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Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 4:23 am
by Darius Baer
Tangar is a hard town filled with hard people. It is not known for its colour. But Sew It Seams bucks the trend, providing a sense of warmth and vibrancy that stands out against the backdrop of the harsh region.
A variety of new, colourful clothing items, from headdresses and scarves to full length dresses, are available for purchase. Repairs and adjustments can also be arranged for any garments a customer brings in, although the store's speciality is bespoke, made-to-measure garments. No two items are the same - unless, of course, that is what the customer has requested.
The Northern Wastes are too cold for growing cotton, with linen being a preferred alternative, while the store also makes use of other fabrics such as wool, furs, leather, and silk. Hemp can also be found in small quantities, for hardier clothing items such as aprons, though the bulk of it is usually reserved for the sailmakers near the docks. The fabrics arrive in their natural colours, ready to be dyed to the customer's preference.
If a Tangarian local is wearing finely tailored or brightly coloured clothing, it's likely they acquired it from Sew It Seams.
Note about location or NPCs needing moderator approval here. Yes? No?
! | Message from: Tempest |
This looks great Darius! Thank you so much for the help you have given me. It may be a little bit before we get Tanger a spot for locations and play. But this will be there when its up. The NPC looks just adorable! |
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:02 am
by Sintih
Name: Vesram Tamroo Viden
Created by: Sintih
Race: Ellune
Birthday/Age: 38, 85th of Vhalar
Title: Physiotherapist
Skills: Caregiving 51, Strength 45, Detection 40, Socialization 30, Teaching 30, Torture 10
Details: Vesram is a tall and muscular Ellune who spends most of his time divided between the Infirmary and the Fitness centre. He works in both places as a physiotherapist and as an on-site instructor for students in the fields of medicine and caregiving. Officially, he is employed at the physiotherapy section of the fitness centre. Due to his physical size and strength, he works mostly with patients in the middle of their therapy, who are capable of doing exercises on their own but are still quite prone to falling, which he is capable of preventing in most cases. He is quite sociable and enjoys talking with others but people have said that he quiets down while he's working, although that doesn't mean he ignores people talking to him, just that his answers get shorter or more to the point.
Name: Tholian Threer
Created by: Sintih
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 42, 20th of Saun
Title: Doctor (Licentiate in Medicine)
Skills: Medicine 75, Surgery 51, Caregiving 51, Research 45, Teaching 30, Socialization 10
Details: Tholian Threer is a human doctor who works at the Viden Infirmary. He's quite average in looks but is trained in staying on his feet and working long hours if necessary. As a doctor, he's specialized in cold, ice and freezing related injuries and he wrote his thesis on reversing frostbite. Outside of work, Tholian can most often be found in a warm tavern drinking with moderation but still enough to forget about anything troublesome that may have happened during his work hours.
! | Message from: Tempest |
These two look good Sintih. Thank you for the development they have been added to the write up. |
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:46 pm
by Sam
Name: Alexander Yalta
Created by: Dam
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 23 Ymiden, 665 Arc (55 Years Old)
Title: Nobleman
Skills: Negotiation 50 | Business Management 40 | Politics 25 | Etiquette 25
Details: The younger brother of Phillip Yalta, Patriarch of the Yalta Family, Alexander is a money-driven individual comfortable with the hierarchy of power he currently possesses within the Yalta family, being outside the direct line of inheritance these days. He spends much of his time working alongside his wife, Isabelle, in managing and expanding their portion of the family's trade, the rental and distribution of slaves for seasonal and special projects throughout Viden. A hard, quiet man, Alexander hardly displays interest in things outside his business, and is rarely seen in social situations that he's not required to be at.
Name: Isabella Yalta
Created by: Sam
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 22 Ashan, 673 (47 Years Old)
Title: Noblewoman
Skills: Logistics 50 | Mathematics 40 | Business Management 40 | Socialization 35 | Politics 25 | Etiquette 25
Details: The daughter to a member of the Merchant Guild and the wife of Alexander Yalta, Isabella works alongside her husband in slave trading endeavors, primarily handling the finances and logistics, as well as the procurement of new clients. A socialite, it is a common sight to see Isabella mingling with guests at the various parties and festivals held throughout the arc, always interested in engaging with her peers and, more importantly, potential consumers of her wares. She is not kindhearted by any stretch of the imagination, but she is good as carrying a conversation in a way that makes the average person enjoy her company, at least for those moments that they are together.
