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Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:27 pm
by Pegasus
Phoenix Wood
Developed by: Elisabeth Angelus
Short Description Taken from the Phoenix Tree, Phoenix Wood is fire resistant, as is its bark. As the tree grows, its outer bark delicately peels to reveal the wood, which starts out in pastel green and deepens into orange, red, pastel blue, and sunset pink hues.
Found Faldrass
Toxicity/Hazard N/A
Appearance Outer bark is a soft brown color. Mature Phoenix Wood trees can reach a height of 200ft. The inner bark starts out in pastel green and deepens into orange, red, pastel blue, and sunset pink hues.
Properties Fire-resistant wood and bark; foliage is not.
Rarity Rare
How To Use Wood can be used for any woodworking project, large or small.
Side Effects N/A
Status Legal
Price Not for Sale
Notes N/a
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 6
-- Idalos: 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: 6
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Very Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Using It
-- Any woodworking projects (colorful natural wood)
Killing It
-- It's a tree. Cut it down.
Capturing It
-- It can't run very fast.
-- Nope
Tending It
-- Will only grow in volcanic soil

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:55 pm
by Pegasus
Pink Sand

Developed by Ink
Type of Material: Sand/Glass
Short Description A pink sand found in deeper waters around Almund and Faldrass. Pink sand when exposed to air maintains a slight moisture once removed from the water. When refined into glass, it can be turned into vessels that fill with water, as air-borne moisture is caught on it and condenses around it. Expert Glassblowing at least is needed, in order to use the technique of layering glass properly, so that it fills the inside with water rather than the outside.
Found In deep waters around Almund and Faldrass.
Toxicity/Hazard - None
Appearance The sand is a vibrant pink, that gets paler the farther out to sea you find it. The glass made from this material shines with prismatic brilliance.
Rarity Uncommon
Properties Stays moist (sand), collects moisture from the air (glass).
Property 1 ~ Stays moist (sand), quite useful for sand sculptures.
Property 2 ~ Collects moisture from the air until the vessel is entirely immersed (glass)
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ Causes unsightly circles on stained wood, for poorly made glass vessels.
Side Effect 2 ~ Sand can be slippery if left on a smooth floor.
How To Use Glassblowing (expert preferred)
Status Legal
Price Tier 7
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 7
-- Idalos: Tier 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 7
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Very Rare.
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert
Using It
-- Sand Castles
-- Self-watering glassware.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- n/a

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:02 pm
by Pegasus
Blue Scalvoris Soil

Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Fertilizer/Dirt/Sand
Short Description A mixture of one part manure, one part dirt, and one part blue sand.
Found made from blue scalvoris sand, wherever blue sands are found.
Toxicity/Hazard - It's dirt, don't eat dirt. Otherwise, non-toxic in any other way, but tends to carry the sound of footfalls when you walk over it, potentially alerting predators or other hostile parties.
Appearance It appears a grayish soil that has a slight dark blue tint to it, but otherwise is hard to notice the color. As a growing medium, this soil is best used in temperate areas.
Rarity Common
Property 1 ~ Can be mixed with the soil of the ground, in order to make footfalls carrying sound more audibly over it. A security measure for those who don't want to be sneaked upon without hearing them.
Property 2 ~ When used as a medium to grow plants from, or added to plants, it causes their leaves to reflect and echo the sounds that occur around them, producing an interesting acoustic effect.
Property 3 ~ When used on fruit-bearing plants, the juice of these plants will have a pleasant effect on the vocal quality of those drinking the juice. It will also improve the volume of their voice.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ The extra noise can be annoying without proper care or pruning of plants. If the plants grown from blue soil aren't well manicured, they might grow discordant.
Side Effect 2 ~ Sometimes, if the plants aren't well-cared for, the echo they produce might be inflected with a sardonic tone, as if their mood is sour.
Side Effect 3 ~ Talkative plants. Those who are able to speak to plants (such as Soul-Forged individuals) are able to make much better sense of plants that have been settled with a handful of blue soil overnight.
How To Use Those experienced in gardening can introduce blue soil as a growth medium. Otherwise, using it and mixing in gravel (for the loud ground-noise) can be done by someone experienced in field craft.
Status Legal
Price Not sure
Notes N/A
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Not sure
-- Idalos: Not sure
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Not sure
-- Scalvoris: Common
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Expert Gardening ~ echo plants.
-- Expert Fieldcraft ~ Noisy gravel/ground.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- Competent

