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City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:16 pm
by Incubus
Crest Break Tavern
The Crest Break is a local tavern in Ne'haer, situated just beyond the harbor and caters to a wide variety of personalities. Compared to its neighboring establishments, Crest Break is a small shop that provides little in the way of comfort, however, makes up for it by the massive and exotic amount of alcohol it provides to their clients.

The Tavern is a small, two story high stone and wood building that is nestled between two other shops. The first floor provides a wide space for large parties to sit and eat while a massive bar rests to the right of the building; kegs and bottles of alcohol stacked one on top of the other, waiting to be served up. Behind the bar is a small hallway leading to the back of the building where several rooms await, stocked with cleaning supplies, dishes, and other materials to help serve the business. On the left hand side of the building are booths for citizens and travelers to occupy. Near the back hand wall are a set of stairs that curl up to the top level.

The top level provides another, more reclusive area for guests to sit, eat, and relax. There are tables situated at the top where patrons may look down on the other guests below. A row of doors line the top floor, leading to the front of the building where yet another area is sectioned off for those that prefer a more quiet, private meal.

The Crest Break doesn't rent out rooms often. The business owner tends to offer the rooms to her employees and family, which means those looking for a private room within the establishment must pay a pretty nel.
Sheperd's Pie 3 SN
Pickled Sausage with Broccoli 3 SN
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 5 SN
Crab Legs with Melted Butter 3 GN
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 1 SN
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 5 GN
Smoked Salmon Salad 3 GN
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 2 GN
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 5 GN
Shot x N/A | Glass x 2 | Bottle x 4
Alcohol Price
Sev'ryn Wine (Weak) 2 GN
Rum 1 GN
Apple Brandy 5 GN
Euharien Ale (Strong) 8 GN
Melrathian Ale (Weak) 1 GN
Orcage Wine 5 GN
Hynith Ale (Pale) 3 GN
Pale Wine (Strong) 10 GN
Draska Ale 5 GN
Red Lager 2 GN
Irea Lager 2 GN
Shavannia (Cheap) 8 GN
Patren (Average) 13 GN
Onyx Three (Expensive) 25 GN
Steel Tongue (Wallet Says Ouch) 65 GN
Gyn (dry) 8 GN
Vodca 8 GN
Eastern Whiskey 10 GN
Bourbon 13 GN
Southern Whiskey 15 GN
Rooms Prices
Small Room (Bed, Dresser, Mirror, Table) 90gn Per Night

Marion Fyrrow (Owner)

Nathan Warrick (Bartender)

Byrum Lorvik (Bartender)

Tawni Yun (Barmaid)

Yazmen Davidos (Barmaid)

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:17 pm
by Incubus

Location and NPC creation goes to Ilied.
A project 20 years in the making, Oscillette – as the venue is popularly known in Ne'haer – is the life's work of Baelam Sheulai qalar-Treid, an immigrant Ellune and citizen of Ne'haer. As the story goes, Baelam's quest find a means to save Treid led him to the corners of the world. Having sailed all the frozen seas of Idalos without an answer, he dared the warm waters of Central Idalos at the risk of his life. As his Ellune brethren fell beside him, he called for a settlement to be made to offer refuge to Ellune from the raging heat of these lands so far from home. Making landfall in Ne'haer, Baelam erected a palace of ice, becoming its lord, and offering refuge to any Ellune who sought relief in their life-born quest.

Of course, Baelam would tell a more modest and accurate story. Though Baelam did sail in his own quest for help to save Treid, his stop in Ne'haer was not expected to be something of permanence. Noticing the dangers of the world outside of Oscillus, he worked to creating a small home-away-from-home. Taking advantage of his mastery of Nilas and the Ne'haer's limited access to ice, Baelam struck a deal with a young Rauve de Visci and Ne'haer's council at the time and secured himself citizenship, wealth, and fame.

Founded in 693, Oscillette started as an ice distributor and packing business operated almost solely by Baelam and the occasional Ellune passing through. Noting an opportunity, Rauve de Vesci capitalized on Baelam's initiative and struck a deal with the Ellune (much to the disappointment of other investors of the time). In the 20 years since, it has grown to a sizable feature of Ne'haer's economic ring dabbling in just about anything there is to do with ice. Baelam has retained ownership of the facilities since its founding, but it's thought that Rauve still receives some kickback or benefit from the Ellune's venture to this day.