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:22 am
by Doran
Name: Orik Qy’Azour
Created by: Doran
Race: ½ Human/Biqaj
Birthday/Age: Ashan 31, Arc 689 (31 arcs old)
Title: Associate Professor at the Academy of Viden (Chemistry)
Skills: 76 Chemistry, 51 Research, 51 Teaching, 26 Physics, 26 Alchemy, 26 Writing
Details: Orik is one of the newest employees of the prestigious Academy of Viden. Having completed his Letter in Chemistry in Rynmere, he moved to Viden as he did not agree with the political developments in his homeland. In Viden, he gained his Certificate and Diploma in Chemistry and finally assumed a position as an Associate Professor at the Institute of Sciences. Orik specializes in Materials Chemistry, a relatively new branch of chemistry.
Orik has tanned skin, brown hair, color-changing eyes and slightly pointed ears. He prefers to dress sensibly, in occasionally somewhat old-fashioned suits and muted colors.
When Orik first started to teach at the Academy, he was very shy and barely got a word out – he was quite overwhelmed by his new responsibilities – but he’s become more confident and enjoys the scientific discourse, even though nothing will ever be able to turn him into an extrovert. Certain, unexpected situations still cause him to panic though.
Generally, Orik is a rather friendly, honest and pleasant man.
! | Message from: Tempest |
Orik looks like a sweet guy. He has been added to the science wing of the academies write up! |
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:15 pm
by Doran
Name: Cyrus Rouvin
Created by: Doran
Race: Eidisi
Birthday/Age: Zi’da 94, Arc 670 (50 arcs old)
Title: Cyrus of the Electrum Order
Skills: Unarmed Combat (Menochoros) 76, Meditation 76, Endurance 76, Strength 51, Discipline 51, Linguistics 51, Business Management 26
Details: Cyrus Rouvin is the second son of a wealthy merchant from Viden that mainly imports fine fabrics and other luxury goods. As a boy he learned to fight with bladed weapons from one of the tutors that his father hired for him. After having started university – Cyrus decided to get his Letters in Business Management and Linguistics – he made the acquaintance of a practitioner of Menochoros. The unarmed combat style that incorporated discipline and meditation appealed to him, and he became a regular at the Fitness Centre before long.
Over the course of the arcs, he became quite skilled and was finally allowed to join the Electrum Order. He still finished university, and every now and then he helps his family with aspects of their business. He makes most of his money as a Menochoros instructor at the Fitness Centre nowadays though.
Cyrus is a somewhat haughty man, in part due to his race and in part due to his affluent background, and he is very professional, and business-minded. He has little interest in small talk and what he considers to be pointless social activities, but he can get carried away when it comes to conversations about linguistics, history or the art of Menochoros itself.
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:00 pm
by Llyr Llywelyn
Developed by Llyr Llywelyn
Found: Viden. In any region that has snow year-round.
Toxicity/Hazard: Non-Fatal. Eaten raw will cause a very upset stomach and visual, auditory hallucinations based on the person's memories.
Appearance: A small white Crocus flower with small interior centers that have different colors inside. The flowers grow in patches. The leaves are transparent with pale blue veins. This makes patches of the Mindflowers extremely difficult to see from far distances. Usually most travelers won't even notice patches of Mindflowers until they start stepping on the leaves and the pale blue leaks out over the snow under the crushed plant.
It is also a game to take harvested Mindflowers and pick them out from a pile without knowing which color is inside the white petals. The color then divines some aspect of that person's future - and in some traditions, the person then also prepares it in whatever way they see fit to ingest the flower (see Forget-Me-Not Drug).
These grow like a weed though, so planting them in a garden will require some skill otherwise they could completely take over!
Properties: - Can be mixed with many different substances and prepared in many different ways that all lead to various effects, depending on the combination.
- Mindflowers are most known for their influence on the mind (thus the name).