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:04 pm
by Pegasus

Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Bone
Short Description Known as Colossithorn, it's actually a form of antler, that breaks off periodically from the Colossithecus' head every once in a while as the seasons go, or as they break in fights with others of their kind or hunters. The antler tends to be branched toward the ends, hard as rock, sharp as steel, and as flexible as bamboo when properly treated.
Found Scaltoth on a colossithecus corpse.
Toxicity/Hazard - the hornmeal ground from this material can work as an aphrodisiac, which enhances other such substances, such as Ambrosia.
Appearance A three foot antler, that often has as many as eight points each.
Rarity Rare
Property 1 ~ The taxidermied head or horns of a Colossithecus have a dread effect upon most who see it, which can be resisted by those of moderately strong will.
Property 2 ~ The carved horn is, as said above, hard as rock, sharp as steel, and flexible as bamboo. It makes for good weapons or tools.
Property 3 ~ The hornmeal ground from the core of the antler, when mixed with select herbs, known mostly to the Mur'thi tribal medicine men, provides a highly potent aphrodisiac, which enhances other substances that have the same effect.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ None as far as the taxidermied horns or the carved horns.
Side Effect 2 ~ The hornmeal made from the horn can cause heart-rate to lower ever so slightly, and also has a mild blood-thinning property.
How To Use The Mur'thi alone have unearthed the secrets of the hornmeal made from Colossithecus' antlers. It's a jealously guarded secret among them.
Status Restricted (Hunting the Colossithecus is regulated by the office of Natural Affairs. Only Rangers and those bearing a license to hunt are allowed to poach these creatures.)
Price Tier 9, Rare (Contact a mod if wishing to purchase any of this monster's horns.)
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: n/a
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 9
-- Idalos: Tier 10
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 9 with restrictions.
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Very Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: n/a
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: n/a
Using It
-- Taxidermy: Leatherworking Expert
-- Carved Horn: Sculpting Expert
-- Hornmeal: Medicine Expert
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- Novice.

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:11 pm
by Pegasus
Green Scalvoris Soil

Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Fertilizer/Dirt/Sand
Short Description A mixture of one part manure, one part dirt, and one part Green sand.
Found made from green scalvoris sand, wherever green sands are found.
Toxicity/Hazard - It's dirt, don't eat dirt. Otherwise, non-toxic in any other way, but has a chilling effect upon bare feet when tread upon.
Appearance It appears a very dark and rich soil that has a mossy green tint to it, but otherwise is hard to notice the color. As a growing medium, this soil is best used in temperate or warm areas.
Rarity Common
Property 1 ~ Can be mixed with the soil of the ground or with gravel to cool the ground. A good measure for those areas that are prone to brush fires.
Property 2 ~ When used as a medium to grow plants from, or added to plants, it causes their fruit to self-freeze and preserve, at least until such time as they're cooked or thawed.
Property 3 ~ When used on fruit-bearing plants, the flesh of these fruits are very crisp and delicious, almost as much so as the day they were picked.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ Too much green sand mixed into the soil can lead to frost-bite in the feet if left to tread out on it for too long.
Side Effect 2 ~ Sometimes, if the plants aren't well-cared for, their fruits may suffer freezer burn.
Side Effect 3 ~ Talkative plants. Those who are able to speak to plants (such as Soul-Forged individuals) are less able to make sense of the plant's communications, as they tend to stutter and go in fits and starts.
Side Effect 4 ~ Given the discomfort to plants, Soul-Forged do not look kindly upon the use of this soil.
How To Use Those experienced in gardening can introduce green soil as a growth medium. Otherwise, using it and mixing in gravel can be done by someone experienced in field craft, in order to make a chilly footpath.
Status Legal
Price Not sure
Notes N/A
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Not sure
-- Idalos: Not sure
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Not sure
-- Scalvoris: Common
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Competent Alchemy ~ Creation of the dirt.
-- Expert Gardening ~ Frozen fruit.
-- Expert Fieldcraft ~ Freezing gravel/walkways.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- Competent

