Red Tide in the Morning, Fisherman's Warning (Darcy)
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:01 am
13th Cylus 718
Showers of sleet fell from time to time and the chill wind made everything seem colder but the Burhan had bundled up warmly nonetheless and ventured out. A few score trials ago, she would have been content to remain indoors but since she'd spent time in Senlin where she'd felt trapped, she wasn't inclined to remain cooped up. In fact, since her return to Andaris, she'd rather foolishly spent more time outside than she ought to have done. The young woman had just been so desperate for company, any company at all, that she'd braved the snows even when it had been incredibly stupid to do so. To-trial, it weather situation wasn't quite as dangerous and thus, she'd deemed it almost compulsory that she venture out.
Almost at once, she was glad that she had as she caught whispers of a strange occurrence, something that seemed to beggar belief and of course made her want to check it out for herself. According to the various denizens that she passed, an odd tide had come in, red as blood and carrying death with it for the fish that swam in it. Valeria immediately set off for the docks, intent on seeing it for herself. It required a carriage ride, an escapade that required a number of breaks as the docks were not close to the city but a fair distance beyond the city's walls. She justified her curiosity, which would take a quarter trial's journey to sate, by telling herself that she would pick up some fish for her evening meal, as well as a few pleasant tidbits for the cat.
When she reached the end of her journey, she quickly discovered that that plan wasn't possible for her to execute. The fish markets were full of screaming people, the stock apparently non-existent. The commoners were unruly indeed and the blonde skirted the edge of the gathered crowd, that seemed ready to become a mob. She kept her hood up, clutching her cloak tightly around her body to keep out the sleet and the growing malevolence of those she passed. She simply kept her head down, hurrying to the water's edge so she could witness the disaster that she had come to observe.
Something grew in the water, something that had been carried towards the shore. Valeria had seen algae in water before. She'd found it in a stagnant pond in Rahiko's Wood to the south of her house in Senlin. She'd seen the murky green that fogged the water and seemed to cling to everything. What stained the brine before her was the same, the same clinging quality except instead of the green of life, it was the red of bloody death. It was like many had died in those waters, sliced open and bled, butchered mercilessly in the sea. It was a grim and terrifying sight, the horror of it only heightened by the rust-tinged, bloated bodies of the fish that had once swum in those waters.
The noblewoman had no idea how long she stood there, gazing at the spectacle that had consumed the entirety of Cyrene Bay. There was something mesmerising about it, yet even so she sensed the change in the air. Well, she heard it. The screaming, the smashing and crashing, the shouting. It broke the spell that had held her on the dockside, encouraging her to retrace her steps until she caught sight of the fish market. The crowd had become truly enraged and it appeared that rioting had broken out. Moseke Knights had descended on the scene and in the chaos, a number of people were getting hurt as the Knights struggled to separate innocent bystanders from furious would-be customers. The atmosphere was enough to send her heart pounding madly in her chest, the young woman actually breaking out into a run as she sought a carriage, any carriage that could take her back to the city and away from the chaos.
"Hey you! You! Little rich bitch! Do you have fish? Did you buy the good stuff out from under us?" a man shouted and Valeria was slow to realise that it was directed at her. She turned, catching sight of him as he pointed towards her. He began roaring at the people around him, indicating that the noblewoman had managed to acquire fish. Heads turned towards her, a few people peeling off from the rest of the rioters to scream abuse at her, beginning to hurl things at her. The blonde ran harder, sleet pelting hard against her face as she sprinted blindly away from her pursuers.
A metallic taste developed at the base of the tongue, the young woman trying to swallow down her fear as she glanced back to check where they were. Her feet slipped on something slimy - one of those contaminated fish - and she fell, knees slamming into the ground. A pair of knights had spotted her situation, choosing to intervene. One ran to her, helping her up while his companion headed off her would-be attackers.
"You need to get out of here, milady. You chose a bad trial to wander along here," the knight explained, as he got her to her feet, hurrying her forward and waving down a carriage as the driver rushed past. He bundled her into it and she basically fell into the seat as they started moving again. There were already three people in there with her, all of them looking as rattled as she felt.
They found themselves in each other's nervous company for the next quarter trial. They made awkward conversation but it was clear that none of them were particularly interested in socialising after what they'd just gotten away from. One seemed to be a merchant and the other two seemed to be a poorer commoner couple. They were an odd mix and their experiences hadn't helped them set aside their differences. It was an uncomfortable situation but definitely preferable to having her head smashed open surrounded by rotting seafood.
When she finally got back to Andaris with half the trial gone, she needed a drink. Who would notice her slipping into some bar at this time in the trial and honestly, who'd care? She got out of the carriage on wobbly legs, shivering as she experienced the full brunt of the grim weather again. Wrapping herself up, she moved briskly through the streets, intending to head to a bar that she knew in Mid-town that didn't serve swill. She was even prepared to pay for a stiff drink for herself rather than manipulating someone into doing it for her.
It was as she approached the establishment that she saw a familiar face slip out of it and her mood brightened almost instantly, her errand delayed for the time being as she risked on jog on the slushy ground.