Reputation and Business:
Oscillette is a resort most locals cannot afford. Oscillette operates a cold spa, offering an assortment of skin tingling services to help relax and cool its clientele. As night approaches, however, Oscillette is transformed into an evening bar, offering exclusive drinks and treats unlike any other in Ne'haer (and quite likely, unlike any in West Idalos).

The true prize of Oscillette's business is its ability to create and sell ice. A majority of the complex is dedicated to this function. Ice is made, cut, and sold for a myriad of purposes. Purchased by weight, ice as a raw material is available for purchase by any customer, provided orders are appropriately made and paid for. Baelam's services are popular among ship captains with any temperature sensitive cargo sailing great distances. Luxury businesses in Ne'haer similarly benefit from the operation. Lastly, though there's no certainty of it being an act of good will or good measure, Oscillette is known to provide ice freely to Seacres Hospital as well.

Baelam, being a master of his trade, realizes ice can melt quickly. Though he does not disclose his secrets to insulting Oscillette freely, his services can be contracted to help alter a holding unit to safely transport ice. Ship holds, carriages, and small ice boxes are a few examples. Customers may even order ice boxes from Baelam's business directly, though there's a bit of time for the product to be properly made.

Though not commercialized, Baelam and Ellune among him are vigilant of traveling kinsmen. Knowing full well the dangers of the heat, Oscillette offers lodging services strictly to Ellune. For a pledge of service, the lodging may even be free of charge.

Oscillette's management, namely Baelam, hires a surprisingly wide variety of persons to his service – given the service he provides is nearly irreplaceable without the power of Nilas. Strongmen and laborers are always welcomed to aid in security and operation of the ice and packing business. Masseurs (namely those with softer hands!), bar tenders, and part-time entertainers are also welcomed in the operation of other facilities. Most business operations are permanently staffed by Baelam and his Ellune kin, though the old winter king of the west isn't one to turn down talent. While not widely advertised, Baelam wouldn't mind the help of Ellune gifted with Nilas or mages skilled in the ways of ice when it comes to helping maintain Oscillette. The Ellune draws closer to his dying breath with every day, after all.

Oscillette's façade is simplistic in its elegance and design given the functionality of the facility far outweighs its appearance in value. The entire complex is engineered for maximum insulation of heat (or lack thereof) to preserve the ice and prevent melting. That being said, there are no openings in the structure save for exits, and window spaces tend to be thickly glassed and narrow. Small lanterns are the primary source of light in climate controlled areas such as the warehouse and bar, while other areas may have more exposure flames and heat sources. Through the main entrance, customers come to the main lobby (which serves as the bar during evening hours). Here services and transactions for all of the facilities features are handled during day time hours. A pathway through the back leads to the main spa. Cloistered from the city proper, the area offers a number of beds, hot baths, and a large swimming pond among the décor. Offshoots from the main cloister lead to small rooms for massages, ice baths, and more. Closer to the city harbor and walls is the ice packaging complex. In a large warehouse styled setting, enormous ice-blocks are frozen in molds, cut or chipped apart, and picked up. Oscillette features a quick access to a smaller pier in the west part of the city for ships to efficiently load their cold cargo for later use. Similarly, carriages can pull around to this back area for pick up too. Residual ice chips are collected and sold in small sacks as well, though this is the least reliable way to get ice from Oscillette.

For those Ellune seeking refuge from the heat, Baelam offers lodging in his private quarters. Dug into the rock and densely structured in ice, the lower quarter is a near replication of a home in Treidhart. The residence is as cold as Ne'haer's climate will permit and designed with an array of Ellune works of art and other sentiments of Oscillus. Most rooms are simply places to store things and rest, though with the power of Nilas they may also be customized. The immediate areas of the lower quarter are mainly dedicated to storage, along with some office spaces and restricted rooms. Note: These rooms follow the typical starting package space and item arrangements offered to players. Any upgrades within the confines of Oscillette will need to be pursued in-game. Enjoy!



