Review Request 2.1.3
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:51 pm
Rewards Requested
City/Area: Almund
Notes/Warnings: Not much of note
Requested Rewards:
Nalin Marit: 8 Knowledges + 2 Knowledges (2 past 3 posts)
Acrobatics: To fall correctly.
Linguistics: Noticing Verbal Nuances and Queue's
Seduction: The sideways glance and smirk
Seduction: Taking off a layer at a time
Seduction: Eye contact can be quite invigorating
Socialization: Not taking bribes when they you aren't there for what they think you are there for.
Socialization: Being careful of your words.
Socialization: Sticking to the truth
Storytelling: Stories about yourself
Endurance: Baring the sickness well.
Lavana: Asks a lot of questions
Lavana: Failed to give her name
Lavana: Assumed I was some sort of Assassin
Lavana: Threatened to kill me.
Lavana: Likes how I look
Lavana: Tried to pay me to not kill her
Lavana: Calls herself a bitch.
Lavana: Doesn't believe I'm from Scalv
Lavana: "Cool story brah"
Almund: Butcher's Shop
Loot: +100gn to Ledger. Guilt payment from Lavana
Injuries/Overstepping: Nausea, Overheating and Intense sweating due to Inkbloom Other than that? Maybe a minor cold from being out in the rain with only half his clothing on?
Renown: Grader's Discression
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
Lavana Tharn: 8 Knowledges + 2 Knowledges (2 past 3 posts)
Discipline; Staying Vigilant Of Danger
Discipline; Realizing when eyes are wandering
Leadership; Taking charge to help a sick or injured person.
Leadership; Taking responsibility for your actions, and trying to make things right.
Business Management; Trying to buy out a would be assassin.
Business Management; Not allowing a customer to die on the floor, on your shift.
Tactics; Using the counter as a barrier from possible danger.
Strength; Lifting a man off the floor
Endurance; Using oneself as support
Endurance; Walking while carrying an injured comrade
Non-skill lores
Nalin; Not an assassin
Nalin; Possibly a victim of a mugging
Nalin; Claims his injury is ink bloom
Nalin; Easy on the eyes
Nalin; Soft of body.
Nalin; Speaks broken common
-100gn from ledger. Given to Nalin Marit (out of Total and complete guilt)
Injuries/Overstepping: Just her pride
Renown: Grader's Discression
Collaboration: Yes
No Magic exp!