"Darcy! Hey, Darcy! Fancy seeing you here," she greeted, approaching the woman with a genuine smile. She knew that the woman was spoken for but that didn't mean that she couldn't be viewed as a pleasantly welcome distraction. "Were you heading home?I've had a pretty awful trial and I could use some pleasant company and a drink or two to collect my spirits. If you're free, of course."
Almost at once, she was glad that she had as she caught whispers of a strange occurrence, something that seemed to beggar belief and of course made her want to check it out for herself. According to the various denizens that she passed, an odd tide had come in, red as blood and carrying death with it for the fish that swam in it. Valeria immediately set off for the docks, intent on seeing it for herself. It required a carriage ride, an escapade that required a number of breaks as the docks were not close to the city but a fair distance beyond the city's walls. She justified her curiosity, which would take a quarter trial's journey to sate, by telling herself that she would pick up some fish for her evening meal, as well as a few pleasant tidbits for the cat.
When she reached the end of her journey, she quickly discovered that that plan wasn't possible for her to execute. The fish markets were full of screaming people, the stock apparently non-existent. The commoners were unruly indeed and the blonde skirted the edge of the gathered crowd, that seemed ready to become a mob. She kept her hood up, clutching her cloak tightly around her body to keep out the sleet and the growing malevolence of those she passed. She simply kept her head down, hurrying to the water's edge so she could witness the disaster that she had come to observe.
Something grew in the water, something that had been carried towards the shore. Valeria had seen algae in water before. She'd found it in a stagnant pond in Rahiko's Wood to the south of her house in Senlin. She'd seen the murky green that fogged the water and seemed to cling to everything. What stained the brine before her was the same, the same clinging quality except instead of the green of life, it was the red of bloody death. It was like many had died in those waters, sliced open and bled, butchered mercilessly in the sea. It was a grim and terrifying sight, the horror of it only heightened by the rust-tinged, bloated bodies of the fish that had once swum in those waters.
The noblewoman had no idea how long she stood there, gazing at the spectacle that had consumed the entirety of Cyrene Bay. There was something mesmerising about it, yet even so she sensed the change in the air. Well, she heard it. The screaming, the smashing and crashing, the shouting. It broke the spell that had held her on the dockside, encouraging her to retrace her steps until she caught sight of the fish market. The crowd had become truly enraged and it appeared that rioting had broken out. Moseke Knights had descended on the scene and in the chaos, a number of people were getting hurt as the Knights struggled to separate innocent bystanders from furious would-be customers. The atmosphere was enough to send her heart pounding madly in her chest, the young woman actually breaking out into a run as she sought a carriage, any carriage that could take her back to the city and away from the chaos.
"Hey you! You! Little rich bitch! Do you have fish? Did you buy the good stuff out from under us?" a man shouted and Valeria was slow to realise that it was directed at her. She turned, catching sight of him as he pointed towards her. He began roaring at the people around him, indicating that the noblewoman had managed to acquire fish. Heads turned towards her, a few people peeling off from the rest of the rioters to scream abuse at her, beginning to hurl things at her. The blonde ran harder, sleet pelting hard against her face as she sprinted blindly away from her pursuers.
A metallic taste developed at the base of the tongue, the young woman trying to swallow down her fear as she glanced back to check where they were. Her feet slipped on something slimy - one of those contaminated fish - and she fell, knees slamming into the ground. A pair of knights had spotted her situation, choosing to intervene. One ran to her, helping her up while his companion headed off her would-be attackers.
"You need to get out of here, milady. You chose a bad trial to wander along here," the knight explained, as he got her to her feet, hurrying her forward and waving down a carriage as the driver rushed past. He bundled her into it and she basically fell into the seat as they started moving again. There were already three people in there with her, all of them looking as rattled as she felt.
They found themselves in each other's nervous company for the next quarter trial. They made awkward conversation but it was clear that none of them were particularly interested in socialising after what they'd just gotten away from. One seemed to be a merchant and the other two seemed to be a poorer commoner couple. They were an odd mix and their experiences hadn't helped them set aside their differences. It was an uncomfortable situation but definitely preferable to having her head smashed open surrounded by rotting seafood.
When she finally got back to Andaris with half the trial gone, she needed a drink. Who would notice her slipping into some bar at this time in the trial and honestly, who'd care? She got out of the carriage on wobbly legs, shivering as she experienced the full brunt of the grim weather again. Wrapping herself up, she moved briskly through the streets, intending to head to a bar that she knew in Mid-town that didn't serve swill. She was even prepared to pay for a stiff drink for herself rather than manipulating someone into doing it for her.
It was as she approached the establishment that she saw a familiar face slip out of it and her mood brightened almost instantly, her errand delayed for the time being as she risked on jog on the slushy ground.
"Darcy! Hey, Darcy! Fancy seeing you here," she greeted, approaching the woman with a genuine smile. She knew that the woman was spoken for but that didn't mean that she couldn't be viewed as a pleasantly welcome distraction. "Were you heading home?I've had a pretty awful trial and I could use some pleasant company and a drink or two to collect my spirits. If you're free, of course."