30 minute session |15gn| any service
1 hr session |30gn| any service
Day package |80gn|
Services provided: swimming pond, hot/ice/mud bath, massage (body parts and full body), hair and skin treatments, body waxing.


Glass x 2 | Bottle x 4
Alcohol | Price
Sev'ryn Wine (Weak) | 2 GN
Apple Brandy | 5 GN
Orcage Wine | 5 GN
Hynith Ale (Pale) | 3 GN
Draska Ale | 5 GN
Red Lager | 2 GN
Irea Lager | 2 GN

Chocolate| 2 GN
Strawberry| 2 GN
Blueberry| 2 GN
Vanilla| 2 GN
Orange & Mango| 2 GN

Frozen Treats
Ice Cream | 2 GN | 2 Scoops, any flavor.
Ice Cream Cake | 4 GN | Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla.
Frozen Fruit | 1 GN | Choice of any.

Ice and Packaging

Item | Price | Notes
Ice | 1gn per pound | chipped or blocked, containers and transportation not provided
Ice box (small) | 1gn | lunchbox sized
Ice box (medium) | 25gn | chest sized
Ice box (large) | 40gn | bed sized
Custom Container | Inquire within | Some designs on hand, other designs require blueprints provided by customer


Inquire within.
Name: Baelam Sheulai qalar-Treid
Race: Ellune
Age: 38 (born )
Title: Owner of Oscillette, "Ice King of the West" among high society
Blessings/Curses: Ezere: Hated
Languages: Leni, Common, Rakahi
Skills: Business Management (master), Nilas (master), Observation (expert), Deception (competent), Interrogation (competent), Logistics (competent)

Other Information: Making landfall in Ne'haer over twenty years ago, Baelam made a lucky encounter with the young Rauve de Vesci. Starting an ice business in the city, Baelam spread his wealth beyond anything he could have imagined in Treidhart and became a permanent resident of Ne'haer. Though abandoning his quest to help restore Treid, Baelam became a caretaker of fellow Ellune who strayed too far from home. Founding Oscillette, dina-qalar-Treid – "Little Treidhart" in his native tongue, Baelam rapidly established himself as a talented figure among the people of Ne'haer and its surrounding territories for his entrepreneurial spirit, though perhaps at the cost of his honor.

Baelam is known for his keen business practices. Brief with his words, he mostly keeps his head in his books. Though he often operates within Oscillette, it is unbecoming of him to interact freely if it does not suit his interests. He tends to show some friendliness to his kin, though he retains a coldness about him that's even discomforting to Ellune - courtesy of the curse he bares. He is incredibly private in all aspects of his life, successfully so as he is still a mystery in Ne'haer today. He is tall by Ellune standards and well-kept, despite his lankiness, after years of operating Oscillette's ice mill. His face has few wrinkled grooves and a notable lack of laugh lines. Without a serious means of getting his attention, Baelam is more likely than not to walk by anyone without even a passing glance.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:17 pm
by Incubus
The Coliseum
Location and NPCs Developed by Aeon.

The Coliseum is most definitely one of the landmarks of Ne'haer. It was built shortly after the city's wall, in the 500th arc. It was created with the goal of providing entertainment to the citizens of Ne'haer, mostly by watching incredible fights which often led to death and betting on the winners. People have been known to cheat the system wince it was made, just by having insight into which of the combatants was the most prepared one, and then betting everyone possible that the most likely winner would in fact take the victory. Still, even for folks that do not enjoy throwing their money at the suicide mission enthusiasts, watching the fights can be a thrill by itself. The best and most confident of fighters in all of Ne'haer and the region come to fight in the events that happen once every season, usually near the end. Once every arc, a larger event is held, usually in Ashan, which invites every man with a wish to earn some money to fight in the grand tournament. During the tournament, combatants are placed in groups of 5, and the number of groups depends on the number of participants. The winner and/or survivor from each of the group then go one on one with each other, until only 2 remain. When the final two are selected from the winners, the tournament takes a break of five trials to ensure both of them are going to be starting the battle on even terms. In every stage, every combatant has the right to fight with any weapon available at the Coliseum. Nobody is allowed to bring in their own weapons, because that would make the fights in favor of those with the most money. Armor is handled the same way, and each combatant can choose a set of light (leather), medium (chain mail) or heavy (plate) armor. All armor and weapons are of the same quality and made by the same blackmsmith with the same material. If there is one thing that the Coliseum holds closely to, that thing would be fair play. It has been known in several occasions that a person cheated to get to the rank they got to during the fights, or the tournament, and whenever discovered of cheating, every individual, no matter the status or ranking, will be imprisoned within the Coliseum and forced to fight his or her way to freedom with low level equipment. The Council has yet to disagree with the Coliseum personnel on this rule, as they also believe in the fair play behind the fights, seeing how most who enter lose their lives.

