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Re: A Foggy Farewell

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:16 am
by Gennadiya Lyosha

I am a damsel

locked in her tower,

but I am my own capture.

No one else has the

strength to lock me away.

You though have the key

to free me from myself


Genna glanced at Pablo who glanced back at her, both eyes twinkled at the Nathaniels rude response. Genna could tell that Pablo’s sense of humor was taking over now that he was in the situation. Never really having been a fan of Nathaniel, Pablo wasn’t particularly offended by the snub. The two moved away from their host even as he moved away, but Genna did notice that the movements of their host. She found his behavior odd.

The crowd flowed in the way crowds do at a gathering especially as the various guest began to arrive. She kept an eye out as she moved through the crowd. Winston was excited to see that she was expecting and so far along. Genna smiled at him her eyes twinkling as they talked and he begged for her to give him some clue about what to get her for the new baby. She gave him a curious look and said though for a moment. “A music box with a certain lullaby.” She said in all seriousness. She would tell him the song, and say. “I want to be home but in case I am away I would like for them to always have that. It was the song my mother would sing to me each night until she died.” She would answer any other question he would ask. He explain that his daughter was helping him and she was in charge of the kitchen.

“She must be both excited and nervous.” Genna said to her friend. “I am looking forward to seeing what will come out of the kitchen.” As Winston attention was called else where Genna also moved on.

Vivian was excited and please for them. Genna laughed at her friend and fellow Warden’s comment about the new addition. “It has been work.” She comment, but she was happy about the work having the baby though it was tiring and she was excited to see the end. Though she would miss the gentle and more so the not so gentle kicks and movements of the child within. “The end is in sight though and while I always sympathized with my patients, I know can very much understand the impatient at this point.”

Pablo smiled at Vivian as she greeted him and asked about leave. “I have requested it and everything has been approved. I am both ecstatic and terrified for this child.”

Genna smiled up at Pablo at this and turned her attention back to Vivian. “How have you been?”

As the evening continued Genna did notice some odd behavior from there host and his discomfort with the Lightening Knights. Eventually she noticed him and Trade master Lightsong whispering and looking in her direction. She spoke mentally with Nayeli. ‘Will you please keep an eye on Trade master Lightsong. Something strange seems to be going on. I will keep an eye on our host.’ Nayeli waved her tentacles as appeared only the Genna in understanding and the spirit again luckily only for Genna’s gaze did an imitation of sneaking behind the trade master. Genna her self kept on eye on there host and his activities, while at the same time visiting with those who approached her.


Re: A Foggy Farewell

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 7:14 am
by Vivian Shiryu
Vivian had rolled her eyes slightly at Vincents comment about wealth and power being intoxicating. "Never had much of a use for hoarded wealth, and power of any sort is a tool. Anyone that gets lost in it will never amount to anything of note." she said, shaking her head slightly. She had never been fond of the rich and idle, nor of the powerful but useless. It had fueled her early issues with much of the Rynmere nobility, before that had gotten even worse during the lead up to the Qe'Dreki rebellion. Her opinion of most of them had gone downhill rather fast after that, barring a very few like Zvezdana, Tristan, or her cousin Lei'lira.

As for Nathaniel, Vivian's opinion of him was currently somewhat neutral. He didn't seem to care much for the particularly poor and needy, given his middling response to the Dust Quarter fire, but she hadn't been given much reason to take a special dislike to the man. He was a little too attentive with her when she arrived, which gave her a somewhat fixed smile when he repeated his assertion that she'd be joining him on the Council. "We'll see what happens, Councilor." she said, her tone polite. She did wonder what had him so eager to be on her good side, but she nodded when he said tonight wasn't about duty. "Agreed." she said, letting him attend to the other guests as she went into the party.

Her conversation with Winston showed that the Cadouri wasn't really built for circumspection, but she didn't really hold it against him. "Vivian'll do fine, Winston." she said, waving away the formality. "And I am glad you had a good time. Hopefully next time you stop by, I'll be able to actually take some time off from work. It's been a bit busy lately, sadly." she said, which wasn't exactly true. She'd been staying around the house more, but the reason for that was definitely not public knowledge, so she had made of her exaggerated reputation as a workaholic to avoid any questions. "More cake would be delightful though. And I'm sure dinner will be fantastic." she said, her tone cheerful.

Vivian laughed a bit when Genna said she was sympathizing with her patients somewhat. "I can imagine. I would bet it's also somewhat aggravating whenever someone tells you all the things you would tell an impatient patient of your own." she said, chuckling slightly. "So I won't tell you anything you already know, and just say I'm glad you'll both be taking some time off once the little one arrives." she said, grinning slightly at Pablo once he said his own leave had been put in for and approved. "Most likely wasn't any trouble with the leave. We all had plenty after Storm's Edge. Can't say we didn't earn it, though." she said, her tone showing that she was still very proud of her soldiers and how they had handled themselves during the crisis. "Oh, I've been fine. It's been fairly quiet, which is nice." she said, her tone cheerful.

