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[Treth] Star Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:05 am
by Tei'serin Nji'ryn

25th Cylus, 718

Tei'serin blinked tiredly. Having a newborn in the house meant that getting a full night's sleep was little more than a precious memory. To make matters worse, she had had to cut back on what little sleep she might have been able to get in order to come in to school early so that she could make the final preparations for the event she had planned for her students this trial. It had been hard to leave Ei'ryl with her mother to look after her. But she knew that her mother would bring the tiny infant to her later when it was time for her next feeding. There would be enough adults around during the event that she would be able to slip off and nurse her baby when she needed to. Now everything was in place, and all she had to do was keep herself awake until the children arrived. Once they did, the quiet would be shattered, and it would be easier for her to stay awake. In the hopes that keeping her mind focused on something would help her keep her exhaustion at bay, she had brought a book with her. Having begun the exploration into essential oils last season, she wanted to learn more about the carrier oils that were available to her so she would know what her options were.

Coconut oil is one of the more popular oils that are used as carrier oils when making essential oils. This particular oil comes from the fruit of the coconut tree. It has both antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can enhance or add to the existing benefits of the essential oils that you want to dilute. Coconut oil is very good for nourishing the hair, nails and skin. It has natural deep moisturizing properties, which makes it good for helping with dry skin and treating skin conditions. This oil has a long shelf life.

Olive oil is another popular choice for a carrier oil, and it is easy to obtain as it is a common ingredient to cook with. It comes from the fruit of the olive tree, and it is a light oil with a mild fruity aroma that makes it good for blending with most essential oils. Olive oil is a potent anti-inflammatory. It is also good for dandruff, frizzy hair, and dry skin.. Since it is non greasy, it can be used for almost any skin or hair type as it does not clog skin pores or leave hair looking greasy.

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba tree. It has a light nutty aroma. Jojoba oil has natural anti-fungal properties, so it works well when combined with essential oils that also have anti-fungal properties and are used for topical fungal infections. This oil has a high rate of absorption, and a long shelf life.

Sweet almond oil is extracted from the dried fruit of the almond tree. Since it is non greasy, and few people are allergic to it, it makes a great massage oil. It is even safe to be used on infants. Sweet almond oil is good for making facial skin smooth and supple and reducing wrinkles. It is also good for nourishing the skin, hair and nails.

Argan oil is extracted from the fruit of the argan tree. It is especially good for healing inflammation, and damage caused by the sun. It is also helpful in reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scars, as well and promoting healthy cuticles and nails.

Tei'serin paused in her reading, and looked up when she heard the sound of foot steps outside in the snow. The kids had arrived, and it was time for class to begin.

Off Topic
Bonus experience approved by Chronicle, to be given to the following character(s) involved in this thread, only upon the completion of the review, where the character(s) demonstrated celebration of the holiday, Celebration of the Stars, on 25th of Cylus, Arc 718.

Bonus Experience Upon Review Completion:
Ne'haer Holiday: Celebration of the Stars
+2 Bonus Skill Points
Free Item: A black pendant. On it, there appears a constellation - whichever is most visible in the night sky at the time of wearing.

Re: [Treth] Star Games

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:20 pm
by Tei'serin Nji'ryn

Tei'serin waited patiently while the children got got of their cold weather gear and took their seats. It wasn't long before they were ready for the lesson to begin.

"So does anyone know what trial this is?" she asked with a smile.

The older kids grinned as they waited to see if anyone would answer. They knew that she had meant the question for the younger students. After a few trills, Meiarin hesitantly raised her hand.

"Yes, Meiarin?"

"It's the Celebration of the Stars, right?"

Tei'serin nodded.

"Yes, that's exactly right, Meiarin. And does anyone know why we call it the Celebration of the Stars?"

Keiaris was the next to raise her hand. Tei'serin didn't want her class to think that she was playing favorites with the two girls since they were her sisters, so she waited for a few bits to see if anyone else would raise their hands. When no one did, she turned to her student.

"Yes, Keiaris?"

"We call it that because the stars will be brighter tonight than they will be on any other night of the arc. Lots of people will go out to see them tonight because of that. Some people even say that it's a sign from Xiur that the arc will be good one."

"And who is Xiur?" Tei'serin asked her.

"He's an Immortal."

"What are his Domains?"

Keiaris frowned. It was clear that she didn't know the answer, but judging from the way that Hardin was waving his hand wildly, Tei'serin knew that he did.

"Yes, Hardin?"

"He has power over stars, clouds, hope, and dusk."

Tei'serin continued to ask questions for a while, using the question session to build excitement for her students. They knew that she usually had something fun planned for them on festival trials. When someone knocked on the door, she paused to let them in out of the cold.

"Some of you may know who this is already, but for those who don't, this is my mother, Dae'nira, and my daughter Ei'ryl. They've come to help us totrial."

It hadn't been easy to come up with a good reason to explain to the village why she had believed that her mother had been dead for so long. But between the two of them, they had worked out a believable story. When the shipwreck that was brought Tei'serin and her father to Ne'haer happened, the waves had carries her mother further out to sea instead of carrying her to shore. They had believed her to be dead because of that, but instead, another passing ship had rescued her. She had been badly injured, and as she recovered, it had become clear that she had lost her memories. She had lived in Ne'haer ever since, but since Tei'serin rarely made it into the city, they had never met each other there. The kids' living in Treth had been explained by telling people that Dae'nira had been left frail for a long time after the shipwreck. Unable to take proper care of her children, their father had seen to finding families that would look after them since his business meant that he could not.