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:15 pm
by Pegasus

Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Leather/Pelt
Short Description The hide of the Colossithecus, which can be turned from a pelt into cured hides or leathers which have a grainy, bony texture. When tanned into leather, the surface takes on a coppery distressed pattern.
Found Scaltoth only. Or wherever you find a Colossithecus.
Toxicity/Hazard - The beast itself is extremely dangerous.
Appearance A dark brown hide that varies in other colors, earth-tons, blacks, and sometimes even dark greens. When cured into leather the distress pattern that forms in the leather has a coppery shine to it.
Rarity Rare (You must hunt the Collossithecus yourself most often).
Property 1 ~ The Hide, when worn as a garment, cloak or armor, depending on how much is worn, emits a trace amount of Collossithecus pheromone, that scares off predators. Otherwise, it's quite good at regulating one's temperature through extremes of hot and cold.
Property 2 ~ The Leather tends to exacerbate the aggressive feelings of those wearing products made from it, or otherwise in close contact with it.
Property 3 ~ When leather weapons are made from the hide, it can increase the pain and demoralization of its strikes by a factor of two.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ Hide: Can attract certain unwanted attentio when drifting into the terriory of a Collossithecus.
Side Effect 2 ~ Leather: The emotional enhancement of the leather can be a mixed blessing, in that it also bolsters negative emotions as much as positive ones.
How To Use The Tribal medicine men of the Mur'thi in Scaltoth alone know the secrets of curing the Collossthecus hide into with its special properties. Otherwise, it's just a fancy and expensive pelt with no other effects.
Status Restricted (Must either be part of the Rangers or seek a hunting license from the Office of Natural Affairs, as Collossithecus is a rare creature, possibly protected.).
Price Tier 9, Rare (Contact a mod if wishing to purchase any of this monster's hide.)
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: n/a
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 9
-- Idalos: Tier 10
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 9 with restrictions.
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Very Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: n/a
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: n/a
Using It
-- Hides: Leatherworking Expert
-- Leather: Leatherworking Master
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- Novice.

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 10:54 am
by Pig Boy

Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Hide
Short Description A rawhide pelt that can bear and grow a perpetual culture of mossy plant-life, flowers, and vined vegetation.
Forum Location Off the backs of Red Cervus
Toxicity/Hazard - If poisonous plants take root in the material.
Appearance One of the poorer kept secrets of the Muirthi clan of Scaltoth, the knowledge of how to cure Moshide has since been disseminated across the island. The normally red/ginger hide of Red Cervus when properly treated by a competent gardener and expert leatherworker with the brain of a Red Cervus and the flour of ground-up rock moss will take on a green tint, which turns vibrant when implanted with seeds of small flowering plants, moss, and other small vegetation. The hide is remarkably sturdy once it takes seeds, capable of suffusing blunt impact as a natural course and remarkably resilient against cutting implements. It's about half again as heavy as any other form of rawhide, however.
Rarity Uncommon
RPG Properties
Property 1 ~ Rawhide material that can be used to grow small plants.
Property 2 ~ A strong and sturdy rawhide, good for clothing, armor, or other purposes.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ If it happens to pick up the seeds of poisonous plants, it will become toxic to the touch.
Side Effect 2 ~ It's half again as heavy as an ordinary rawhide sample of the same size.
How To Use
Status Legal
Price Tier 7
Notes Can only be cured from the hide of a Red Cervus, using a specific process of grinding up the tanin from the animal's brain and ground up rock moss.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 7
-- Idalos: 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Cost adjustment: 1.25 normal price.
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: n/a
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Curing the hidie: Competent Gardening and Expert Leatherworking.
Killing It
-- Competent
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- See toxicity
Tending It
-- Novice

Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:22 pm
by Pig Boy
Shrieking Hide/Leather

Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Leather and Rawhide
Short Description The hide taken from and leather made from a screeching hound
Forum Location Whole Island
Toxicity/Hazard - Leather - Cutting hazard.
Appearance In rawhide form, the special curing process for Shrieking Hide renders the formerly orange and black fur stark white, blanching it from the hairs to the rawhide. Leather is similarly white in color, making it ideal to receive dyes and other coloration. Superficial fractures and cracks may form along the surface of the leather, noticeably so, but these do not compromise its durability and seem to appear as the leather ages and sees actual use.
Rarity Rare (Difficulty of crafting)
RPG Properties
Property 1 ~ Being ironically named, when properly treated and cured, the rawhide absorbs the emission of sound, making it very useful for those who rely on remaining silent as they move, compared to other hide and leather armors.
Property 2 ~ A very different effect is achieved when the leather is crafted into a bullwhip. When a bullwhip made of shrieking hide breaks the sound barrier, it produces a sharpened blade of air around the point of the whiplash, which is sharp enough to cut through most materials, including metal and stone.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ If used in clothing or armor, a different material liner is recommended, as the dried rawhide or leather has a way of pinching and irritating the skin.
Side Effect 2 ~ The cracks and fissures along the surface of the leather can result in paper cuts if one runs their hands along them.
How To Use Leatherworking for weapons, armor, tools, or household items. Master skill is required to successfully cure the hide and leather. A process that involves the use of blue sand and the burned ashes of a screeching hound's tongue.
Status Legal
Price Tier 9
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 9
-- Idalos: Tier 10
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 9
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Very Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
-- Leather and rawhide for armor, weapons, and furniture that doesn't make annoying leather sounds.
-- Used to make whips whose whiplash can cut though various materials, flesh, and bone.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- nn/a
-- Moderate? (if applicable)
Tending It
-- Expert