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Ela Bella

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:40 am
by Lavana Tharn
26th Of Cylus
It hadn't been long since her first encounter with Qit in the sweet vine. But she was making progress as a lowly scavenger.

Shed been scowered the the frozen snow, collecting hefty rocks. Shed struggle to push them and wriggle them free from iced earth, shed bend at the knee and lift picking it up in proper form and walk with the heavy load back to her spot. And then would drop the rock move it around a bit and head out to collect another. When shed retrieve it shed take it back one after another, continuing the procedure as she put her body to work. Took strength and endurance to see it through as shed slowly formed a circle of rocks for a campfire.

Next the she needed to harvest some wood, not a problem as she unsheathed her claymore and went to work. Shed cleave with strength delivering punishing blow, after blow as shed chop and hack a small sapling down. Using the stump shed raise her sword and swing it down on the fallen tree as she began sectioning it and parting it into small usable pieces. It was a fierce work out that worked her back and lats as she set her mind to making useable firewood.

When finished she set the bits and pieces into the circle. She hadnt any real survival skills so shed rely on her tinder box striking a match and set to work starting her cozy little fire that started slow and worked it's way into a small though comfortable little flare that radiated brilliant hues of flickering orange yellows and reds.

Lavana felt pretty confident in herself, but she had some energy left. And looked for some rocks in the snow, fishing for them and breaking them free as she gathered a small assortment.

The mortal born chose her victim, a decent sized tree it's trunk about as wide as a man as she began working her prized rock throwing ability as shed wind up and launch one. The mortal born didn't have much to do, but practice as she loosed another stone several paces back. Shed pick up another one and try to feel out the difference in weight, making minor adjustments with her arm power before winding up and giving it a good toss. Some would thwap the tree others would miss, but it was all in good fun as she set her mind on battling the tree.

Clearly Lavana was victorious as she stood in triumph and struck a pose, she knew the savage named Qit would have to acknowledge her predatory prowess after conquering such a worthy for as she admired her handy work of the stones that had impacted the bark.

But then Lavanas stomach gurgled in defiance, shed forgotten to actually hunt anything. She figured shed have to do without but at least she got her campfire up.

Taking a sip of her water skin to hydrate herself and dampen her hunger shed return to the fires gentle blaze and warm herself under the moon's and stars.

Ela Bella

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:21 pm
by Ela Wolfsdotter
As far as seasons went, Ela hated Cylus the most by far. Granted, Saun was also a very unpleasant time. But nothing trumped this bitter, agonizing cold on her list of things that she hated. It made hunting incredibly uncomfortable, and the only real boon that Cylus brought was the darkness that she could use to hunt better than she had done before. Even that, however, was made null and void by the deep snow and how hard it was to move through it. Of all the seasons, the least prey was caught in Cylus by far.
Ela made her way back to the cave, this bitterness definitely affecting her temperament. She was normally relatively calm, and seldom let the darker emotions she felt get the better of her. Spite and anger was usually gone when she would hunt, and the only real emotion she felt like those was when someone had gone in to her cave, and nobody had made that mistake for a few seasons now. She'd actually been relatively comfortable, undisturbed for the most part, aside from a few stray travelers who quickly decided to take their journey elsewhere - assuming they'd been quick enough.

Twisted thoughts in her head, Ela smirked. Hunting prey was what she lived for, being the Apex of Scalvoris. But there was no denying that the most fun prey was humanoids. They were somewhat more exciting to hunt down, their tactics varying from person to person, and their level of skill at that. Some would run, others would try and stand their ground, and a few curious beasts would sit still in terror. Those, of course, were her favorite. Seeing the fear settle in as they realized they would never go back to their vile civilizations or their 'families', whatever it was that meant. One ring and a ceremony didn't make you family, or 'soul mates'. It made you dimwitted and shallow, Ela thought.
As that thought passed through her, she took notice of some smoke in the distance. Relatively close to her, and dangerously close to her cave. They weren't at risk of going in to it, it would seem, or their fire would be wasted. But that didn't stop a slight discomfort from filling through her. Whoever they were should probably find themselves a new place to lay down camp. If she hadn't eaten recently, Ela wouldn't grant them the luxury to leave. But her hunt was over for today, and it was about time she was getting to rest. So long as they left fairly quickly, there would be no issue.