The arena within the Coliseum is 300 feet long and around 165 feet wide, while with all of the seating and storage rooms, it is 400 feet long and 250 feet wide. The ground on the arena is always filled with sand, so that no fight during a season can be in different conditions than in any other season, except for the weather. The arena has 13 gates total, from which 11 lead to cage-like rooms in which fighters, in some cases even beasts were stored. The other 2 lead to storage units, which contain all of the equipment available to the combatants. The seating has 11 floors, with each floor being able to contain approximately 5 thousand people. The floors are divided into 3 categories, based on the experience. The floors closest to the arena and the highest priced and valued, as people sitting in them can see everything that is going on between the combatants without issues. The first 5 floors are in this category, and they all have separate seats for every viewer. Whenever a Councilor of Minaih, an Immortal, or any of the Masters of the Coliseum are seated, they will get places in the first floor, no matter what. The second category contains floors from the 5th to the 8th, and these have benches with walls being the only thing someone can lean on. In these seats most often are found citizens of the middle class, the ones that have just enough money for themselves. The third category has the last three floors in it, and it has no seats for the viewers in it. However, this category is almost always completely filled, seeing how cheap it is to buy a "seat". Here are often found the people that just adore watching the events, and yet don't have enough money to watch them from anywhere closer to the arena. The third seating category is also the one where the most gambling takes place, as well as the first one, because the latter is filled with people with money to spend, and the 3rd category is filled with people that love spending money on the events, even if that led to them getting in serious debt.


Name: Johan Strawd
Created by: Aeon
Race: Mixed (Human/Biqaj)
Age: 38
Born: 1st of Ashan, arc 668
Title: Grand Master of the Coliseum
Blessings/Curses: Taithir - Adored
Skills: Blades: Shortsword (Dual wielding) - Master, Intimidation - Expert, Endurance - Competent, Discipline - Competent
Other Information:Johan used to be in Ne'haer military, protecting the city and fighting for it's glory, until one day he decided to try out at one of the events at the Coliseum. After beating every one of his opponents with ease, he was offered a spot as one of the overseers and trainers, a master of the Coliseum. As he had always been of the free spirit, and the military had disciplined him to madness, he accepted the position and remained at the Coliseum. Slowly progressing as his mentors retired or died, Johan earned the title of Grand Master of the Coliseum, becoming the true ruler of the large building.

Johan believes in fair play and the right of freedom, and so he will punish cheaters with all of his might and strength with no regards for the consequences. He believes that everyone can be a fighter, if they believe in themselves, and work hard for it. He gladly accepts anyone with any skill in any weapon into the fights at the Coliseum, so long as they behave during the fights. What his fighters do once outside of the place doesn't concern him, unless their actions directly affect the events at the Coliseum.

Awards list

Price for entering any of the events that happen each season is 25gn per person.
Achieving first place in one of the events earns you 100gn, the second place 75, and the third earns you 50gn.

Price for entering the Grand Tournament in Ashan is 100gn per person.
Achieving the first place in the tournament earns you a 300gn award, if you achieve second place, you earn 250, while at third place you earn 200gn. That is if you survive until the end. If you have reached one of the first places but died in your final fight, the money will be split, half of it going to your family and the other half to the Coliseum. If you survive the entire tournament and yet don't achieve any of the first places, you will be awarded a consolation prize of 50gn, covering half of the amount you paid to get in.


