling their comrades into the street as infections and diseases befell them.
Alistair determined that he would help change the macabre state of these outlying towns, the places that often went neglected by the government and the military. He brought Kaelserad to one of the outlying suburbs, and now with the remainder of his gold nel he would invest in cleaning up the city; burying their dead, removing the bile and rancor from the streets, and making the township look appealing. With the town becoming cleaner and healthier, others would move in, and many from surrounding neighborhoods would seek out Kaelserad for medical help.
It was a revitalization project, and he had the funds to do it. He would start with the areas surrounding Kaelserad, and eventually move into the city. The mage vowed to transform Ne'haer, and help reinstill the same vitality that it once had.
With that being said, Alistair funneled eleven thousand gold nel into a city revitalization project, with both paid contractors and numerous volunteers attending the event, which began this trial. The humble suburb of Ki'eiran would be cleaned, treated, and put to rest.
So much death. Suffering. City piling onto another - a strike from each blade, a fallen man. Lysoria, Ironridge, Yurrova, Ne'haer, Bayward, all the rest; they had been embroiled in a conflict for some time. Soldiers had fallen en masse, and the cyclical nature of war meant that there was little chance for an extended peace. Wars never ended because two sides learned to love one another, or forgive.
They ended because the people grew tired, and their exhaustion eventually began to surpass their scorn. While for the adults of Ne'haer this moment had not yet come, for many of the children, the thought of continuing a military conflict was one of anxiety and horror. Many of the young boys growing up in these very pastures were to be disposed of as foot soldiers when they came of age, and many of their fathers had already gone to see the second side of the sun.
The orphaned children, some losing their mother and father, were living in a surreal world. They had only themselves and their fellow orphans, stealing and causing mayhem, with not enough money to even bury their parents. Instead, their fathers laid around in bags somewhere, and their mothers the same; if they weren't directly planted into the dirt. There were no coffins, no headstones, no pieces of recognition. They could plant a stake in their grave, and wrap flowers around it, but that was all. A city that faced real war did not have the wealth to maintain its culture. The people fell into a state of animalism, not honoring their soldiers, piling their comrades into the street as infections and diseases befell them.
Alistair determined that he would help change the macabre state of these outlying towns, the places that often went neglected by the government and the military. He brought Kaelserad to one of the outlying suburbs, and now with the remainder of his gold nel he would invest in cleaning up the city; burying their dead, removing the bile and rancor from the streets, and making the township look appealing. With the town becoming cleaner and healthier, others would move in, and many from surrounding neighborhoods would seek out Kaelserad for medical help.
It was a revitalization project, and he had the funds to do it. He would start with the areas surrounding Kaelserad, and eventually move into the city. The mage vowed to transform Ne'haer, and help reinstill the same vitality that it once had.
With that being said, Alistair funneled eleven thousand gold nel into a city revitalization project, with both paid contractors and numerous volunteers attending the event, which began this trial. The humble suburb of Ki'eiran would be cleaned, treated, and put to rest.