Skulking through the darkness, Ela finally made her way to the person, using her low-light vision to view them from a distance. It was made evident that they were at least somewhat of a threat to the predator from the sword they had with them. It was relatively large, and it was only safe to assume they knew how to use it. Admittedly, Ela expected a weapon of that size from an Ithecal, not a woman like this. If anything, that made the woman just that much more intimidating to her.
"Excuse me" the predator snarled, deciding the best plan of action was to confront her. Big sword or not, Ela had faith in her ability - perhaps too much faith. She made her way out of the woods, her dark predatory gaze eyeing her up. Her posture was wild, but not threatening, her sharp claws clearly on show as she rested one hand on a tree. Her fangs were prominent in her smile, a strange mix of welcoming and sadistic.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but this part of the woods is off-limits. I'm going to have to ask you to leave" she spoke in a low growl. Her smile was welcoming, but her eyes were dead serious - almost threatening. She kept herself ready to pounce should she need to.

Ela Bella

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:40 am
by Lavana Tharn
Lavana had been complacent and was enjoying the cackling flames of the fire. It's swirls of color and pulsing embers had made her relax and feel easy as she settled into what she thought was going to be an rather enjoyable and quiet evening till a voice shot from around the bend.

It had caught the mortal born by surprise, and made her jump a bit as she flinched from the verbal ambush. It had seemed everything was going to give her shit in this damn forest, and Lavana was frankly a bit embarrassed by the shock.

As she turned to greet the voice amber eyes fell upon a woman with incissors that were so much longer then they should have been, sizeable fangs indeed and eyes that were blue but unlike an oceans tide that could sweep you away like a man named Nalin possessed. These eyes were dangerous wild and fierce a striking blue that pierced the mortal born, they'd gripped her a moment in fear before she breathed and steadied her breath.

Her honey eyes narrowed as adrenaline set in, she smiled wryly as she told her to step off. As if to declare herself queen bitch of the forest, she tilted her head to side before bringing it back. Her sword laid on the log next to the fire pit.

Lavanas mind swam with thoughts as she pondered a moment of what to say in response.

As she kept her nerves calm despite the anxiety and panic that had swept through her. How good was this feral looking woman at fighting? Lavana averted her gaze, and breathed through her nose with an exhale through her lips that wisped a plume of hot air into the cold before looking back the woman.

"If you want my camp site come claim it, I'll even take my gauntlets off if you want to square up for it."

Lavana would keep her gaze upon this mysterious woman, Raskalarns Greatest Failure would take a stand she wasn't going to be cast into the cold after the work shed done to set the place up as shoddy as it was.

She looked familiar though, like someone else she knew. A resemblance to another mortal born that smarty pants imperial owl, Kura. But there was simply no way as she shook the thought out of her head.

Ela Bella

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:52 pm
by Ela Wolfsdotter
Ela watched the woman examining her, their eyes meeting for a moment. Keeping her posture, Ela refused to break eye contact, giving every bit of focus she had in to it. One of the finer aspects of being a predator that were often ignored by those who didn't know better was the fear. Being able to look someone in the eyes and not falter was Ela's eventual goal, and one she was always working towards, hoping to bring fear like no other creature in these woods.
Ela found herself smirking as the woman offered to take off her gauntlets and fight. Ela could only assume she meant in hand to hand combat, which Ela could also assume meant she hadn't noticed the razor sharp claws that were at her side. That wasn't the predators problem however, if the woman wanted to fight hand to hand, so be it. It was the most comfortable combat for Ela, and she had a natural advantage, and as far as Ela was concerned a skill one - though that was a statement that had been proven wrong more than once.

