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Rynmere Bank

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:56 am
by Kingdom
Rynmere Bank

Known as one of the most secure banks in all of Idalos, and second only to the underground bank of Endor, the Mer run this operation, taking onyx, gold, silver, and copper to the bottom of Lake Krome where the most famous shipwreck in all of Rynmere lies. No one has ever broken into this bank, money never goes missing, and orders are always filled on time. Even the King himself keeps his coin here, protected by the seafaring Mer, who guard the bank with their lives, for a handsome cut of the profits of course. Each region, bar Endor, has its own physical bank building location that is linked to Lake Krome via a deep, underground tunnel system that one of the Mer can swim through into a small holding chamber under the bank where visitors coin is left in a bag with a small stone tablet with that customer's details on it. From there the Mer swim the coin through the elaborate tunnel system to the bottom of the lake where money is stored in a secure, stone building. Here it is kept until the owner requests to withdraw it again. The longer a person's coin is banked, the more interest they will make.

Interest Rates:

1 season: 2% (If withdrawals are made).
1 season: 7% (If no withdrawals are made).
1 arc: 25% (bonus for depositing 250gn per season for one year without withdrawing anything).

  1. You can only make one deposit or withdrawal per season.
  2. It costs ten gold nel to open a bank account with Rynmere Bank.
Bank Loans:

1 season: 6%
1 cycle: 15%
1 arc: 25%

Rynmere Bank NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.


Race: Mer
Age: 27 arcs
Title: Bank Manager
Skills: Business Management: 55, Swimming: 60, Rhetoric: 35, Disguise: 40, Politics: 30.

No one messes with Opal. She runs a tight ship and doesn't like to be undermined, since she has been in power, there hasn't been one instance of theft by her people or outsiders. Opal is trusted and doesn't seem to mind communicating with other races via telepathy.


Race: Mer
Age: 15 arcs
Title: Banker
Skills: Meditation: 35, Swimming: 55, Fishing: 60, Smuggling: 45, Appraisal: 30.

No one ever suspects the sweet ones and that is exactly how Teal has managed to run a smuggling business for the last four arcs, bringing contraband into the different regions across Rynmere right under the noses of her peers.


Race: Mer
Age: 31 arcs
Title: Bank Guard
Skills: Unarmed Combat: 60, Melee Combat: 45, Tactics: 50, Persuasion: 35, Endurance: 40.

Finn takes his job seriously and does not tend to communicate with other staff or the customers. He is effective, deadly, and doesn't let intruders off lightly. Finn does not trust those outside of his race and doesn't get distracted easily.

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:03 pm
by Kingdom
Accounts currently open with the bank.

Elyna Burhan

Loan History 150gn Ashan 716
Interest: 3%
Total Owed Amount: 154gn 5sn
Total Paid:
+154gn 5sn Vhalar 716
Loan Status: Closed
To Be Paid By: Vhalar 716

Account Opened: Vhalar 716
Balance: 1000gn
+1000gn Vhalar 716
+2000gn Ashan 717
+70gn Vhalar 716 (7%)
+74gn 9sn Zida 716 (7%)
+80gn 1sn Cylus 717 (7%)
+225gn 7sn 5cn Cylus 717 (7%)
+862gn 5sn Cylus 718 (25%)
Compounding Balance: 4312gn, 5sn

Alistair Venora

Owes 200gn by the end of Ashan 716 + 3% interest.
Total Owed: 206gn.
Loan: Closed.

Loan History 2500gn Saun 716
Interest: 25%
Total Owed Amount: 3125gn
Total Paid:
Loan Status: Open - Outstanding
To Be Paid By: Saun 717

Lazuli Warrick

Account Opened: Ymiden 716
Balance: 500gn
+500gn Saun 716
+2000gn Vhalar 716
+35gn Ymiden 716 (7%)
+72gn 4sn 5cn Saun 716 (7%)
+217gn 5sn 2cn Vhalar 716 (7%)
+831gn 24sn 25cn Cylus 718(25%)
Compounding Balance: 4156gn 21sn 25cn


Account Opened: Ashan 716
Balance: 500gn
+500gn Ashan 716
+1000gn Ymiden 716
+1000gn Saun 716
+3000gn Vhalar 716
+8000gn Zi'da 716
+10000gn Cylus 717
+6000 Ashan 717
+35gn Ashan 716 (7%)
+107gn 4sn 5cn Ymiden 716 (7%)
+184gn 9sn 7cn Saun 716 (7%)
+407gn 8sn 7cn Vhalar 716 (7%)
+996gn 4sn 7cn Zi'da 716 (7%)
6307gn 9sn 4cn Cylus 717 (25%)
+2627gn 7sn 7cn Ashan 717 (7%)
+10041gn 86sn 75cn Cylus 718 (25%)
Compounding Balance: 50,209gn 33sn 75cn

Iarann Madradh

Loan: 500
Interest: 25%
Total Owed Amount: 625
Total Paid:
Loan Status: Open - Outstanding
To Be Paid By: 1 Arc (Ymiden 717)


Loan History 200gn Ashan 716
Interest: 6%
Total Owed Amount: 212gn
Total Paid:
+212gn Vhalar 716
Loan Status: Closed
To Be Paid By: Vhalar 716


Account Opened: NO
Loan Amount: 200gn
Interest: 15%
Total Owed Amount: 230gn
Loan Status: Open - Outstanding
To Be Paid By: Ymiden 8th of Arc 717

Xander Krome

Account Opened: NO
Loan Amount: 100gn
Interest: 6%
Total Owed Amount: 106gn
Total Paid:
Loan Status: Closed
To Be Paid By: 123 Ashan 717