After the class had settled down once more, Tei'serin set an assignment for each arc group. The youngest had to draw a picture of a star, and name one constellation. The next youngest had the same assignment for the most part, but they had to name five constellations instead of one. From there, each arc group's assignment got more complicated so that it was suitable for their age, but all of the assignments were based on the stars in some form or another. Her oldest students had to name ten stars, including three that were important in some way. They also had to explain why they were important, and write their own constellation story to share with the class. Sorin's arc group had to create their own constellation story too, but instead of having to name specific stars, they had to name three jobs that used the stars in some way, and explain how they were used. When some of the kids complained about having to do work on a festival trial, Tei'serin promised the class that she had a treat for those who did their work quickly, and well. Those that did not would have to remain inside with her mother and do another lesson instead. That put an abrupt end to the complaints, and Tei'serin smiled to herself as she watched her students work.

Re: [Treth] Star Games

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:33 pm
by Tei'serin Nji'ryn

After everyone had finished their lessons, Tei'serin asked them to bundle up in their cold weather gear. This simple request caused an excited hush to fall over the classroom as they did just that. It didn't take long, and when everyone was ready, she led them into a clearing in the woods that wasn't too far from the school

The clearing was large enough that her class could play around and have fun without getting in each other's way. It was also close enough to the school that if the weather changed for the worse, she could get the kids back to the school house quickly. Better yet, it was raised up slightly, and had a clear view of the twilight sky, making it the perfect place for her students to admire the stars together when they appeared.

"The rest of the trial is yours. There's plenty of room for those of you who wish to have a snowball fight, or build snowmen. And the pond at the far end of the clearing over there is solid enough that you can skate on it."

She and some of the other parents had tested it themselves yestertrial.

"Later this evening, your parents will bring supper for all of us, and we can watch the stars together. There will also be no homework assigned to anyone for the next trial. How does that sound?"

The cheer that rose from her students echoed through the clearing, making Tei'serin smile. It didn't take long for the kids to split up into groups and find something fun to do. Sorin, Hardin, and a few other boys their age quickly started a snowball fight. They kept it to themselves for the most part, but every once in a while, she heard a squeal of laughter or protest as they tossed a snowball at one of the other kids who got within range.

Tei'serin watched them play for a while, wandering through the clearing from group to group to see what they were doing. Frost had created beautiful patterns on the trees at the edge of the clearing.

"You do good work, Ziell. Thank you for giving us the perfect trial for this festival." she said softly as she admired the patterns.

Icy cold exploded against her back, followed by delighted laughter. Tei'serin turned slowly to see that Sorin and Hardin were standing several feet away, arms still raised after throwing the snowballs that were now melting down her back. She stared at them for several long trills. Their laughter faded into an uneasy silence as they watched her warily. Ever so slowly, she grinned.

"You do know that this means war, don't you?" she asked casually as she bent down and picked up a handful of snow.

Sorin and Hardin stared at her wide eyed for several trills. Then they shrieked with laughter, and fled. Tei'serin pursued them, joining in their fun for a while before she asked the older kids to keep an eye on things and headed back to the school house for a while to change and feed her daughter.

Re: [Treth] Star Games

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:34 pm
by Varthakh
Rewards for the two-legs's

Points: 12

  • Caregiving: when you have an infant to take care of, a good night's sleep is a thing of the past
  • Medicine; Carrier Oil: Coconut oil is one of the more popular oils that are used as carrier oils when making essential oils. This particular oil comes from the fruit of the coconut tree. It has both antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can enhance or add to the existing benefits of the essential oils that you want to dilute. Coconut oil is very good for nourishing the hair, nails and skin. It has natural deep moisturizing properties, which makes it good for helping with dry skin and treating skin conditions. This oil has a long shelf life.
  • Medicine; Carrier Oil: Olive oil is another popular choice for a carrier oil, and it is easy to obtain as it is a common ingredient to cook with. It comes from the fruit of the olive tree, and it is a light oil with a mild fruity aroma that makes it good for blending with most essential oils. Olive oil is a potent anti-inflammatory. It is also good for dandruff, frizzy hair, and dry skin.. Since it is non greasy, it can be used for almost any skin or hair type as it does not clog skin pores or leave hair looking greasy.
  • Medicine; Carrier Oil:
    Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba tree. It has a light nutty aroma. Jojoba oil has natural anti-fungal properties, so it works well when combined with essential oils that also have anti-fungal properties and are used for topical fungal infections. This oil has a high rate of absorption, and a long shelf life.
  • Medicine; Carrier Oil: Sweet almond oil is extracted from the dried fruit of the almond tree. Since it is non greasy, and few people are allergic to it, it makes a great massage oil. It is even safe to be used on infants. Sweet almond oil is good for making facial skin smooth and supple and reducing wrinkles. It is also good for nourishing the skin, hair and nails.
  • Medicine; Carrier Oil: Argan oil is extracted from the fruit of the argan tree. It is especially good for healing inflammation, and damage caused by the sun. It is also helpful in reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scars, as well and promoting healthy cuticles and nails.
  • Xiur: Immortal of Stars, Clouds, Hope, and Dusk
  • Nehaer Holiday: Celebration of the Stars
  • Celebration of the Stars: is on the 25th of Cylus
Loot: +2 points & A black pendant that shows the most visible constellation in the sky.
Injuries: Frostbite that requires immediate amputation of your back from the snowball. Jk, no injuries.
Fame: +5. While I'm sure lot's of people take part in festivals, you did provide a fun day for the children, which I'm sure they'll tell their parents all about.
Magic: None

Comment: Another lovely thread! Keep an eye on Hardin with those snowballs, he might end up knocking someone else out! Could you please link the PSF ticket where such extra rewards are approved in the future? I've given you the rewards you requested, though I'm a little unsure about the bonus skill points and such. Anyway, enjoy the rewards.

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