"Very well. If you wish to 'square up', I'd be happy to oblige" the predator snarled, a sadistic tone in her voice. She took a single step forward to be closer in the light, raising her claws in front of her casually, making them clearer to see as she lowered each finger in turn on her hand, never once breaking her gaze on the woman in front of her. As all of her fingers closed, she extended them suddenly, before the sadistic smile grew on her face.
She waited and watched for the woman to respond, keeping her guard up. Truth be told, she was waiting for the woman to make a dash for her sword. It would be the smarter thing to do, Ela thought. But it would also leave her back open, meaning at least one slash could be had so long as Ela was quick enough. One slash was all it would take to finish off a human foe, if the slash was right. Across the throat, of a good blow to the lower back could do it.

"Before we fight, I give you one more chance to run - and it would be wise of you to take it. You are one of few to have the offer, and would be the first not to take it" she taunted, remembering all of the people prior fondly. Ela had an unhealthy habit of memorizing the faces of the people she had killed, each expression unique and different yet so similar. But what was even more fun than that was memorizing those that she let live. While some dropped to their knees and thanked the woman, others ran without second thought. Seeing people kneel had always been her favorite, though, as it gave her a new feeling of power - greater than just killing could ever give her.
Should the woman refuse to stand down, Ela readied herself for what she hoped would be a good fight. A new and exciting kill would be a good way to end the day, as tired as she was. Besides, hungry or not, it was always nice to sleep on a full stomach with whatever is left of your foe as a trophy in the cave. She would have to tell Alrur all about this when she returned home, she thought, that same twisted smirk bringing itself back.

Ela Bella

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:28 pm
by Lavana Tharn
As this wild entity raised its hands and revealed it's vicious set of claws it had managed to perturbed Lavana a great deal. Motherfucker, I just offered a fair fight and this bitch brings ten knives to a fist fight? Damn, cold blooded! Lavana thought as her nose crinkled and her brow lowered indicating she was acutely paying attention. "Listen little miss laceration! You better be clipping them fucking crazy ass finger nails for you come my way, or ima pop you in the face with this here gauntlet" as Lavana was determined to stand her ground to this creature woman beast thing, with positively dreadful daggers for finger nails. Lavana had weapons too if she was gonna play dirty like that!

This was a different caliber of bitch though she knew it from that piercing gaze that shook her, snarly and feral but she wasn't a hot mess. No this bitch was on some other shit, Lavana surmised that this was one of them gnarly corybantic types you here about. Lavana didn't have enough skill in animal training to handle this; wild bitch.

But Lavana felt threatened and remained adamant about holding her ground. "I'll tell you what, come over here with those talons trying to finger me and I swear by the gods. I Raskalarns Greatest Failure, will bend you at the knee and spank you with the flat of my sword.... and... and.... and... Yea give you a bath, your move bitch." Maybe name dropping might cut her some slack, dropping moma bears name always made people fall back of course she shook her head at herself.

Is that all you could say? Damn that was so fucking stupid, threatening a bitch with a bath. You deserve to get mauled!

The mortal born kept her breathing steady and while she couldn't lock eyes with this audacious foe, she averted them to watch her body from the chin down and that sadistic voice it was like flaying her very soul with every audible note . Of course if the mortal borns threats failed her she knew what was up, those bronze gauntlets weren't coming off now either.

Just that twisted look in those eyes and fangs. She didn't know what to make of this, but shed find some measure of resolve at stucking up for herself as being stared at like a piece of meat was uncouth; she hadn't asked for that kind of attention.

Ela Bella

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:21 pm
by Basilisk
As Lavana and Ela postured at each other, the pair could almost hear the forest itself sigh at them. "All right, that is enough out of both of you." a voice said. Ela would recognize her mothers voice, and thus it was probably little surprise when the forest around them shifted between one blink and the next, the two suddenly in a clearing filled with wolves of varying size. Between the pair stood Karem, the Immortal of Wolves who looked at both Mortalborn with a bemused expression. "The two of you, of all people, really do not need to fight. Though I think you would both wind up just swearing at each other more than actual fighting." she said, amused.

Karem, ever a polite host, had brought Alrur along for the trip, though she gave the dog a curious look before she sat down. "Sit, both of you." she said, waving an arm at the ground, for she didn't have seats. "Lavana, we have not met. I am Karem, mother Kura and Ela." she said, before looking at her daughter. "Ela, Lavana is Raskalarn's daughter." she said, making introductions clear in case Ela hadn't believed Raskalarn's claim.

