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Into the Cavern
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:25 pm
by Emu'ra
Cylus 03 Arc 718
Riverside Cavern
Holding her breath and taking light footsteps, Emu’ra approached the unaware vermin. With both hands grabbing tightly around her spear, she readied her weapon for the kill. The rat was nibbling ferociously at something with great concentration. Its sleek vermin hairs twitched as it ate blissfully unaware of its impending death. The rat probably has a deep and rich history, Emu’ra thought, looking at the patches of naked flesh on its ragged body. Now, it will die in seconds. Never did it know, after all those years of surviving, would it be killed by some random Sev’ryn girl. “What if I’m reincarnated into a rat and some bastard kills me while I’m minding my own business?” Emu’ra whispered. The beetle only hovered, saying nothing. “Eh, whatever being a rat doesn’t seem like the best life anyway. I’m doing this guy a favor.” She said, closing in on the creature.
“Sorry, your probably not a bad anima—“ The rat suddenly perked up, turned its head like it just went terminator mode and zoned its beady little vicious eyes right into Emu’ra’s soul. She gasped and then scream, “UAAAHHGGG!” Nearly dropping her spear and falling over at such a surprise, Emu’ra quickly and not so gracefully composed herself and engaged into an epic battle with the creature. Opening its mouth wide, with little bones still in its mouth, and the creature let out a war squeak. Emu’ra took her spear over her head and shoved it right between the rat’s skull. The rat’s body twitched as it laid, dead.
“Crap, my spear is stuck..” Emu’ra mumbled with her boot on the rat’s neck as she tugged at her weapon.
"You shouldn’t yell so loudly. Remember, there are other’s here that are not so friendly.." The beetle inquired.
The spear finally dislodged with a twist and a pull. “It’s not like I meant to scream. It was this rat’s fault for being so vicious, like it had some kinda grudge against me or something.” She argued.
"Well you were about to kill it.."
“Yeah, but it didn’t know that.”
Emu’ra sliced the tail off the rat with her spear. Picking it up, it dangled like silk rope as it was dropped into the pocket of Emu’ra’s thick coat. Emu’ra walked on with her glowing beetle, deeper into the cavern.
Into the Cavern
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:47 am
by Emu'ra
Cylus 03 Arc 718
Riverside Cavern
A symphony of squeaks from a family of rats echoes through the cave followed by the patter of rodent hands scurrying on the cave floor. Emu’ra shudders at the image of a cluster of creatures forming one being that travels around like an organic wave of flesh and bones. Fortunately, it seems like the pack of rats only number around five to eight. She follows the sound and finds the circle of rats. Surely, she can kill at least one of six. Emu’ra’s once again grips her spear tightly as she approaches the family and locks her eyes on one rat. As soon as she is close enough, she runs towards them with her spear held beside her head. The rats immediately hear the noise and scatter in all directions. Emu’ra focuses on the rat she has dedicated herself to killing and thrusts her spear downwards in the direction of the rat’s trail. Almost missing it, the spear’s tip stabs the rat’s lower back and it squeaks in pain until it dies. A crimson stain marks the final moments of the creature’s life. As she cuts off the tail to add to her collection, the girl wonders if her final moments will result in such a painting or if she will just get old, shrivel up and die.
She gazes at the dead carcass one more time and sighs, “You know, rat exterminator doesn’t really fit my image.” Walking on, she continues to ramble, “Usually hermits and loners are the one’s hunting rats since they like this type of environment.”
“Don’t you like this type of environment?”
“That’s different. I don’t like this place because of the seclusion like loners do. I like it because of what caves have to offer; precious shimmering rocks and colorful gems. I’m more of an opportunist than a hermit.”
“But when was the last time you talked to someone other than me?”
“The nice lady at the shop this morning actually.”
“You said hi to her…And I don’t even think she heard you.”
“Who’re you talkin’ to little girl,” says a scratchy voice, emerging from the a distance behind them.
Emu’ra’s hairs stick up from the back of her neck as she turns, her eyes wide with fear and her palms sweating as she grips her spear tightly. In the darkness of the cave, Emu’ra can see a pale and disheveled man of average height standing a few feet away from her with a malicious toothy grin stretched across his face. His dark scraggly hair and beard makes him look like a feral man who has been in this place far too long. This man definitely fits the image of a rat exterminator. In his right hand is a curved blade in which Emu’ra does not want her neck to be in contact with. She remembers the warning from one of the guards that there would be bandits scattered around in the cave. It is clear that this man is one of them.