Once she split off from Genna and Pablo, Vivian found a place a bit away from the group to relax and sip at a drink, though she was being careful not to drink too much. Out of habit, she fell into scanning the crowd for signs of misbehavior. She hadn't noticed anything to set her off yet, though, and she wasn't really expecting to find anything.

Re: A Foggy Farewell

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 10:26 pm
by Pig Boy



Chester grinned at the mention of spirit tuna. "Bonus points if it talks. I am a Diri of Communication, afterall. Not merely a spirit that resembles a cat." Chester chided Tristan lightly, but then shrugged rolling his shoulders a bit. "I will go into the mists, but I warn you. I had a strange sense out there. Like it's all... quiet. Unsettlingly so. I don't like it. But you've been a good mortal, so I'll do it."

Therefore, the diri of communication went on to venture into the mists, in search of the Angler.

Blythe smiled, and squeezed Tristan's arm when he tried to console her for the death of her former husband. "You're too sweet." She chuckled. But then she followed his cue when he mentioned people he'd lost as well. "I'm very sorry you've lost people. But we're here now, and we must go on for their sake, right?"

"I think that would be very appreciated," Blythe said to Tristan's offer of alchemical help. "We recently acquired the services of a chemist, but he appears to have disappeared on us. Do you happen to know Leander?"

They eventually were let into the manor, through which there was some silence between Tristan and Blythe for a few moments, as he mingled with some others. But then, he turned his attention back to the proprietor of the Steamy Dragon, and asked if she knew the patriarch. "Oh no, I'm quite new. I've never met with him." Her statement was truthful as far as he could tell, with his marks and general perceptive nature.

"I like the stronger wines." She said, looking at what they had on offer. "I'll defer to your tastes, however."


Bockey returned Ebony's smile and extended arm with due attention to her, and graciousness. He appeared better dressed anyway, than Mister Plains. And probably a more suitable chaperone for the elderly matriarch of Venora. "Yes, and I'd love to give you a tour of our most intriguing facilities. Perhaps your grandson may be persuaded even to join us? You must be very proud, to have had a hand in raising one of the more renown minds in alchemy..."

Bockey smiled at her, and hopped he wasn't laying too much focus on the prospects of her grandson. As much as he'd love to have Tristan as a member, he wished to also impress Ebony as well with his charms, such as they were.

"Your influence must have had an exceptional impact on how he turned out, no?" Perhaps he was laying it on a bit thick.

Mister Plains bowed his head, and smiled. "Enjoy the dance and party then! We should speak later! Perhaps a tour of the Gardens sometime? But for now, I bid you enjoy yourselves!"

Plains was better now at hiding his disappointment. Or perhaps he was just rolling with the punches of the evening. Either way, it wouldn't do to cause a scene.

Graid Bockey answered Ebony's question, after Plains left them. "My favorite wine? Oh that's difficult. It would of course be gauche of me to cite one of my own brews, wouldn't it? I've often been partial to the ingenuity of Sesser's Blend, however. But that's been banned... although I think I see a bottle of it there, that label is unmistakable."

Sure enough, one of the bottles presented had a label with the words Sesser's Blend, with a drawing of a bat-winged devil mounting a androgynous figure over a crescent moon, in a lewd display.


A few things were apparent from Winston's wheeling and working the rooom. He was able to divine the tastes of each guest flawlessly. However, two things stood out about several of the attendants. The Alchemist Guild's head, who gave him a glance once or twice as he poked his head out into the Foyer of the Manor several times, appeared to crave Sesser's Blend. So did the woman that was currently attached to Tristan.

Other than that, the tastes on display were fairly rudimentary and ordinary, nothing really standing out among the guests. And he would be able to tell what each of them really wanted for food that evening. However, when his eyes fell on Azrael, he realized he'd need a double dose of alcohol, in order to be satisfied. So he must account for that.

The conversation between Winston and Bockey and Plains went cordially, mostly nodding and hellos, and comments about the foggy weather. However, before Bockey excused himself from Winston's company, with Ebony's arm entwined with his own, he spoke to Winston. "My good cadouri! I've heard so much about you. Isn't it time you joined the Alchemist's Guild? But I won't rush you. I only say that because your genius for alchemical excellence is celebrated even as far as here, in Rharne. We'd love to pick your brain for new ideas for alchemical brews and victuals."

Bockey smiled, but then shrugged, "I digress, Forgive me but Ebony has requested my full attention for now." Thus he followed her where she led.

 ! Message from: pig boy
Goku informed me he has quit, so he's gone from this event.
Goku found that the situation between the two men was resolved itself, and so he was given to return to his post or just do whatever he would as a bouncer next.

 ! Message from: pig boy
For the purposes of this thread, I'm assuming your level in attunement is expert here, as it appears on your cs
Netzach was able to excuse himself from the main party, and nobody seemed to notice. Nobody interrupted him as he went upstairs, and into the upper levels of the mansion.

However, when he began to open himself up to frequencies, dousing for information, he'd find a great deal of interference, coming from down the hall. So much so, that it drowned out anything that might've come from the upper levels.