"Now then, Ela, you have been stalling out, have you not?" she asked, her tone curious but intent. "You have not been hunting anything bigger than you were before, have you?" she asked, her tone intent before she turned to Lavana. "And you. I would like to know the measure of you. You are an unknown, someone new to things." she said, her tone intent. "So, tell me of yourselves, both of you. Who are you, really? Not a name, or a title, but you." she said. A strange question for Karem to ask Ela, but Karem was a strange sort.

Ela Bella

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:49 am
by Ela Wolfsdotter
As Ela's mouth opened to come out with some witty reply about her not being the one that needed to bathe, both her instincts and her mother told her that it was time to shut up. Ela hadn't seen Karem in a very long time, truth be told, and had missed her. Though now was not the time for a family hug and a pleasant hello, as much as Ela wished it was. Ela almost found herself irritated at the Immortal. She was about to show this strange woman who was the Apex, and now they were out of the woods and surrounded by big wolves. Evidently, Ela was not the Apex anymore.
When told to sit, the pup did as she was ordered, Alrur coming to sit beside her. Watching her mother curiously, Ela stroked the feral dog and kept a blank expression. She averted her gaze towards Lavana when told that she had been arguing with a daughter of Raskalarn. Of all people, it had to be her mothers closest friend and ally. Of all fucking people. She couldn't be a child of the immortal of mean words or the immortal of cowards. Of course, the immortal of conquest. Just her luck.

"Nothing bigger worth hunting, not yet. I've staked my claim on Sweetwine and any predator foolish enough to come close will die at my hand. Until then, there's no point in straying far from home" she spoke, her voice naturally snarling, the predator in her showing through. Even around her mother, the girl behaved more like an animal than a girl. It was only really Kura that could bring the humanity out in her, the way she had always been. Karem was an important figure in her life, but it wasn't the same.
Then came the strangest question Karem had possibly ever asked the girl. Who was she? Was it appropriate to say 'your daughter, you idiot'? Probably not, though Ela contemplated it for a trill. But if Ela knew one thing about the Immortal of Wolves, it was that she was a strange being, one that had a deeper meaning to this question. So, answer she would.

"I'm the Apex predator of Idalos, daughter to the Immortal of wolves" she started, pausing for a trill. "And the most powerful predator this plane, or any other, has ever seen."

Ela Bella

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:59 pm
by Lavana Tharn

Lavana wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but clearly something had happened and this predatory woman sat down rather quickly. As she was surrounded by wolves, the tone In her voice was relaxing and she could most certainly live with that social reassurance.

There was a refrain, an internal smile within. Was; Was the word the mortal born tacked onto the Apex predator line till she went belly up of course. Of course when it dawned on her that this creature feature went yellow, there was an indicator of immediate danger. As Lavana was really no better as she was just as quick to sit her ass down.

The mortal born was trying to figure this out. So Karem was Elas mother and Kuras mother, so she did feel out a resemblance. Lavana was not suprised either given they both had made moves against her physical well being.

Her nose had scrunched as she deliberated her question before leaning back and plopping her frame into the snow so she could gaze at the night sky and three moons.

"Me? Who knows, I'm a big failure to my mother. Her greatest even, all I got after all that time when I met her with Kura was disapproval. Atleast I'm something in her eyes though, ya know? So I'll take it! I'll wear it as my coat of arms." the only thing Lavana got from her mother was her saber rattling about discipline, and waving that broad sword around before disappearing again.

That's all Lavana had to go on, she didn't know who she was. She was just a lost kid at heart, that hid under a rock when things got tough. Lavana wondered to herself as she decided to break bread with Ela.

"It's true she has the fiercest of claws!"

Lavana piped as she continued to gaze into the night sky, maybe the mortal born could win a friend through blatant flattery. Clearly Ela, needed to be known as the greatest predator or else who would know of her Apex status? Would the flowers lament of such feats? The grass and trees?

"I don't think Ela would want to take a bite out of a lowly scavenger like me anyway Karem, what kind of Apex predator the greatest in all of Idalos no doubt be caught eating something so low on the food chain?" Lavana took a moment to think on it "Only weak predators hunt weak game like scavengers, plus who knows where I've been! How could you ever face the other predators again?"