- There can be small recipe books found that detail Mindflower-based recipes and what the different results will be of each dish.
- There are underground/illicit versions of these books out there too (see Forget-Me-Not Drug).
- Practitioners of meditation often mention Mindflowers, and many purposefully farm them in great quantities in certain spots of the Viden wilderness.
- Mindflowers are sold globally, but the warmer the climate, the more expensive they will be. The colder the climate, the cheaper. This is because Mindflowers are hard to preserve once out of the cold; as they wilt and disintegrate if left in direct sunlight while also over a temperate/warm temperature.
Other Information: Can be made into the drug, Forget-Me-Not. While Mindflowers are native to Viden, they can be grown elsewhere as long as given the correct conditions and cold temperatures.
Developed by Llyr Llywelyn
Price: Tier 7
Details: Forget-Me-Not is derived from the plant, Mindflowers. It is when a blue Mindflower, a red Mindflower, and a purple Mindflower are all destemmed, then beaten into powder while repeating a certain phrase (that has to be written down, otherwise the person creating the substance will forget the phrase while saying it). Once it is combined into a powder, the Mindflowers are then mixed with some sort of clear liquid. This allows the natural colors of the Mindflowers to create patterns. These patterns will let the maker know if it is ready or if a certain color is needed more of.
When a drop of blood is added to this mixture, the patterns will change to let the maker know how the substance will interact with the person whose blood it was. Some Makers know how to divine different things from the Mindflower powder, but no matter what, it is tradition to then make the necessary adjustments to the mixture and then take one sip. While holding the drink in the mouth, the maker then pours the rest into a circular pan.
The pan is then left out in an area of frigid air, and cold wind, with an article of clothing - or used blanket - or something like that of the target's possessions to cover it up. Most bundle the pan in a blanket. In three trials time, the maker returns and if the pan has remained, they will find a very thin crystalline powder that glitters. It looks like silver-white glitter and when tossed into the snow, it is indistinguishable. When rolled in a bowl with flour, though, it takes on the identical appearance of sugar.
Thus, is where the Forget-Me-Not becomes more than just an elaborate ceremony for mystics... but a drug highly sought after, through-out the underground of Idalos.
How To Use: The final product (Forget-Me-Not sugar) can be mixed into any warm or hot drink. It must be warm, though so that the particles can melt and activate in the target. It does not work in cold or lukewarm drinks, and if the drink cools, the effectiveness will lessen until it is gone.
Side Effects: It takes 1 hour for the Forget-Me-Not to fully register to the target's body, long after they'd finished the drink.
The onset is gradual, and will often feel like short-term memory loss to the target. They will start forgetting small things, and getting easily confused. Focusing will become increasingly difficult unless Discipline or Meditation are competent or higher.
Then they will forget their name. Just for a moment. Then they'll remember. This usually shocks the target, and is the first common indication that something is wrong. Panic is common at this stage, as the Forget-Me-Not has reached a certain saturation point in the brain. The target will feel like there is something inside of them, and they must get whatever it is out, as soon as possible. Rationality lessens, Impulsivity raises.
By this point, though, the target will be overcome with fatigue. It is rare that they actually hurt themselves, as most find themselves nodding off before they can follow through with any particularly panicked reactions. The target then lays down, or falls down (depending), in a fainting spell that turns into sleep.
The sleep can last anywhere from 6 to 36 hours. Mystics swear that this depends on the target's mind nature, or ability to traverse Emea, and that during this sleep - they are confronting their memories that are about to be taken.
Fevers are common during the sleep stage, as the target's body tries to sweat out the Forget-Me-Not. If warm enough, and hot enough, some targets are lucky enough to counteract the Forget-Me-Not and actually reclaim their memories. This results in them having an even BETTER vision of what had occurred in the past. This requires the target to have Expert Endurance, Expert Resistance, Master Discipline, and Expert Meditation.
Most, however, succumb to the Forget-Me-Not and they forget all that came before them. Including the entire process of the Forget-Me-Not. They will wake up, feeling refreshed and healthy and full of tranquil peace.