Emu’ra tries to look tough as she points her spear in his direction, but instead, she looks like a nervous girl with her hands shaking and beads of sweat form on her face. From the pit of her stomach, she tries to spew out words, but instead she could only make this one universal word:
In fright, she quickly turns around as soon as the man moves and sprints away through the corridors of the cave.
Into the Cavern
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:29 am
by Emu'ra
Cylus 03 Arc 718
Riverside Cavern
“Com’er you!!” She hears from behind her. Turning her head slightly, she sees the figure of the man, relentlessly chasing her with his weapon in hand. Clearly, she can’t run forever as her sides were already in knots. She knew she would have to confront him at one point. Then she had an idea. She would turn the corner up ahead and ambush him when he follows.
Following through her brilliant plan, she sprints left, stumbles from the change of direction, and falls on her shoulder. Quickly, she scrambles up and grabs her spear, but before she could even fully stand and execute the final stage of her plan, she sees a glimpse of the man’s blade coming down towards her head. Instinctually, she jumps back from her crouching position and lands on her butt. The blade misses her and slashes through the air. Jumping to her feet, the man slashes at her again. Emu’ra dodges, the blade barely missing her by a hair. A cut on her coat arm marks the blade’s touch.
The man mockingly laughs, “Do you know how many times people have tried that trick with me?”
The man flashes a quick smile as he pulls his arm back and rushes his blade foreword. Emu’ra quickly jumps to the side, but trips on her on her own feet. She would have been completely screwed at this point, but the man also trips as he steps on a jagged rock formation on the cave’s floor. Twisting his ankle from his foot slipping on the rock, the man hits the ground with a force so impactful that his blade escapes his hands and slides down a foot away from him. Luckily, none of his friends saw such an embarrassing mistake.
Quickly recovering from his fall, he reaches for his blade, but suddenly a spear’s head pierces right through the middle of his forearm. Quite shook and also furious that some little girl rudely stabbed him, the man bolted up from the floor, with the spear still through his forearm. Now that her weapon was lost in this man’s forearm, Emu’ra surely knew that she was going to die.
Into the Cavern
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:29 am
by Emu'ra
Cylus 03 Arc 718
Riverside Cavern
In a fit of rage, the man ripped out the spear from his arm and declared, “I’LL KILL YOU.” Using the spear as if it was a blade, the man slashed at her again and Emu’ra ducked a rolled to dodge. Seeing the man’s blade laying on the ground, Emu’ra, as an opportunist, took the opportunity to arm herself once again and picked up the blade. The blade clumsily rested in her hands. If this blade could speak, it would say something like, “This girl’s palm is quite sweaty and too soft to be handling such an edgy and dangerous blade like me.”
The man, who now looked like a rabid rat snarled at her with ferocious killer eyes. He takes the spear in a throwing position and thrust the head towards her, but she rolls away again to the side and rushes behind him. Without thinking, she slashes the blade downwards and cuts the man deeply from the side of his back to his stomach.
If the blade had a soul, its reaction would probably be something like, “pfft, beginner’s luck.”
The man howls in pain and stumbles foreword, dropping the spear to his side as he moves his hand to cover his wound. Blood oozes from the gash and drips across his fingers. Emu’ra stands behind the man, suddenly frozen as she stares at the him with her brain trying to process the situation.
“Hurry! Run!” The beetle announces.
Snapping out of her state, Emu’ra snatches back her spear and sprints off. The man who is even more furious, heaves himself up to chase her, but quickly sinks back down from the sharp sting of his wound. He disappears into the darkness as Emu’ra escapes.
Emu’ra runs until she is sure the man is at a safe distance from her before she finally collapses to the ground to catch her breath. She leans back on the cold walls, still trembling. The man filled her thoughts. Would he die? Did she really kill someone?
“Are you okay?” The beetle inquired with concern.
Emu'ra's eyes watered, her soul now heavy with the burden of possibly killing someone. “No, I definitely pissed myself,” She sniffled.