A great source of ether was flowing from that direction. At several points, if he wasn't mistaken. He recognized the tone of the interference and frequency. It was possibly a well or an ensorcelled item that was causing it.

However, beyond the hallway, a spiral staircase terminated at the ceiling. A trap door was fairly evident to him, as he was competent enough to detect it from where he stood.

Perhaps that led to the attic?


Azrael found no poison in his cup, as he took a deep drink of whatever was on offer. Surely enough, Anona took her fill of her share of the liquor, and thanked him silently by diverting some of the part that would've made him drunk.

As Azrael's attention wandered from guest to guest, he'd notice the woman with Tristan. As his eyes fell on her, his Origin Mark triggered. He knew she was a shapeshifter of some sort. But what kind? That much might require further investigation. Or not, as his whims led him.

Whether the form she currently possessed was her true form, or that of the assumed identity, was unclear. Something was definitely different about the way Origin Mark sussed her out. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

As he went back to the front, to watch the mists again, he saw the shapes that formed around the anti-fog braziers which caused the fog to dance with the smoke in interesting patterns.

It became a bit of a show in itself, as he could even take to guessing the shapes that the smoke and fog was trying to take.


If Blythe was a member of the Shadow Quarter, she made no moves to acknowledge or deny it to him, not outright anyway. She only blinked three times, slowly, but then returned his offer of business, "It would be my pleasure to do business with you. I understand you've gotten into the hospitality industry yourself? The Lucky Dice is making quite the stir lately, isn't it?"

But then they were led into the Manor.

When Vincent described his drink to the Ferret, the ghost that possessed him suggested he ask for Sesser's Blend, based on his suggestions. So that was what Winston got from him.

It certainly was a powerful brew, but low on supply, as it turned out!


Faith would indeed get a Very Bad Feeling about whatever was going on upstairs. Some might call it a hunch, but to her it was a certainty, that something was wrong up there, very wrong, and very much something that might interest her.

She also noticed Blythe, and when she approached Tristan, by chance her arm grazed the woman. And he knew that there was something very different about her blood.

It felt very... hot, for lack of a better description. Blythe smiled at her, but the smile was not one of friendliness. She appeared to be hiding a great fear.

"If you'll excuse me, Tristan?" She said, "I need to find the powder room. Perhaps Nathaniel will finally deign to speak with me?" She pat him on the arm, and then departed, to go find someone who could steer her the right way.


Nayeli obeyed Gennadiya without question, and followed after Lightsong, giving her a bit of privacy when appropriate, but otherwise trying to get near enough to overhear or see anything strange she got up to. However, beyond the initial exchange between her and Nathaniel, there was little to raise suspicions.

Genna would note of Nathaniel, in spite of his gracious host veneer, there was sommething troubling him.

As she didn't do much more than keep an eye on him, nothing else sprung to her attention, for the time being. But he did seem out of sorts, but it was a funeral for his father, so one might understand.


Nathaniel excused himself, and so Vivian was free to mingle and drink a bit, although not too much as to get even a subtle buzz. She was feeling very witty, then, as she noted that several of the guests were acting only a little odd.

She'd notice the exchange between Blythe, Tristan, and Faith. The short contact, and the sudden excuse of Blythe.

She'd notice Azrael leaving to venture out and watch the fog, from the deck of the Manor.

She'd notice finally that the gated partition to the upstairs catwalk was ajar. As if someone had gone that way.

Re: A Foggy Farewell

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:02 pm
by Pig Boy


In spite of the penchant some guests had for wandering off, the evening proceeded in a rather uneventful way, as all were called to the dinner after some time soon after the most recent kerfuffle. Netzach managed to sneak out of the Manor unnoticed, and the rest of the evening went on without much more incident.

At the end, they all enjoyed a meal together, and some light revelry, as was called for at a Rharnean memorial party. It was seen as an anathema to Rharnean culture to be too somber at a funeral, and so the Voice encourged all to enjoy the revelry to the fullest they wished.

At the end of the evening, the carriages returned to bring them back to the city or wherever they came from. In the end, the Angler had wandered off into the mists, not to be seen again for cycles.

All Players


  • Language: Gernevoir



  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15



  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15

Netzach Embersoul


  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15


  • Deception: Half-truths are the best lies.
  • Deception: Bluffing ettiquette with sheer confidence
  • Tactics: Planning a route in real time, in advance, for sneaking away unnoticed
  • Attunement: Necromancy as a note.
  • Attunement: Note: Conspiracy
  • Attunement: Note:Intrigue
  • Attunement: Mystery



  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15


  • Leadership: Getting to know your staff
  • Socialization: Breaking delicate news, in a complex setting to a person

Vincent Steinitz


  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15

Tristan Venora


  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15


  • Cosmetology: Bright, jewel-like colors look best with silver hair
  • Seduction: Mentioning your grandmother isn’t sexy
  • Discipline: Staying calm in the face of shocking news
  • Seduction: Talking about plague victims can kill the mood
  • Etiquette: Expressing condolences
  • Discipline: Forcing yourself to wait

Gennadiya Lyosha


  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15

Vivian Shiryu


  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15



  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15

Faith Augustin


  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15