For 7 days, this peace remains as the only emotion that the target can feel while they wander blissfully in amnesia. During this stage, the target will believe anyone who suggests things to them, who has the breath of Mindflower root. There is some chance of resisting this with Master Discipline or a similar skill at the same level.
Because the other side of Forget-Me-Not is that it is able to also be counteracted with the Mindflower's roots. Often dehydrated and made chewy, Mindflower roots are often packaged along with the Mindflowers required to make Forget-Me-Not. When a person chews on a small bit of these roots (about dime-size), then they are able to attempt to command anyone in the Tranquil Peace stage of Forget-Me-Not with high degree of suggestibility. Many use this to reteach the target their forgotten life - or what they want them to think their life is. The target's mind will reform around these suggestions so that they have false memories of a life they fully believe is true.
Another use of the root is when chopped up, then fried, it makes a very tasty snack. And if so, it also counteracts any use of Forget-Me-Not in the person's system. It is common for underworld and paranoid sorts to fry up Mindflower Root at least every thirty days, just to check.
If they are under the influence of Forget-Me-Not, the root immediately forces them to throw up. While they throw up, they regain their memories in a flood. But they also keep the false memories. These two sets of memories (or more, depending) compete for attention in the target's mind, and it is up to the target how they handle it then.
Common Forget-Me-Not doses last roughly about sixty days, and then has to be redone to the target.
Status: ILLEGAL, though the plant itself is legal.
! | Message from: Tempest |
These look great. I am so sorry about how long it took for me to get them approved |
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:16 am
by Woe
Hey, I've stolen the Rharne banking system and implanted it here for the bank of Viden since the bank of Viden write-up still has the old wealth system.
The Bank of Viden is a large institution managed by Gavro Anesi, cousin of the Talius Family. Though supported by the Directorate, the Bank is an entirely independent institution of the Videnese Government, and the audits that occur cyclically do not have any other affect upon the democracy that rules over the city.
All citizens are allowed to join the Bank of Viden without charge, though their loans must be repaid in a timely manner or they risk the absolute extortive practices of the Bank's personnel. Visitors to the city, no matter the length of their stay, are allowed to open an account and store money here. Due to the sheer amount of wealthy students visiting the city, the Bank of Viden holds perhaps the most amount of accounts in the world. Its income is not modest, and the money is cycled through the city in order to build and repair, increasing the wealth of the city as a whole in small increments each decade.
Banking Details
- It doesn't cost any Wealth Points to open a savings account.
- Withdrawals, deposits, and all other services can be accessed at any branch of the bank.
- You can make multiple withdrawals from your savings account per season. However, if you make any withdrawals, your seasonal interest may be affected.
- This Location is open for you to post in: any and all withdrawals, deposits, loans, and interest calculations must be posted with time stamps below.
Credit for this template goes to Quio, Pegasus, and Kingdom.
Bank of Viden NPC List
Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.
Prophet's Note: This location requires permission from a Prophet to self-moderate.
Location Credit: Jade
! | Message from: Tempest |
Sorry it took me so long to get this put into place. Thank you so much for helping get this done Woe! |
Re: [Viden] Development Submissions
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:46 am
by Tempest
Price: available to all tiers in Viden due to being common, outside Viden they are rare, available at tier five
Habitat: The wilds around Viden
Lifespan and Development: The Ice moth is a beautiful little blue insect that is native to the wilds around Viden. They start out in eggs hidden amongst the snowy leaves of the trees in the forests surrounding Viden. The eggs stay hidden under the bark where they will survive the enter cold cycle. When it comes time for the Rebirth cycle to begin the eggs start to hatch exposing the larva that has been growing. It takes half of the rebirth cycle for the larva to eat enough to enter their cocoons. After the second half has passed the cocoons begin to break open exposing the beautiful blue of the Ice Moths to the world. After a few test flutters they take to the sky and begin their adult lives. Once adults, they live for 2 arcs unless kept in captivity where they will live for 5 arcs.
Diet: Ice moths eat the nectar of the flora around Viden. During the cold cycle they will actually drink from the icicles on the trees and buildings.
Temperament: docile
Abilities:The ice moths are not known to have any special abilities.