Account Opened: Cylus 4th, 717
Loan: 7500gn
Interest: 25%
Total Owed Amount: 9375gn
Total Paid:
Loan Status: Owed
Paid By: 1 Arc (Cylus 718)

Sinra Khan

Account Opened: 80th of Ymiden, 617th Arc
Loan: 2500gn
Interest: 25%
Total Owed Amount: 3125gn
Total Paid:
Loan Status: Open
Paid By: 1 Arc (80th of Ymiden, 618th Arc)

Caius Gawyne

Account Opened: Zi'da 717
Balance: 1000gn
+2500gn Zi'da 717 (opening deposit + Zi'da deposit)
+1,250gn Cylus 718
-1760gn Zi'da 717
+14gn, 8sn
Compounding Balance: 2004gn, 8sn

Darcyanna Venora

Account Opened: Zi'da 717
Balance: 250gn
+250gn Zi'da 717 (opening deposit)
+17gn, 5sn
Compounding Balance: 267gn 5sn


Account Opened: Cylus 718
Loan: 2500gn
Interest: 25%
Total Owed Amount: 3125gn
Total Paid:
Loan Status: Open
Paid By: 1 Arc (Cylus 719)

If you seek a loan please apply below.

If your character fails to payback their loan by the end of the season, the bank's hired thugs will come along and take what you owe them, this may include your house, slaves, belongings, coin, or family members, until the bank is paid what it is owed.


Name: Thomas
Account Opened: Ashan 716 (when loan was taken out)
Amount: 200gn
Purpose: More land for farming.
Repayment Plan: Lump sum by the end of the season (Ashan 716).

Code: Select all

[b]Account Opened[/b]:
[b]Repayment Plan[/b]: 

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:24 pm
by Ashira Ward
Name: Ashira Ward
Date: Zi'da 1
Depositing: 500GN
Initial Account Fee: -10GN
Note: Account to be a joint account in the names of Ashira and Everett Ward, with Everett having full signing authority and capability of withdrawing as desired.

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:50 pm
by Woe
Name: Woe
Date: Cylus 8th, Arc 717
Amount: 200 gold nels
Purpose: Education.
Repayment Plan: 230 gold nels to be paid in a lump sum to the bank of Rynmere by Ymiden 8th of Arc 717
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Approved! :)

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:40 pm
by Xander Andaris
Name: Xander Krome
Date: Cylus 717
Amount: 100GN
Purpose: Buy clothes and other necessary items for starting out.
Repayment Plan: Lump sum end of Ashan 717
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Approved! 106gn to be repaid Ashan 717

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:53 am
by Vera
Name: Vera Fairchild
Date: Cylus 4th
Amount: 7,500 GN
Purpose: Opening a mental disability business within Krome.
Repayment Plan: 500 GN per Season, remainder to be paid Cylus 4th 718
 ! Message from: Khymarah
Approved! 500Ggn to be repaid per season, with balance to be paid by Cylus 4th 718

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:24 am
by Elyna
Name: Elyna Burhan
Date: Ashan 717
Amount: 2000gn - payment into account.

I think this should be her balance sheet?
Loan History 150gn Ashan 716
Total Repaid 154gn 5sn (Loan + 3% by Vhalar 716)

Account Opened: Vhalar 716
Balance: 1000gn
+1000gn Vhalar 716
+70gn Vhalar 716 (7%)
Compounding Balance: 1070gn
+74gn 9sn Zida716 (7%)
Compounding Balance: 1144gn 9sn

Balance: +1144gn 9sn
+80gn 1sn Cylus 717 (7%)
Compounding Balance: 1225gn

Balance: +1225gn
Deposits: +2000gn
+225gn 7sn 5cn Cylus 717 (7%)
Compounding Balance: 3450gn
 ! Message from: Khymarah
Approved and updated! You will receive a 25% interest bonus in Cylus 718

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:06 am
by Malcolm
Please update Malcolm to the following:

Name: Malcolm
Account Opened: Ashan 716
Balance: 500gn
+500gn Ashan 716
+1000gn Ymiden 716
+1000gn Saun 716
+3000gn Vhalar 716
+8000gn Zi'da 716
+10000gn Cylus 717
+35gn Ashan 716 (7%)
+107gn 4sn 5cn Ymiden 716 (7%)
+184gn 9sn 7cn Saun 716 (7%)
+407gn 8sn 7cn Vhalar 716 (7%)
+996gn 4sn 7cn Zi'da 716 (7%)
+6307gn 9sn 4cn Cylus 717 (25%)
Compounding Balance: 31,539gn 7sn
 ! Message from: Khymarah
Approved and updated!

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:03 pm
by Xander Andaris
Loan payback.

Loan History 100GN Cylus 717
Total Repaid 106GN (Loan + 6% by Ashan 717)
 ! Message from: Khymarah
Approved and updated!

Rynmere Bank

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:59 am
by Malcolm
Please update Malcolm to the following:

Name: Malcolm
Account Opened: Ashan 716
Balance: 500gn
+500gn Ashan 716
+1000gn Ymiden 716
+1000gn Saun 716
+3000gn Vhalar 716
+8000gn Zi'da 716
+10000gn Cylus 717
+6000 Ashan 717
+35gn Ashan 716 (7%)
+107gn 4sn 5cn Ymiden 716 (7%)
+184gn 9sn 7cn Saun 716 (7%)
+407gn 8sn 7cn Vhalar 716 (7%)
+996gn 4sn 7cn Zi'da 716 (7%)
+6307gn 9sn 4cn Cylus 717 (25%)
+2627gn 7sn 7cn Ashan 717 (7%)
Compounding Balance: 40,167gn 4sn 7cn
 ! Message from: Khymarah
Approved and updated! You will receive a 25% interest bonus in Cylus 718