1st to 5th floor of seats for seasonal event - 10gn
5th to 8th floor of seats for seasonal event - 5gn
8th to 11th floor of seats for seasonal event - 3gn

1st to 5th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 50gn
5th to 8th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 30gn
8th to 11th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 15gn

Each season, a new ticket is necessary to be able to watch the show. Once you buy a ticket for the Grand Tournament, you can watch any round and any match during that arc's tournament.
All players are free to use the NPCs here mentioned without moderator approval if writing about the location. If you are writing about one of the fights, you should PM a local Prophet to let them know, and to make sure the events during that season haven't already happened at some other time. For the Grand Tournament, Moderator approval and/or a Moderated thread is a MUST.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:18 pm
by Incubus
The Sphinx's Armaments

The Sphinx's Armaments is a shop settled right before the harbor. It sees plenty of business even though there are along two people manning the store. Nevertheless, they get their orders done in a timely fashion and have received praise for the excellent craftsmanship of the weapons they've made. The store front is neat and organized when a customer walks in and the first thing the may notice are the number of swords hanging from the display cases surrounding the shop. From decent quality iron blades to exaggerated, fashioned weapons meant for decoration, there is an array of weapons that can be purchased from the sphinx's armaments.
For custom requests, please speak to the shop keeper. If you've acquired the materials for the weapon you would like designed, Thakrid will most likely give you a discount on the price.

Thakrid Edwic

Race: Biqaj
Blacksmithing - Master
Observation - Master
Armed Combats (Sword) - Expert
Business Management - Competent
Siege Weaponry - Expert
Weaponsmithing - Master
Vaelus: Exalted
Taithir: Favored
Details: Thakrid use to work in Ne'haer's military force, rising quickly into a notable rank and becoming quite a formidable opponent on the battlefield. As the arcs passed, he was discharged from the force and given quite a nice pile of gold to live off of for the remainder of his life. With that money, he purchased a store that sat just before the harbor and invested his time into learning how to use the forge and what he could make from using it. He is old now, and though he doesn't disclose much of his personal life, he is content to take on any apprentices who wish to learn from him.

Ilevai Ivorian The Apprentice

Race: Ithecal
Weaponsmithing - Competent
Medicine - Competent
Armed Combats (Lance) - Competent
Observation - Competent
Blacksmithing - Expert
Taithir: Adored
Personality: Ilevai is a citizen of Ivorian, brought over on one of Ne'haer's trade vessels. Due to the two cities alliances, Ilevai decided to venture to this bustling place of trade and commerce in hopes of expanding his education and skill. Though, his travels where decent, his welcome to the city was anything but such. How could he have known the Biqaj have a dislike for "tailed" races. Ilevai later found that the relationship between the Ne'haerians and the Mer tribe weren't exactly friendly when he arrived as there has been an attack just days prior. Nevertheless, Ilevai had stumbled into Thakrid's shop, already prepared with his documentation. He didn't say but a few words to the older man before he was hired on the spot. Since then, Ilevai has been in Ne'haer for nearly an arc. He is welcoming to customers and is usually the first to approach any who walk into the store.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:18 pm
by Incubus
The Crying Cow

Place Holder.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:18 pm
by Incubus
Steeltail Armor Shop


As one draws near to the coliseum, one will find a building with doors made of a wood foreign to Ne'haer's shores and a sign with a shield seemingly made out of serpent scales, though in reality it's the same wood as the doors. Upon entering this place, one would be greeted with row after row of helmets, breastplates, gauntlets, grieves, and shields, made out of plate, chain, or leather. Owned and operated by immigrants from the distant island nation of Yithiral, the Steeltail Armor Shop deals in the Ithecal's primary export, armor and shields.
Notes Regarding Steeltail
While not massive, the shop is big enough to keep armor in a good many different sizes and makes. However, since they import their goods, they cannot do special orders in any great hurry. Also due to this, the armor bought here is of good, but not extravagant or masterwork quality. Due to the Ithecal mind set, decorative armor likewise cannot be found here.

The shop is a two story building, but the stairs are behind the counter, as the family that runs the shop lives above it.