Ela Bella

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:24 am
by Basilisk
Karem just watched the two Mortalborn as the spoke, a slight smile crossing her features as her daughters pontificating. However, at the end, she simply nodded. "The apex of Scalvoris, a hunter with no equal. Quite the claim. I am sure you have no problems with a test." she said, before Ela suddenly found herself in a rocky area. There was a loud, roaring noise behind and when she turned to face it, she'd find that she'd been dropped close to a large, black creature right out of someone's nightmares. The massive beast flapped great wings and flew towards her, mouth open and fangs bared as though it intended to feast on her. However, just as the great beast came close, Ela found herself back in Karem's forest, no massive winged beastie in sight.

"Yes, I think you rather have a ways to go yet, pup. That was The Ishkahl, and it is one of the strongest beasts on the island. It is also not something that you are yet prepared to fight." she said, shaking her head in amusement. Then she looked at Lavana. "As for you, "Raskalarn's Greatest Failure" is an interesting title, but not only does it tell me nothing, it is, I know why your mother would give you such a title, and it is not my place to interfere." she said, shaking her head.

Then the Immortal of Wolves sighed. "Neither of you answered my question. A pair of titles is what you give me when asked who you are? Are you naught but a collection of words thrown together to provide a shorthand description? No, I think there is more to both of you than simple descriptors to adorn some paper in my elder daughters office. So I ask again. Who are you?" she said, her tone simple and calm.

Ela Bella

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 12:52 pm
by Ela Wolfsdotter
Many things lived on Scalvoris, and very few of them scared the pup. Having fought creatures big and small and still come out victorious, the girl had faith in her ability to hunt. She was, after all, the greatest hunter to have ever lived. At least, that's what the girl believed. Without that title, that claim, what did she have? Ela lived and breathed to hunt. To thrive like no other creature could.
Yet right before her eyes, the claim to the throne of Scalvoris' Apex was torn away from her, as the great beast appeared and disappeared like it was nothing, Karem showing the girl one of the few things she had ever truly feared in her life. That beast lived on her island, a predator like none she had ever seen in her life. Her eyes widened as the beast flew at her, yet until the very end she stood her ground. Not out of courage, but of despair.

As the beast disappeared and Karem spoke, the young girl dropped her eyes to the ground, her fist clenching as a small tear poured down her cheek. Her mother came here, pulled the title she held dearly away from her, and then asked her once again who she was. That same fucking question, as if it made any sense to anyone but the Immortal, like the two girls were supposed to know what she was implying. It wasn't often Ela felt this level of anger at her mother, yet something in her snapped. Every illusion the girl had been living was put to her face for what it really was - a lie.
"You keep asking that question like it makes any sense" the girl snarled under her breath, her teary eyes finally looking up at her mother. Karem knew it more than Ela ever would admit, but she was a child. Nothing about this girl was ready for the real world, yet she had been violently forced in to it from the moment her father died in front of her. While her body grew at a normal pace, her mind slowed to half the speed, leaving her trapped in a state of ferity that she may never escape.

"So you tell me, mother. Who am I?" the girl said, raising her voice to near a shout, the frustration evident in her tone. "Am I Karem's greatest failure? Am I the Apex of Scalvoris, or just a pup that may never reach adulthood? Am I the Mortalborn that Karem is proud of or one that she feels the need to humiliate before an audience?! You tell me, mother, if I am not the Apex of Scalvoris then who the fuck am I!?"
As she spoke on and on her voice rose, until the final question, ending in a shout and a snarl as she remembered the presence of Lavana. Yet the girl knew that wasn't fair, or right, as soon as the words had left her mouth. Her eyes fell down and her clawed hands, naturally spread threateningly, relaxed. After a trill, she slowly looked to Lavana.

"If you know what's good for you, leave us. I need to speak to my mother alone" she said, before turning to Karem, whether the Mortalborn of Raskalarn left or not.

"If I am not the Apex, if that thing is there and taking my title, I want to grow stronger. Please... help me become what I so desperately try to be."