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Surprise Meetings

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:34 pm
by Padraig
The business of the Immortals was a mystery to Padraig, no matter what he could read in books and hear from others. He suspected that no mortal truly knew their designs and motives. Maybe, he thought, they didn't genuine know each other's. In that way, they were probably no different than anyone else. It was fascinating though, all this talk about Raskalarn and Karem.

It was equally an unknown, whether or not a little alchemy, chemistry or physics could be applied, and ultimately allow Cally to communicate more freely with the living. It would be an interesting challenge to explore at any rate. And while the problem wouldn't be solved this trial or the next, or maybe this arc or next one, it was something he'd keep in mind. With Faith by his side, after all, there never appeared to be any shortage of spirits around.

"It was a pleasure," he said, when Kura addressed him, and told them both where she was staying. "I'm sure we'll cross paths again, sooner or later." Neither he nor Faith were in any hurry to leave the city behind him. And it appeared that Kura wasn't either.

Of course he couldn't hear the barrage of questions that Cally asked Faith. But he knew his love well enough to recognize the signs of fatigue. When they'd first returned from the eastern settlement, he'd assumed that her headaches were strictly a result of the blow to the head she'd received after her fall from a horse. But he'd come to also realize that there was a certain strain she experienced, resulting from the use of the powers she'd gained. He smiled and touched her hand beneath the table.

"I think maybe it's time we returned to our room?" he suggested. Then smiling at Kura again when he rose, he added, "Again, it was nice to meet you. And also you, Callie," he said. It was time, he thought, so having made their excuses and paid for their meal, they'd take their leave.

Surprise Meetings

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:49 pm
by Ent
Name: Kura

Faith: A free woman now
Faith: Was owned by Jamal and Tristan Venora
Faith: Marked by Famula
Faith: Can see and talk to spirits
Faith: Tried to help Cally move on
Faith: Is in love with Padraig
Padraig: Faith's lover
Padraig: A scientist
Padraig: Was studying physics in Andaris
Padraig: Suggested Freeing Cally to help her move on
Cally: Your, dead, slave from back home
Cally: Now a spirit
Cally: Doesn't want to move on
Cally: Feels indebted and a sense of service to you
Cally: Wants to find a way to be able to interact with you and the world around her
Rharne: The Bronze Boar
Investigation: Keeping an ear to the ground
Detection: Using your Familiars senses

Loot: -9 SN, Food and Drink at the Bronze Boar
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 General good deed (Trying to help your friend, even as a ghost)
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: N/A

Comment: No issues with Story, Collaboration or structure. This is the first thread of yours that I have read, and I have to say I am very curious about your character. At first I saw her as confident and strong from her description, but like with nearly every character, she has this softer and more damaged side. I think you did a great job of playing with both the other two PCs as well as the spirits. Honestly I think that I would have found that a difficult task, but you did it well. I really enjoyed reading this and I hope to get to read more from and about Kura as I grade.

Name: Faith

Kura: You met in a dream
Kura: Mortalborn of the Immortal Karem and mortal Mareth
Kura: Is followed by an angry spirit and a friendly one
Kura: Judges many people
Kura: Has sent many people to death
Kura: A straight to the point kind of person
Padraig: Thinks you should spend your money on you, not him
Padraig: Liked the gifts you got him
Cally: Kura's, dead, slave from back home
Cally: A spirit
Cally: Doesn't want to move on
Cally: Feels indebted and a sense of service to Kura
Cally: Wants to find a way to be able to interact with the world around her
Rharne: The Bronze Boar
Stormdust: Sparkles and has a multitude of colours
Bottled lightning: It absorbs light and then glows
Zuuda ability: "See the Dead": You can hear some of the dead and they can hear everyone
Zuuda ability: "See the Dead": How to communicate with a spirit
Zuuda ability: "See the Dead": Spirits can leave odd tastes in your mouth, they can be similar to the spirit's emotions

Loot: -4gn for 4 ozs of stormdust
-4gn for 2 medium crystals of bottled lightning
-4gn for 8 small crystals of bottled lightning
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 General good deed (Trying to help the dead), +2 Give a gift
Devotion: +1 Helping a spirit in the name of Famula

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: N/A

Comment: No issues with Story, Collaboration or structure. As always a pleasure to read, you did a great job at acting as the medium of communication for the spirit in this thread. I am enjoying seeing Faith test out and learn about her abilities provided by Famula's mark. Keep up the good work, I look forward to grading more!

P.s. You and Pad were cute as ever!

Name: Padraig

Kura: Mewt Faith in a dream
Kura: Mortalborn of the Immortal Karem and mortal Mareth
Kura: Is followed by an angry spirit and a friendly one
Kura: Judges many people
Kura: Has sent many people to death
Kura: A straight to the point kind of person
Faith: Got you some fascinating gifts
Faith: Met Kura in a dream
Cally: Kura's, dead, slave from back home
Cally: A spirit
Cally: Doesn't want to move on
Cally: Feels indebted and a sense of service to Kura
Cally: Wants to find a way to be able to interact with the world around her
Rharne: The Bronze Boar
Stormdust: Sparkles and has a multitude of colours
Bottled lightning: It absorbs light and then glows
Investigation: Asking the right questions
Investigation: Listening to a story to learn important information

Loot: 4 ozs of stormdust, gift from Faith
2 medium crystals of bottled lightning, gift from Faith
8 small crystals of bottled lightning, gift from Faith
-3 sn Simple Meal (Without Meat) for Faith
-7 sn Stew
-12 cn 2x cup Apple Skin Tea (Drink was not specified so I chose something made from local produce, got to support the economy!)
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 General good deed (Trying to help the dead)
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: N/A

Comment: No issues with Story, Collaboration or structure. Good job with this thread, in some ways it could have been seen as a very spiritual and religious concept. However, you did a great job of turning it into something scientific and easier to explain for Padraig. I think the way that you find a scientific approach to these different threads is great and I look forward to seeing more of that. I also love Pad's protective side for Faith, the relationship between your two characters is just getting better and I love the contrast in some aspects of their personalities. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more of you as always!

If there are any queries or suggestions, any issues at all, please do send me a PM and I would be happy to discuss it with you.