Culain Ivorian

Race: Ithecal
Skills: Business Management - Expert
Rhetoric - Expert
Melee Combat (Uses a Warhammer) - Competent
Endurance - Expert
Cooking - Competent
Mark: Taithir - Favored
Personality: An ex-member of the Yithiral Militia, Culain moved to Ne'haer to start the Steeltail Armor Shop after a combat injury left him too slow to serve on the front lines. Now stubborn and somewhat irritable, Culain is nevertheless a kind and loving husband and parent, and customers who are serious about wanting good armor will find him helpful, while collectors and those in search of useless, fancy armors, will find him rude, abrasive, and hostile.

Natalia Ivorian

Race: Ithecal
Skills: Business Management - Novice
Rhetoric - Novice
Melee Combat (Uses a Longsword and Dagger) - Expert
Endurance - Expert
Fishing - Competent
Mark: Taithir - Favored
Personality: Unlike her husband, Natalia didn't leave the militia due to injury, but rather to support her husband as he set up his new venture in Ne'haer. Not a businesswoman in any sense, Natalia works more as security and helps out Ne'haer's military from time to time. While still kind, Natalia's is more taciturn and moody than Culain, but is still willing to help customers who come to the shop and even more willing to chase out people who aren't interested in serious protection.

Solreth Ivorian

Race: Ithecal
Skills: Business Management - Competent
Rhetoric - Novice
Melee Combat (Has an arming sword) - Novice
Smithing - Novice
Endurance - Competent
Mark: None
Personality: Born and partly raised in Ivorian, Solreth had started to learn basic smithing before his father and mother choose to move to Ne'haer. Though they offered to let him stay, Solreth chose to accompany his family. Calm and quiet, Solreth isn't particularly outgoing and no one in Ne'haer outside his family can claim to know him well. That said, he is willing to help those who come to the shop, even if he isn't as outgoing as the rest of his family.

Lania Ivorian-Ne'haer

Race: Ithecal
Skills:Endurance - Novice
Rhetoric - Novice
Melee Combat (Has a dagger) - Novice
Mark; None
Personality: The youngest of the family, Lania was born just before they moved to Ne'haer, and thus is more a child of Ne'haer than Yithiral. However, she still desires to visit her family home as she gets older, and wants to join the military like her mother. Young, impulsive, and occasionally bratty, Lania is nonetheless an endearing child who is eager to help and generally very sweet, despite the universal flaws of young children.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:19 pm
by Incubus
Hal's Chop Shop
Credit to Aeon
The building was bought by Hal Sono not long after his arrival in Ne'haer, in arc 706, during which time he opened the shop for all that needed its services. The building itself has a ground floor and one floor above it, as on the ground floor and in the basement everything work-related is held, and Hal and his wife live on the second floor. If anyone, even accidentally, ventures onto the second floor they will be angrily chased down by a fat man with a kitchen knife in his hand, and that was what started the rumors. They say that on the second floor, besides torturing his own wife, Hal brings poor men that he kills, chops up into pieces, and then sells in his store. Whether the stories are true or not cannot be confirmed unless a brave soul went to see for themselves, but the Council of Minaih do not believe in them.

During the ten years of work, Hal has established contacts throughout the farms near Ne'haer, from which he receives daily fresh meat. He is also well-known for the fish he has in his shop, which comes straight from several Biqaj fishing ships he is in daily contact with. When someone enters his store, it is expected of them to nicely greet the owner, and to address him with "sir" or other fancy titles. If someone, however, does not, their service will most likely be horrible and they will get the worst piece of meat available, and that would be the best case scenario. Most often, the men and women that treat Hal worse than he believes he deserves will be chased away from his store, "until they learn their manners". His wife is expected to be treated like a servant, with little to no respect, much like he himself treats her. The Biqaj woman is fine with this way, and she addresses all customers with proper, sometimes even exaggerated titles, because if she doesn't, she knows what would happen.

Hal Sono

Name: Hal Sono
Created by: Aeon
Race: Human
Age: 54
Born: 20th of Vhalar, arc 662
Title: The Butcher dum dum dummm..

Blessings/Curses: Palenon - Favored
Skills: Blades (kitchen knife) - Competent, Cooking - Expert, , Torture - Novice, Strength - Competent
Other Information:Hal was born and raised in Rharne, with the Rharnish spirit, and their love for alcohol and loud music. He was an apprentice butcher for most of his life, and was blessed by Illaren during that time. After his master died Hal moved to Ne'haer so he could afford to open his own shop, and married a sweet Biqaj woman there.

Hal is of a bad temperament, at least since he moved from Rharne, and he can often snap at customers that do not respect the fact that he owns the shop. He often beats his wife, and with time, it has turned the woman into more of a slave than a wife. Hal has a lot of anger issues, but most people don't want to look at them, seeing how amazing his meat always is. He is believed to be a murderer in Ne'haer, though not by many. He looks scary to youngsters, and so many older kids will tell frightening tales about how Hal kills people and then sells their meat in his shop. The government in Ne'haer doesn't believe these tales, even though several people claim to have seen him walking around with his large kitchen knife covered in human blood, so it is only left to the brave to explore this possibility.

Leyha (Lay-uh) Sono

Name: Leyha Sono
Created by: Aeon
Race: Biqaj
Age: 30
Born: 1st of Zi'da, arc 786
Title: N/A
Blessings/Curses: N/A
Skills: Discipline - Competent, Etiquette - Master, Medicine - Competent, Negotiation - Competent
Other Information: Leyha was born to a nice clan of Biqaj that sailed to and away from Ne'haer constantly, but after her rite of passage, she made a mistake of falling for a butcher from Rharne, which appeared to be an honorable, faithful person. She only learned how mistaken she was after their marriage, and after she was promised to him, with no possibility of an exit. Every bit of anger Hal has in his body will be taken out on this woman, sooner or later, and any time she does anything that doesn't please her well-liked husband she will receive punishment. Some say Hal has fun torturing his wife, some say he does it because he knows no different, and some don't even believe the fact, considering her scars are well-placed and undetectable by anyone except for her husband. In reality, Hal has stopped feeling love for the woman, but feels as though she is his property, and with all of the years of that behavior by him, Leyha has also begun feeling like a slave to her husband. She does what he wants, when he wants it, and without questions, because she knows better, and has even stopped believing that someone would come to rescue her one day. She has forgotten what it feels like to make your own decisions, to be your own person, and developed a deep connection to her husband, no matter all the things he does to her.

Price List

Listed below are all the meats you will find in Idalos. There are no prices listed below because the price of whatever meat you buy depends on the kind of cut and how big it is. Therefore, you must get with your local butcher or merchant to determine the price of the meat. Please note, poets, minstrels, or narrators must assist you with this.
Poor 1 lb 1gn Standard 1 lb 2gn Prime 1 lb 4gn
Item Name Item Name
Cattle Goat
Donkey Deer
Rabbit Lamb
Pig Moose
Elk Duck
Goose Turkey
Squirrel Mutton
Chicken Bison
Players are free to use these NPCs when writing about the location. The location can be self-moderated without any special permission. Please consult a local prophet about the prices of meat you are buying.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:19 pm
by Incubus
Every Day Elixirs

Place Holder.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:20 pm
by Incubus
The Glass Rose
The Glass Rose is a well known establishment in Ne'haer by virtue of its reputation. Have a husband that simply won't take notice of you? Have a wife that's too busy with the children? There will always be someone available that will direct you to the most reputable brothel in the city, resplendent in its interior and exterior architecture. The haven of pleasure nestled between two mundane shops is instantly recognizable by the stained glass windows depicting blooming roses that pays homage to its name.

Step inside the doors of the Glass Rose, where long drapes of silk frame the large, ornate chandeliers above, and where doorways are carved in the likeness of tangled vines. In one corner of the brothel there lies a bar, filled to the brim with exquisite wine, with a handful of tables carved of wood and seats accentuated with deep red. In the opposite corner is the lounge, where private musicians play to a host of men and women sprawled over various couches and divans. Occasionally, performers will play on the raised dais, such as burlesque or dancers. Every inch of the area is gilded, intricately detailed and draped in soft satin fabric.

There are two stories to the establishment. The first consisting of the bar, the lounge and the rooms used for sensual needs. Each room is garnished with a bed, more drapery, and plenty of extra accessories should the customer have need of them. The second story is the home of the men and women who work in the business, and are furnished with a bed, a dresser, a drawer, a multitude of personal items and a hearth. At the end of the long hallway of the second story is the room of the proprietor, Madame Amaryllis, strictly off limits to everyone but the most wealthiest and most influential of customers.

Madame Amaryllis

Name: Amaryllis
Race: Human
Age: Unknown (A lady always keeps her secrets.)
Skills: Seduction Expert, Business Management Expert , Poisons Competent, Politics Competent

Many secrets surround Amaryllis and her respected establishment. Some say she is the bastard daughter of a far flung royal family, others say she was an orphan who built herself up from the ground up using her wily skills and quick wit. Anything could be the truth for Amaryllis, for she prides herself on her secrets and her ambitions. She is shrewd, calculating but masked in a loveliness that makes her approachable and seductively charismatic, but many know that she is not one to be trifled with, for the Madame can be fearsome when her workers or her establishment is threatened.

City Map & Location List

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:20 pm
by Incubus
Siason's Stichery

Developed by Qia'nru
Siason's Stitchery has been doing business in Ne’haer for over twenty arcs. They provide the finest alterations and custom clothing creation in the city. Their quality work isn’t the only thing that keeps people coming through the doors; it’s as much the professional environment and superb customer service. There are scant few seamstress shops in Idalos that are able to offer such fine craftsmanship with a guarantee of timeless on garments altered or ordered from the shop. It’s also why they’re able to boast members of the Council of Minäihe as some of their top clientele.

Each of the warmly painted walls in the waiting area is adorned with pictures of the owner’s work, making it as much a showroom as a work space. Colorful garments hang from racks around the room, so that customers might sample her stitching for themselves. Behind the counter is a large, open room where the seamstress’s workstations are set up. Customers can view them hard at work on various projects at any given time. The transparency of the open space both creates excitement and helps the fledgling seamstresses better their work.

Nicasia Saison, the shop’s owner is as passionate about teaching others as she is about her work. She has a sharp eye when it comes to picking out new talent and while her methods of squeezing the best out of them may seem odd at times, she has turned out many of the season’s top seamstresses.

Nicasia Saison

Name: Nicasia Saison
Race: Human
Age: 42 Arcs
Skills: Sewing 55 Expert, Business Management 50 Expert, Negotiation 30 Competent, Politics 35 Competent, Teaching 40 Competent

Nicasia is beautiful and passionate. It’s under her steady hand that Saison’s Stitchery has grown into the successful business that it is. When she bought it all those arcs ago, it was falling apart at the seams. It is her unwavering will and steel backbone that helped her build it back up to what it is today. She's given up everything personal to invest all of her time, energy and nels into the shop, so there is no way the rumors about her long-standing affair with one of the Council members could be true.

Price List

Item Name Pricing Item Name Pricing
Undergarments (Women) 5 sn Coat 7 gn
Undergarments (Men) 2 sn Cloak 5 gn
Dress 5gn Stockings 10 sn
Overdress 2 gn Robes 18 gn
Underdress 1 gn Shirt 12 sn
Gown 9 gn Gambeson 3 gn
Corset 10 sn Brigandine 7 gn
Skirt8 sn Tabard 5 gn
Blouse 6 sn Doublet 3 gn
Chemise 12 sn Jerkin 15 sn
Bodice 10 sn Briefs 8 sn
Tunic 8 sn Gloves 2 gn
Vest 1 gn Pants 3 gn
Breeches 1 gn Trousers 5 gn
Jacket 3 gn Cape 1 gn

Trimmings and Modifications
Item Name Pricing
X-Small x.15
Small x.20
Medium x.30
Large x.60
X-Large x.80
Item Name Pricing Item Name Pricing
Lace (Trim) 5 sn Ribbon (Trim) 5 sn
Fur (Trim) 4 gn Gimp (Trim) 15 sn
Passementerie (Trim) 2 gn Fur (Misc.) 10 gn
Buckles 12 sn Bells 7 sn
Lining 1 gn Fastener 5 sn
Cord (Braided) 18 sn Cord 12 sn
Embroidery 8 gn Tassels 2 gn
Fringe 5 sn Chains 12 sn
Beads 8 sn Feathers 15 sn
Bone 9 gn
Note: Custom orders can be arranged.
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